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इंटरनेट पर श्रीरामजी का सबसे बड़ा विश्वकोश | RamCharitManas Ramayana in Hindi English | रामचरितमानस रामायण हिंदी अनुवाद अर्थ सहित

अत्रि मुनि द्वारा श्री राम स्तुति | Praying Sri Rama by Sage Atri with English Meaning

Spread the Glory of Sri SitaRam!

अत्रि मुनि द्वारा स्तुति
Praying Sri Rama by Sage Atri

नमामि भक्त वत्सलम् । कृपालु शील कोमलम् ॥
भजामि ते पदाम्बुजम् । अकामिनाम् स्वधामदम् ॥
निकाम् श्याम् सुन्दरम् । भवाम्बुनाथ मन्दरम् ॥
प्रफुल्ल कञ्ज लोचनम् । मदादि दोष मोचनम् ॥1॥

I bow to You, Who is the dear one of the devotees, Who is merciful, composed, and soft, Who is selfless and beautiful blue in color, and Who is like the mountain Mandarachal for the ocean-like cycle of rebirth, Who has full blooming lotus-like eyes, and Who destroys intoxication and other such defects. I sing praise of Your lotus-feet, Which bestows Your abode to those who cherish it selflessly.||1||

प्रलम्ब बाहु विक्रमम् । प्रभोऽप्रमेय वैभवम् ॥
निषङ्ग चाप सायकम् । धरम् त्रिलोक नायकम् ॥
दिनेश वंश मन्दनम् । महेश चाप खन्दनम् ॥
मुनीन्द्र सन्त रञ्जनम् । सुरारि वृन्द भञ्जनम् ॥2॥

O God! [I bow to You] Who has long mighty arms, Who has immeasurable valor, Who beholds a quiver, an arrow and a bow, Who is the leader of the three-worlds, Who is the ornament of the lineage of Sun¹, Who shattered the mighty bow of Shiv², Who entices the sages and the seers, and Who destroys the enemies of natural forces (demi-gods).||2||

मनोज वैरि वन्दितम् । अजादि देव सेवितम् ॥
विशुद्ध बोध विग्रहम् । समस्त दूषणापहम् ॥
नमामि इन्दिरा पतिम् । सुखाकरम् सताम् गतिम् ॥
भजे सशक्ति सानुजम् । शची पति प्रियानुजम् ॥3॥

I bow to You, Who is revered by the enemy of Kamdev (Shiv), Who is served by Brahma and other natural-forces (demi gods), Whose appearance is pure knowledge and bliss, Who expurgates all the malice within us, Who is the God of Indira (Lakshmi), Who is the abode of happiness, and the final-state of truth. I sing praise of the younger brother of the consort of Shachi or Indra (Vaman), with Shakti (Sita) and Lakshman (younger brother).||3||

त्वदङ्घ्रि मूल ये नराह । भजन्ति हीन मत्सराह ॥
पतन्ति नो भवार्णवे । वितर्क वीचि सङ्कुले ॥
विविक्त वासिनह सदा । भजन्ति मुक्तये मुदा ॥
निरस्य इन्द्रियादिकम् । प्रयान्ति ते गतिम् स्वकम् ॥4॥

Those men, who shun fallibility, and sing about Your lotus-feet, don’t fall again in the mundane ocean of existence, which is the house of arguments. Those who live away from the material tensions, and sing Your praise for salvation, leave their sensual world and proceed towards Your abode.||4||

तमेकमद्भुतम् प्रभुम् । निरीहमीश्वरम् विभुम् ॥
जगद्गुरुम् च शाश्वतम् । तुरीयमेव केवलम् ॥
भजामि भाव वल्लभम् । कुयोगिनाम् सुदुर्लभम् ॥
स्वभक्त कल्प पादपम् । समम् सुसेव्यमन्वहम् ॥5॥

I sing Your praise, Who is the only one, Who is splendid, Who is the God, Who is desireless, Who is the God, Who is the Veda, Who is the teacher of the world and eternal, Who is the only pure spirit or Brahma, Who is dear to my emotions, Who is hard to attain for the passionate ones, Who is like the wish-giver tree for the devotees, and Who is worthy of service.||5||

अनूप रूप भूपतिम् । नतोऽहमुर्विजा पतिम् ॥
प्रसीद मे नमामि ते । पदाब्ज भक्ति देहि मे ॥
पठन्ति ये स्तवम् इदम् । नरादरेण ते पदम् ॥
व्रजन्ति नात्र संशयम् । त्वदीय भक्ति संयुता: ॥6॥

I am bowing to You, Who is the consort of the daughter of the Earth (Sita), Who is the God of the earth. Please be happy on me. Those who study this eulogy with reverence towards Your lotus-foot, undoubtedly get attached to Your devotion.||6||

¹ Ram was born in the lineage of Sun.
² Sita was gifted to Ram when He shattered the bow of Shiv. This shattering was kept as the ‘‘might-price’’ for the marriage of Sita.

Spread the Glory of Sri SitaRam!


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