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इंटरनेट पर श्रीरामजी का सबसे बड़ा विश्वकोश | RamCharitManas Ramayana in Hindi English | रामचरितमानस रामायण हिंदी अनुवाद अर्थ सहित

RamCharitManas with English Meaning

RamCharitManas Lanka Kand in English Transliteration Meaning Translation

Spread the Glory of Sri SitaRam!

श्रीगणेशायनमः | Shri Ganeshay Namah
श्रीजानकीवल्लभो विजयते | Shri JanakiVallabho Vijayte
श्रीरामचरितमानस | Shri RamCharitManas
षष्ठ सोपान | Descent Six
श्री लंकाकाण्ड | Shri Lanka Kanda

RamCharitManas Lanka Kand in English Transliteration Meaning Translation

श्लोक | Shloka:
रामं कामारिसेव्यं भवभयहरणं कालमत्तेभसिंहं
योगीन्द्रं ज्ञानगम्यं गुणनिधिमजितं निर्गुणं निर्विकारम्‌।
मायातीतं सुरेशं खलवधनिरतं ब्रह्मवृन्दैकदेवं
वन्दे कन्दावदातं सरसिजनयनं देवमुर्वीशरूपम्‌॥1॥

rāmaṃ kāmārisēvyaṃ bhavabhayaharaṇaṃ kālamattēbhasiṃhaṃ
yōgīndraṃ jñānagamyaṃ guṇanidhimajitaṃ nirguṇaṃ nirvikāram.
māyātītaṃ surēśaṃ khalavadhanirataṃ brahmavṛndaikadēvaṃ
vandē kandāvadātaṃ sarasijanayanaṃ dēvamurvīśarūpam..1..

I adore Shri Ram, the supreme Deity, the object of worship even of Shiv (the Destroyer of Cupid), the Dispeller of the fear of rebirth, the lion to quell the mad elephant in the form of Death, the Master of Yogis, attainable through immediate knowledge, the storehouse of good qualities, unconquerable, attributeless, immutable, beyond the realm of Maya, the Lord of celestials, intent on killing the evil-doers, the only protector of the Brahmanas, beautiful as a cloud laden with moisture, who has lotus-like eyes and appeared in the form of an earthly king.

शंखेन्द्वाभमतीवसुन्दरतनुं शार्दूलचर्माम्बरं
कालव्यालकरालभूषणधरं गंगाशशांकप्रियम्‌।
काशीशं कलिकल्मषौघशमनं कल्याणकल्पद्रुमं
नौमीड्यं गिरिजापतिं गुणनिधिं कन्दर्पहं शंकरम्‌॥2॥

śaṃkhēndvābhamatīvasundaratanuṃ śārdūlacarmāmbaraṃ
kālavyālakarālabhūṣaṇadharaṃ gaṃgāśaśāṃkapriyam.
kāśīśaṃ kalikalmaṣaughaśamanaṃ kalyāṇakalpadrumaṃ
naumīḍyaṃ girijāpatiṃ guṇanidhiṃ kandarpahaṃ śaṅkaram..2..

I glorify Shankara , the Lord of Kasi(the modern Varanasi), the Consort of Girija ( Himalaya`s Daughter), the storehouse of good qualities, the Destroyer of Cupid, worthy of all praise, shining like a conchshell or the moon, most handsome of person, clad in a tiger’s skin, decked with dreadful ornaments in the shape of deadly serpents, fond of the Ganga and the moon, the allayer of the sins of the Kali age and the celestial tree yielding the fruit of Blessedness for the mere asking.

यो ददाति सतां शम्भुः कैवल्यमपि दुर्लभम्‌।
खलानां दण्डकृद्योऽसौ शंकरः शं तनोतु मे॥3॥

yō dadāti satāṃ śambhuḥ kaivalyamapi durlabham.
khalānāṃ daṇḍakṛdyō.sau śaṅkaraḥ śaṃ tanōtu mē..3..

May Lord Shambhu, the bestower of blessings, who confers on the virtuous even final beatitude, which is so difficult to obtain, and who punishes the evil-doers, extend His blessings to me.

दोहा | Doha
लव निमेष परमानु जुग बरष कलप सर चंड।
भजसि न मन तेहि राम को कालु जासु कोदंड॥

lava nimēṣa paramānu juga baraṣa kalapa sara caṃḍa.
bhajasi na mana tēhi rāma kō kālu jāsu kōdaṃḍa..

English: O my soul, who do you not worship Shri Ram, who has the indivisible Time for His bow and the various divisions of time such as a Paramanu,* a twinkling, a moment, a year, an age and a cycle for His fierce arrows?

सोरठा | Sortha:
सिंधु बचन सुनि राम सचिव बोलि प्रभु अस कहेउ।
अब बिलंबु केहि काम करहु सेतु उतरै कटकु॥
siṃdhu bacana suni rāma saciva bōli prabhu asa kahēu.
aba bilaṃbu kēhi kāma karahu sētu utarai kaṭaku..

On hearing Ocean’s words Sri Rama called His counsellors and spoke to them
thus : “Why delay now? Build the bridge, so that the army may cross over.”

सुनहु भानुकुल केतु जामवंत कर जोरि कह।
नाथ नाम तव सेतु नर चढ़ि भव सागर तरहिं॥
sunahu bhānukula kētu jāmavaṃta kara jōri kaha.
nātha nāma tava sētu nara caḍhai bhava sāgara tarihiṃ..

“Listen, O Glory of the solar race.” said Jambavan with joined palms, “Your name itself, my lord,
is a bridge by ascending which men cross over the ocean of mundane existence.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
यह लघु जलधि तरत कति बारा। अस सुनि पुनि कह पवनकुमारा॥
प्रभु प्रताप बड़वानल भारी। सोषेउ प्रथम पयोनिधि बारी॥1॥

yaha laghu jaladhi tarata kati bārā. asa suni puni kaha pavanakumārā..
prabhu pratāpa baḍavānala bhārī. sōṣēu prathama payōnidhi bārī..

“It will take no time to cross this insignificant sea!” Hearing this, the son of the wind-god added : “My lord’s glory is a great submarine fire that had long since sucked up the water of the ocean.

तव रिपु नारि रुदन जल धारा। भरेउ बहोरि भयउ तेहिं खारा॥
सुनि अति उकुति पवनसुत केरी। हरषे कपि रघुपति तन हेरी॥2॥
taba ripu nārī rudana jala dhārā. bharēu bahōri bhayau tēhiṃ khārā..
suni ati ukuti pavanasuta kērī. haraṣē kapi raghupati tana hērī..

But it was filled again by the flood of tears shed by Your enemies’ wives; that is how it came to be salt in taste.” When the monkeys present there heard this hyperbolic remark made by the son of the wind-god, they gazed on the person of Sri Rama (the Lord of the Raghus) and smiled.

जामवंत बोले दोउ भाई। नल नीलहि सब कथा सुनाई॥
राम प्रताप सुमिरि मन माहीं। करहु सेतु प्रयास कछु नाहीं॥3॥
jāmavaṃta bōlē dōu bhāī. nala nīlahi saba kathā sunāī..
rāma pratāpa sumiri mana māhīṃ. karahu sētu prayāsa kachu nāhīṃ..

Jambavan called the two brothers, Nala and Nila, and related to them the whole story. “Calling to mind the glory of Sri Rama start building the bridge and you will experience no difficulty.”

बोलि लिए कपि निकर बहोरी। सकल सुनहु बिनती कछु मोरी॥
राम चरन पंकज उर धरहू। कौतुक एक भालु कपि करहू॥4॥
bōli liē kapi nikara bahōrī. sakala sunahu binatī kachu mōrī..
rāma carana paṃkaja ura dharahū. kautuka ēka bhālu kapi karahū..

He then called the monkey troops and said, “Hear, all of you, a small request of mine. Enshrine in your heart the lotus-feet of Sri Rama and engage yourself in a sport, bears and monkeys all.

धावहु मर्कट बिकट बरूथा। आनहु बिटप गिरिन्ह के जूथा॥
सुनि कपि भालु चले करि हूहा। जय रघुबीर प्रताप समूहा॥5॥
dhāvahu markaṭa bikaṭa barūthā. ānahu biṭapa girinha kē jūthā..
suni kapi bhālu calē kari hūhā. jaya raghubīra pratāpa samūhā..

Go forth, you formidable monkey troops and bring heaps of trees and mountains.” On hearing this command the monkeys and bear set forth hurrahing and exclaiming, “Glory to the almighty Hero of Raghu’s race!”

दोहा | Doha
अति उतंग गिरि पादप लीलहिं लेहिं उठाइ।
आनि देहिं नल नीलहि रचहिं ते सेतु बनाइ॥1॥
ati utaṃga giri pādapa līlahiṃ lēhiṃ uṭhāi.
āni dēhiṃ nala nīlahi racahiṃ tē sētu banāi..1..

They would lift up gigantic trees and mountains in mere sport and bring them to Nala and Nila, who in their turn carefully set to build the bridge.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
सैल बिसाल आनि कपि देहीं। कंदुक इव नल नील ते लेहीं॥
देखि सेतु अति सुंदर रचना। बिहसि कृपानिधि बोले बचना॥1॥
saila bisāla āni kapi dēhīṃ. kaṃduka iva nala nīla tē lēhīṃ..
dēkhi sētu ati suṃdara racanā. bihasi kṛpānidhi bōlē bacanā..

The monkeys brought huge mountains, which were received like playballs by Nala and Nila. When the All-merciful saw the exceedingly beautiful construction of the bridge, He smiled and observed thus:

परम रम्य उत्तम यह धरनी। महिमा अमित जाइ नहिं बरनी॥
करिहउँ इहाँ संभु थापना। मोरे हृदयँ परम कलपना॥2॥
parama ramya uttama yaha dharanī. mahimā amita jāi nahiṃ baranī..
karihauom ihāom saṃbhu thāpanā. mōrē hṛdayaom parama kalapanā.

“This is a most delightful and excellent spot; its glory is immeasurable and cannot be described in words. I will install (an emblem of) Lord Sambhu here: it is the crowning ambition of My heart.”

सुनि कपीस बहु दूत पठाए। मुनिबर सकल बोलि लै आए॥
लिंग थापि बिधिवत करि पूजा। सिव समान प्रिय मोहि न दूजा॥3॥
suni kapīsa bahu dūta paṭhāē. munibara sakala bōli lai āē..
liṃga thāpi bidhivata kari pūjā. siva samāna priya mōhi na dūjā..

Hearing this the lord of the monkeys despatched a number of messengers, who invited and fetched all the great sages. Having installed an emblem of Lord Siva and worshipped It with due solemnity, He said, “No one else is so dear to Me as Siva.

सिव द्रोही मम भगत कहावा। सो नर सपनेहुँ मोहि न पावा॥
संकर बिमुख भगति चह मोरी। सो नारकी मूढ़ मति थोरी॥4॥
siva drōhī mama bhagata kahāvā. sō nara sapanēhuom mōhi na pāvā..
saṃkara bimukha bhagati caha mōrī. sō nārakī mūḍha mati thōrī..

An enemy of Siva although he calls himself a devotee of Mine, cannot attain to Me even in a dream. He who is opposed to Sankara and yet aspires for devotion to Me is doomed to perdition, stupid and dull-witted as he is.”

दोहा | Doha
संकरप्रिय मम द्रोही सिव द्रोही मम दास।
ते नर करहिं कलप भरि घोर नरक महुँ बास॥2॥
saṃkara priya mama drōhī siva drōhī mama dāsa.
tē nara karahi kalapa bhari dhōra naraka mahuom bāsa..2..

“Men, who, though devoted to Sankara, are hostile to Me and even so those who are enemies of Siva but votaries of Mine shall have their abode in the most frightful hell till the end of creation.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
जे रामेस्वर दरसनु करिहहिं। ते तनु तजि मम लोक सिधरिहहिं॥
जो गंगाजलु आनि चढ़ाइहि। सो साजुज्य मुक्ति नर पाइहि॥1॥
jē rāmēsvara darasanu karihahiṃ. tē tanu taji mama lōka sidharihahiṃ..
jō gaṃgājalu āni caḍhaāihi. sō sājujya mukti nara pāihi..

“They who will behold Lord Ramesvara will, on quitting the body, go direct to My sphere in heaven. And a man who takes the water of the Ganga and pours it on the Lord will attain liberation in the form of absorption into My being.

होइ अकाम जो छल तजि सेइहि। भगति मोरि तेहि संकर देइहि॥
मम कृत सेतु जो दरसनु करिही। सो बिनु श्रम भवसागर तरिही॥2॥
hōi akāma jō chala taji sēihi. bhagati mōri tēhi saṃkara dēihi..
mama kṛta sētu jō darasanu karihī. sō binu śrama bhavasāgara tarihī..

Again, whosoever adores the Lord in a disinterested spirit and without guile will be blessed by Sankara with devotion to Me. And he who sees the bridge erected by me will be able to cross the ocean of worldly existence without any exertion.”

राम बचन सब के जिय भाए। मुनिबर निज निज आश्रम आए॥
गिरिजा रघुपति कै यह रीती। संतत करहिं प्रनत पर प्रीती॥3॥
rāma bacana saba kē jiya bhāē. munibara nija nija āśrama āē..
girijā raghupati kai yaha rītī. saṃtata karahiṃ pranata para prītī..

Sri Rama’s words gladdened the heart of all and the great sages returned each to his own hermitage. Girija, (says Sankara,) such is the way of the Lord of the Raghus: He ever loves those who take refuge in Him.

बाँधा सेतु नील नल नागर। राम कृपाँ जसु भयउ उजागर॥
बूड़हिं आनहि बोरहिं जेई। भए उपल बोहित सम तेई॥4॥
bāomdhā sētu nīla nala nāgara. rāma kṛpāom jasu bhayau ujāgara..
būḍahiṃ ānahi bōrahiṃ jēī. bhaē upala bōhita sama tēī..

The clever Nala and Nila constructed the bridge and by Rama’s grace their renown spread far and wide. Those very rocks that not only sink themselves but cause even other things to sink alongwith them floated like so many rafts.

महिमा यह न जलधि कइ बरनी। पाहन गुन न कपिन्ह कइ करनी॥5॥
mahimā yaha na jaladhi kai baranī. pāhana guna na kapinha kai karanī..

This is, however, not ascribed to any miraculous power of the ocean, nor to a virtue of the rocks themselves, nor again to any skill of the monkeys.

दोहा | Doha
श्री रघुबीर प्रताप ते सिंधु तरे पाषान।
ते मतिमंद जे राम तजि भजहिं जाइ प्रभु आन॥3॥
śrī raghubīra pratāpa tē siṃdhu tarē pāṣāna.
tē matimaṃda jē rāma taji bhajahiṃ jāi prabhu āna..3..

It was by the might of Sri Rama (the Hero of Raghu’s line) that rocks floated on the ocean. They are dull-witted indeed, who go to worship a lord other than Sri Rama.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
बाँधि सेतु अति सुदृढ़ बनावा। देखि कृपानिधि के मन भावा॥
चली सेन कछु बरनि न जाई। गर्जहिं मर्कट भट समुदाई॥1॥
bāomdhi sētu ati sudṛḍha banāvā. dēkhi kṛpānidhi kē mana bhāvā..
calī sēna kachu barani na jāī. garjahiṃ markaṭa bhaṭa samudāī..

Having completed the bridge they made it exceptionally secure; the All-merciful was glad at heart to see it. As the army marched it was a sight beyond all telling, the troops of monkey warriors roaring as they went.

सेतुबंध ढिग चढ़ि रघुराई। चितव कृपाल सिंधु बहुताई॥
देखन कहुँ प्रभु करुना कंदा। प्रगट भए सब जलचर बृंदा॥2॥
sētubaṃdha ḍhiga caḍhai raghurāī. citava kṛpāla siṃdhu bahutāī..
dēkhana kahuom prabhu karunā kaṃdā. pragaṭa bhaē saba jalacara bṛṃdā..

Ascending an eminence near the bridge the gracious Lord of the Raghus surveyed the vast expanse of the ocean. All the creatures inhabiting the ocean appeared on the surface in order to have a look at the Lord, who was the very fountain-head of mercy.

मकर नक्र नाना झष ब्याला। सत जोजन तन परम बिसाला॥
अइसेउ एक तिन्हहि जे खाहीं। एकन्ह कें डर तेपि डेराहीं॥3॥
makara nakra nānā jhaṣa byālā. sata jōjana tana parama bisālā..
aisēu ēka tinhahi jē khāhīṃ. ēkanha kēṃ ḍara tēpi ḍērāhīṃ..

There were many kinds of alligators, crocodiles, fishes and serpents with bodies eight hundred miles in length and colossal in size. There were others who could devour even these. They in their turn were afraid of some other creatures.

प्रभुहि बिलोकहिं टरहिं न टारे। मन हरषित सब भए सुखारे॥
तिन्ह कीं ओट न देखिअ बारी। मगन भए हरि रूप निहारी॥4॥
prabhuhi bilōkahiṃ ṭarahiṃ na ṭārē. mana haraṣita saba bhaē sukhārē..
tinha kī ōṭa na dēkhia bārī. magana bhaē hari rūpa nihārī..

All gazed upon the Lord and would not stir even when diverted. They were all glad of heart and felt very happy. Covered by them the water could not be seen; they were filled with ecstasy at the sight of Sri Hari’s beauty.

चला कटकु प्रभु आयसु पाई। को कहि सक कपि दल बिपुलाई॥5॥
calā kaṭaku prabhu āyasu pāī. kō kahi saka kapi dala bipulāī.

The army advanced on receiving the Lord’s command : who can describe the vastness of the monkey host?

दोहा | Doha
सेतुबंध भइ भीर अति कपि नभ पंथ उड़ाहिं।
अपर जलचरन्हि ऊपर चढ़ि चढ़ि पारहि जाहिं॥4॥
sētubaṃdha bhai bhīra ati kapi nabha paṃtha uḍaāhiṃ.
apara jalacaranhi ūpara caḍhai caḍhai pārahi jāhiṃ..4.

The bridge being overcrowded, some of the monkeys flew through the air; while others crossed over treading on the backs of sea monsters.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
अस कौतुक बिलोकि द्वौ भाई। बिहँसि चले कृपाल रघुराई॥
सेन सहित उतरे रघुबीरा। कहि न जाइ कपि जूथप भीरा॥1॥
asa kautuka bilōki dvau bhāī. bihaomsi calē kṛpāla raghurāī..
sēna sahita utarē raghubīrā. kahi na jāi kapi jūthapa bhīrā..

The gracious Lord of the Raghus and His brother laughed at the sight of this amusing spectacle and marched. The Hero of Raghu’s line reached the other shore alongwith the host: the throng of monkey chiefs was beyond all description.

सिंधु पार प्रभु डेरा कीन्हा। सकल कपिन्ह कहुँ आयसु दीन्हा॥
खाहु जाइ फल मूल सुहाए। सुनत भालू कपि जहँ तहँ धाए॥2॥
siṃdhu pāra prabhu ḍērā kīnhā. sakala kapinha kahuom āyasu dīnhā..
khāhu jāi phala mūla suhāē. sunata bhālu kapi jahaom tahaom dhāē..

The Lord encamped Himself across the ocean and commanded all the monkeys to go and regale themselves on the delightful fruit and roots. As soon as they heard this the bears and monkeys ran off in all directions.

सब तरु फरे राम हित लागी। रितु अरु कुरितु काल गति त्यागी॥
खाहिं मधुर फल बिटप हलावहिं। लंका सन्मुख सिखर चलावहिं॥3॥
saba taru pharē rāma hita lāgī. ritu aru kuritu kāla gati tyāgī..
khāhiṃ madhura phala baṭapa halāvahiṃ. laṃkā sanmukha sikhara calāvahiṃ..

All the trees bore fruit in the interest of Sri Rama in season or out of season without any regard to the laws of time. The bears and monkeys would eat the luscious fruit, shake the trees and hurl hill-tops towards Lanka.

जहँ कहुँ फिरत निसाचर पावहिं। घेरि सकल बहु नाच नचावहिं॥
दसनन्हि काटि नासिका काना। कहि प्रभु सुजसु देहिं तब जाना॥4॥
jahaom kahuom phirata nisācara pāvahiṃ. ghēri sakala bahu nāca nacāvahiṃ..
dasananhi kāṭi nāsikā kānā. kahi prabhu sujasu dēhiṃ taba jānā..

If they ever found a straggling demon anywhere, they all hemmed him in and teased him not a little; nay, they would bite off his nose and ears and let him go only after reciting to him the Lord’s fair renown.

जिन्ह कर नासा कान निपाता। तिन्ह रावनहि कही सब बाता॥
सुनत श्रवन बारिधि बंधाना। दस मुख बोलि उठा अकुलाना॥5॥
jinha kara nāsā kāna nipātā. tinha rāvanahi kahī saba bātā..
sunata śravana bāridhi baṃdhānā. dasa mukha bōli uṭhā akulānā..

Those who had thus lost their nose and ears went and related everything to Ravana. The moment he heard that the sea had been bridged the tenheaded monster exclaimed in consternation with all his tongues at once (using different phraseology with each):-

दोहा | Doha
बाँध्यो बननिधि नीरनिधि जलधि सिंधु बारीस।
सत्य तोयनिधि कंपति उदधि पयोधि नदीस॥5॥
bāṃdhyō bananidhi nīranidhi jaladhi siṃdhu bārīsa.
satya tōyanidhi kaṃpati udadhi payōdhi nadīsa..5..

“What! has he really bridged the waves, the billows, the sea, the ocean, the main, the deep, the brine, the tide, the hyaline, the lord of rivers?”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
निज बिकलता बिचारि बहोरी॥ बिहँसि गयउ गृह करि भय भोरी॥
मंदोदरीं सुन्यो प्रभु आयो। कौतुकहीं पाथोधि बँधायो॥1॥
nija bikalatā bicāri bahōrī. bihaomsi gayau graha kari bhaya bhōrī..
maṃdōdarīṃ sunyō prabhu āyō. kautukahīṃ pāthōdhi baomdhāyō..

Then, realizing his own nervousness, he laughed and left for his palace forgetting his fear. When Mandodari (Ravana’s consort) heard that the Lord had arrived and bridged the ocean in mere sport,

कर गहि पतिहि भवन निज आनी। बोली परम मनोहर बानी॥
चरन नाइ सिरु अंचलु रोपा। सुनहु बचन पिय परिहरि कोपा॥2॥
kara gahi patihi bhavana nija ānī. bōlī parama manōhara bānī..
carana nāi siru aṃcalu rōpā. sunahu bacana piya parihari kōpā..

she took her spouse by the hand, led him to her own palace and spoke to him in most sweet accents. Bowing her head at his feet, she spread the end of her garment as a token of supplication and said, “Listen to my words without getting angry, my beloved:

नाथ बयरु कीजे ताही सों। बुधि बल सकिअ जीति जाही सों॥
तुम्हहि रघुपतिहि अंतर कैसा। खलु खद्योत दिनकरहि जैसा॥3॥
nātha bayaru kījē tāhī sōṃ. budhi bala sakia jīti jāhī sōṃ..
tumhahi raghupatihi aṃtara kaisā. khalu khadyōta dinakarahi jaisā..

one should enter into hostilities with him alone whom one may be able to conquer by wit or physical force. The disparity between you and the Lord of the Raghus, however, is certainly analogous to that obtaining between a fire-fly and the sun.

अति बल मधु कैटभ जेहिं मारे। महाबीर दितिसुत संघारे॥
जेहिं बलि बाँधि सहस भुज मारा। सोइ अवतरेउ हरन महि भारा॥4॥
atibala madhu kaiṭabha jēhiṃ mārē. mahābīra ditisuta saṃghārē..
jēhiṃ bali bāomdhi sahajabhuja mārā. sōi avatarēu harana mahi bhārā..

He who disposed of the most powerful Madhu and Kaitabha and finished the most valiant sons of Diti (Hiranyakasipu and Hiranyaksa), nay, who bound Bali and despatched King Sahasrabahu (so-called because he was possessed of a thousand arms)-it is He who has descended on earth in order to relieve it of its burden.

