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इंटरनेट पर श्रीरामजी का सबसे बड़ा विश्वकोश | RamCharitManas Ramayana in Hindi English | रामचरितमानस रामायण हिंदी अनुवाद अर्थ सहित

श्री राम स्तुति संग्रह

राघवाष्टकम् अर्थ सहित | Raghava Ashtakam Lyrics in Sanskrit English with Translation

Spread the Glory of Sri SitaRam!

राघवाष्टकम् अर्थ सहित
Raghava Ashtakam Lyrics in Sanskrit English with Translation

॥ राघवाष्टकम् ॥

राघवं करुणाकरं मुनि-सेवितं सुर-वन्दितं
जानकीवदनारविन्द-दिवाकरं गुणभाजनम् ।
वालिसूनु-हितैषिणं हनुमत्प्रियं कमलेक्षणं
यातुधान-भयङ्करं प्रणमामि राघवकुञ्जरम् ॥ १॥

rāghavaṃ karuṇākaraṃ muni-sevitaṃ sura-vanditaṃ
jānakīvadanāravinda-divākaraṃ guṇabhājanam ।
vālisūnu-hitaiṣiṇaṃ hanumatpriyaṃ kamalekṣaṇaṃ
yātudhāna-bhayaṅkaraṃ praṇamāmi rāghavakuñjaram ॥ 1॥

Raghava (who is of the Raghu clan), Who is doer of mercy , Who is served by sages , Who is saluted by devas,
Who is the sun which opens the lotus like face of daughter of Janaka, Who is the vessel of good characters who is saluted by the son of Vali, Who is liked by Hanuman , who has lotus like eyes and who is terrible looking to Rakshasas. I salute the elephant of Raghu’s clan (Sri Ram).


रावणानुजपालनं रघुपुङ्गवं मम दैवतम् ।
सूर्यवंशविवर्धनं प्रणमामि राघवकुञ्जरम् ॥ २॥

rāvaṇānujapālanaṃ raghupuṅgavaṃ mama daivatam ।
sūryavaṃśavivardhanaṃ praṇamāmi rāghavakuñjaram ॥ 2॥

The pure blue pearl which decorates the breasts of Maithili (Sita), Who looks after Vibheeshana the brother of Ravana , Who is the great one of Raghu clan, Who is my God, Who is sun who wakes up the lotus like face of daughter of earth, And who is the one who furthers the clan of the Sun God. I salute the elephant of Raghu’s clan (Sri Ram).


शातकुम्भ-मयूरनेत्र-विभूषणेन-विभूषितम् ।
भानुवंश-विवर्धनं प्रणमामि राघवकुञ्जरम् ॥ ३॥

śātakumbha-mayūranetra-vibhūṣaṇena-vibhūṣitam ।
bhānuvaṃśa-vivardhanaṃ praṇamāmi rāghavakuñjaram ॥ 3॥

Who wears the golden ear globes, Who has a pure neck and is the killer of his enemies , Who is ornamented with golden eye similar to pea cock, Who has pretty anklets , Kausthubha necklace and also ornaments in hands, And who is the one who furthers the clan of the Sun God. I salute the elephant of Raghu’s clan (Sri Ram).


दण्डकाख्यवने रतामर-सिद्धयोगि-गणाश्रयं
शिष्टपालन-तत्परं धृतिशालिपार्थ-कृतस्तुतिम् ।
कुम्भकर्ण-भुजाभुजङ्गविकर्तने सुविशारदं
लक्ष्मणानुजवत्सलं प्रणमामि राघवकुञ्जरम् ॥ ४॥

daṇḍakākhyavane ratāmara-siddhayogi-gaṇāśrayaṃ
śiṣṭapālana-tatparaṃ dhṛtiśālipārtha-kṛtastutim ।
kumbhakarṇa-bhujābhujaṅgavikartane suviśāradaṃ
lakṣmaṇānujavatsalaṃ praṇamāmi rāghavakuñjaram ॥ 4॥

Who is pleased by the Dandaka forest, Who is the support to devas and hoards of Yogis and Sidhas, Who is interested in supporting people with discipline Who was praised by Vali who was speedy by nature, Who was an expert in cutting the snake like hands of Kumbhakarna , And who was greatly affectionate towards his younger brother Lakshmana. I salute the elephant of Raghu’s clan (Sri Ram).

श्रीधरं मिथिलात्मजाकुच-कुङ्कुमारुण-वक्षसम् ।
देवदेवमशेषभूत-मनोहरं जगतां पतिं
दासभूतभयापहं प्रणमामि राघवकुञ्जरम् ॥ ५॥

śrīdharaṃ mithilātmajākuca-kuṅkumāruṇa-vakṣasam ।
devadevamaśeṣabhūta-manoharaṃ jagatāṃ patiṃ
dāsabhūtabhayāpahaṃ praṇamāmi rāghavakuñjaram ॥ 5॥

Who shines wearing scented garlands, Made of Ketaki,Karaveera and Jathi flowers, Who caries Goddess Lakshmi, Whose chest has a red Kumkum mark from the chest of the daughter of Mithila, Who is God a of Gods , Who is the most pretty among beings, Who is lord of the world, Who is the protector of all beings who serve him. I salute the elephant of Raghu’s clan (Sri Ram).

वेदपारगतैरहर्निशमादरेण सुपूजितम् ।
पैतृकोदितपालकं प्रणमामि राघवकुञ्जरम् ॥ ६॥

vedapāragatairaharniśamādareṇa supūjitam ।
paitṛkoditapālakaṃ praṇamāmi rāghavakuñjaram ॥ 6॥

Who is being worshipped day and night, By great Brahmin experts in Vedas who do Yaga, Charity , Samadhi, Yoga and other rituals, Who is the valorous one who killed Thataka , Who killed Vali the lord of Angadha, And who takes care of all that he inherited from his ancestors. I salute the elephant of Raghu’s clan (Sri Ram).