तासु बिरोध न कीजिअ नाथा। काल करम जिव जाकें हाथा॥5॥
tāsu birōdha na kījia nāthā. kāla karama jiva jākēṃ hāthā..

My lord, you should not oppose Him who is the Master of Time, fate and the soul.”

दोहा | Doha:
रामहि सौंपि जानकी नाइ कमल पद माथ।
सुत कहुँ राज समर्पि बन जाइ भजिअ रघुनाथ॥6॥
rāmahi saupi jānakī nāi kamala pada mātha.
suta kahuom rāja samarpi bana jāi bhajia raghunātha..6..

Bowing your head at Sri Rama’s lotus feet restore Janaka’s Daughter to Him; then, handing over the kingdom to your son and, retiring to the forest, worship the Lord of the Raghus.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS:
नाथ दीनदयाल रघुराई। बाघउ सनमुख गएँ न खाई॥
चाहिअ करन सो सब करि बीते। तुम्ह सुर असुर चराचर जीते॥1॥
nātha dīnadayāla raghurāī. bāghau sanamukha gaēom na khāī..
cāhia karana sō saba kari bītē. tumha sura asura carācara jītē..
Sri Rama (the Lord of the Raghus), my lord, is compassionate to the humble (He will surely forgive you). Even a tiger (the most ferocious of all beasts) will not devour a man if he goes submissively before him. You have already accomplished all that you had to do: you have conquered not only gods and demons but the whole animate and inanimate creation.

संत कहहिं असि नीति दसानन। चौथेंपन जाइहि नृप कानन॥
तासु भजनु कीजिअ तहँ भर्ता। जो कर्ता पालक संहर्ता॥2॥
saṃta kahahiṃ asi nīti dasānana. cauthēṃpana jāihi nṛpa kānana..
tāsu bhajana kījia tahaom bhartā. jō kartā pālaka saṃhartā..
Holy men, my lord, have declared this maxim that a monarch should retire to the forest in the fourth stage of his life. There, my spouse, you should adore Him who is the creator, preserver and destroyer (of the universe).

सोइ रघुबीर प्रनत अनुरागी। भजहु नाथ ममता सब त्यागी॥
मुनिबर जतनु करहिं जेहि लागी। भूप राजु तजि होहिं बिरागी॥3॥
sōi raghuvīra pranata anurāgī. bhajahu nātha mamatā saba tyāgī..
munibara jatanu karahiṃ jēhi lāgī. bhūpa rāju taji hōhiṃ birāgī..

Renouncing all worldly ties, my lord, worship the selfsame Hero of Raghu’s line, who is fond of the suppliant. The same Lord of the Raghus, the King of Kosala, whom the greatest of sages strive hard to realize and for whom monarchs relinquish their throne and shed every attachment-

सोइ कोसलाधीस रघुराया। आयउ करन तोहि पर दाया॥
जौं पिय मानहु मोर सिखावन। सुजसु होइ तिहुँ पुर अति पावन॥4॥
sōi kōsaladhīsa raghurāyā. āyau karana tōhi para dāyā..
jauṃ piya mānahu mōra sikhāvana. sujasu hōi tihuom pura ati pāvana..

it is He who has arrived here to shower His grace on you. If, my beloved, you accept my advice, your fair and exceedingly holy renown shall spread through all the three spheres.”

दोहा | Doha:
अस कहि नयन नीर भरि गहि पद कंपित गात।
नाथ भजहु रघुनाथहि अचल होइ अहिवात॥7॥
asa kahi nayana nīra bhari gahi pada kaṃpita gāta.
nātha bhajahu raghunāthahi acala hōi ahivāta..7..

So saying she clasped him by the feet; and with eyes full of tears and trembling in every limb she added, “My lord, worship Sri Rama (the Lord of the Raghus) so that my union with you may last till eternity.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
तब रावन मयसुता उठाई। कहै लाग खल निज प्रभुताई॥
सुनु तैं प्रिया बृथा भय माना। जग जोधा को मोहि समाना॥1॥
taba rāvana mayasutā uṭhāī. kahai lāga khala nija prabhutāī..
sunu tai priyā bṛthā bhaya mānā. jaga jōdhā kō mōhi samānā..
Thereupon Ravana lifted Maya’s daughter (Mandodari) and the wretch began to harp on his own glory. “Listen, darling; you are haunted by idle fears. What warrior in this world is my equal?

बरुन कुबेर पवन जम काला। भुज बल जितेउँ सकल दिगपाला॥
देव दनुज नर सब बस मोरें। कवन हेतु उपजा भय तोरें॥2॥
baruna kubēra pavana jama kālā. bhuja bala jitēuom sakala digapālā..
dēva danuja nara saba basa mōrēṃ. kavana hētu upajā bhaya tōrēṃ..
I have conquered by the might of my arm not only Varuna (the god presiding over the waters), Kubera (the god of riches), the wind-god, Yama (the god of punishment), and all the other regents of the quarters but Death himself. Gods, demons and human beings are all under my control; what is the cause of your fear, then?”

नाना बिधि तेहि कहेसि बुझाई। सभाँ बहोरि बैठ सो जाई॥
मंदोदरीं हृदयँ अस जाना। काल बस्य उपजा अभिमाना॥3॥
nānā bidhi tēhi kahēsi bujhāī. sabhāom bahōri baiṭha sō jāī..
maṃdōdarīṃ hadayaom asa jānā. kāla basya upajā abhimānā..
He thus reassured her in many ways and once more went and sat in his council-chamber. Mandodari was now convinced at heart that it was her husband’s impending death which had turned his head.

सभाँ आइ मंत्रिन्ह तेहिं बूझा। करब कवन बिधि रिपु सैं जूझा॥
कहहिं सचिव सुनु निसिचर नाहा। बार बार प्रभु पूछहु काहा॥4॥
sabhāom āi maṃtrinha tēṃhi būjhā. karaba kavana bidhi ripu saiṃ jūjhā..
kahahiṃ saciva sunu nisicara nāhā. bāra bāra prabhu pūchahu kāhā..
Returning to his council-hall he asked his ministers: “How shall we proceed to fight the enemy?” “Listen, O lord of the demons,” replied the ministers,-

कहहु कवन भय करिअ बिचारा। नर कपि भालु अहार हमारा॥5॥
kahahu kavana bhaya karia bicārā. nara kapi bhālu ahāra hamārā..
“why do you ask this question again and again? What is there to be afraid of, which should engage our thought? Human beings, monkeys and bears are our food.”

दोहा | Doha
सब के बचन श्रवन सुनि कह प्रहस्त कर जोरि।
नीति बिरोध न करिअ प्रभु मंत्रिन्ह मति अति थोरि॥8॥
saba kē bacana śravana suni kaha prahasta kara jōri.
niti birōdha na karia prabhu matriṃnha mati ati thōri..8..
Hearing the words of all, Prahasta (Ravana’s son) said with joined palms, “Transgress not the bounds of propriety, my lord; your counsellors possess very little wit.”

कहहिं सचिव सठ ठकुर सोहाती। नाथ न पूर आव एहि भाँती॥
बारिधि नाघि एक कपि आवा। तासु चरित मन महुँ सबु गावा॥॥1॥
kahahiṃ saciva saṭha ṭhakurasōhātī. nātha na pūra āva ēhi bhāomtī..
bāridhi nāghi ēka kapi āvā. tāsu carita mana mahuom sabu gāvā..
All your stupid ministers tell you only that which is pleasing to their master; but that way you cannot succeed; my lord. A stray monkey sprang across the ocean and came this side and all the people still extol his doings in their heart of hearts.

छुधा न रही तुम्हहि तब काहू। जारत नगरु कस न धरि खाहू॥
सुनत नीक आगें दुख पावा। सचिवन अस मत प्रभुहि सुनावा॥॥2॥
chudhā na rahī tumhahi taba kāhū. jārata nagaru kasa na dhari khāhū..
sunata nīka āgēṃ dukha pāvā. sacivana asa mata prabhuhi sunāvā..
What ! Did none of you have any appetite then? Why did you not seize and devour him while he was burning your city? Your ministers have given you, my lord, an advice which, though pleasant to hear, will hand you in trouble afterwards.

जेहिं बारीस बँधायउ हेला। उतरेउ सेन समेत सुबेला॥
सो भनु मनुज खाब हम भाई। बचन कहहिं सब गाल फुलाई॥3॥

jēhiṃ bārīsa baomdhāyau hēlā. utarēu sēna samēta subēlā..
sō bhanu manuja khāba hama bhāī. bacana kahahiṃ saba gāla phulāī..
He who has had the sea bridged in mere sport and has crossed over to the Suvela hill with all his army, tell me, is He an ordinary mortal whom you say you will devour? All these people are simply bragging.

तात बचन मम सुनु अति आदर। जनि मन गुनहु मोहि करि कादर।
प्रिय बानी जे सुनहिं जे कहहीं। ऐसे नर निकाय जग अहहीं॥4॥
tāta bacana mama sunu ati ādara. jani mana gunahu mōhi kari kādara..
priya bānī jē sunahiṃ jē kahahīṃ. aisē nara nikāya jaga ahahīṃ..

Dear father, listen to my words with great attention and do not account me a coward. There are multitudes of men in this world who are given to hearing and uttering pleasant words.

बचन परम हित सुनत कठोरे। सुनहिं जे कहहिं ते नर प्रभु थोरे॥
प्रथम बसीठ पठउ सुनु नीती। सीता देइ करहु पुनि प्रीती॥5॥
bacana parama hita sunata kaṭhōrē. sunahiṃ jē kahahiṃ tē nara prabhu thōrē..
prathama basīṭha paṭhau sunu nītī. sītā dēi karahu puni prītī..
Those men, however, who hear and utter words which are most salutary yet jarring to the ear are few and far between, my lord. Listen to my sound advice : first send an envoy to Sri Rama; and afterwards, when you have restored Janaka’s Daughter, make friends with Him.”

दोहा | Doha
नारि पाइ फिरि जाहिं जौं तौ न बढ़ाइअ रारि।
नाहिं त सन्मुख समर महि तात करिअ हठि मारि॥9॥
nāri pāi phiri jāhiṃ jauṃ tau na baḍhaāia rāri.
nāhiṃ ta sanmukha samara mahi tāta karia haṭhi māri..9..
If He withdraws on receiving back His Consort, you should have no more quarrel with Him. Otherwise meet Him face to face on the battle-field, and give him a tough fight.”

यह मत जौं मानहु प्रभु मोरा। उभय प्रकार सुजसु जग तोरा॥
सुत सन कह दसकंठ रिसाई। असि मति सठ केहिं तोहि सिखाई॥1॥
yaha mata jauṃ mānahu prabhu mōrā. ubhaya prakāra sujasu jaga tōrā..
suta sana kaha dasakaṃṭha risāī. asi mati saṭha kēhiṃ tōhi sikhāī..
“If, my lord, you accept this advice of mine, your fair renown will spread throughout the world in either case.” The ten-headed monster asked his son (Prahasta) in a fury, “Fool, who has taught you such wisdom?

अबहीं ते उर संसय होई। बेनुमूल सुत भयहु घमोई॥
सुनि पितु गिरा परुष अति घोरा। चला भवन कहि बचन कठोरा॥2॥
abahīṃ tē ura saṃsaya hōī. bēnumūla suta bhayahu ghamōī..
suni pitu girā paruṣa ati ghōrā. calā bhavana kahi bacana kaṭhōrā..
If you entertain doubt in your mind from even now, my son, you have proved yourself to be a prickly plant at the root of a bamboo (which brings about the destruction of the bamboo).” On hearing the harsh and most malignant remarks of his father Prahasta left for home uttering these bitter words:-

हित मत तोहि न लागत कैसें। काल बिबस कहुँ भेषज जैसें॥
संध्या समय जानि दससीसा। भवन चलेउ निरखत भुज बीसा॥3॥
hita mata tōhi na lāgata kaisēṃ. kāla bibasa kahuom bhēṣaja jaisēṃ..
saṃdhyā samaya jāni dasasīsā. bhavana calēu nirakhata bhuja bīsā..
-“Words of good counsel fall flat on you even as a medicine proves ineffectual for a man who is doomed to die.” Finding that it was evening now the ten-headed monster turned towards his palace fondly gazing on his twenty arms.

लंका सिखर उपर आगारा। अति बिचित्र तहँ होइ अखारा॥
बैठ जाइ तेहिं मंदिर रावन। लागे किंनर गुन गन गावन॥4॥
laṃkā sikhara upara āgārā. ati bicitra tahaom hōi akhārā..
baiṭha jāi tēhī maṃdira rāvana. lāgē kiṃnara guna gana gāvana..
“Words of good counsel fall flat on you even as a medicine proves ineffectual for a man who is doomed to die.” Finding that it was evening now the ten-headed monster turned towards his palace fondly gazing on his twenty arms.

बाजहिं ताल पखाउज बीना। नृत्य करहिं अपछरा प्रबीना॥5॥
bājahiṃ tāla pakhāuja bīnā. nṛtya karahiṃ apacharā prabīnā..
Expert celestial nymphs commenced their dance to the accompaniment of cymbals, tabors and lutes.

दोहा | Doha
सुनासीर सत सरिस सो संतत करइ बिलास।
परम प्रबल रिपु सीस पर तद्यपि सोच न त्रास॥10॥
sunāsīra sata sarisa sō saṃtata karai bilāsa.
parama prabala ripu sīsa para tadyapi sōca na trāsa..10..
He constantly revelled in luxuries which could be enjoyed only by a hundred Indras. He had a most powerful foe threatening at his door; yet he had no anxiety or fear.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
इहाँ सुबेल सैल रघुबीरा। उतरे सेन सहित अति भीरा॥
सिखर एक उतंग अति देखी। परम रम्य सम सुभ्र बिसेषी॥1॥
ihāom subēla saila raghubīrā. utarē sēna sahita ati bhīrā..
sikhara ēka utaṃga ati dēkhī. parama ramya sama subhra bisēṣī..
At this end the Hero of Raghu’s line encamped with his vast army on Mount Suvela. Observing a very lofty, supremely lovely, even and remarkably shining peak,

तहँ तरु किसलय सुमन सुहाए। लछिमन रचि निज हाथ डसाए॥
ता पर रुचिर मृदुल मृगछाला। तेहिं आसन आसीन कृपाला॥2॥
tahaom taru kisalaya sumana suhāē. lachimana raci nija hātha ḍasāē..
tā para rūcira mṛdula mṛgachālā. tēhīṃ āsāna āsīna kṛpālā..
Laksmana carefully spread on it whith his own hands beautiful young leaves and blossoms of trees, which he covered with a charming and soft deerskin; it was on this seat that the gracious Lord rested Himself.

प्रभु कृत सीस कपीस उछंगा। बाम दहिन दिसि चाप निषंगा
दुहुँ कर कमल सुधारत बाना। कह लंकेस मंत्र लगि काना॥3॥

prabhu kṛta sīsa kapīsa uchaṃgā. bāma dahina disi cāpa niṣaṃgā..
duhuom kara kamala sudhārata bānā. kaha laṃkēsa maṃtra lagi kānā..
The Lord placed His head in the lap of Sugriva (the lord of the monkeys) with the bow and quiver to His left and right. He was passing both His lotus hands on an arrow, while the would-be king of Lanka (Vibhisana) whispered some secret in His ears.

बड़भागी अंगद हनुमाना। चरन कमल चापत बिधि नाना॥
प्रभु पाछें लछिमन बीरासन। कटि निषंग कर बान सरासन॥4॥
baḍabhāgī aṃgada hanumānā. carana kamala cāpata bidhi nānā..
prabhu pāchēṃ lachimana bīrāsana. kaṭi niṣaṃga kara bāna sarāsana..
The blessed Angada and Hanuman kneaded His lotus-feet in diverse ways; while behind the Lord sat Laksmana in the pose of a warrior, with the quiver fastened at his waist and the bow and arrow ready in his hands.

दोहा | Doha
ऐहि बिधि कृपा रूप गुन धाम रामु आसीन।
धन्य ते नर एहिं ध्यान जे रहत सदा लयलीन॥11 क॥
ēhi bidhi kṛpā rūpa guna dhāma rāmu āsīna.
dhanya tē nara ēhiṃ dhyāna jē rahata sadā layalīna..11ka..
Thus rested Sri Rama, the embodiment of benignity, beauty and goodness. Blessed are those men who remain ever immersed in the thought of the Lord as depicted here.

पूरब दिसा बिलोकि प्रभु देखा उदित मयंक।
कहत सबहि देखहु ससिहि मृगपति सरिस असंक॥11 ख॥
pūraba disā bilōki prabhu dēkhā udita maṃyaka.
kahata sabahi dēkhahu sasihi mṛgapati sarisa asaṃka..11kha..
Looking towards the east the Lord saw the moon risen above the horizon and said to them all, “Just look at the moon and see how undaunted like the king of beasts he appears.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
पूरब दिसि गिरिगुहा निवासी। परम प्रताप तेज बल रासी॥
मत्त नाग तम कुंभ बिदारी। ससि केसरी गगन बन चारी॥1॥
pūraba disi giriguhā nivāsī. parama pratāpa tēja bala rāsī..
matta nāga tama kuṃbha bidārī. sasi kēsarī gagana bana cārī..
“Dwelling in the eastern quarter, which may be compared to a mountain-cave, this lion of a moon, an embodiment of supreme grandeur, glory and strength, struts through the forest of the sky having rent asunder the crown of a mad elephant in the form of the darkness.

बिथुरे नभ मुकुताहल तारा। निसि सुंदरी केर सिंगारा॥
कह प्रभु ससि महुँ मेचकताई। कहहु काह निज निज मति भाई॥2॥
bithurē nabha mukutāhala tārā. nisi suṃdarī kēra siṃgārā..
kaha prabhu sasi mahuom mēcakatāī. kahahu kāha nija nija mati bhāī..
The stars appear like so many pearls strewn all over the sky, which serve to adorn the lovely dame of night.” “Now tell me, brethren,” continued the Lord, “What you think, each of you, of the dark spot in the moon.”

कह सुग्रीव सुनहु रघुराई। ससि महुँ प्रगट भूमि कै झाँई॥
मारेउ राहु ससिहि कह कोई। उर महँ परी स्यामता सोई॥3॥
kaha sugaīva sunahu raghurāī. sasi mahuom pragaṭa bhūmi kai jhāomī..
mārēu rāhu sasihi kaha kōī. ura mahaom parī syāmatā sōī..
Said Sugriva, “Listen, O Lord of the Raghus: it is only the shadow of the earth that is seen in the moon.” “The demon Rahu struck the moon,” said another; “and the spot is nothing but a scar left on the latter’s bosom.”

कोउ कह जब बिधि रति मुख कीन्हा। सार भाग ससि कर हरि लीन्हा॥
छिद्र सो प्रगट इंदु उर माहीं। तेहि मग देखिअ नभ परिछाहीं॥4॥
kōu kaha jaba bidhi rati mukha kīnhā. sāra bhāga sasi kara hari līnhā..
chidra sō pragaṭa iṃdu ura māhīṃ. tēhi maga dēkhia nabha parichāhīṃ..
A third suggested: “When Brahma (the Creator) fashioned the face of Rati (consort of the god of love), he took out the essence of the moon (thus leaving a hole in the orb thereof). The hole is still visible in the heart of the moon and through it can be seen the shade of the blue.”

प्रभु कह गरल बंधु ससि केरा। अति प्रिय निज उर दीन्ह बसेरा॥
बिष संजुत कर निकर पसारी। जारत बिरहवंत नर नारी॥5॥
prabhu kaha garala baṃdhu sasi kērā. ati priya nija ura dīnha basērā..
biṣa saṃjuta kara nikara pasārī. jārata birahavaṃta nara nārī..
The Lord said, “Poison is the moon’s most beloved brother; that is why he has lodged it in his heart and, diffusing his envenomed rays, torments parted lovers.”

दोहा | Doha
कह हनुमंत सुनहु प्रभु ससि तुम्हार प्रिय दास।
तव मूरति बिधु उर बसति सोइ स्यामता अभास॥12 क॥
kaha hanumaṃta sunahu prabhu sasi tumhārā priya dāsa.
tava mūrati bidhu ura basati sōi syāmatā abhāsa..12ka..
Said Hanuman, “Listen, my lord: the moon is Your own beloved servant and it is Your image enshrined in his heart that appears as a dark patch.”

नवाह्नपारायण, सातवाँ विश्राम
पवन तनय के बचन सुनि बिहँसे रामु सुजान।
दच्छिन दिसि अवलोकि प्रभु बोले कृपा निधान॥12 ख॥
pavana tanaya kē bacana suni bihaomsē rāmu sujāna.
dacchina disi avalōki prabhu bōlē kṛpā nidhāna..12kha..
The all-wise Sri Rama smiled to hear the words of Hanuman (the son of the wind-god). Then, looking towards the south, the All-merciful Lord spoke thus:-

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
देखु विभीषन दच्छिन आसा। घन घमंड दामिनी बिलासा॥
मधुर मधुर गरजइ घन घोरा। होइ बृष्टि जनि उपल कठोरा॥1॥
dēkhu bibhīṣana dacchina āsā. ghana ghaṃmaḍa dāmini bilāsā..
madhura madhura garajai ghana ghōrā. hōi bṛṣṭi jani upala kaṭhōrā..
“Vibhisana, see how clouds are gathering fast and the lightning flashes in the southern quarter. A lowering cloud is gently rumbling and I fear lest a severe hail-storm may ensue.”

कहत विभीषन सुनहू कृपाला। होइ न तड़ित न बारिद माला॥
लंका सिखर उपर आगारा। तहँ दसकंधर देख अखारा॥2॥
kahata bibhīṣana sunahu kṛpālā. hōi na taḍaita na bārida mālā..
laṃkā sikhara upara āgārā. tahaom dasakaṃghara dēkha akhārā..
Vibhisana replied, “Listen, my gracious lord: there is neither lightning nor a gathered mass of cloud. On the top of Lanka there stands a hall where Ravana is witnessing a music and dancing contest.

छत्र मेघडंबर सिर धारी। सोइ जनु जलद घटा अति कारी॥
मंदोदरी श्रवन ताटंका। सोइ प्रभु जनु दामिनी दमंका॥3॥
chatra mēghaḍaṃbara sira dhārī. sōi janu jalada ghaṭā ati kārī..
maṃdōdarī śravana tāṭaṃkā. sōi prabhu janu dāminī damaṃkā..
It is the large royal umbrella spread over his head which presents the appearance of a thick dark mass of cloud; the ornaments in Queen Mandodari’s ears, my lord, flash like lightning;

बाजहिं ताल मृदंग अनूपा। सोइ रव मधुर सुनहू सुरभूपा।
प्रभु मुसुकान समुझि अभिमाना। चाप चढ़ाव बान संधाना॥4॥
bājahiṃ tāla mṛdaṃga anūpā. sōi rava madhura sunahu surabhūpā..
prabhu musukāna samujhi abhimānā. cāpa caḍhaāi bāna saṃdhānā..
while the incomparable music of cymbals and tabors is the sweet rumbling that You hear, O King of celestials.” The Lord smiled to perceive Ravana’s arrogance; He strung His bow and fitted an arrow to the string.

दोहा | Doha
छत्र मुकुट तांटक तब हते एकहीं बान।
सब कें देखत महि परे मरमु न कोऊ जान॥13 क॥
chatra mukuṭa tāṭaṃka taba hatē ēkahīṃ bāna.
sabakēṃ dēkhata mahi parē maramu na kōū jāna..13ka..
With a single shaft the Lord then struck Ravana’s umbrella and crowns as well as Mandodari’s ear-drops, which fell to the ground before the very eyes of all; but none could know the mystery.

अस कौतुक करि राम सर प्रबिसेउ आई निषंग।
रावन सभा ससंक सब देखि महा रसभंग॥13 ख॥
asa kautuka kari rāma sara prabisēu āi niṣaṃga.
rāvana sabhā sasaṃka saba dēkhi mahā rasabhaṃga..13kha.
Having performed this startling feat Sri Rama’s shaft came back and dropped into His quiver again. And everybody in Ravana’s assembly was alarmed to see this great interruption in his revelry.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
कंप न भूमि न मरुत बिसेषा। अस्त्र सस्त्र कछु नयन न देखा।
सोचहिं सब निज हृदय मझारी। असगुन भयउ भयंकर भारी॥1॥
kaṃpa na bhūmi na maruta bisēṣā. astra sastra kachu nayana na dēkhā..
sōcahiṃ saba nija hṛdaya majhārī. asaguna bhayau bhayaṃkara bhārī..
There was no earthquake nor any strong gust of wind. Nor did they see any weapon or missile. All however, pondered within themselves that it was a most alarming ill-omen.

दसमुख देखि सभा भय पाई। बिहसि बचन कह जुगुति बनाई।
सिरउ गिरे संतत सुभ जाही। मुकुट परे कस असगुन ताही॥2॥

dasamukha dēkhi sabhā bhaya pāī. bihasi bacana kaha juguti banāī..
sirau girē saṃtata subha jāhī. mukuṭa parē kasa asaguna tāhī..
When the ten-headed monster saw that the assembly had taken fright, he laughed and made the following ingenious remarks: “How can the mere dropping down of crowns be an ill-omen to him in whose case even the falling of heads proved a lasting boon?

सयन करहु निज निज गृह जाईं। गवने भवन सकल सिर नाई॥
मंदोदरी सोच उर बसेऊ। जब ते श्रवनपूर महि खसेऊ॥3॥
sayana karahu nija nija gṛha jāī. gavanē bhavana sakala sira nāī..
maṃdōdarī sōca ura basēū. jaba tē śravanapūra mahi khasēū..
Therefore, return each to your own home and retire.” Accordingly all bowed their head and returned home. But anxiety lodged in Mandodari’s hearts ever since her earrings dropped to the ground.

सजल नयन कह जुग कर जोरी। सुनहु प्रानपति बिनती मोरी॥
कंत राम बिरोध परिहरहू। जानि मनुज जनि हठ लग धरहू॥4॥
sajala nayana kaha juga kara jōrī. sunahu prānapati binatī mōrī..
kaṃta rāma birōdha pariharahū. jāni manuja jani haṭha mana dharahū..
With eyes full of tears and joining both her palms she said, “O lord of my life, listen to my prayer. My beloved, cease hostility with Sri Rama and have no more of obstinacy in your heart taking Him to be a mere mortal.”

दोहा | Doha
बिस्वरूप रघुबंस मनि करहु बचन बिस्वासु।
लोक कल्पना बेद कर अंग अंग प्रति जासु॥14॥
bisvarupa raghubaṃsa mani karahu bacana bisvāsu.
lōka kalpanā bēda kara aṃga aṃga prati jāsu..14..
“Believe my word that Sri Rama (the Jewel of Raghu’s race) Himself is manifested in the form of this universe and that the Vedas conceive of every limb of His as a distinct sphere.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
पद पाताल सीस अज धामा। अपर लोक अँग अँग बिश्रामा॥
भृकुटि बिलास भयंकर काला। नयन दिवाकर कच घन माला॥1॥
pada pātāla sīsa aja dhāmā. apara lōka aomga aomga biśrāmā..
bhṛkuṭi bilāsa bhayaṃkara kālā. nayana divākara kaca ghana mālā..
“The subterranean regions (Patala) are His feet and the abode of Brahma His head; while the other (intermediate) spheres are located in His other limbs. Terrible Death is the mere contraction of His eyebrows, the sun is His eye and the mass of clouds His locks.

जासु घ्रान अस्विनीकुमारा। निसि अरु दिवस निमेष अपारा॥
श्रवन दिसा दस बेद बखानी। मारुत स्वास निगम निज बानी॥2॥
jāsu ghrāna asvinīkumārā. nisi aru divasa nimēṣa apārā..
śravana disā dasa bēda bakhānī. māruta svāsa nigama nija bānī..
The twin-born gods Asvinikumaras (the celestial physicians) are His nostrils and the alternating days and nights constitute the repeated twinkling of His eyelids; while the ten quarters of the heavens are His ears: so declare the Vedas. The winds are His breath and the Vedas,

अधर लोभ जम दसन कराला। माया हास बाहु दिगपाला॥
आनन अनल अंबुपति जीहा। उतपति पालन प्रलय समीहा॥3॥
adhara lōbha jama dasana karālā. māyā hāsa bāhu digapālā..
ānana anala aṃbupati jīhā. utapati pālana pralaya samīhā..
His own speech; greed is His lower lip and Yama (the god who sits in judgment on the dead), His dreadful teeth; Maya (cosmic illusion) is His laughter and the regents* of the ten quarters, His arms; fire is His mouth and Varuna (the god presiding over the waters), His tongue; while the creation, preservation and destruction of the universe are His gestures.

रोम राजि अष्टादस भारा। अस्थि सैल सरिता नस जारा॥
उदर उदधि अधगो जातना। जगमय प्रभु का बहु कलपना॥4॥
rōma rāji aṣṭādasa bhārā. asthi saila saritā nasa jārā..
udara udadhi adhagō jātanā. jagamaya prabhu kā bahu kalapanā..
The eighteen principal species of the vegetable kingdom constitute the line of hair on His belly, the mountains are His bones and the rivers represent the network of His veins. The ocean is His belly and the inferno, His organs of urination and excretion. In short, the universe is a manifestation of the Lord and it is no use going into further details.

दोहा | Doha
अहंकार सिव बुद्धि अज मन ससि चित्त महान।
मनुज बास सचराचर रूप राम भगवान॥15 क॥
ahaṃkāra siva buddhi aja mana sasi citta mahāna.
manuja bāsa sacarācara rupa rāma bhagavāna..15 ka..
“Lord Siva is His ego, Brahma His reason, the moon His mind and the great Visnu is His faculty of understanding. It is the same Lord Sri Rama, manifested in the form of this animate and inanimate creation, who has assumed a human semblance.

अस बिचारि सुनु प्रानपति प्रभु सन बयरु बिहाइ।
प्रीति करहु रघुबीर पद मम अहिवात न जाइ॥15 ख॥
asa bicāri sunu prānapati prabhu sana bayaru bihāi.
prīti karahu raghubīra pada mama ahivāta na jāi..15 kha..
Pondering thus, hear me, O lord of my life: cease hostility with the Lord and cultivate devotion to the feet of Sri Rama (the Hero of Raghu’s line) so that my good-luck† may not desert me.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
बिहँसा नारि बचन सुनि काना। अहो मोह महिमा बलवाना॥
नारि सुभाउ सत्य सब कहहीं। अवगुन आठ सदा उर रहहीं॥1॥
bihaomsā nāri bacana suni kānā. ahō mōha mahimā balavānā..
nāri subhāu satya saba kahahīṃ. avaguna āṭha sadā ura rahahīṃ..
Ravana laughed when he heard the words of his wife. “Oh, how mighty is the power of infatuation! They rightly observe in regard to the character of a woman that the following eight evils ever abide in her heart:

साहस अनृत चपलता माया। भय अबिबेक असौच अदाया॥
रिपु कर रूप सकल तैं गावा। अति बिसाल भय मोहि सुनावा॥2॥
sāhasa anṛta capalatā māyā. bhaya abibēka asauca adāyā..
ripu kara rupa sakala taiṃ gāvā. ati bisāla bhaya mōhi sunāvā..
recklessness, mendacity, fickleness, deceit, timidity, indiscretion, impurity and callousness. You have described the enemy’s cosmic form and thus told me a most alarming story.

सो सब प्रिया सहज बस मोरें। समुझि परा अब प्रसाद तोरें॥
जानिउँ प्रिया तोरि चतुराई। एहि बिधि कहहु मोरि प्रभुताई॥3॥
sō saba priyā sahaja basa mōrēṃ. samujhi parā prasāda aba tōrēṃ..
jāniuom priyā tōri caturāī. ēhi bidhi kahahu mōri prabhutāī..
But all that (whatever is comprised in that cosmic form), my beloved, is naturally under my control; it is by your grace that this has become clear to me now. I have come to know your ingenuity, my dear; for in this way you have told my greatness.

तव बतकही गूढ़ मृगलोचनि। समुझत सुखद सुनत भय मोचनि॥
मंदोदरि मन महुँ अस ठयऊ। पियहि काल बस मति भ्रम भयउ॥4॥
tava batakahī gūḍha mṛgalōcani. samujhata sukhada sunata bhaya mōcani..
maṃdōdari mana mahuom asa ṭhayaū. piyahi kāla basa matibhrama bhayaū..
Your words, O fawn-eyed lady, are profound: they afford delight when understood and dispel all fear even when heard.” Mandodari was now convinced at heart that her husband’s impending death had deluded him.

दोहा | Doha
ऐहि बिधि करत बिनोद बहु प्रात प्रगट दसकंध।
सहज असंक लंकपति सभाँ गयउ मद अंध॥16 क॥
ēhi bidhi karata binōda bahu prāta pragaṭa dasakaṃdha.
sahaja asaṃka laṃkapati sabhāom gayau mada aṃdha..16ka..
While Ravana was laughing and joking in diverse ways as mentioned above, the day broke and the king of Lanka, who was intrepid by nature and further blinded by pride, entered the court.

सोरठा | Sortha:
फूलइ फरइ न बेत जदपि सुधा बरषहिं जलद।
मूरुख हृदयँ न चेत जौं गुर मिलहिं बिरंचि सम॥16 ख॥
phūlaha pharai na bēta jadapi sudhā baraṣahiṃ jalada.
mūrukha hṛdayaom na cēta jauṃ gura milahiṃ biraṃci sama..16kha..
The reed neither blossoms nor bears fruit even though the clouds rain nectar on it. Similarly, the light of wisdom would never dawn on a fool even though he may have a teacher like Viranci (Brahma).

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
इहाँ प्रात जागे रघुराई। पूछा मत सब सचिव बोलाई॥
कहहु बेगि का करिअ उपाई। जामवंत कह पद सिरु नाई॥1॥
ihāom prāta jāgē raghurāī. pūchā mata saba saciva bōlāī..
kahahu bēgi kā karia upāī. jāmavaṃta kaha pada siru nāī..
At this end the Lord of the Raghus woke at daybreak and, summoning all His counsellors, asked their opinion: “Tell me quickly what course should be adopted.” Jambavan bowed his head at the Lord’s feet and said,

सुनु सर्बग्य सकल उर बासी। बुधि बल तेज धर्म गुन रासी॥
मंत्र कहउँ निज मति अनुसारा। दूत पठाइअ बालि कुमारा॥2॥
sunu sarbagya sakala ura bāsī. budhi bala tēja dharma guna rāsī..
maṃtra kahauom nija mati anusārā. dūta paṭhāia bālikumārā..
“Listen, O omniscient Lord, indweller of all hearts, storehouse of wisdom, strength, glory, piety and goodness: I offer advice to You according to my own lights. It is that Vali’s son (Prince Angada) may be sent as an envoy (to Ravana).”

नीक मंत्र सब के मन माना। अंगद सन कह कृपानिधाना॥
बालितनय बुधि बल गुन धामा। लंका जाहु तात मम कामा॥3॥
nīka maṃtra saba kē mana mānā. aṃgada sana kaha kṛpānidhānā..
bālitanaya budhi bala guna dhāmā. laṃkā jāhu tāta mama kāmā..
The good counsel commended itself to all and the Allmerciful turned to Angada and said, “O son of Vali, repository of wisdom, strength and goodness! go to Lanka, dear son, for My cause.

बहुत बुझाइ तुम्हहि का कहऊँ। परम चतुर मैं जानत अहऊँ॥
काजु हमार तासु हित होई। रिपु सन करेहु बतकही सोई॥4॥
bahuta bujhāi tumhahi kā kahaūom. parama catura maiṃ jānata ahaūom..
kāju hamāra tāsu hita hōī. ripu sana karēhu batakahī sōī..
I need not give you any elaborate instructions. I know you are supremely clever. You should talk with the enemy in such words as may advance My cause and serve his interest at the same time.”

सोरठा | Sortha:
प्रभु अग्या धरि सीस चरन बंदि अंगद उठेउ।
सोइ गुन सागर ईस राम कृपा जा कर करहु॥17 क॥
prabhu agyā dhari sīsa carana baṃdi aṃgada uṭhēu.
sōi guna sāgara īsa rāma kṛpā jā para karahu..17ka..
Bowing to the Lord’s command and adoring His feet, Angada arose and said, “He alone is an ocean of virtues, on whom You shower Your grace, O divine Rama.”

स्वयंसिद्ध सब काज नाथ मोहि आदरु दियउ।
अस बिचारि जुबराज तन पुलकित हरषित हियउ॥17 ख॥
svayaṃ siddha saba kāja nātha mōhi ādaru diyau.
asa bicāri jubarāja tana pulakita haraṣita hiyau..17kha..
“All the objects of my Lord are self-accomplished,” he thought; “He has only honoured me (by charging me with this task).” And the thought thrilled his body and delighted his heart.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
बंदि चरन उर धरि प्रभुताई। अंगद चलेउ सबहि सिरु नाई॥
प्रभु प्रताप उर सहज असंका। रन बाँकुरा बालिसुत बंका॥1॥
baṃdi carana ura dhari prabhutāī. aṃgada calēu sabahi siru nāī..
prabhu pratāpa ura sahaja asaṃkā. rana bāomkurā bālisuta baṃkā..
Adoring the Lord’s feet and keeping His glory in his heart Angada bowed his head to all and departed. The gallant son of Vali, who was an adept in warfare, was dauntless by nature, cherishing as he did the might of the Lord.

पुर पैठत रावन कर बेटा। खेलत रहा सो होइ गै भेंटा॥
बातहिं बात करष बढ़ि आई। जुगल अतुल बल पुनि तरुनाई॥2॥
pura paiṭhata rāvana kara bēṭā. khēlata rahā sō hōi gai bhaiṃṭā..
bātahiṃ bāta karaṣa baḍhai āī. jugala atula bala puni tarunāī..
As soon as he entered the city he met one of Ravana’s sons (Prahasta by name), who was playing there. From words they proceeded to fight; for both were unrivalled in strength and in the prime of youth to boot.

तेहिं अंगद कहुँ लात उठाई। गहि पद पटकेउ भूमि भवाँई॥
निसिचर निकर देखि भट भारी। जहँ तहँ चले न सकहिं पुकारी॥3॥
tēhi aṃgada kahuom lāta uṭhāī. gahi pada paṭakēu bhūmi bhavāomī..
nisicara nikara dēkhi bhaṭa bhārī. jahaom tahaom calē na sakahiṃ pukārī..
He raised his foot to kick Angada, who in his turn seized the foot and, swinging him round, dashed him to the ground finding him a formidable warrior, the demons ran helterskelter in large numbers, too much frightened to raise an alarm.

एक एक सन मरमु न कहहीं। समुझि तासु बध चुप करि रहहीं॥
भयउ कोलाहल नगर मझारी। आवा कपि लंका जेहिं जारी॥4॥
ēka ēka sana maramu na kahahīṃ. samujhi tāsu badha cupa kari rahahīṃ..
bhayau kōlāhala nagara majhārī. āvā kapi laṃkā jēhīṃ jārī..
They did not tell one another what had happened, but kept quiet when they thought of the death of Ravana’s son. There was a cry in the whole city that the same monkey who had burnt down Lanka had come again.

अब धौं कहा करिहि करतारा। अति सभीत सब करहिं बिचारा॥
बिनु पूछें मगु देहिं दिखाई। जेहि बिलोक सोइ जाइ सुखाई॥5॥
aba dhauṃ kahā karihi karatārā. ati sabhīta saba karahiṃ bicārā..
binu pūchēṃ magu dēhiṃ dikhāī. jēhi bilōka sōi jāi sukhāī..
“Who knows what turn Providence is going to take?” everyone thought in excessive dismay. People showed him the way unasked: if he but looked at anyone, the latter would turn deadly pale.

दोहा | Doha
गयउ सभा दरबार तब सुमिरि राम पद कंज।
सिंह ठवनि इत उत चितव धीर बीर बल पुंज॥18॥
gayau sabhā darabāra taba sumiri rāma pada kaṃja.
siṃha ṭhavani ita uta citava dhīra bīra bala puṃja..18..
With his thoughts fixed on the lotus-feet of Sri Rama he then reached the gate of Ravana’s council-chamber. And there the stout-hearted and mighty hero stood with the mien of a lion glancing this side and that.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
तुरत निसाचर एक पठावा। समाचार रावनहि जनावा॥
सुनत बिहँसि बोला दससीसा। आनहु बोलि कहाँ कर कीसा॥1॥
turata nisācara ēka paṭhāvā. samācāra rāvanahi janāvā..
sunata bihaomsi bōlā dasasīsā. ānahu bōli kahāom kara kīsā..

He forthwith sent a demon and apprised Ravana of his arrival. On hearing the news the ten-headed monster laughed and said. “Go, usher him in my presence and let me see where the monkey has come from.”

आयसु पाइ दूत बहु धाए। कपिकुंजरहि बोलि लै आए॥
अंगद दीख दसानन बैसें। सहित प्रान कज्जलगिरि जैसें॥2॥
āyasu pāi dūta bahu dhāē. kapikuṃjarahi bōli lai āē..
aṃgada dīkha dasānana baiṃsēṃ. sahita prāna kajjalagiri jaisēṃ..

Receiving his order a host of messengers ran and fetched the monkey chief. Angada saw the ten-headed giant seated on his throne like a living mountain of collyrium.

भुजा बिटप सिर सृंग समाना। रोमावली लता जनु नाना॥
मुख नासिका नयन अरु काना। गिरि कंदरा खोह अनुमाना॥3॥
bhujā biṭapa sira sṛṃga samānā. rōmāvalī latā janu nānā..
mukha nāsikā nayana aru kānā. giri kaṃdarā khōha anumānā..

His arms looked like trees and heads like peaks; while the hair on his body presented the appearance of numerous creepers. His mouths, nostrils, eyes and ears were as big as mountain caves and chasms.

गयउ सभाँ मन नेकु न मुरा। बालितनय अतिबल बाँकुरा॥
उठे सभासद कपि कहुँ देखी। रावन उर भा क्रोध बिसेषी॥4॥
gayau sabhāom mana nēku na murā. bālitanaya atibala bāomkurā..
uṭhē sabhāsada kapi kahuom dēkhī. rāvana ura bhā kraudha bisēṣī..

With an unflinching mind he entered the court, the valiant son of Vali, possessed of great might. The assembly abruptly rose at the sight of the monkey; at this Ravana’s heart was filled with great fury

दोहा | Doha
जथा मत्त गज जूथ महुँ पंचानन चलि जाइ।
राम प्रताप सुमिरि मन बैठ सभाँ सिरु नाइ॥19॥
jathā matta gaja jūtha mahuom paṃcānana cali jāi.
rāma pratāpa sumiri mana baiṭha sabhāom siru nāi..19..

Thinking of Sri Rama’s might Angada bowed his head and took his seat in the assembly as fearlessly as a lion treads in the midst of mad elephants.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
कह दसकंठ कवन तैं बंदर। मैं रघुबीर दूत दसकंधर॥
मम जनकहि तोहि रही मिताई। तव हित कारन आयउँ भाई॥1॥
kaha dasakaṃṭha kavana taiṃ baṃdara. maiṃ raghubīra dūta dasakaṃdhara..
mama janakahi tōhi rahī mitāī. tava hita kārana āyauom bhāī..

“Monkey, who are you?” Ravana asked. “I am an ambassador from the Hero of Raghu’s line, Ravana. There was friendship between you and my father; hence it is in your interest, brother, that I have come.

उत्तम कुल पुलस्ति कर नाती। सिव बिंरचि पूजेहु बहु भाँती॥
बर पायहु कीन्हेहु सब काजा। जीतेहु लोकपाल सब राजा॥2॥
uttama kula pulasti kara nātī. siva biraṃci pūjēhu bahu bhāomtī..
bara pāyahu kīnhēhu saba kājā. jītēhu lōkapāla saba rājā..
Of noble descent and a grandson of the sage Pulastya (one of the mind-born sons of Brahma), you worshipped Lord

Siva and Brahma in various ways, obtained boons from them, accomplished all your objects and conquered the guardians of the different spheres as well as all earthly sovereigns.

नृप अभिमान मोह बस किंबा। हरि आनिहु सीता जगदंबा॥
अब सुभ कहा सुनहु तुम्ह मोरा। सब अपराध छमिहि प्रभु तोरा॥3॥
nṛpa abhimāna mōha basa kiṃbā. hari ānihu sītā jagadaṃbā..
aba subha kahā sunahu tumha mōrā. saba aparādha chamihi prabhu tōrā..

Under the influence of kingly pride or infatuation you carried off Sita, the Mother of the Universe. But even now you listen to my friendly advice and the Lord will forgive all your offences.

दसन गहहु तृन कंठ कुठारी। परिजन सहित संग निज नारी॥
सादर जनकसुता करि आगें। एहि बिधि चलहु सकल भय त्यागें॥4॥
dasana gahahu tṛna kaṃṭha kuṭhārī. parijana sahita saṃga nija nārī..
sādara janakasutā kari āgēṃ. ēhi bidhi calahu sakala bhaya tyāgēṃ..

Put a straw between the rows of your teeth and an axe by your throat and take all your people including your wives with you, respectfully placing Janaka’s Daughter at the head. In this way repair to Him shedding all fear.

दोहा | Doha
प्रनतपाल रघुबंसमनि त्राहि त्राहि अब मोहि।
आरत गिरा सुनत प्रभु अभय करेंगे तोहि॥20॥
pranatapāla raghubaṃsamani trāhi trāhi aba mōhi.
ārata girā sunata prabhu abhaya karaigō tōhi..20..

“And address Him thus: ‘O Protector of the suppliant, O Jewel of Raghu’s race, save me, save me now.’ The moment He hears your piteous cry the Lord will surely rid you of every fear.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
रे कपिपोत बोलु संभारी। मूढ़ न जानेहि मोहि सुरारी॥
कहु निज नाम जनक कर भाई। केहि नातें मानिऐ मिताई॥1॥
rē kapipōta bōlu saṃbhārī. mūḍha na jānēhi mōhi surārī..
kahu nija nāma janaka kara bhāī. kēhi nātēṃ māniai mitāī..
Mind what you speak, you little monkey. Fool, are you not aware of my being an avowed enemy of the gods? Tell me,

young fellow, your own name as well as your father’s. What is the common ground on which you claim fellowship between your father and myself?”

अंगद नाम बालि कर बेटा। तासों कबहुँ भई ही भेंटा॥
अंगद बचन सुनत सकुचाना। रहा बालि बानर मैं जाना॥2॥
aṃgada nāma bāli kara bēṭā. tāsōṃ kabahuom bhaī hī bhēṭā..
aṃgada bacana sunata sakucānā. rahā bāli bānara maiṃ jānā..

“Angada is my name: I am Vali’s son. Did you ever meet him?” Ravana felt uncomfortable when he heard Angada’s reply. “Yes, I do remember that there was a monkey, Vali by name.

अंगद तहीं बालि कर बालक। उपजेहु बंस अनल कुल घालक॥
गर्भ न गयहु ब्यर्थ तुम्ह जायहु। निज मुख तापस दूत कहायहु॥3॥
aṃgada tahīṃ bāli kara bālaka. upajēhu baṃsa anala kula ghālaka..
garbha na gayahu byartha tumha jāyahu. nija mukha tāpasa dūta kahāyahu..

But, Angada, are you Vali’s son? You have been born as a fire in a cluster of bamboos for the destruction of your own race. Why should you have not perished even in the womb? In vain were you born, who have called yourself with your own mouth a hermit’s envoy.