लीलया खरदूषणादि-निशाचराशु-विनाशनं
रावणान्तकमच्युतं हरियूथकोटि-गणाश्रयम् ।
नीरजाननमम्बुजाङ्घ्रियुगं हरिं भुवनाश्रयं
देवकार्य-विचक्षणं प्रणमामि राघवकुञ्जरम् ॥ ७॥

līlayā kharadūṣaṇādi-niśācarāśu-vināśanaṃ
rāvaṇāntakamacyutaṃ hariyūthakoṭi-gaṇāśrayam ।
nīrajānanamambujāṅghriyugaṃ hariṃ bhuvanāśrayaṃ
devakārya-vicakṣaṇaṃ praṇamāmi rāghavakuñjaram ॥ 7॥

Who like a play completely killed, The Rakshasas called Khara and Dhooshana, Who is Lord Vishnu who killed Ravana , Who is surrounded by millions of monkeys , who is Lord Vishnu , Who is Lord Hari who has two lotus like feet ,who is the support of the world, And who is clear sighted in looking after the affairs of devas. I salute the elephant of Raghu’s clan (Sri Ram).

कौशिकेन सुशिक्षितास्त्र-कलापमायत-लोचनं
चारुहासमनाथ-बन्धुमशेषलोक-निवासिनम् ।
वासवादि-सुरारि-रावणशासनं च पराङ्गतिं
नीलमेघ-निभाकृतिं प्रणमामि राघवकुञ्जरम् ॥ ८॥

kauśikena suśikṣitāstra-kalāpamāyata-locanaṃ
cāruhāsamanātha-bandhumaśeṣaloka-nivāsinam ।
vāsavādi-surāri-rāvaṇaśāsanaṃ ca parāṅgatiṃ
nīlamegha-nibhākṛtiṃ praṇamāmi rāghavakuñjaram ॥ 8॥

Who uses the arrows and quiver , Given and taught by sage Viswamithra with a very keen eye, Who has a pretty smile , who is friend of orphans , Who lives among the entire people of earth, Who punished Ravana who was the enemy of Indra and devas and gave him salvation, And who has the form of blue water rich cloud. I salute the elephant of Raghu’s clan (Sri Ram).

मुक्ति-भुक्तिफलप्रदं धन-धान्य-सिद्धि-विवर्धनम् ।
रामचन्द्र-कृपाकटाक्षदमादरेण सदा जपेत्
रामचन्द्र-पदाम्बुजद्वय-सन्ततार्पित-मानसः ॥ ९॥

mukti-bhuktiphalapradaṃ dhana-dhānya-siddhi-vivardhanam ।
rāmacandra-kṛpākaṭākṣadamādareṇa sadā japet
rāmacandra-padāmbujadvaya-santatārpita-mānasaḥ ॥ 9॥

This octet on Ravana would make it possible to reach the land of Achyutha, Would result in pleasures and salvation , increase of wealth properties and sons, If it is always read with devotion under the merciful look of God Ramachandra, With the mind completely surrendered to the lotus like feet of Rama.

राम राम नमोऽस्तु ते जय रामभद्र नमोऽस्तु ते
रामचन्द्र नमोऽस्तु ते जय राघवाय नमोऽस्तु ते ।
देवदेव नमोऽस्तु ते जय देवराज नमोऽस्तु ते
वासुदेव नमोऽस्तु ते जय वीरराज नमोऽस्तु ते ॥ १०॥

rāma rāma namo’stu te jaya rāmabhadra namo’stu te
rāmacandra namo’stu te jaya rāghavāya namo’stu te ।
devadeva namo’stu te jaya devarāja namo’stu te
vāsudeva namo’stu te jaya vīrarāja namo’stu te ॥ 10॥

Oh Rama, Rama, salutations , Victory to Ramabhadra, salutations, Oh Ramachandra salutations , Victory to Raghava salutations, Oh God of Gods salutations, Victory to king of Gods Salutations, Oh Vasudeva salutations , Victory to valorous king, salutations.

॥ इति श्रीराघवाष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

॥ iti śrīrāghavāṣṭakaṃ sampūrṇam ॥

(The Octet of Rama Completed)

Spread the Glory of Sri SitaRam!


शिव RamCharit.in के प्रमुख आर्किटेक्ट हैं एवं सनातन धर्म एवं संस्कृत के सभी ग्रंथों को इंटरनेट पर निःशुल्क और मूल आध्यात्मिक भाव के साथ कई भाषाओं में उपलब्ध कराने हेतु पिछले 8 वर्षों से कार्यरत हैं। शिव टेक्नोलॉजी पृष्ठभूमि के हैं एवं सनातन धर्म हेतु तकनीकि के लाभकारी उपयोग पर कार्यरत हैं।

3 thoughts on “राघवाष्टकम् अर्थ सहित | Raghava Ashtakam Lyrics in Sanskrit English with Translation

  • Dr. Smita

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful composition by Sri Adi Shankaracharya 🙏

    Just a request to correct the English translation in the second last stanza to “This octet on Raghava…”. Thank you 🙏

    May Prabhu bless you 🕉

    • Thanks to notify. It would be great if you provide the correct translation and we will update. Jai Sitaram Ji

    • Dr. Smita

      Yes, this Ashtakam (octet) is on Raghava, not on Ravana. So, the correct translation would be “This octet on Raghava…”, and not “This octet on Ravana…” as it is written now.

      Hope that is clear.


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