अब कहु कुसल बालि कहँ अहई। बिहँसि बचन तब अंगद कहई॥
दिन दस गएँ बालि पहिं जाई। बूझेहु कुसल सखा उर लाई॥4॥
aba kahu kusala bāli kahaom ahaī. bihaomsi bacana taba aṃgada kahaī..
dina dasa gaēom bāli pahiṃ jāī. būjhēhu kusala sakhā ura lāī..

Now tell me if all is well with Vali and, if so, where is he?” Angada laughed at this and then replied. “Ten days hence you shall go to Vali and embracing your friend personally enquire after his welfare.

राम बिरोध कुसल जसि होई। सो सब तोहि सुनाइहि सोई॥
सुनु सठ भेद होइ मन ताकें। श्री रघुबीर हृदय नहिं जाकें॥5॥
rāma birōdha kusala jasi hōī. sō saba tōhi sunāihi sōī..
sunu saṭha bhēda hōi mana tākēṃ. śrīraghubīra hṛdaya nahiṃ jākēṃ..

He will tell you all about the welfare that follows from hostility with Sri Rama. Listen, O fool: the seeds of dissension can be sown in the mind of him alone whose heart is closed to the Hero of Raghu’s line.”

दोहा | Doha
हम कुल घालक सत्य तुम्ह कुल पालक दससीस।
अंधउ बधिर न अस कहहिं नयन कान तव बीस॥21॥
hama kula ghālaka satya tumha kula pālaka dasasīsa.
aṃdhau badhira na asa kahahiṃ nayana kāna tava bīsa..21.

I, forsooth, am the exterminator of my race; while you, Ravana, are the preserver of yours. Even the blind and the deaf would not say so, whereas you possess a score of eyes and an equal number of ears.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
सिव बिरंचि सुर मुनि समुदाई। चाहत जासु चरन सेवकाई॥
तासु दूत होइ हम कुल बोरा। अइसिहुँ मति उर बिहर न तोरा॥1॥
siva biraṃci sura muni samudāī. cāhata jāsu carana sēvakāī..
tāsu dūta hōi hama kula bōrā. aisihuom mati ura bihara na tōrā..

“What! Did I bring dishonour on my family by acting as His ambassador whose feet even Siva, Brahma and all the gods and sages desire to serve? It is strange that your heart does not burst asunder even on entertaining such an idea.”

सुनि कठोर बानी कपि केरी। कहत दसानन नयन तरेरी॥
खल तव कठिन बचन सब सहऊँ। नीति धर्म मैं जानत अहऊँ॥2॥
suni kaṭhōra bānī kapi kērī. kahata dasānana nayana tarērī..
khala tava kaṭhina bacana saba sahaūom. nīti dharma maiṃ jānata ahaūom..

When he heard the monkey’s sharp rejoinder, Ravana glowered at him and said, “Wretch, I put up with your harsh words only because I know the bounds of decorum and righteousness.”

कह कपि धर्मसीलता तोरी। हमहुँ सुनी कृत पर त्रिय चोरी॥
देखी नयन दूत रखवारी। बूड़ि न मरहु धर्म ब्रतधारी॥3॥
kaha kapi dharmasīlatā tōrī. hamahuom sunī kṛta para triya cōrī..
dēkhī nayana dūta rakhavārī. būḍai na marahu dharma bratadhārī..

Said the monkey, “I too have heard of your piety, which is evident from the fact that you stole away another’s wife. And I have witnessed with my own eyes the protection you vouchsafed to an envoy. An upholder of piety, why do you not drown yourself and thus end your life?

कान नाक बिनु भगिनि निहारी। छमा कीन्हि तुम्ह धर्म बिचारी॥
धर्मसीलता तव जग जागी। पावा दरसु हमहुँ बड़भागी॥4॥

kāna nāka binu bhagini nihārī. chamā kīnhi tumha dharma bicārī..
dharmasīlatā tava jaga jāgī. pāvā darasu hamahuom baḍabhāgī..

When you saw your sister with her ears and nose cut off, it was from considerations of piety that you forgave the wrong. Your piety is famed throughout the world: I too am very fortunate in having been able to see you.”

दोहा | Doha
जनि जल्पसि जड़ जंतु कपि सठ बिलोकु मम बाहु।
लोकपाल बल बिपुल ससि ग्रसन हेतु सब राहु॥22 क॥
jani jalpasi jaḍa jaṃtu kapi saṭha bilōku mama bāhu.
lōkapāla bala bipula sasi grasana hētu saba rāhu..22ka..

Prate no more, you stupid creature, but look at my arms, O foolish monkey, that are like so many Rahus to eclipse the tremendous moon-like might of the guardians of the spheres.

पुनि नभ सर मम कर निकर कमलन्हि पर करि बास।
सोभत भयउ मराल इव संभु सहित कैलास॥22 ख॥
puni nabha sara mama kara nikara kamalanhi para kari bāsa.
sōbhata bhayau marāla iva saṃbhu sahita kailāsa..22kha..

Again, (you might have heard that) while resting on my lotus-like palms in the lake of the heavens. Mount Kailasa with Sambhu (Lord Siva) shone like a swan.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
तुम्हरे कटक माझ सुनु अंगद। मो सन भिरिहि कवन जोधा बद॥
तब प्रभु नारि बिरहँ बलहीना। अनुज तासु दुख दुखी मलीना॥1॥
tumharē kaṭaka mājha sunu aṃgada. mō sana bhirihi kavana jōdhā bada..
tava prabhu nāri birahaom balahīnā. anuja tāsu dukha dukhī malīnā..

“Listen, Angada; tell me which warrior in your army will dare encounter me. Your master (Rama) has grown weak due to separation from his wife, while his younger brother (Laksmana) shares his grief and is consequently very sad.

तुम्ह सुग्रीव कूलद्रुम दोऊ। अनुज हमार भीरु अति सोऊ॥
जामवंत मंत्री अति बूढ़ा। सो कि होइ अब समरारूढ़ा॥2॥
tumha sugrīva kūladruma dōū. anuja hamāra bhīru ati sōū..
jāmavaṃta maṃtrī ati būḍhaā. sō ki hōi aba samarārūḍhaā..

You and Sugriva are like trees on a river bank (that can be washed away any moment); as for my younger brother (Vibhisana), he is a great coward. Your counsellor, Jambavan, is too advanced in age to take his stand on the field of battle;

सिल्पि कर्म जानहिं नल नीला। है कपि एक महा बलसीला॥
आवा प्रथम नगरु जेहिं जारा। सुनत बचन कह बालिकुमारा॥3॥
silpi karma jānahiṃ nala nīlā. hai kapi ēka mahā balasīlā..
āvā prathama nagaru jēṃhiṃ jārā. sunata bacana kaha bālikumārā..

while Nala and Nila are mere architects (and no warriors). There is one monkey, no doubt, of extraordinary might-he who came before and set fire to the city.”

सत्य बचन कहु निसिचर नाहा। साँचेहुँ कीस कीन्ह पुर दाहा॥
रावण नगर अल्प कपि दहई। सुनि अस बचन सत्य को कहई॥4॥
satya bacana kahu nisicara nāhā. sāomcēhuom kīsa kīnha pura dāhā..
rāvana nagara alpa kapi dahaī. suni asa bacana satya kō kahaī..

On hearing this Vali’s son (Angada) replied: “Tell me the truth, O demon king: is it a fact that a monkey burnt down your capital? A puny monkey set on fire Ravana’s capital ! Who, on hearing such a report, would declare it as true?

जो अति सुभट सराहेहु रावन। सो सुग्रीव केर लघु धावन॥
चलइ बहुत सो बीर न होई। पठवा खबरि लेन हम सोई॥5॥
jō ati subhaṭa sarāhēhu rāvana. sō sugrīva kēra laghu dhāvana..
calai bahuta sō bīra na hōī. paṭhavā khabari lēna hama sōī..

Ravana, he whom you have extolled as a distinguished warrior is only one of Sugriva’s petty runners. He who walks long distances is no champion; we sent him only to get news.”

दोहा | Dohas
सत्य नगरु कपि जारेउ बिनु प्रभु आयसु पाइ।
फिरि न गयउ सुग्रीव पहिं तेहिं भय रहा लुकाइ॥23 क॥
satya nagaru kapi jārēu binu prabhu āyasu pāi.
phiri na gayau sugrīva pahiṃ tēhiṃ bhaya rahā lukāi..23ka.

“It seems true that the monkey set fire to your capital without receiving an order from his master. That is why he did not go back to Sugriva and remained in hiding for fear.

सत्य कहहि दसकंठ सब मोहि न सुनि कछु कोह।
कोउ न हमारें कटक अस तो सन लरत जो सोह॥23 ख॥
satya kahahi dasakaṃṭha saba mōhi na suni kachu kōha.
kōu na hamārēṃ kaṭaka asa tō sana larata jō sōha..23kha..

All that you say, Ravana, is true and I am not in the least angry at hearing it. There is none in our army who would fight you with any amount of grace.

प्रीति बिरोध समान सन करिअ नीति असि आहि।
जौं मृगपति बध मेडुकन्हि भल कि कहइ कोउ ताहि॥23 ग॥
prīti birōdha samāna sana karia nīti asi āhi.
jauṃ mṛgapati badha mēḍaukanhi bhala ki kahai kōu tāhi..23ga..

Make friends or enter into hostilities only with your equals: this is a sound maxim to follow. If a lion were to kill frogs, will anyone speak well of him?

जद्यपि लघुता राम कहुँ तोहि बधें बड़ दोष।
तदपि कठिन दसकंठ सुनु छत्र जाति कर रोष॥23 घ॥
jadyapi laghutā rāma kahuom tōhi badhēṃ baḍa dōṣa.
tadapi kaṭhina dasakaṃṭha sunu chatra jāti kara rōṣa..23gha..

Though it would be derogatory on the part of Sri Rama to kill you and He will incur great blame thereby, yet, mark me, Ravana, the fury of the Ksatriya race is hard to face.”

बक्र उक्ति धनु बचन सर हृदय दहेउ रिपु कीस।
प्रतिउत्तर सड़सिन्ह मनहुँ काढ़त भट दससीस॥23 ङ॥
bakra ukti dhanu bacana sara hṛdaya dahēu ripu kīsa.
pratiuttara saḍasinha manahuom kāḍhata bhaṭa dasasīsa..23ṅa..

The monkey (Angada) burnt the enemy’s heart with shafts of speech shot forth from the bow of sarcasm; and the ten-headed hero proceeded to extract the arrows, so to speak, with pairs of pincers in the form of rejoinders.

हँसि बोलेउ दसमौलि तब कपि कर बड़ गुन एक।
जो प्रतिपालइ तासु हित करइ उपाय अनेक॥23 च॥
haomsi bōlēu dasamauli taba kapi kara baḍa guna ēka.
jō pratipālai tāsu hita karai upāya anēka..23cha..

He laughed and said: “A monkey possesses one great virtue: it does everything in its power to serve him who maintains it.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
धन्य कीस जो निज प्रभु काजा। जहँ तहँ नाचइ परिहरि लाजा॥
नाचि कूदि करि लोग रिझाई। पति हित करइ धर्म निपुनाई॥1॥
dhanya kīsa jō nija prabhu kājā. jahaom tahaom nācai parihari lājā..
nāci kūdi kari lōga rijhāī. pati hita karai dharma nipunāī..

Bravo for a monkey, who dances unabashed in the service of its master anywhere and everywhere. Dancing and skipping about to amuse the people it serves the interest of its master; this shows its keen devotion to duty.

अंगद स्वामिभक्त तव जाती। प्रभु गुन कस न कहसि एहि भाँती॥
मैं गुन गाहक परम सुजाना। तव कटु रटनि करउँ नहिं काना॥2॥
aṃgada svāmibhakta tava jātī. prabhu guna kasa na kahasi ēhi bhāomtī..
maiṃ guna gāhaka parama sujānā. tava kaṭu raṭani karauom nahiṃ kānā..

Angada, all of your race are devoted to their lord; how could you, then, fail to extol the virtues of your master in the way you have done? I am a respecter of merit and too magnanimous to pay any attention to your scurrilously glib talk.”

कह कपि तव गुन गाहकताई। सत्य पवनसुत मोहि सुनाई॥
बन बिधंसि सुत बधि पुर जारा। तदपि न तेहिं कछु कृत अपकारा॥3॥
kaha kapi tava guna gāhakatāī. satya pavanasuta mōhi sunāī..
bana bidhaṃsi suta badhi pura jārā. tadapi na tēhiṃ kachu kṛta apakārā..
Said Angada: “The son of the wind-god gave me a true account of your partiality to merit. He laid waste your garden, killed your son and set fire to your city and yet (in your eyes) he did you no wrong.

सोइ बिचारि तव प्रकृति सुहाई। दसकंधर मैं कीन्हि ढिठाई॥
देखेउँ आइ जो कछु कपि भाषा। तुम्हरें लाज न रोष न माखा॥4॥
sōi bicāri tava prakṛti suhāī. dasakaṃdhara maiṃ kīnhi ḍhiṭhāī..
dēkhēuom āi jō kachu kapi bhāṣā. tumharēṃ lāja na rōṣa na mākhā..
Remembering such amiability of your disposition I have been so insolent in my behaviour with you, O Ravana. On coming here I have witnessed all that Hanuman told me, viz., that you have no shame, no anger and no feeling of resentment.”

*जौं असि मति पितु खाए कीसा। कहि अस बचन हँसा दससीसा॥
पितहि खाइ खातेउँ पुनि तोही। अबहीं समुझि परा कछु मोही॥5॥
jauṃ asi mati pitu khāē kīsā. kahi asa bacana haomsā dasasīsā..
pitahi khāi khātēuom puni tōhī. abahīṃ samujhi parā kachu mōhī..
“It is because you possess such a mentality that you have proved to be the death of your own father.” Uttering these words Ravana burst into a laughter. “Having been the death of my father I would have next claimed you as my victim; but a thought has come to me just now.

बालि बिमल जस भाजन जानी। हतउँ न तोहि अधम अभिमानी॥
कहु रावन रावन जग केते। मैं निज श्रवन सुने सुनु जेते॥6॥
bāli bimala jasa bhājana jānī. hatauom na tōhi adhama abhimānī..
kahu rāvana rāvana jaga kētē. maiṃ nija śravana sunē sunu jētē..
Knowing you to be a living memorial of Vali’s unsullied fame, I desist from killing you, O vile boaster. Tell me, Ravana, how many Ravanas there are in the world? Or hear from me how many I have heard of.

बलिहि जितन एक गयउ पताला। राखेउ बाँधि सिसुन्ह हयसाला॥
खेलहिं बालक मारहिं जाई। दया लागि बलि दीन्ह छोड़ाई॥7॥
balihi jitana ēka gayau patālā. rākhēu bāomdhi sisunha hayasālā..
khēlahiṃ bālaka mārahiṃ jāī. dayā lāgi bali dīnha chōḍaāī..
One went to the nether world (Patala) to conquer Bali and was tied up in the stables by the children, who made sport of him and thrashed him till Bali took compassion on him and had him released.

एक बहोरि सहसभुज देखा। धाइ धरा जिमि जंतु बिसेषा॥
कौतुक लागि भवन लै आवा। सो पुलस्ति मुनि जाइ छोड़ावा॥8॥
ēka bahōri sahasabhuja dēkhā. dhāi dharā jimi jaṃtu bisēṣā..
kautuka lāgi bhavana lai āvā. sō pulasti muni jāi chōḍaāvā..
Another again was discovered by King Sahasrabahu, who ran and captured him as a strange creature and brought him home for the sake of fun. The sage Pulastya then went and secured his release.”

दोहा | Doha
एक कहत मोहि सकुच अति रहा बालि कीं काँख।
इन्ह महुँ रावन तैं कवन सत्य बदहि तजि माख॥24॥
ēka kahata mōhi sakuca ati rahā bāli kī kāomkha.
inha mahuom rāvana taiṃ kavana satya badahi taji mākha..24..
Yet another, I am much ashamed to tell you, was held tight under Vali’s arm. Be not angry, Ravana, but tell me the truth, which of these may you be?”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS : :
सुनु सठ सोइ रावन बलसीला। हरगिरि जान जासु भुज लीला॥
जान उमापति जासु सुराई। पूजेउँ जेहि सिर सुमन चढ़ाई॥1॥
sunu saṭha sōi rāvana balasīlā. haragiri jāna jāsu bhuja līlā..
jāna umāpati jāsu surāī. pūjēuom jēhi sira sumana caḍhaāī..
Listen, O fool: I am the same mighty Ravana, the sport of whose arms is familiar to Mount Kailasa (the peak sacred to Lord Siva) and whose valour is known to Uma’s Spouse (Siva Himself), in whose worship I offered my heads as flowers.

सिर सरोज निज करन्हि उतारी। पूजेउँ अमित बार त्रिपुरारी॥
भुज बिक्रम जानहिं दिगपाला। सठ अजहूँ जिन्ह कें उर साला॥2॥
sira sarōja nija karanhi utārī. pūjēuom amita bāra tripurārī..
bhuja bikrama jānahiṃ digapālā. saṭha ajahūom jinha kēṃ ura sālā..

Times without number have I removed my lotus-like heads with my own hands to worship Lord Siva (the Slayer of Tripura). The prowess of my arms is well-known to the guardians of the eight quarters, whose heart, you fool, still smarts under injuries inflicted by them.

जानहिं दिग्गज उर कठिनाई। जब जब भिरउँ जाइ बरिआई॥
जिन्ह के दसन कराल न फूटे। उर लागत मूलक इव टूटे॥3॥
jānahiṃ diggaja ura kaṭhināī. jaba jaba bhirauom jāi bariāī..
jinha kē dasana karāla na phūṭē. ura lāgata mūlaka iva ṭūṭē..
The toughness of my chest is familiar to the elephants supporting the eight quarters, whose fierce tusks, whenever I impetuously grappled with them, failed to make any impression on it and snapped off like radishes the moment they struck against it.

जासु चलत डोलति इमि धरनी। चढ़त मत्त गज जिमि लघु तरनी॥
सोइ रावन जग बिदित प्रतापी। सुनेहि न श्रवन अलीक प्रलापी॥4॥
jāsu calata ḍōlati imi dharanī. caḍhata matta gaja jimi laghu taranī..
sōi rāvana jaga bidita pratāpī. sunēhi na śravana alīka pralāpī..
Even as I walk, the earth shakes like a small boat when a mad elephant steps into it. I am the same Ravana, known for his might all over the world; did you never hear of him, you lying prattler ?”

दोहा | Doha
तेहि रावन कहँ लघु कहसि नर कर करसि बखान।
रे कपि बर्बर खर्ब खल अब जाना तव ग्यान॥25॥
tēhi rāvana kahaom laghu kahasi nara kara karasi bakhāna.
rē kapi barbara kharba khala aba jānā tava gyāna..25..
“You belittle that Ravana and extol a mortal man? Barbarous monkey, O puny wretch. I have now fathomed your wisdom.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
सुनि अंगद सकोप कह बानी। बोलु संभारि अधम अभिमानी॥
सहसबाहु भुज गहन अपारा। दहन अनल सम जासु कुठारा॥1॥
suni aṃgada sakōpa kaha bānī. bōlu saombhāri adhama abhimānī..
sahasabāhu bhuja gahana apārā. dahana anala sama jāsu kuṭhārā..

On hearing this, Angada indignantly replied: “Take care what you say, you vainglorious wretch. How can He be accounted a man, you wretched Ravana, at whose very sight melted away the pride of Parasurama-the same Parasurama whose axe was like a fire to consume King Sahasrabahu’s boundless forest of arms,

जासु परसु सागर खर धारा। बूड़े नृप अगनित बहु बारा॥
तासु गर्ब जेहि देखत भागा। सो नर क्यों दससीस अभागा॥2॥
jāsu parasu sāgara khara dhārā. būḍaē nṛpa aganita bahu bārā..
tāsu garba jēhi dēkhata bhāgā. sō nara kyōṃ dasasīsa abhāgā..

or (to use another simile) like the sea in whose swift tide have drowned innumerable kings time after time. How can he (Sri Rama) be a mortal, you arrogant fool?

राम मनुज कस रे सठ बंगा। धन्वी कामु नदी पुनि गंगा॥
पसु सुरधेनु कल्पतरु रूखा। अन्न दान अरु रस पीयूषा॥3॥
rāma manuja kasa rē saṭha baṃgā. dhanvī kāmu nadī puni gaṃgā..
pasu suradhēnu kalpataru rūkhā. anna dāna aru rasa pīyūṣā..

You arrogant fool? Is Sri Ram a human, Is the god of love a mere archer, the Ganga a mere stream, the cow of plenty a mere beast, the tree of Paradise a mere tree, the gift of food an ordinary gift, nectar an ordinary drink,

बैनतेय खग अहि सहसानन। चिंतामनि पुनि उपल दसानन॥
सुनु मतिमंद लोक बैकुंठा। लाभ कि रघुपति भगति अकुंठा॥4॥
bainatēya khaga ahi sahasānana. ciṃtāmani puni upala dasānana..
sunu matimaṃda lōka baikuṃṭhā. lābha ki raghupati bhagati akuṃṭhā..

Garuda (the mount of God Visnu) a mere bird, the thousand-headed Sesa a mere serpent and the wish-yielding gem a mere stone, O ten-headed monster? Listen, O dullard: is Vaikuntha an ordinary sphere and unflinching devotion to the Lord of the Raghus an ordinary gain?”

दोहा | Doha
सेन सहित तव मान मथि बन उजारि पुर जारि।
कस रे सठ हनुमान कपि गयउ जो तव सुत मारि॥26॥
sēna sahita taba māna mathi bana ujāri pura jāri..
kasa rē saṭha hanumāna kapi gayau jō tava suta māri..26..

“What ! is Hanuman, O fool, an ordinary monkey, who got off unhurt after trampling your pride as well as that of your army, laying waste your garden, setting your capital on fire and slaying your own son?

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
सुनु रावन परिहरि चतुराई। भजसि न कृपासिंधु रघुराई॥
जौं खल भएसि राम कर द्रोही। ब्रह्म रुद्र सक राखि न तोही॥1॥
sunu rāvana parihari caturāī. bhajasi na kṛpāsiṃdhu raghurāī..
jau khala bhaēsi rāma kara drōhī. brahma rudra saka rākhi na tōhī..

“Listen, Ravana: giving up all hypocrisy, why do you not adore the All-merciful Lord of the Raghus? Oh wretch, if you pit yourself against Rama, even Brahma (the Creator) and Rudra (Lord Siva) cannot save you.

मूढ़ बृथा जनि मारसि गाला। राम बयर अस होइहि हाला॥
तव सिर निकर कपिन्ह के आगें। परिहहिं धरनि राम सर लागें॥2॥
mūḍha bṛthā jani mārasi gālā. rāma bayara asa hōihi hālā..
tava sira nikara kapinha kē āgēṃ. parihahiṃ dharani rāma sara lāgēṃ..
Fool, brag not in vain; if you contend with Rama, such will be your fate: struck with Sri Rama’s arrows your many heads will fall to the ground in front of the monkeys,

ते तव सिर कंदुक सम नाना। खेलिहहिं भालु कीस चौगाना॥
जबहिं समर कोपिहि रघुनायक। छुटिहहिं अति कराल बहु सायक॥3॥
tē tava sira kaṃduka sama nānā. khēlahahiṃ bhālu kīsa caugānā..
jabahiṃ samara kōpahi raghunāyaka. chuṭihahiṃ ati karāla bahu sāyaka.
and the bears and monkeys will play with those heads as with so many balls. When the Lord of the Raghus gets enraged in battle and His many fierce arrows dart,

तब कि चलिहि अस गाल तुम्हारा। अस बिचारि भजु राम उदारा॥
सुनत बचन रावन परजरा। जरत महानल जनु घृत परा॥4॥
taba ki calihi asa gāla tumhārā. asa bicāri bhaju rāma udārā..
sunata bacana rāvana parajarā. jarata mahānala janu ghṛta parā..

will you then be able to bounce like this? Realizing this, adore the high-souled Sri Rama.” On hearing these words Ravana flared up like a blazing fire on which clarified butter has been thrown.

दोहा | Doha
कुंभकरन अस बंधु मम सुत प्रसिद्ध सक्रारि।
मोर पराक्रम नहिं सुनेहि जितेऊँ चराचर झारि॥27॥
kuṃbhakarana asa baṃdhu mama suta prasiddha sakrāri.
mōra parākrama nahiṃ sunēhi jitēuom carācara jhāri..27..
“I have a brother like Kumbhakarna (lit., one having ears as big as a pair of jars) and the renowned Meghanada (the vanquisher of Indra) for my son. And have you never heard of my own valour, by which I have conquered the entire creation, both animate and inanimate?”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
सठ साखामृग जोरि सहाई। बाँधा सिंधु इहइ प्रभुताई॥
नाघहिं खग अनेक बारीसा। सूर न होहिं ते सुनु सब कीसा॥1॥
saṭha sākhāmṛga jōri sahāī. bāomdhā siṃdhu ihai prabhutāī..
nāghahiṃ khaga anēka bārīsā. sūra na hōhiṃ tē sunu saba kīsā..
“Fool, with the help of monkeys your master has bridged the ocean; is this what you call valour? There are many birds which fly across the ocean; yet listen, O monkey, they are no heroes all.

मम भुज सागर बल जल पूरा। जहँ बूड़े बहु सुर नर सूरा॥
बीस पयोधि अगाध अपारा। को अस बीर जो पाइहि पारा॥2॥
mama bhuja sāgara bala jala pūrā. jahaom būḍaē bahu sura nara sūrā..
bīsa payōdhi agādha apārā. kō asa bīra jō pāihi pārā..
Now each of my arms is a veritable ocean, brimming over with a flood of strength, beneath which many a valiant god and man has been drowned. What hero is there, who will cross these twenty unfathomable and boundless oceans?

दिगपालन्ह मैं नीर भरावा। भूप सुजस खल मोहि सुनावा॥
जौं पै समर सुभट तव नाथा। पुनि पुनि कहसि जासु गुन गाथा॥3॥
digapālanha maiṃ nīra bharāvā. bhūpa sujasa khala mōhi sunāvā..
jauṃ pai samara subhaṭa tava nāthā. puni puni kahasi jāsu guna gāthā..
I made the guardians of the eight quarters do menial service to me; while you, O wretch, glorify an earthly prince before me ! If your lord, whose virtues you recount again and again, is valiant in battle,

तौ बसीठ पठवत केहि काजा। रिपु सन प्रीति करत नहिं लाजा॥
हरगिरि मथन निरखु मम बाहू। पुनि सठ कपि निज प्रभुहि सराहू॥4॥
tau basīṭha paṭhavata kēhi kājā. ripu sana prīti karata nahiṃ lājā..
haragiri mathana nirakhu mama bāhū. puni saṭha kapi nija prabhuhi sarāhū..
why does he send an ambassador to me? Is he not ashamed to make terms with his enemy? Look at my arms, which lifted and violently shook Mount Kailasa, and then, foolish monkey, extol your master, if you like

दोहा | Doha
सूर कवन रावन सरिस स्वकर काटि जेहिं सीस।
हुने अनल अति हरष बहु बार साखि गौरीस॥28॥
sūra kavana rāvana sarisa svakara kāṭi jēhiṃ sīsa.
hunē anala ati haraṣa bahu bāra sākhi gaurīsa..28..
What hero is there equal to Ravana, who with his own hands cut off his heads time and again and offered them to the sacrificial fire with great delight, as will be borne out by Gauri’s Spouse (Lord Siva) Himself.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
जरत बिलोकेउँ जबहि कपाला। बिधि के लिखे अंक निज भाला॥
नर कें कर आपन बध बाँची। हसेउँ जानि बिधि गिरा असाँची॥1॥
jarata bilōkēuom jabahiṃ kapālā. bidhi kē likhē aṃka nija bhālā..
nara kēṃ kara āpana badha bāomcī. hasēuom jāni bidhi girā asāomcī..
“When as my skulls began to burn I saw the decree of Providence traced on my brow and read that I was going to die at the hands of a mortal, I laughed;

सोउ मन समुझि त्रास नहिं मोरें। लिखा बिरंचि जरठ मति भोरें॥
आन बीर बल सठ मम आगें। पुनि पुनि कहसि लाज पति त्यागें॥2॥
sōu mana samujhi trāsa nahiṃ mōrēṃ. likhā biraṃci jaraṭha mati bhōrēṃ..
āna bīra bala saṭha mama āgēṃ. puni puni kahasi lāja pati tyāgē..
for I knew Brahma’s prophecy to be false. I am not afraid in my heart even when I remember this; for (I am sure) Brahma must have traced the decree in his senile dementia. Yet, you fool, you repeatedly exalt the might of another hero in my presence, giving up all shame and decorum.”

कह अंगद सलज्ज जग माहीं। रावन तोहि समान कोउ नाहीं॥
लाजवंत तव सहज सुभाऊ। निज मुख निज गुन कहसि न काऊ॥3॥
kaha aṃgada salajja jaga māhīṃ. rāvana tōhi samāna kōu nāhīṃ..
lājavaṃta tava sahaja subhāū. nija mukha nija guna kahasi na kāū..
Angada replied: “Yes, there is no one in the whole world so shamefaced as you. You are bashful by your innate disposition, since you never indulge in self-praise.

सिर अरु सैल कथा चित रही। ताते बार बीस तैं कहीं॥
सो भुजबल राखेहु उर घाली। जीतेहु सहसबाहु बलि बाली॥4॥
sira aru saila kathā cita rahī. tātē bāra bīsa taiṃ kahī..
sō bhujabala rākhēu ura ghālī. jītēhu sahasabāhu bali bālī..
Only the story of offering your heads (to Lord Siva) and lifting the mountain (Kailasa) has been foremost in your mind and hence you have told it twenty times over. As for (the tale of) that strength of arm by which you were able to conquer Sahasrabahu, Bali and Vali, you have kept it secret in your heart.

सुनु मतिमंद देहि अब पूरा। काटें सीस कि होइअ सूरा॥
इंद्रजालि कहुँ कहिअ न बीरा। काटइ निज कर सकल सरीरा॥5॥
sunu matimaṃda dēhi aba pūrā. kāṭēṃ sīsa ki hōia sūrā..
iṃdrajāli kahu kahia na bīrā. kāṭai nija kara sakala sarīrā..

Listen, fool, and brag no more. Can anyone turn a hero by cutting off one’s head ? A juggler is never called a hero even though he hacks to pieces his whole body with his own hands.”

दोहा | Doha
जरहिं पतंग मोह बस भार बहहिं खर बृंद।
ते नहिं सूर कहावहिं समुझि देखु मतिमंद॥29॥
jarahiṃ pataṃga mōha basa bhāra bahahiṃ khara bṛṃda.
tē nahiṃ sūra kahāvahiṃ samujhi dēkhu matimaṃda..29..

Ponder, O fool, and see for yourself that due to infatuation moths burn themselves in fire and donkeys carry loads; but they are never termed as heroes.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
अब जनि बतबढ़ाव खल करही। सुनु मम बचन मान परिहरही॥
दसमुख मैं न बसीठीं आयउँ। अस बिचारि रघुबीर पठायउँ॥1॥
aba jani batabaḍhaāva khala karahī. sunu mama bacana māna pariharahī..
dasamukha maiṃ na basīṭhīṃ āyauom. asa bicāri raghubīra paṭhāyauom..

Cease wrangling any more, O wretch; listen to my advice and have done away with pride. I have not come to you as an envoy (to seek terms with you), O ten-headed monster; the Hero of Raghu’s line has sent me from other considerations.

बार बार अस कहइ कृपाला। नहिं गजारि जसु बंधे सृकाला॥
मन महुँ समुझि बचन प्रभु केरे। सहेउँ कठोर बचन सठ तेरे॥2॥
bāra bāra asa kahai kṛpālā. nahiṃ gajāri jasu badhēṃ sṛkālā..
mana mahuom samujhi bacana prabhu kērē. sahēuom kaṭhōra bacana saṭha tērē..
The Allmerciful has said again and again: ‘A lion earns no reputation by killing a jackal.’ Bearing in mind the words of my lord I have suffered, O fool, your pungent speech.

नाहिं त करि मुख भंजन तोरा। लैं जातेउँ सीतहि बरजोरा॥
जानेउँ तव बल अधम सुरारी। सूनें हरि आनिहि परनारी॥3॥
nāhiṃ ta kari mukha bhaṃjana tōrā. lai jātēuom sītahi barajōrā..
jānēuom tava bala adhama surārī. sūnēṃ hari ānihi paranārī..
Otherwise, I would have smashed your jaws and taken back Sita by force. I have judged your strength, O vile enemy of heaven, from the very fact that you carried off another’s wife while she was all by herself.

तै निसिचर पति गर्ब बहूता। मैं रघुपति सेवक कर दूता॥
जौं न राम अपमानहिं डरऊँ। तोहि देखत अस कौतुक करउँ॥4॥
taiṃ nisicara pati garba bahūtā. maiṃ raghupati sēvaka kara dūtā..
jauṃ na rāma apamānahi ḍarauom. tōhi dēkhata asa kautuka karaūom..
You are the lord of demons and exceedingly haughty, while I am a messenger of one of Sri Rama’s servants. If I were not afraid of insulting Sri Rama, I would have wrought this wonder before your very eyes :”

दोहा | Doha
तोहि पटकि महि सेन हति चौपट करि तव गाउँ।
तव जुबतिन्ह समेत सठ जनकसुतहि लै जाउँ॥30॥
tōhi paṭaki mahi sēna hati caupaṭa kari tava gāuom.
tava jubatinha samēta saṭha janakasutahi lai jāuom..30..
Dashing you to the ground, exterminating your army and laying waste your town, O fool, I would have taken away Janaka’s Daughter with all your wives.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
जौं अस करौं तदपि न बड़ाई। मुएहि बधें नहिं कछु मनुसाई॥
कौल कामबस कृपिन बिमूढ़ा। अति दरिद्र अजसी अति बूढ़ा॥1॥
jau asa karauṃ tadapi na baḍaāī. muēhi badhēṃ nahiṃ kachu manusāī..
kaula kāmabasa kṛpina bimūḍhaā. ati daridra ajasī ati būḍhaā..
Even if I did so, it would hardly bring me any credit; for it is no act of valour to slay the slain. A follower of the Vamamarga (a sect of Sakti-worshippers indulging in certain prohibited practices as a part of their worship), a man given over to lust, a miser, a grossly stupid fellow, an utterly destitute person, a man suffering from disrepute, an extremely old man,

सदा रोगबस संतत क्रोधी। बिष्नु बिमुख श्रुति संत बिरोधी॥
तनु पोषक निंदक अघ खानी जीवत सव सम चौदह प्रानी॥2॥
sadā rōgabasa saṃtata krōdhī. biṣnu bimūkha śruti saṃta birōdhī..
tanu pōṣaka niṃdaka agha khānī. jīvana sava sama caudaha prānī..
an ever sick person, one who is always angry, he who is hostile to Lord Visnu, an enemy of the Vedas and saints, he who exclusively nourishes his own body, he who is given to slandering others, and he who is a storehouse of sins-these fourteen persons are no better than corpses, even while they live.

अस बिचारि खल बधउँ न तोही। अब जनि रिस उपजावसि मोही॥
सुनि सकोप कह निसिचर नाथा। अधर दसन दसि मीजत हाथा॥3॥
asa bicāri khala badhauom na tōhī. aba jani risa upajāvasi mōhī..
suni sakōpa kaha nisicara nāthā. adhara dasana dasi mījata hāthā..
Realizing this, O wretch, I refrain from killing you. But rouse my anger no more.” On hearing this, the demon king bit his lips, wrung his hands and burst out furiously: “

रे कपि अधम मरन अब चहसी। छोटे बदन बात बड़ि कहसी॥
कटु जल्पसि जड़ कपि बल जाकें। बल प्रताप बुधि तेज न ताकें॥4॥
rē kapi adhama marana aba cahasī. chōṭē badana bāta baḍai kahasī..
kaṭu jalpasi jaḍa kapi bala jākēṃ. bala pratāpa budhi tēja na tākēṃ..

O vile monkey, you are now bent upon dying; for though small, you have spoken big words. He, on whose strength you dare utter such wild and sharp words, O stupid monkey, has no strength, glory, intelligence or majesty at all.”

दोहा | Doha
अगुन अमान जानि तेहि दीन्ह पिता बनबास।
सो दुख अरु जुबती बिरह पुनि निसि दिन मम त्रास॥31 क॥
aguna amāna jāni tēhi dīnha pitā banabāsa.
sō dukha aru jubatī biraha puni nisi dina mama trāsa..31ka..

“Finding him devoid of merit and self-esteem, his father sent him into exile. Apart from that sorrow the separation from his wife is telling on him and above all he is constantly obsessed with terror of me.

जिन्ह के बल कर गर्ब तोहि अइसे मनुज अनेक।
खाहिं निसाचर दिवस निसि मूढ़ समुझु तजि टेक॥31 ख॥
jinha kē bala kara garba tōhi aisē manuja anēka.
khāhīṃ nisācara divasa nisi mūḍha samujhu taji ṭēka..31kha..
The demons devour day and night many such men as he of whose might you are proud; realize this, O fool, and cease to be perverse.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
जब तेहिं कीन्हि राम कै निंदा। क्रोधवंत अति भयउ कपिंदा॥
हरि हर निंदा सुनइ जो काना। होइ पाप गोघात समाना॥1॥
jaba tēhiṃ kīnha rāma kai niṃdā. krōdhavaṃta ati bhayau kapiṃdā..
hari hara niṃdā sunai jō kānā. hōi pāpa gōghāta samānā..
When he thus inveighed against Sri Rama, the monkey chief grew furious with rage. For he who opens his ears to vituperation against Hari (Bhagavan Visnu) or Hara (Lord Siva) incurs as great a sin as he who kills a cow.

कटकटान कपिकुंजर भारी। दुहु भुजदंड तमकि महि मारी॥
डोलत धरनि सभासद खसे। चले भाजि भय मारुत ग्रसे॥2॥
kaṭakaṭāna kapikuṃjara bhārī. duhu bhujadaṃḍa tamaki mahi mārī..
ḍōlata dharani sabhāsada khasē. calē bhāji bhaya māruta grasē..
Angada (the great monkey) gave a loud yell and furiously struck both his mighty arms against the ground. The earth shook and members of the assembly were thrown off their seats and took to flight, possessed as they were by the hobgoblin of fear.

गिरत सँभारि उठा दसकंधर। भूतल परे मुकुट अति सुंदर॥
कछु तेहिं लै निज सिरन्हि सँवारे। कछु अंगद प्रभु पास पबारे॥3॥
girata saombhāri uṭhā dasakaṃdhara. bhūtala parē mukuṭa ati suṃdara..
kachu tēhiṃ lai nija siranhi saomvārē. kachu aṃgada prabhu pāsa pabārē..
The ten-headed monster (Ravana) too was about to topple down but recovered himself and stood up. Yet his most beautiful crowns fell to the ground; some of them he took and set on his heads, while Angada sent the rest flying to the Lord.

आवत मुकुट देखि कपि भागे। दिनहीं लूक परन बिधि लागे॥
की रावन करि कोप चलाए। कुलिस चारि आवत अति धाए॥4॥
āvata mukuṭa dēkhi kapi bhāgē. dinahīṃ lūka parana bidhi lāgē..
kī rāvana kari kōpa calāē. kulisa cāri āvata ati dhāē..
The monkeys fled when they saw the crowns coming. “Good heavens, how is it that meteors have begun to fall even during the daytime ? Or is it that Ravana in his fury has hurled four thunderbolts, which are coming with great speed ?”

कह प्रभु हँसि जनि हृदयँ डेराहू। लूक न असनि केतु नहिं राहू॥
ए किरीट दसकंधर केरे। आवत बालितनय के प्रेरे॥5॥
kaha prabhu haomsi jani hṛdayaom ḍērāhū. lūka na asani kētu nahiṃ rāhū..
ē kirīṭa dasakaṃdhara kērē. āvata bālitanaya kē prērē..

The Lord smiled and said, “Be not afraid at heart. They are neither meteors nor thunderbolts, nor even the planets Rahu and Ketu. They are the crowns of the ten-headed Ravana, despatched by Vali’s son (Angada), that are coming this side.”

दोहा | Doha
तरकि पवनसुत कर गहे आनि धरे प्रभु पास।
कौतुक देखहिं भालु कपि दिनकर सरिस प्रकास॥32 क॥
taraki pavanasuta kara gahē āni dharē prabhu pāsa.
kautuka dēkhahiṃ bhālu kapi dinakara sarisa prakāsa..32ka..
The son of the wind-god sprang forward and caught them in his own hands; he then took them to the Lord and placed them before Him. The bears and monkeys gazed on them with wonder; for they were dazzling like the sun.

उहाँ सकोपि दसानन सब सन कहत रिसाइ।
धरहु कपिहि धरि मारहु सुनि अंगद मुसुकाइ॥32 ख॥
uhāom sakōpi dasānana saba sana kahata risāi.
dharahu kapihi dhari mārahu suni aṃgada musukāi..32kha..
At the other end the ten-headed monster (Ravana) in his fury indignantly cried to all about him, “Seize the monkey, and seizing him forthwith slay him.” Angada smiled to hear this.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
एहि बधि बेगि सुभट सब धावहु। खाहु भालु कपि जहँ जहँ पावहु॥
मर्कटहीन करहु महि जाई। जिअत धरहु तापस द्वौ भाई॥1॥
ēhi bidhi bēgi sūbhaṭa saba dhāvahu. khāhu bhālu kapi jahaom jahaom pāvahu..
markaṭahīna karahu mahi jāī. jiata dharahu tāpasa dvau bhāī..
“After killing him sally forth at once, all you mighty warriors, and devour every bear and monkey wherever you find one. Go and clear the earth of monkeys and capture the two ascetic brothers (Rama and Laksmana) alive.”

पुनि सकोप बोलेउ जुबराजा। गाल बजावत तोहि न लाजा॥
मरु गर काटि निलज कुलघाती। बल बिलोकि बिहरति नहिं छाती॥2॥
puni sakōpa bōlēu jubarājā. gāla bajāvata tōhi na lājā..
maru gara kāṭi nilaja kulaghātī. bala bilōki biharati nahiṃ chātī..
The monkey prince (Angada) got enraged and exclaimed again: “Are you not ashamed to wag your tongue like this? Cut your throat and die, you shameless destroyer of your race. Your heart does not crack even on witnessing my strength!

रे त्रिय चोर कुमारग गामी। खल मल रासि मंदमति कामी॥
सन्यपात जल्पसि दुर्बादा। भएसि कालबस खल मनुजादा॥3॥
rē triya cōra kumāraga gāmī. khala mala rāsi maṃdamati kāmī..
sanyapāta jalpasi durbādā. bhaēsi kālabasa khala manujādā..
O vicious stealer of women, storehouse of impurities, O sense-bound, dull-witted wretch, you babble abuse in a state of delirium, which shows that death has overtaken you, O wretched demon.

याको फलु पावहिगो आगें। बानर भालु चपेटन्हि लागें॥
रामु मनुज बोलत असि बानी। गिरहिं न तव रसना अभिमानी॥4॥
yākō phalu pāvahigō āgēṃ. bānara bhālu capēṭanhi lāgēṃ..
rāmu manuja bōlata asi bānī. girahiṃ na tava rasanā abhimānī..
You will reap its consequences later on when the monkeys and bears belabour you. Even as you utter the words that Sri Rama is a mortal, it is strange that your tongues, O proud demon, do not drop off.

गिरिहहिं रसना संसय नाहीं। सिरन्हि समेत समर महि माहीं॥5॥
girihahiṃ rasanā saṃsaya nāhīṃ. siranhi samēta samara mahi māhīṃ..
It is, however, certain that your tongues will drop off alongwith your heads on the battlefield.”

सोरठा | Sortha:
सो नर क्यों दसकंध बालि बध्यो जेहिं एक सर।
बीसहुँ लोचन अंध धिग तव जन्म कुजाति जड़॥33 क॥
sō nara kyōṃ dasakaṃdha bāli badhyō jēhiṃ ēka sara.
bīsahuom lōcana aṃdha dhiga tava janma kujāti jaḍa..33ka.
“How can He be a mortal, O ten-headed monster, who killed Vali with a single shaft? You are blind with all your twenty eyes; fie upon your birth, O dullard of ignoble womb.

तव सोनित कीं प्यास तृषित राम सायक निकर।
तजउँ तोहि तेहि त्रास कटु जल्पक निसिचर अधम॥33 ख॥
taba sōnita kī pyāsa tṛṣita rāma sāyaka nikara.
tajauom tōhi tēhi trāsa kaṭu jalpaka nisicara adhama..33kha..
Sri Rama’s arrow are all thirsting for your blood and I spare you only for fear of displeasing Him, O vile demon of biting tongue.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
मैं तव दसन तोरिबे लायक। आयसु मोहि न दीन्ह रघुनायक॥
असि रिस होति दसउ मुख तोरौं। लंका गहि समुद्र महँ बोरौं॥1॥
mai tava dasana tōribē lāyaka. āyasu mōhi na dīnha raghunāyaka..
asi risa hōti dasau mukha tōrauṃ. laṃkā gahi samudra mahaom bōrauṃ..
I am capable of smashing your jaws; but I have no command from the Lord of the Raghus to do so. Otherwise I feel so enraged that I would break all your ten heads and lifting up Lanka drop it into the ocean.

गूलरि फल समान तव लंका। बसहु मध्य तुम्ह जंतु असंका॥
मैं बानर फल खात न बारा। आयसु दीन्ह न राम उदारा॥2॥
gūlari phala samāna tava laṃkā. basahu madhya tumha jaṃtu asaṃkā..
maiṃ bānara phala khāta na bārā. āyasu dīnha na rāma udārā..
Your Lanka is like a fruit of the Udumbara tree; while you are like so many unsuspecting insects that reside in it. A monkey as I am, I would lose no time in eating it; but the gracious Rama has not given me the order.”

जुगुति सुनत रावन मुसुकाई। मूढ़ सिखिहि कहँ बहुत झुठाई॥
बालि न कबहुँ गाल अस मारा। मिलि तपसिन्ह तैं भएसि लबारा॥3॥
jugati sunata rāvana musukāī. mūḍha sikhihi kahaom bahuta jhuṭhāī..
bāli na kabahuom gāla asa mārā. mili tapasinha taiṃ bhaēsi labārā.
Ravana smiled to hear this witty remark. “Fool, where did you learn to tell such big lies? Vali never boasted like this; it seems association with the hermits has made you such a vaunting liar.”

साँचेहुँ मैं लबार भुज बीहा। जौं न उपारिउँ तव दस जीहा॥
समुझि राम प्रताप कपि कोपा। सभा माझ पन करि पद रोपा॥4॥
sāomcēhuom maiṃ labāra bhuja bīhā. jauṃ na upāriuom tava dasa jīhā..
samujhi rāma pratāpa kapi kōpā. sabhā mājha pana kari pada rōpā.
“I am a blustering liar indeed, O monster with twenty arms, if I do not tear out your ten tongues.” Recalling Sri Rama’s might Angada grew indignant and firmly planted his foot in the midst of the whole assembly.

जौं मम चरन सकसि सठ टारी। फिरहिं रामु सीता मैं हारी॥
सुनहु सुभट सब कह दससीसा। पद गहि धरनि पछारहु कीसा॥5॥
jauṃ mama carana sakasi saṭha ṭārī. phirahiṃ rāmu sītā maiṃ hārī..
sunahu subhaṭa saba kaha dasasīsā. pada gahi dharani pachārahu kīsā.
“If you can but stir my foot, O fool Sri Rama will return forthwith and I shall forgo Sita as a lost wager.” “Listen, champions all:” exclaimed the ten-headed monster, “seize the monkey by the leg and dash him to the ground.”

इंद्रजीत आदिक बलवाना। हरषि उठे जहँ तहँ भट नाना॥
झपटहिं करि बल बिपुल उपाई। पद न टरइ बैठहिं सिरु नाई॥6॥
iṃdrajīta ādika balavānā. haraṣi uṭhē jahaom tahaom bhaṭa nānā..
jhapaṭahiṃ kari bala bipula upāī. pada na ṭarai baiṭhahiṃ siru nāī..
Meghanada (the vanquisher of Indra) and many other stout warriors rose with delight from their respective seats and rushed with all their might, employing numerous devices; but Angada’s foot refused to stir.

पुनि उठि झपटहिं सुर आराती। टरइ न कीस चरन एहि भाँती॥
पुरुष कुजोगी जिमि उरगारी। मोह बिटप नहिं सकहिं उपारी॥7॥
puni uṭhi jhapaṭahīṃ sura ārātī. ṭarai na kīsa carana ēhi bhāomtī..
puruṣa kujōgī jimi uragārī. mōha biṭapa nahiṃ sakahiṃ upārī..
The competitors, therefore, resumed their seats with their heads bent low. The enemies of heaven rose again and dashed forward; but the monkey’s foot moved no more than a sensually-minded striver, O Garuda (the enemy of serpents), is able to uproot the tree of error implanted in his heart (continues Kakabhusundi).

दोहा | Doha
कोटिन्ह मेघनाद सम सुभट उठे हरषाइ।
झपटहिं टरै न कपि चरन पुनि बैठहिं सिर नाइ॥34 क॥
kōṭinha mēghanāda sama subhaṭa uṭhē haraṣāi.
jhapaṭahiṃ ṭarai na kapi carana puni baiṭhahiṃ sira nāi..34ka..
Myriads of great warriors of Meghanada’s might arose with joy and swooped down; but the monkey’s foot did not budge, and they hung their heads and sat down again.

भूमि न छाँड़त कपि चरन देखत रिपु मद भाग।
कोटि बिघ्न ते संत कर मन जिमि नीति न त्याग॥34 ख॥
bhūmi na chāomḍata kapi carana dēkhata ripu mada bhāga..
kōṭi bighna tē saṃta kara mana jimi nīti na tyāga..34kha..
The monkey’s foot would no more leave the ground than the soul of a saint would give up moral uprightness even though confronted with numberless obstacles. The enemy’s pride left him when he witnessed this.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
कपि बल देखि सकल हियँ हारे। उठा आपु कपि कें परचारे॥
गहत चरन कह बालिकुमारा। मम पद गहें न तोर उबारा॥1॥
kapi bala dēkhi sakala hiyaom hārē. uṭhā āpu kapi kēṃ paracārē..
gahata carana kaha bālikumārā. mama pada gahēṃ na tōra ubārā..

Everyone who saw the monkey’s strength was discomfited at heart. Challenged by the monkey Ravana himself now rose. Even as Ravana proceeded to grasp his foot, Vali’s son (Angada) broke out, “You cannot be saved by clinging to my feet.

गहसि न राम चरन सठ जाई॥ सुनत फिरा मन अति सकुचाई॥
भयउ तेजहत श्री सब गई। मध्य दिवस जिमि ससि सोहई॥2॥
gahasi na rāma carana saṭha jāī. sunata phirā mana ati sakucāī..
bhayau tējahata śrī saba gaī. madhya divasa jimi sasi sōhaī..
Fool, why do you not go and clasp Sri Rama’s feet ?” He turned back much abashed at heart to hear this. All his splendour was gone and he was robbed of his glory even as the moon fades away at midday.

सिंघासन बैठेउ सिर नाई। मानहुँ संपति सकल गँवाई॥
जगदातमा प्रानपति रामा। तासु बिमुख किमि लह बिश्रामा॥3॥
siṃghāsana baiṭhēu sira nāī. mānahuom saṃpati sakala gaomvāī..
jagadātamā prānapati rāmā. tāsu bimukha kimi laha biśrāmā..
With drooping heads he resumed his seat on the throne as if despoiled of all his riches. Sri Rama is the soul of the universe and the lord of life : how can he who is hostile to Him find any rest ?

उमा राम की भृकुटि बिलासा। होइ बिस्व पुनि पावइ नासा॥
तृन ते कुलिस कुलिस तृन करई। तासु दूत पन कहु किमि टरई॥4॥
umā rāma kī bhṛkuṭi bilāsā. hōi bisva puni pāvai nāsā..
tṛna tē kulisa kulisa tṛna karaī. tāsu dūta pana kahu kimi ṭaraī..
The universe, Uma (Parvati), springs into existence and is again dissolved with a mere play of Sri Rama’s eyebrows. When He is capable of transforming a blade of grass into a thunderbolt and a thunderbolt into a blade of grass, how, then, can a vow of His ambassador prove false ?

पुनि कपि कही नीति बिधि नाना। मान न ताहि कालु निअराना॥
रिपु मद मथि प्रभु सुजसु सुनायो। यह कहि चल्यो बालि नृप जायो॥5॥
puni kapi kahī nīti bidhi nānā. māna na tāhi kālu niarānā..
ripu mada mathi prabhu sujasu sunāyō. yaha kahi calyō bāli nṛpa jāyō..
Angada admonished him in various ways; but as his end had drawn near, he would not listen. Having squashed the enemy’s pride, the son of King Vali glorified his lord to his very face and departed, saying :

हतौं न खेत खेलाइ खेलाई। तोहि अबहिं का करौं बड़ाई॥
प्रथमहिं तासु तनय कपि मारा। सो सुनि रावन भयउ दुखारा॥6॥
hatauṃ na khēta khēlāi khēlāī. tōhi abahiṃ kā karauṃ baḍaāī..
prathamahiṃ tāsu tanaya kapi mārā. sō suni rāvana bhayau dukhārā..
“If I do not slay you after I have sported with you on the battlefield for some time, it will be no use my indulging in self-praise just now.” Angada had killed Ravana’s son even before he arrived in the latter’s presence and Ravana felt very sad at the news.

जातुधान अंगद पन देखी। भय ब्याकुल सब भए बिसेषी॥7॥
jātudhāna aṃgada pana dēkhī. bhaya byākula saba bhaē bisēṣī..
The demons too grew particularly nervous with fear when they witnessed the effectiveness of Angada’s challenge.

दोहा | Doha
रिपु बल धरषि हरषि कपि बालितनय बल पुंज।
पुलक सरीर नयन जल गहे राम पद कंज॥35 क॥
ripu bala dharaṣi haraṣi kapi bālitanaya bala puṃja.
pulaka sarīra nayana jala gahē rāma pada kaṃja..35ka..
Setting at naught Ravana’s power, the mighty monkey, Vali’s son, his body thrilling over with emotion and eyes full of tears, clasped in delight Sri Rama’s lotus feet.

साँझ जानि दसकंधर भवन गयउ बिलखाइ।
मंदोदरीं रावनहिं बहुरि कहा समुझाइ॥35 ख॥

sāomjha jāni dasakaṃdhara bhavana gayau bilakhāi.
maṃdōdarī rāvanahi bahuri kahā samujhāi..kha..
Perceiving that it was evening, the ten-headed monster returned disconsolately to his palace, where Mandodari again spoke and advised him:-

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
कंत समुझि मन तजहु कुमतिही। सोह न समर तुम्हहि रघुपतिही॥
रामानुज लघु रेख खचाई। सोउ नहिं नाघेहु असि मनुसाई॥1॥
kaṃta samujhi mana tajahu kumatihī. sōha na samara tumhahi raghupatihī..
rāmānuja laghu rēkha khacāī. sōu nahiṃ nāghēhu asi manusāī..

“Ponder in your mind, my beloved lord, and abandon perversity; your conflict with the Lord of the Raghus is quite out of place. Sri Rama’s younger brother (Laksmana) had traced a thin line;* that too you could not cross. Such is your valour!

पिय तुम्ह ताहि जितब संग्रामा। जाके दूत केर यह कामा॥
कौतुक सिंधु नाघि तव लंका। आयउ कपि केहरी असंका॥2॥
piya tumha tāhi jitaba saṃgrāmā. jākē dūta kēra yaha kāmā..
kautuka siṃdhu nāghī tava laṃkā. āyau kapi kēharī asaṃkā..
My beloved, do you expect to conquer Him in battle, whose messenger performed such feats? Leaping across the ocean in mere sport, that lion among monkeys fearlessly entered your Lanka, killed your guards and laid waste your garden.

रखवारे हति बिपिन उजारा। देखत तोहि अच्छ तेहिं मारा॥
जारि सकल पुर कीन्हेसि छारा। कहाँ रहा बल गर्ब तुम्हारा॥3॥
rakhavārē hati bipina ujārā. dēkhata tōhi accha tēhiṃ mārā..
jāri sakala pura kīnhēsi chārā. kahāom rahā bala garba tumhārā..
Nay, he killed Prince Aksa under your very nose, and, setting fire to the whole capital, reduced it to ashes. Where did your pride of power remain lurking at that time?

अब पति मृषा गाल जनि मारहु। मोर कहा कछु हृदयँ बिचारहु॥
पति रघुपतिहि नृपति जनि मानहु। अग जग नाथ अतुलबल जानहु॥4॥
aba pati mṛṣā gāla jani mārahu. mōra kahā kachu hṛdayaom bicārahu..
pati raghupatihi nṛpati jani mānahu. aga jaga nātha atula bala jānahu..
Indulge no more in idle boasts, my spouse, and lay my words a little to heart. Do not imagine that the Lord of the Raghus is a mere earthly king, my husband; but know him to be the Ruler of the animate and inanimate creation, unequalled in strength.

बान प्रताप जान मारीचा। तासु कहा नहिं मानेहि नीचा॥
जनक सभाँ अगनित भूपाला। रहे तुम्हउ बल अतुल बिसाला॥5॥
bāna pratāpa jāna mārīcā. tāsu kahā nahiṃ mānēhi nīcā..
janaka sabhāom aganita bhūpālā. rahē tumhau bala atula bisālā..
. The might of His arrows is known to Marica; but you did not heed his words, taking him to be a mean fellow. In Janaka’s court were assembled numberless kings; you too were present there with your incomparable and enormous strength.

भंजि धनुष जानकी बिआही। तब संग्राम जितेहु किन ताही॥
सुरपति सुत जानइ बल थोरा। राखा जिअत आँखि गहि फोरा॥6॥
bhaṃji dhanuṣa jānakī biāhī. taba saṃgrāma jitēhu kina tāhī..
surapati suta jānai bala thōrā. rākhā jiata āomkhi gahi phōrā..
There Sri Rama broke Siva bow and won the hand of Janaka’s Daughter; why did you not conquer Him in battle then? The son of Indra (the lord of celestials) tasted of His strength when He caught hold of him and spared his life after destroying one of his eyes.

सूपनखा कै गति तुम्ह देखी। तदपि हृदयँ नहिं लाज बिसेषी॥7॥
sūpanakhā kai gati tumha dēkhī. tadapi hṛdayaom nahiṃ lāja biṣēṣī..

You also witnessed Surpanakha’s condition, yet you did not feel much abashed in your heart.

दोहा | Doha
बधि बिराध खर दूषनहि लीलाँ हत्यो कबंध।
बालि एक सर मार्‌यो तेहि जानहु दसकंध॥36॥
badhi birādha khara dūṣanahi līṃlāom hatyō kabaṃdha.
bāli ēka sara mārayō tēhi jānahu dasakaṃdha..36..
My ten-headed lord, try to recognize Him, who, having slain Viradha as well as Khara and Dusana, killed Kabandha in mere sport and disposed of Vali with a single arrow.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
जेहिं जलनाथ बँधायउ हेला। उतरे प्रभु दल सहित सुबेला॥
कारुनीक दिनकर कुल केतू। दूत पठायउ तव हित हेतू॥1॥
jēhiṃ jalanātha baomdhāyau hēlā. utarē prabhu dala sahita subēlā..
kārunīka dinakara kula kētū. dūta paṭhāyau tava hita hētū..
“He who had the ocean bridged as a mere pastime and has encamped with His host on Mount Suvela, the same merciful Lord, the glory of the solar race, sent to you in your own interest an ambassador-

सभा माझ जेहिं तव बल मथा। करि बरूथ महुँ मृगपति जथा॥
अंगद हनुमत अनुचर जाके। रन बाँकुरे बीर अति बाँके॥2॥
sabhā mājha jēhiṃ tava bala mathā. kari barūtha mahuom mṛgapati jathā..
aṃgada hanumata anucara jākē. rana bāomkurē bīra ati bāomkē..
-who, like a lion in the midst of a herd of elephants trampled on your might in open court. Nay, He has for His servants most formidable warriors like Angada and Hanuman, who are so dauntless in battle;

तेहि कहँ पिय पुनि पुनि नर कहहू। मुधा मान ममता मद बहहू॥
अहह कंत कृत राम बिरोधा। काल बिबस मन उपज न बोधा॥3॥
tēhi kahaom piya puni puni nara kahahū. mudhā māna mamatā mada bahahū..
ahaha kaṃta kṛta rāma birōdhā. kāla bibasa mana upaja na bōdhā..
and still, my beloved lord, you speak of Him again and again as a mortal ! In vain do you carry on your head the burden of pride, attachment and arrogance. Ah, my lord, you have turned hostile to Sri Rama and, overtaken as you are by death, the light of wisdom does not dawn on your mind.

काल दंड गहि काहु न मारा। हरइ धर्म बल बुद्धि बिचारा॥
निकट काल जेहि आवत साईं। तेहि भ्रम होइ तुम्हारिहि नाईं॥4॥
kāla daṃḍa gahi kāhu na mārā. harai dharma bala buddhi bicārā..
nikaṭa kāla jēhi āvata sāīṃ. tēhi bhrama hōi tumhārihi nāīṃ..
Death does not smite anyone with uplifted rod; he simply robs the victim of his piety, strength, reason and judgment. He alone whom death has approached very near falls a prey to delusion like you.”

दोहा | Doha
दुइ सुत मरे दहेउ पुर अजहुँ पूर पिय देहु।
कृपासिंधु रघुनाथ भजि नाथ बिमल जसु लेहु॥37॥
dui suta marē dahēu pura ajahuom pūra piya dēhu.
kṛpāsiṃdhu raghunātha bhaji nātha bimala jasu lēhu..37..
“Two of your sons have been slain and your capital has been burnt down; retrace your step even now, my beloved. Adore the All-merciful Lord of the Raghus, my husband, and win unsullied fame thereby.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
नारि बचन सुनि बिसिख समाना। सभाँ गयउ उठि होत बिहाना॥
बैठ जाइ सिंघासन फूली। अति अभिमान त्रास सब भूली॥1॥
nāri bacana suni bisikha samānā. sabhāom gayau uṭhi hōta bihānā..
baiṭha jāi siṃghāsana phūlī. ati abhimāna trāsa saba bhūlī..
Hearing the words of his consort (Mandodari), which were piercing like a shaft, he rose and left for his council-chamber as soon as the day broke. Forgetting all his fears he went and occupied his throne bloated with excess of pride.

इहाँ राम अंगदहि बोलावा। आइ चरन पंकज सिरु नावा॥
अति आदर समीप बैठारी। बोले बिहँसि कृपाल खरारी॥2॥
ihāom rāma aṃgadahi bōlāvā. āi carana paṃkaja siru nāvā..
ati ādara sapīpa baiṭhārī. bōlē bihaomsi kṛpāla kharārī.
At this end Sri Rama summoned Angada, who came and bowed his head at the Lord’s lotus feet. The gracious Rama (the slayer of Khara) most politely seated him by His side and smilingly said,

बालितनय कौतुक अति मोही। तात सत्य कहुँ पूछउँ तोही॥
रावनु जातुधान कुल टीका। भुज बल अतुल जासु जग लीका॥3॥
bālitanaya kautuka ati mōhī. tāta satya kahu pūchauom tōhī…
rāvanu jātudhāna kula ṭīkā. bhuja bala atula jāsu jaga līkā..
“O son of Vali, I have great curiosity in my mind; therefore, I ask you a question. Tell me the truth, dear child. Ravana is the head of the demon race; he is celebrated throughout the world for his incomparable might.

तासु मुकुट तुम्ह चारि चलाए। कहहु तात कवनी बिधि पाए॥
सुनु सर्बग्य प्रनत सुखकारी। मुकुट न होहिं भूप न गुन चारी॥4॥
tāsu mukuṭa tumha cāri calāē. kahahu tāta kavanī bidhi pāē..
sunu sarbagya pranata sukhakārī. mukuṭa na hōhiṃ bhūpa guna cārī..
It is rather strange that you tossed no less than four of his crowns to me; tell me, my son, by what device you were able to lay your hands on them?” “Listen, O omniscient lord, the delighter of the suppliant : they were no crowns but the four virtues (resources) of a king,

साम दान अरु दंड बिभेदा। नृप उर बसहिं नाथ कह बेदा॥
नीति धर्म के चरन सुहाए। अस जियँ जानि पहिं आए॥5॥
sāma dāna aru daṃḍa bibhēdā. nṛpa ura basahiṃ nātha kaha bēdā..
nīti dharma kē carana suhāē. asa jiyaom jāni nātha pahiṃ āē..
viz., Sama (conciliation), Dana (gift), Danda (physical force or coercion) and Bheda (division), which abide in the heart of a king- so declare the Vedas, my lord. They are the beautiful pedestals of statesmanship: remembering this, they themselves came to my lord (who is a true repository of all statesmanlike virtues).”

दोहा | Doha
धर्महीन प्रभु पद बिमुख काल बिबस दससीस।
तेहि परिहरि गुन आए सुनहु कोसलाधीस॥38 क॥
dharmahīna prabhu pada bimukha kāla bibasa dasasīsa.
tēhi parihari guna āē sunahu kōsalādhīsa..38ka..
Listen, O Lord of Kosala : Ravana (the ten-headed monster) is lacking in piety, bears a settled aversion to my lord’s feet and has fallen into the clutches of death. Hence the aforementioned virtues have forsaken him and sought refuge in You

परम चतुरता श्रवन सुनि बिहँसे रामु उदार।
समाचार पुनि सब कहे गढ़ के बालिकुमार॥38 ख॥
parama caturatā śravana suni bihaomsē rāmu udāra.
samācāra puni saba kahē gaḍha kē bālikumāra..38kha.
The nobleminded Rama smiled to hear his most ingenious reply. The son of Vali then gave Him a report about the fort of Lanka.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
रिपु के समाचार जब पाए। राम सचिव सब निकट बोलाए॥
लंका बाँके चारि दुआरा। केहि बिधि लागिअ करहु बिचारा॥1॥
ripu kē samācāra jaba pāē. rāma saciva saba nikaṭa bōlāē..
laṃkā bāomkē cāri duārā. kēhi bidhi lāgia karahu bicārā..
When Sri Rama received the news about the enemy, He summoned all His counsellors by His side. “Lanka has four massive gates; take counsel as to how we should assail them.”

तब कपीस रिच्छेस बिभीषन। सुमरि हृदयँ दिनकर कुल भूषन॥
करि बिचार तिन्ह मंत्र दृढ़ावा। चारि अनी कपि कटकु बनावा॥2॥
taba kapīsa ricchēsa bibhīṣana. sumiri hṛdayaom dinakara kula bhūṣana..
kari bicāra tinha maṃtra dṛḍhaāvā. cāri anī kapi kaṭaku banāvā.
Thereupon the monkey lord (Sugriva), Jambavan (the king of bears) and Vibhisana (Ravana’s brother) invoked in their heart the Ornament of the solar race; and putting their heads together they resolved upon a definite plan. They divided the monkey host into four brigades-

जथाजोग सेनापति कीन्हे। जूथप सकल बोलि तब लीन्हे॥
प्रभु प्रताप कहि सब समुझाए। सुनि कपि सिंघनाद करि धाए॥3॥
jathājōga sēnāpati kīnhē. jūthapa sakala bōli taba līnhē..
prabhu pratāpa kahi saba samujhāē. suni kapi siṃghanāda kari dhāē..
and appointed efficient generals to each. They then summoned all the company commanders and bringing the Lord’s might home to them issued instructions hearing which the monkeys rushed forward roaring like lions.

हरषित राम चरन सिर नावहिं। गहि गिरि सिखर बीर सब धावहिं॥
गर्जहिं तर्जहिं भालु कपीसा। जय रघुबीर कोसलाधीसा॥4॥
haraṣita rāma carana sira nāvahiṃ. gahi giri sikhara bīra saba dhāvahiṃ..
garjahiṃ tarjahiṃ bhālu kapīsā. jaya raghubīra kōsalādhīsā..
They gladly bowed their head at Sri Rama’s feet, and with mountain-peaks in their hands all the heroes sallied forth. Shouting, “Glory to the Hero of Raghu’s line, the Lord of Kosala” the bears and monkey chiefs roared and assumed a threatening attitude.

जानत परम दुर्ग अति लंका। प्रभु प्रताप कपि चले असंका॥
घटाटोप करि चहुँ दिसि घेरी॥ मुखहिं निसार बजावहिं भेरी॥5॥
jānata parama durga ati laṃkā. prabhu pratāpa kapi calē asaṃkā..
ghaṭāṭōpa kari cahuom disi ghērī. mukhahiṃ nisāna bajāvahīṃ bhērī..
Even though they knew that Lanka was a most impregnable fortress, the monkeys marched forward undaunted depending on the might of their lord. Encompassing all the four quarters like a mass of clouds spreading over the horizon on all sides, they imitated the sound of drums and kettledrums with their mouth.

दोहा | Doha
जयति राम जय लछिमन जय कपीस सुग्रीव।
गर्जहिं सिंहनाद कपि भालु महा बल सींव॥39॥
jayati rāma jaya lachimana jaya kapīsa sugrīva.
garjahiṃ siṃghanāda kapi bhālu mahā bala sīṃva..39..
Glory to Rama, glory to Laksmana and glory to Sugriva (the lord of the monkeys), thus roared the monkeys and bears, unsurpassed in their great might, like so many lions.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
लंकाँ भयउ कोलाहल भारी। सुना दसानन अति अहँकारी॥
देखहु बनरन्ह केरि ढिठाई। बिहँसि निसाचर सेन बोलाई॥1॥
laṃkāom bhayau kōlāhala bhārī. sunā dasānana ati ahaomkārī..
dēkhahu banaranha kēri ḍhiṭhāī. bihaomsi nisācara sēna bōlāī..
Lanka became a scene of great uproar. When the highly conceited Ravana heard it, he with a smile said, “Look at the insolence of these monkeys!” and summoned the demon host.

आए कीस काल के प्रेरे। छुधावंत सब निसिचर मेरे॥
बअस कहि अट्टहास सठ कीन्हा। गृह बैठें अहार बिधि दीन्हा॥2॥
āē kīsa kāla kē prērē. chudhāvaṃta saba nisicara mērē..
asa kahi aṭṭahāsa saṭha kīnhā. gṛha baiṭhē ahāra bidhi dīnhā.

“The monkeys have crossed over here driven by fate, and my demons are all hungry. God has provided them with a meal even at their home.” So saying the idiot burst into a horselaugh.

सुभट सकल चारिहुँ दिसि जाहू। धरि धरि भालु कीस सब खाहू॥
उमा रावनहि अस अभिमाना। जिमि टिट्टिभ खग सूत उताना॥3॥
subhaṭa sakala cārihuom disi jāhū. dhari dhari bhālu kīsa saba khāhū..
umā rāvanahi asa abhimānā. jimi ṭiṭṭibha khaga sūta utānā..
“Sally forth in every direction, champions all; and wherever you find the bears and monkeys seize and devour them all.” Uma, Ravana’s conceit was as great as that of the sandpiper, which goes to sleep with its legs in the air (and thinks that it will support the heavens in case they fall).

चले निसाचर आयसु मागी। गहि कर भिंडिपाल बर साँगी॥
तोमर मुद्गर परसु प्रचंडा। सूल कृपान परिघ गिरिखंडा॥4॥
calē nisācara āyasu māgī. gahi kara bhiṃḍipāla bara sāomgī..
tōmara mugdara parasu pracaṃḍā. sula kṛpāna parigha girikhaṃḍā..
Taking his orders, the demons sallied forth, armed with excellent slings, javelins, iron clubs and maces, fierce axes, pikes, swords, bludgeons and masses of rock in their hands.

जिमि अरुनोपल निकर निहारी। धावहिं सठ खग मांस अहारी॥
चोंच भंग दुख तिन्हहि न सूझा। तिमि धाए मनुजाद अबूझा॥5॥
jimi arunōpala nikara nihārī. dhāvahiṃ saṭha khaga māṃsa ahārī..
cōṃca bhaṃga dukha tinhahi na sūjhā. timi dhāē manujāda abūjhā..
As foolish carnivorous birds swoop down upon a heap of rubies the moment they see it, and have no idea of the pain they would have on breaking their beaks against it, so did the man-eating monsters rush forth in their folly.

दोहा | Doha
नानायुध सर चाप धर जातुधान बल बीर।
कोट कँगूरन्हि चढ़ि गए कोटि कोटि रनधीर॥40॥
nānāyudha sara cāpa dhara jātudhāna bala bīra.
kōṭa kaomgūranhi caḍhai gaē kōṭi kōṭi ranadhīra..40..
Armed with bows and arrows as well as with other weapons of various kinds, a vast cloud of mighty and valiant demons, staunch in battle, climbed up the battlements of the fort.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
कोट कँगूरन्हि सोहहिं कैसे। मेरु के सृंगनि जनु घन बैसे॥
बाजहिं ढोल निसान जुझाऊ। सुनि धुनि होइ भटन्हि मन चाऊ॥1॥
kōṭa kaomgūranhi sōhahiṃ kaisē. mēru kē sṛṃgani janu ghana baisē..
bājahiṃ ḍhōla nisāna jujhāū. suni dhuni hōi bhaṭanhi mana cāū..
On the gold battlements they looked like dark clouds hanging on the heights of Mount Meru. Martial drums and tabors sounded; the soul of the warriors was stirred by their crash.

बाजहिं भेरि नफीरि अपारा। सुनि कादर उर जाहिं दरारा॥
देखिन्ह जाइ कपिन्ह के ठट्टा। अति बिसाल तनु भालु सुभट्टा॥2॥
bājahiṃ bhēri naphīri apārā. suni kādara ura jāhiṃ darārā..
dēkhinha jāi kapinha kē ṭhaṭṭā. ati bisāla tanu bhālu subhaṭṭā..
Numberless kettledrums and clarionets were also playing; their music cracked the heart of cowards. Advancing further, the demons saw the hosts of monkey and bear champions,

धावहिं गनहिं न अवघट घाटा। पर्बत फोरि करहिं गहि बाटा॥
कटकटाहिं कोटिन्ह भट गर्जहिं। दसन ओठ काटहिं अति तर्जहिं॥3॥
dhāvahiṃ ganahiṃ na avaghaṭa ghāṭā. parbata phōri karahiṃ gahi bāṭā..
kaṭakaṭāhiṃ kōṭinha bhaṭa garjahiṃ. dasana ōṭha kāṭahiṃ ati tarjahiṃ..
exceptionally huge in size, who in their onrush would make no account of rugged valleys and catching hold of mountains would cleave them asunder and make passage through them. Gnashing their teeth and biting their lips, myriads of warriors on both sides roared and bullied,

उत रावन इत राम दोहाई। जयति जयति जय परी लराई॥
निसिचर सिखर समूह ढहावहिं। कूदि धरहिं कपि फेरि चलावहिं॥4॥
uta rāvana ita rāma dōhāī. jayati jayati jaya parī larāī..
nisicara sikhara samūha ḍhahāvahiṃ. kūdi dharahiṃ kapi phēri calāvahiṃ.
calling here on Rama and there on Ravana. With shouts of victory on both sides the fight actually commenced. The demons cast down volleys of mountain-peaks, which the monkeys would seize with a bound and hurl them back.

छंद | Chhand :
धरि कुधर खंड प्रचंड मर्कट भालु गढ़ पर डारहीं।
झपटहिं चरन गहि पटकि महि भजि चलत बहुरि पचारहीं॥

dhari kudhara khaṃḍa pracaṃḍa karkaṭa bhālu gaḍha para ḍārahīṃ.
jhapaṭahiṃ carana gahi paṭaki mahi bhaji calata bahuri pacārahīṃ..

The fierce monkeys and bears would lay hold of masses of rock and hurl them against the fort. Darting against their adversary they would seize him by the leg and dash him to the ground; and in the event of his taking to flight they would challenge him to a duel again.

अति तरल तरुन प्रताप तरपहिं तमकि गढ़ चढ़ि चढ़ि गए।
कपि भालु चढ़ि मंदिरन्ह जहँ तहँ राम जसु गावत भए॥
ati tarala taruna pratāpa tarapahiṃ tamaki gaḍha caḍhai caḍhai gaē.
kapi bhālu caḍhai maṃdiranha jahaom tahaom rāma jasu gāvata bhaē..

The most agile and redoubtable monkeys and bears lightly sprang and climbed up the fort and penetrating the palaces sang Sri Rama’s praises wherever they pleased.

दोहा | Doha
एकु एकु निसिचर गहि पुनि कपि चले पराइ।
ऊपर आपु हेठ भट गिरहिं धरनि पर आइ॥41॥
ēku ēku nisicara gahi puni kapi calē parāi.
ūpara āpu hēṭha bhaṭa girahiṃ dharani para āi..41..
Catching hold of a demon each the monkeys rushed back and jumped down to the ground with the demons beneath themselves on the top.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
राम प्रताप प्रबल कपिजूथा। मर्दहिं निसिचर सुभट बरूथा॥
चढ़े दुर्ग पुनि जहँ तहँ बानर। जय रघुबीर प्रताप दिवाकर॥1॥
rāma pratāpa prabala kapijūthā. mardahiṃ nisicara subhaṭa barūthā..
caḍhaē durga puni jahaom tahaom bānara. jaya raghubīra pratāpa divākara..
Strengthened by Sri Rama’s might, the monkey host crushed the ranks of the demon warriors. They then climbed up the fort here and there and shouted glory to the Hero of Raghu’s line, who was majestic as the sun.

चले निसाचर निकर पराई। प्रबल पवन जिमि घन समुदाई॥
हाहाकार भयउ पुर भारी। रोवहिं बालक आतुर नारी॥2॥
calē nisācara nikara parāī. prabala pavana jimi ghana samudāī..
hāhākāra bhayau pura bhārī. rōvahiṃ bālaka ātura nārī..
The demon host fled before them like a mass of clouds driven by a strong blast. The city now burst into wails and howls; children, invalids and women in particular wept aloud.

सब मिलि देहिं रावनहि गारी। राज करत एहिं मृत्यु हँकारी॥
निज दल बिचल सुनी तेहिं काना। फेरि सुभट लंकेस रिसाना॥3॥
saba mili dēhiṃ rāvanahi gārī. rāja karata ēhiṃ mṛtyu haomkārī..
nija dala bicala sunī tēhiṃ kānā. phēri subhaṭa laṃkēsa risānā..
All joined in calling Ravana names; he, they said, had invited death while enjoying sovereignty. When he heard that his troops had beaten a retreat, the king of Lanka rallied his champions and then exclaimed in fury:

जो रन बिमुख सुना मैं काना। सो मैं हतब कराल कृपाना॥
सर्बसु खाइ भोग करि नाना। समर भूमि भए बल्लभ प्राना॥4॥
jō rana bimukha sunā maiṃ kānā. sō maiṃ hataba karāla kṛpānā..
sarbasu khāi bhōga kari nānā. samara bhūmi bhaē ballabha prānā..
“If I hear of anyone turning his back on the battlefield, I will behead him with my own terrible sword. You consumed my all and enjoyed all sorts of luxuries till now and lo ! life has become so dear to you on the field of battle.”

उग्र बचन सुनि सकल डेराने। चले क्रोध करि सुभट लजाने॥
सन्मुख मरन बीर कै सोभा। तब तिन्ह तजा प्रान कर लोभा॥5॥
ugra bacana suni sakala ḍērānē. calē krōdha kari subhaṭa lajānē..
sanmukha marana bīra kai sōbhā. taba tinha tajā prāna kara lōbhā..
The champions were all alarmed and put to shame to hear this stern rebuke, and marched against the enemy in great fury. To die in open combat is the glory of a warrior, they thought; and they loved their life no more.

दोहा | Doha
बहु आयुध धर सुभट सब भिरहिं पचारि पचारि।
ब्याकुल किए भालु कपि परिघ त्रिसूलन्हि मारि॥42॥
bahu āyudha dhara subhaṭa saba bhirahiṃ pacāri pacāri.
byākula kiē bhālu kapi parigha trisūlanhi mārī..42..
Armed with weapons of various kinds, all the champions grappled with their antagonists, challenging them again and again. Striking the bears and monkeys with iron bludgeons and tridents, they deprived them of their nerve.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
भय आतुर कपि भागत लागे। जद्यपि उमा जीतिहहिं आगे॥
कोउ कह कहँ अंगद हनुमंता। कहँ नल नील दुबिद बलवंता॥1॥
bhaya ātura kapi bhāgata lāge. jadyapi umā jītihahiṃ āge..
kou kaha kaham̐ aṃgada hanumaṃtā. kaham̐ nala nīla dubida balavaṃtā..
Struck with terror (continues Lord Siva) the monkeys turned tail, although Uma, they would come out victorious in the end. One exclaimed, “Where are Angada and Hanuman? Where are the mighty Nala, Nila and Dvivida?”

निज दल बिकल सुना हनुमाना। पच्छिम द्वार रहा बलवाना॥
मेघनाद तहँ करइ लराई। टूट न द्वार परम कठिनाई॥2॥
nija dala bikala sunā hanumānā. pacchima dvāra rahā balavānā..
mēghanāda tahaom karai larāī. ṭūṭa na dvāra parama kaṭhināī..
At the time Hanuman heard that his troops were breaking, that mighty warrior held his position at the western gate of Lanka, where Meghanada led the defence. The gate, however, would not give way and Hanuman was faced with a mighty impediment.

पवनतनय मन भा अति क्रोधा। गर्जेउ प्रबल काल सम जोधा॥
कूदि लंक गढ़ ऊपर आवा। गहि गिरि मेघनाद कहुँ धावा॥3॥
pavanatanaya mana bhā ati krōdhā. garjēu prabala kāla sama jōdhā..
kūdi laṃka gaḍha ūpara āvā. gahi giri mēghanāda kahuom dhāvā..
The son of the wind-god grew terribly furious at heart and the warrior, who was formidable as death, gave a loud roar. He sprang and reached the fort of Lanka; and seizing a rock he rushed at Meghanada,

भंजेउ रथ सारथी निपाता। ताहि हृदय महुँ मारेसि लाता॥
दुसरें सूत बिकल तेहि जाना। स्यंदन घालि तुरत गृह आना॥4॥
bhaṃjēu ratha sārathī nipātā. tāhi hṛdaya mahuom mārēsi lātā..
dusarēṃ sūta bikala tēhi jānā. syaṃdana ghāli turata gṛha ānā..
shattered his chariot, overthrew the charioteer and kicked Meghanada himself at his chest. Another charioteer, who perceived the distress of the prince, picked him up in his own chariot and speedily brought him home.

दोहा | Doha
अंगद सुना पवनसुत गढ़ पर गयउ अकेल।
रन बाँकुरा बालिसुत तरकि चढ़ेउ कपि खेल॥43॥
aṃgada sunā pavanasuta gaḍha para gayau akēla.
rana bāomkurā bālisuta taraki caḍhaēu kapi khēla..43..
When Angada heard that the son of the wind-god had gone to the fort singlehanded, the son of Vali, who was so valiant in battle, reached the fort in a single bound as a monkey would do out of sheer fun.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
जुद्ध बिरुद्ध क्रुद्ध द्वौ बंदर। राम प्रताप सुमिरि उर अंतर॥
रावन भवन चढ़े द्वौ धाई। करहिं कोसलाधीस दोहाई॥1॥
juddha biruddha kruddha dvau baṃdara. rāma pratāpa sumiri ura aṃtara..
rāvana bhavana caḍhaē dvau dhāī. karahi kōsalādhīsa dōhāī..
The two monkeys let loose their fury against the enemy on the battlefield. Invoking in their heart the might of Sri Rama, both ran up to Ravana’s own palace and proclaimed the victory of Kosala’s lord.

कलस सहित गहि भवनु ढहावा। देखि निसाचरपति भय पावा॥
नारि बृंद कर पीटहिं छाती। अब दुइ कपि आए उतपाती॥2॥
kalasa sahita gahi bhavanu ḍhahāvā. dēkhi nisācarapati bhaya pāvā..
nāri bṛṃda kara pīṭahiṃ chātī. aba dui kapi āē utapātī..
Holding the edifice in their hands they overthrew it with every pinnacle. The demon king was dismayed when he saw this. The women beat their breast with their hands crying: “This time the two pestilent monkeys have come!”

कपिलीला करि तिन्हहि डेरावहिं। रामचंद्र कर सुजसु सुनावहिं॥
पुनि कर गहि कंचन के खंभा। कहेन्हि करिअ उतपात अरंभा॥3॥
kapilīlā kari tinhahi ḍērāvahiṃ. rāmacaṃdra kara sujasu sunāvahiṃ..
puni kara gahi kaṃcana kē khaṃbhā. kahēnhi karia utapāta araṃbhā.
Angada and Hanuman frightened them with their monkey-like pranks and proclaimed to them the glories of Sri Ramacandra. Then, grasping each a gold pillar in their hands, the two champions exclaimed, “Let us now begin upon our ravaging job!”

गर्जि परे रिपु कटक मझारी। लागे मर्दै भुज बल भारी॥
काहुहि लात चपेटन्हि केहू। भजहु न रामहि सो फल लेहू॥4॥
garji parē ripu kaṭaka majhārī. lāgē mardai bhuja bala bhārī..
kāhuhi lāta capēṭanhi kēhū. bhajahu na rāmahi sō phala lēhū..
Presently they roared and fell on the enemy’s ranks and began to crush them with their mighty strength of arms, striking some with their foot and slapping another on the face and crying: “Take the consequences of not adoring Sri Rama!”

दोहा | Doha
एक एक सों मर्दहिं तोरि चलावहिं मुंड।
रावन आगें परहिं ते जनु फूटहिं दधि कुंड॥44॥
ēka ēka sōṃ mardahiṃ tōri calāvahiṃ muṃḍa.
rāvana āgēṃ parahiṃ tē janu phūṭahiṃ dadhi kuṃḍa..44..
The two heroes crushed their adversaries one against another and pulling off the victim’s heads, hurled them with such precision that they dropped in front of Ravana and burst like so many earthen vases full of curds.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
महा महा मुखिआ जे पावहिं। ते पद गहि प्रभु पास चलावहिं॥
कहइ बिभीषनु तिन्ह के नामा। देहिं राम तिन्हहू निज धामा॥1॥
mahā mahā mukhiā jē pāvahiṃ. tē pada gahi prabhu pāsa calāvahiṃ..
kahai bibhīṣanu tinha kē nāmā. dēhiṃ rāma tinhahū nija dhāmā..
host, they would seize him by the leg and send him flying to their lord (Sri Rama). Vibhisana would mention their name and Sri Rama assigned even them a quarter in His own abode.

खल मनुजाद द्विजामिष भोगी। पावहिं गति जो जाचत जोगी॥
उमा राम मृदुचित करुनाकर। बयर भाव सुमिरत मोहि निसिचर॥2॥
khala manujāda dvijāmiṣa bhōgī. pāvahiṃ gati jō jācata jōgī..
umā rāma mṛducita karunākara. bayara bhāva sumirata mōhi nisicara..
Man-eating monsters who feasted on the flesh of holy Brahmanas thus attained a destiny which is solicited even by Yogis (ascetics given to contemplation on God). Uma, (continues Lord Siva,) Sri Rama is so tender-hearted and such a storehouse of compassion that He bestows the highest state (final beatitude) even on the demons, remembering that they think of Him even though in a spirit of hostility!

देहिं परम गति सो जियँ जानी। अस कृपाल को कहहु भवानी॥
अस प्रभु सुनि न भजहिं भ्रम त्यागी। नर मतिमंद ते परम अभागी॥3॥
dēhiṃ parama gati sō jiyaom jānī. asa kṛpāla kō kahahu bhavānī..
asa prabhu suni na bhajahiṃ bhrama tyāgī. nara matimaṃda tē parama abhāgī..
Tell me, Bhavani, who else is so benignant? Most dull-witted and utterly wretched are the men who, even on hearing of such a lord, worship Him not, disabusing themselves of all delusion.

अंगद अरु हनुमंत प्रबेसा। कीन्ह दुर्ग अस कह अवधेसा॥
लंकाँ द्वौ कपि सोहहिं कैसें। मथहिं सिंधु दुइ मंदर जैसें॥4॥
aṃgada aru hanumaṃta prabēsā. kīnha durga asa kaha avadhēsā..
laṃkāom dvau kapi sōhahiṃ kaisēṃ. mathahi siṃdhu dui maṃdara jaisēṃ..

“Angada and Hanuman have evidently forced their way into the fort of Lanka,” thus observed Ayodhya’s lord. Rampaging in Lanka, the two monkeys looked like a pair of Mandaras churning the ocean.

दोहा | Doha
भुज बल रिपु दल दलमलि देखि दिवस कर अंत।
कूदे जुगल बिगत श्रम आए जहँ भगवंत॥45॥
bhuja bala ripu dala dalamali dēkhi divasa kara aṃta.
kūdē jugala bigata śrama āē jahaom bhagavaṃta..45.

Having crushed and battered the enemy’s ranks by the might of their arm and perceiving that it was now the close of day, the two champions jumped down without any exertion and came where the Lord was.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
प्रभु पद कमल सीस तिन्ह नाए। देखि सुभट रघुपति मन भाए॥
राम कृपा करि जुगल निहारे। भए बिगतश्रम परम सुखारे॥1॥
prabhu pada kamala sīsa tinha nāē. dēkhi subhaṭa raghupati mana bhāē..
rāma kṛpā kari jugala nihārē. bhaē bigataśrama parama sukhārē.
They bowed their head at the lotus-feet of their Master, and the Lord of the Raghus was glad at heart to see the valiant warriors. Sri Rama graciously regarded them both and presently their fatigue was gone and they felt supremely happy.

गए जानि अंगद हनुमाना। फिरे भालु मर्कट भट नाना॥
जातुधान प्रदोष बल पाई। धाए करि दससीस दोहाई॥2॥
gaē jāni aṃgada hanumānā. phirē bhālu markaṭa bhaṭa nānā..
jātudhāna pradōṣa bala pāī. dhāē kari dasasīsa dōhāī..
On learning that Angada and Hanuman had left, the numerous monkey and bear warriors retired from the field; while the demons, recovering their strength at nightfall, sallied forth, calling on their ten-headed lord.

निसिचर अनी देखि कपि फिरे। जहँ तहँ कटकटाइ भट भिरे॥
द्वौ दल प्रबल पचारि पचारी। लरत सुभट नहिं मानहिं हारी॥3॥
nisicara anī dēkhi kapi phirē. jahaom tahaom kaṭakaṭāi bhaṭa bhirē..
dvau dala prabala pacāri pacārī. larata subhaṭa nahiṃ mānahiṃ hārī..
At the sight of the demon host the monkeys turned again; and gnashing their teeth in fury the champions closed with their opponents here and there. The two armies stood formidable; their champion’s challenging one another every time, came to a grim fight without giving in.

महाबीर निसिचर सब कारे। नाना बरन बलीमुख भारे॥
सबल जुगल दल समबल जोधा। कौतुक करत लरत करि क्रोधा॥4॥
mahābīra nisicara saba kārē. nānā barana balīmukha bhārē..
sabala jugala dala samabala jōdhā. kautuka karata larata kari krōdhā..
The demons were all great warriors and dark in complexion; while the monkeys were stupendous in size and of numerous colours. The two armies were equally strong and the warriors too equally matched; displaying their martial feats they fought with fury

प्राबिट सरद पयोद घनेरे। लरत मनहुँ मारुत के प्रेरे॥
अनिप अकंपन अरु अतिकाया। बिचलत सेन कीन्हि इन्ह माया॥5॥
prābiṭa sarada payōda ghanērē. larata manahuom māruta kē prērē..
anipa akaṃpana aru atikāyā. bicalata sēna kīnhi inha māyā..
and looked like masses of rainy and autumnal clouds driven against one another by a strong wind. The generals Akampana and Atikaya (sons of Ravana), when they perceived their troops losing ground, employed Maya (illusive devices);

भयउ निमिष महँ अति अँधिआरा। बृष्टि होइ रुधिरोपल छारा॥6॥
bhayau nimiṣa mahaom ati aomdhiyārā. bṛṣṭi hōi rudhirōpala chārā..
in an instant it grew pitch dark and there was a downpour of blood, stone and ashes.

दोहा | Doha
देखि निबिड़ तम दसहुँ दिसि कपिदल भयउ खभार।
एकहि एक न देखई जहँ तहँ करहिं पुकार॥46॥
dēkhi nibiḍa tama dasahuom disi kapidala bhayau khabhāra.
ēkahi ēka na dēkhaī jahaom tahaom karahiṃ pukāra..46..
Seeing the dense darkness all round, the monkey host was thrown into disorder. They could not see one another and there was an outcry everywhere.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
सकल मरमु रघुनायक जाना। लिए बोलि अंगद हनुमाना॥
समाचार सब कहि समुझाए। सुनत कोपि कपिकुंजर धाए॥1॥
sakala maramu raghunāyaka jānā. liē bōli aṃgada hanumānā..
samācāra saba kahi samujhāē. sunata kōpi kapikuṃjara dhāē..
The Lord of the Raghus understood the secret of it all and summoned Angada and Hanuman. He apprised them of all that was going on and issued necessary instructions to them. The two monkey chiefs rushed forth in a fury as soon as they heard the instructions.

पुनि कृपाल हँसि चाप चढ़ावा। पावक सायक सपदि चलावा॥
भयउ प्रकास कतहुँ तम नाहीं। ग्यान उदयँ जिमि संसय जाहीं॥2॥
puni kṛpāla haomsi cāpa caḍhaāvā. pāvaka sāyaka sapadi calāvā..
bhayau prakāsa katahuom tama nāhīṃ. gyāna udayaom jimi saṃsaya jāhīṃ..

The All-merciful then drew His bow with a smile and forthwith let fly a flery dart. Lo! there was light all round and no trace of darkness left anywhere, even as doubts disappear with the dawn of spiritual enlightenment.

भालु बलीमुख पाई प्रकासा। धाए हरष बिगत श्रम त्रासा॥
हनूमान अंगद रन गाजे। हाँक सुनत रजनीचर भाजे॥3॥
bhālu balīmukha pāi prakāsā. dhāē haraṣa bigata śrama trāsā..
hanūmāna aṃgada rana gājē. hāomka sunata rajanīcara bhājē..
The bear and monkeys were relieved of their fatigue and rid of all fear when they saw light again, and pressed on exultingly. Hanuman and Angada thundered on the field of battle and the demons fled at their menacing roar.

भागत भट पटकहिं धरि धरनी। करहिं भालु कपि अद्भुत करनी॥
गहि पद डारहिं सागर माहीं। मकर उरग झष धरि धरि खाहीं॥4॥
bhāgata paṭa paṭakahiṃ dhari dharanī. karahiṃ bhālu kapi adbhuta karanī..
gahi pada ḍārahiṃ sāgara māhīṃ. makara uraga jhaṣa dhari dhari khāhīṃ..
But the bears and monkeys seized the demon warriors in their flight and dashed them to the ground, performing marvellous feats of strength even as they did so, or catching them by the leg, hurled them into the ocean, where alligators, serpents and fish snapped them up and devoured them.

दोहा | Doha
कछु मारे कछु घायल कछु गढ़ चढ़े पराइ।
गर्जहिं भालु बलीमुख रिपु दल बल बिचलाइ॥47॥
kachu mārē kachu ghāyala kachu gaḍha caḍhaē parāi.
garjahiṃ bhālu balīmukha ripu dala bala bicalāi..47..
Some were killed, some more were wounded, while others scampered away and clambered the fort. Having thus scattered the hostile forces, the bears and monkeys gave a loud roar.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
निसा जानि कपि चारिउ अनी। आए जहाँ कोसला धनी॥
राम कृपा करि चितवा सबही। भए बिगतश्रम बानर तबही॥1॥

nisā jāni kapi cāriu anī. āē jahāom kōsalā dhanī..
rāma kṛpā kari citavā sabahī. bhaē bigataśrama bānara tabahī..
Perceiving that it was now night, all the four divisions of the monkey host returned to the camp of Kosala’s lord. The monkeys were all relieved of their fatigue the moment Sri Rama cast His benign look on them.

उहाँ दसानन सचिव हँकारे। सब सन कहेसि सुभट जे मारे॥
आधा कटकु कपिन्ह संघारा। कहहु बेगि का करिअ बिचारा॥2॥
uhāom dasānana saciva haomkārē. saba sana kahēsi subhaṭa jē mārē..
ādhā kaṭaku kapinha saṃghārā. kahahu bēgi kā karia bicārā..
There (in Lanka) the ten-headed monster sent for all his ministers and told them about the warriors that had been killed in action. “The monkeys have disposed of half our forces; tell me at once what counsel should be adopted.”

माल्यवंत अति जरठ निसाचर। रावन मातु पिता मंत्री बर॥
बोला बचन नीति अति पावन। सुनहु तात कछु मोर सिखावन॥3॥
mālyavaṃta ati jaraṭha nisācara. rāvana mātu pitā maṃtrī bara..
bōlā bacana nīti ati pāvana. sunahu tāta kachu mōra sikhāvana..
“There upon Malyavan, a very aged demon, who was Ravana’s maternal grandfather and an eminent counsellor, spoke words of highly devout wisdom: “Listen, my son, to a few words of advice from me.

जब ते तुम्ह सीता हरि आनी। असगुन होहिं न जाहिं बखानी॥
बेद पुरान जासु जसु गायो। राम बिमुख काहुँ न सुख पायो॥4॥
jaba tē tumha sītā hari ānī. asaguna hōhiṃ na jāhiṃ bakhānī..
bēda purāna jāsu jasu gāyō. rāma bimukha kāhuom na sukha pāyō..
Ever since you carried off Sita and brought Her here, there have been illomens more than one can tell. By opposing Sri Rama, whose glory has been the theme of the Vedas and Puranas, none has ever enjoyed happiness.”

दोहा | Doha
हिरन्याच्छ भ्राता सहित मधु कैटभ बलवान।
जेहिं मारे सोइ अवतरेउ कृपासिंधु भगवान॥48 क॥
hiranyāccha bhrātā sahita madhu kaiṭabha balavāna.
jēhi mārē sōi avatarēu kṛpāsiṃdhu bhagavāna..48ka..
“The same gracious Lord who despatched Hiranyaksa with his brother Hiranyakasipu, as well as the mighty Madhu and Kaitabha, has descended on earth (in the person of Sri Rama).”

मासपारायण, पचीसवाँ विश्राम
कालरूप खल बन दहन गुनागार घनबोध।
सिव बिरंचि जेहि सेवहिं तासों कवन बिरोध॥48 ख॥
kālarūpa khala bana dahana gunāgāra ghanabōdha.
siva biraṃci jēhi sēvahiṃ tāsōṃ kavana birōdha..48kha..
“Hostility is quite out of the question with Him who is the personification of the Time-Spirit (the principle of destruction), a fire to consume the forest in the shape of the wicked, a repository of virtues and an embodiment of wisdom, and who is adored even by Siva, and Brahma.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
परिहरि बयरु देहु बैदेही। भजहु कृपानिधि परम सनेही॥
ताके बचन बान सम लागे। करिआ मुँह करि जाहि अभागे॥1॥

parihari bayaru dēhu baidēhī. bhajahu kṛpānidhi parama sanēhī..
tākē bacana bāna sama lāgē. kariā muha kari jāhi abhāgē..
“Giving up all quarrel with Sri Rama, restore Videha’s Daughter to Him and worship the All-merciful, who has a most loving disposition.” His words stung Ravana like shafts. “Away, wretch, with your accursed face.

बूढ़ भएसि न त मरतेउँ तोही। अब जनि नयन देखावसि मोही॥
तेहिं अपने मन अस अनुमाना। बध्यो चहत एहि कृपानिधाना॥2॥

būḍha bhaēsi na ta maratēuom tōhī. aba jani nayana dēkhāvasi mōhī..
tēhi apanē mana asa anumānā. badhyō cahata ēhi kṛpānidhānā..

If it were not for your age, I would have finished you; now please do not appear before my eyes again.” Malyavan, however, thought within himself that the All-merciful would soon kill him;

सो उठि गयउ कहत दुर्बादा। तब सकोप बोलेउ घननादा॥
कौतुक प्रात देखिअहु मोरा। करिहउँ बहुत कहौं का थोरा॥3॥

sō uṭhi gayau kahata durbādā. taba sakōpa bōlēu ghananādā..
kautuka prāta dēkhiahu mōrā. karihau bahuta kahauṃ kā thōrā..

he, therefore, rose and departed abusing Ravana as he went. Meghanada thereupon exclaimed in a fury : “See what wonders I work the very next morning. I am going to accomplish much; why should I, therefore, belittle its worth by speaking of it just now?”

सुनि सुत बचन भरोसा आवा। प्रीति समेत अंक बैठावा॥
करत बिचार भयउ भिनुसारा। लागे कपि पुनि चहूँ दुआरा॥4॥

suni suta bacana bharōsā āvā. prīti samēta aṃka baiṭhāvā..
karata bicāra bhayau bhinusārā. lāgē kapi puni cahūom duārā..
Confidence returned to Ravana when he heard his son’s words; and he fondly took him into his lap. The day broke even while they deliberated, and the monkeys again assailed the four gates.

कोपि कपिन्ह दुर्घट गढ़ु घेरा। नगर कोलाहलु भयउ घनेरा॥
बिबिधायुध धर निसिचर धाए। गढ़ ते पर्बत सिखर ढहाए॥5॥
kōpi kapinha durghaṭa gaḍhau ghērā. nagara kōlāhalu bhayau ghanērā..
bibidhāyudha dhara nisicara dhāē. gaḍha tē parbata sikhara ḍhahāē..

In their fury they laid siege to the most powerful citadel. This gave rise to an uproarious alarm in the city. The demons darted forward with their weapons of every description and hurled down mountain-peaks from the ramparts.”

छंद | Chhand :
ढाहे महीधर सिखर कोटिन्ह बिबिध बिधि गोला चले।
घहरात जिमि पबिपात गर्जत जनु प्रलय के बादले॥
ḍhāhē mahīdhara sikhara kōṭinha bibidha bidhi gōlā calē.
ghaharāta jimi pabipāta garjata janu pralaya kē bādalē..

The demons hurled mountain-peaks in myriads and fired bomb-shells of every description, which came roaring like a crash of thunder; while the contending warriors roared like the clouds on the day of universal destruction.

मर्कट बिकट भट जुटत कटत न लटत तन जर्जर भए।
गहि सैल तेहि गढ़ पर चलावहि जहँ सो तहँ निसिचर हए॥

markaṭa bikaṭa bhaṭa juṭata kaṭata na laṭata tana jarjara bhaē.
gahi saila tēhi gaḍha para calāvahiṃ jahaom sō tahaom nisicara haē..

Fierce monkey warriors combated with their adversaries and had their bodies severely wounded and badly battered; yet they languished not. Seizing rocks, they hurled them against the fort; and the demons fell to them wherever they stood.

दोहा | Doha:
मेघनाद सुनि श्रवन अस गढ़ पुनि छेंका आइ।
उतर्‌यो बीर दुर्ग तें सन्मुख चल्यो बजाइ॥49॥
mēghanāda suni śravana asa gaḍhau puni chēṃkā āi.
utaryō bīra durga tēṃ sanmukha calyō bajāi..49..

When Meghanada heard that the monkeys had come and besieged the fort again, the hero tore down the fort and sallied forth with beat of drum to meet the enemy face to face.

चौपाई | Chaupais :
कहँ कोसलाधीस द्वौ भ्राता। धन्वी सकल लोत बिख्याता॥
कहँ नल नील दुबिद सुग्रीवा। अंगद हनूमंत बल सींवा॥1॥
kahaom kōsalādhīsa dvau bhrātā. dhanvī sakala lōka bikhyātā..
kahaom nala nīla dubida sugrīvā. aṃgada hanūmaṃta bala sīṃvā..

“Where are the two brother princes of Kosala, those archers celebrated throughout the spheres? Where are Nala, Nila, Dvivida and Sugriva as well as Angada and Hanuman, the most powerful of all?

कहाँ बिभीषनु भ्राताद्रोही। आजु सबहि हठि मारउँ ओही॥
अस कहि कठिन बान संधाने। अतिसय क्रोध श्रवन लगि ताने॥2॥
kahāom bibhīṣanu bhrātādrōhī. āju sabahi haṭhi mārau ōhī..
asa kahi kaṭhina bāna saṃdhānē. atisaya krōdha śravana lagi tānē..

Where is Vibhisana the traitor to his own brother? I will kill them all today and him (Vibhisana) too at all events.” So saying, he fitted sharp arrows to his bow and in excess of fury drew the string up to his ear.

सर समूह सो छाड़ै लागा। जनु सपच्छ धावहिं बहु नागा॥
जहँ तहँ परत देखिअहिं बानर। सन्मुख होइ न सके तेहि अवसर॥3॥
sara samuha sō chāḍaai lāgā. janu sapaccha dhāvahiṃ bahu nāgā..
jahaom tahaom parata dēkhiahiṃ bānara. sanmukha hōi na sakē tēhi avasara..

Presently he started discharging a volley of arrows that flew like so many winged serpents. Everywhere monkeys were seen falling to the ground, at that time there was none who would dare to face him.

जहँ तहँ भागि चले कपि रीछा। बिसरी सबहि जुद्ध कै ईछा॥
सो कपि भालु न रन महँ देखा। कीन्हेसि जेहि न प्रान अवसेषा॥4॥
jahaom tahaom bhāgi calē kapi rīchā. bisarī sabahi juddha kai īchā..
sō kapi bhālu na rana mahaom dēkhā. kīnhēsi jēhi na prāna avasēṣā..

Bears and monkeys fled in every direction; none had any desire left to continue the fight. Not a single monkey or bear was to be seen on the field, whom he had left with anything but life.

दोहा | Doha:
दस दस सर सब मारेसि परे भूमि कपि बीर।
सिंहनाद करि गर्जा मेघनाद बल धीर॥50॥
dasa dasa sara saba mārēsi parē bhūmi kapi bīra.
siṃhanāda kari garjā mēghanāda bala dhīra..50..

He struck his opponents with ten arrows each, and the monkey warriors dropped to the ground. Meghanada, who was as powerful as he was staunch in fight, now roared like a lion.

चौपाई | Chaupais :
देखि पवनसुत कटक बिहाला। क्रोधवंत जनु धायउ काला॥
महासैल एक तुरत उपारा। अति रिस मेघनाद पर डारा॥1॥
dēkhi pavanasuta kaṭaka bihālā. krōdhavaṃta janu dhāyau kālā..
mahāsaila ēka turata upārā. ati risa mēghanāda para ḍārā..
When the son of the wind-god saw his army in distress, he flew into a rage and rushed forth as if he were death personified. He forthwith tore up a huge rock and hurled it at Meghanada with great fury.

आवत देखि गयउ नभ सोई। रथ सारथी तुरग सब खोई॥
बार बार पचार हनुमाना। निकट न आव मरमु सो जाना॥2॥
āvata dēkhi gayau nabha sōī. ratha sārathī turaga saba khōī..
bāra bāra pacāra hanumānā. nikaṭa na āva maramu sō jānā..

When he saw the rock coming towards him, he mounted up into the air, leaving his car, charioteer and horses to perish. Again and again did Hanuman challenge him to a duel, but the demon dared not come nearer; for he knew the monkey’s real strength.

रघुपति निकट गयउ घननादा। नाना भाँति करेसि दुर्बादा॥
अस्त्र सस्त्र आयुध सब डारे। कौतुकहीं प्रभु काटि निवारे॥3॥
raghupati nikaṭa gayau ghananādā. nānā bhāomti karēsi durbādā..
astra sastra āyudha saba ḍārē. kautukahīṃ prabhu kāṭi nivārē..

Meghanada now approached Sri Rama and hurled every kind of abuse at him. He tried weapons and missiles of every description against Him; but the Lord with the utmost ease cut them asunder before they could reach Him.

देखि प्रताप मूढ़ खिसिआना। करै लाग माया बिधि नाना॥
जिमि कोउ करै गरुड़ सैं खेला। डरपावै गहि स्वल्प सपेला॥4॥
dēkhi pratāpa mūḍha khisiānā. karai lāga māyā bidhi nānā..
jimi kōu karai garuḍa saiṃ khēlā. ḍarapāvai gahi svalpa sapēlā..

The fool was put out of countenance when he saw the Lord’s might, and began to practise all sorts of illusive devices, as if catching hold of a poor little snakeling one were to frighten Garuda and sport with him.

दोहा | Doha:
जासु प्रबल माया बस सिव बिरंचि बड़ छोट।
ताहि दिखावइ निसिचर निज माया मति खोट॥51॥
jāsu prabala māyā bala siva biraṃci baḍa chōṭa.
tāhi dikhāvai nisicara nija māyā mati khōṭa..51..

The evil-minded demon displayed his demoniac powers before Him whose powerful Maya (deluding potency) holds sway over all, both great and small, Siva and Viranci (the Creator) not excepted.

चौपाई | Chaupais : :
नभ चढ़ि बरष बिपुल अंगारा। महि ते प्रगट होहिं जलधारा॥
नाना भाँति पिसाच पिसाची। मारु काटु धुनि बोलहिं नाची॥1॥
nabha caḍhai baraṣa bipula aṃgārā. mahi tē pragaṭa hōhiṃ jaladhārā..
nānā bhāomti pisāca pisācī. māru kāṭu dhuni bōlahiṃ nācī..

Mounting up into the air he rained down a shower of firebrands, and spouts of water issued forth from the earth. Fiends and fiendesses of diverse form danced with cries of “Maim and kill?”

बिष्टा पूय रुधिर कच हाड़ा। बरषइ कबहुँ उपल बहु छाड़ा॥
बरषि धूरि कीन्हेसि अँधिआरा। सूझ न आपन हाथ पसारा॥2॥
biṣṭā pūya rudhira kaca hāḍaā. baraṣai kabahu upala bahu chāḍaā..
baraṣi dhūri kīnhēsi aomdhiārā. sūjha na āpana hātha pasārā..

Now he would rain down showers of faeces, pus, blood, hair and bones; and now he would hurl a volley of stones. By discharging dust all round he made it so dark that if you held out your own hand you would not see it.

कपि अकुलाने माया देखें। सब कर मरन बना ऐहि लेखें॥
कौतुक देखि राम मुसुकाने। भए सभीत सकल कपि जाने॥3॥
kapi akulānē māyā dēkhēṃ. saba kara marana banā ēhi lēkhēṃ..
kautuka dēkhi rāma musukānē. bhaē sabhīta sakala kapi jānē..

The monkeys lost their nerve when they saw these supernatural phenomena. “At this rate we are all doomed” they thought. Sri Rama smiled when he saw this fun; at the same time He understood that the monkeys were all alarmed.

एक बान काटी सब माया। जिमि दिनकर हर तिमिर निकाया॥
कृपादृष्टि कपि भालु बिलोके। भए प्रबल रन रहहिं न रोके॥4॥
ēka bāna kāṭī saba māyā. jimi dinakara hara timira nikāyā..
kṛpādṛṣṭi kapi bhālu bilōkē. bhaē prabala rana rahahiṃ na rōkē..

With a single arrow He broke the illusive web, even as the sun removes the thick veil of darkness. He cast a gracious look on the monkeys and bears, and lo! they grew too strong to be restrained from fighting.

दोहा | Doha:
आयसु मागि राम पहिं अंगदादि कपि साथ।
लछिमन चले क्रुद्ध होइ बान सरासन हाथ॥52॥
āyasu māgi rāma pahiṃ aṃgadādi kapi sātha.
lachimana calē kruddha hōi bāna sarāsana hātha..52..

Asking leave of Sri Rama and accompanied by Angada and other monkey chiefs, Laksmana marched forth in fury, bow and arrow in hand.

चौपाई | Chaupais :
छतज नयन उर बाहु बिसाला। हिमगिरि निभ तनु कछु एक लाला॥
इहाँ दसानन सुभट पठाए। नाना अस्त्र सस्त्र गहि धाए॥1॥
chataja nayana ura bāhu bisālā. himagiri nibha tanu kachu ēka lālā..
ihāom dasānana subhaṭa paṭhāē. nānā astra sastra gahi dhāē..

With bloodshot eyes, a broad chest and long arms, his white form shone like the snow-clad Himalaya with a slight admixture of red. At the other end the ten-headed monster sent out champions, who rushed forth equipped with missiles and other weapons of every description.

भूधर नख बिटपायुध धारी। धाए कपि जय राम पुकारी॥
भिरे सकल जोरिहि सन जोरी। इत उत जय इच्छा नहिं थोरी॥2॥
bhūdhara nakha biṭapāyudha dhārī. dhāē kapi jaya rāma pukārī..
bhirē sakala jōrihi sana jōrī. ita uta jaya icchā nahiṃ thōrī..

With mountains, claws and trees for weapons, the monkeys hastened to meet the demons, shouting “Victory to Rama.” They all closed in the fray, match with match, both the sides equally agog to win.

मुठिकन्ह लातन्ह दातन्ह काटहिं। कपि जयसील मारि पुनि डाटहिं॥
मारु मारु धरु धरु धरु मारू। सीस तोरि गहि भुजा उपारू॥3॥
muṭhikanha lātanha dātanha kāṭahiṃ. kapi jayasīla māri puni ḍāṭahiṃ..
māru māru dharu dharu dharu mārū. sīsa tōri gahi bhujā upārū..

The monkeys, who had now the upper hand, battered the demons with their fists and feet and bit them with their teeth. They struck them down and browbeat them. “Kill, kill, seize, seize, seize, slay, break his head, seize his arm and tear it up!”-

असि रव पूरि रही नव खंडा। धावहिं जहँ तहँ रुंड प्रचंडा॥
देखहिं कौतुक नभ सुर बृंदा। कबहुँक बिसमय कबहुँ अनंदा॥4॥
asi rava pūri rahī nava khaṃḍā. dhāvahiṃ jahaom tahaom ruṃḍa pracaṃḍā..
dēkhahiṃ kautuka nabha sura bṛṃdā. kabahuka bisamaya kabahu anaṃdā..
-such were the cries that filled the air through all the nine divisions of the globe. Headless bodies sprinted furiously hither and thither. Hosts of celestials witnessed the spectacle from heaven, now with joy and now in dismay.

दोहा | Doha:
रुधिर गाड़ भरि भरि जम्यो ऊपर धूरि उड़ाइ।
जनु अँगार रासिन्ह पर मृतक धूम रह्यो छाइ॥53॥
rudhira gāḍa bhari bhari jamyō ūpara dhūri uḍaāi.
janu aomgāra rāsinha para mṛtaka dhūma rahyō chāi..53..

Blood had collected in the hollows of the earth and dried up there and clouds of dust hung over it like ashes over heaps of live coal.

चौपाई | Chaupais :
घायल बीर बिराजहिं कैसे। कुसुमति किंसुक के तरु जैसे॥
लछिमन मेघनाद द्वौ जोधा। भिरहिं परसपर करि अति क्रोधा॥1॥
ghāyala bīra birājahiṃ kaisē. kusumita kiṃsuka kē taru jaisē..
lachimana mēghanāda dvau jōdhā. bhirahiṃ parasapara kari ati krōdhā..

The wounded warriors shone like so many Kimsuka* trees in flower. The two champions, Laksmana and Meghanada, grappled with each other in mounting fury. Neither could get the better of the other.

एकहि एक सकइ नहिं जीती। निसिचर छल बल करइ अनीती॥
क्रोधवंत तब भयउ अनंता। भंजेउ रथ सारथी तुरंता॥2॥

ēkahi ēka sakai nahiṃ jītī. nisicara chala bala karai anītī..
krōdhavaṃta taba bhayau anaṃtā. bhaṃjēu ratha sārathī turaṃtā..
The demon, however, resorted to wily tricks and unfair means. Laksmana, who was no other than Ananta (the serpent-god Sesa, whose wrath brings about the dissolution of the universe), then waxed furious and in a trice smashed the chariot and tore its driver to pieces.

नाना बिधि प्रहार कर सेषा। राच्छस भयउ प्रान अवसेषा॥
रावन सुत निज मन अनुमाना। संकठ भयउ हरिहि मम प्राना॥3॥

nānā bidhi prahāra kara sēṣā. rācchasa bhayau prāna avasēṣā..
rāvana suta nija mana anumānā. saṃkaṭha bhayau harihi mama prānā..
Sesa (Laksmana) smote him in so many ways that the demon (Meghanada) was all but dead. The son of Ravana thought within himself that he was in straits and the enemy would surely take his life.

बीरघातिनी छाड़िसि साँगी। तेजपुंज लछिमन उर लागी॥
मुरुछा भई सक्ति के लागें। तब चलि गयउ निकट भय त्यागें॥4॥

bīraghātinī chāḍaisi sāomgī. tēja puṃja lachimana ura lāgī..
muruchā bhaī sakti kē lāgēṃ. taba cali gayau nikaṭa bhaya tyāgēṃ..
He threw a javelin which was notorious for killing warriors and was all brilliance; and lo! it struck Laksmana in the breast. The blow was so smart that the prince swooned and Meghanada now went near him shedding all fear.

दोहा | Doha:
मेघनाद सम कोटि सत जोधा रहे उठाइ।
जगदाधार सेष किमि उठै चले खिसिआइ॥54॥

mēghanāda sama kōṭi sata jōdhā rahē uṭhāi.
jagadādhāra sēṣa kimi uṭhai calē khisiāi..54..

A vast number of champions as powerful as Meghanada strove to lift him; but how could Sesa, the support of the entire globe, be thus lifted? Hence they returned smarting with shame.

चौपाई | Chaupais :
सुनु गिरिजा क्रोधानल जासू। जारइ भुवन चारिदस आसू॥
सक संग्राम जीति को ताही। सेवहिं सुर नर अग जग जाही॥1॥
sunu girijā krōdhānala jāsū. jārai bhuvana cāridasa āsū..
saka saṃgrāma jīti kō tāhī. sēvahiṃ sura nara aga jaga jāhī..

Listen, Parvati : (continues Lord Sankara,) none can conquer him in battle, the fire of whose wrath speedily consumes all the fourteen spheres (at the time of universal dissolution), and whom gods and human beings, nay, all animate and inanimate beings adore.

यह कौतूहल जानइ सोई। जा पर कृपा राम कै होई॥
संध्या भय फिरि द्वौ बाहनी। लगे सँभारन निज निज अनी॥2॥
yaha kautūhala jānai sōī. jā para kṛpā rāma kai hōī..
saṃdhyā bhai phiri dvau bāhanī. lagē saombhārana nija nija anī..
He alone can understand this mystery, on whom descends Sri Rama’s grace. Now that it was evening, both the armies retired and the commanders of the different units began taking count of their troops.

व्यापक ब्रह्म अजित भुवनेस्वर। लछिमन कहाँ बूझ करुनाकर॥
तब लगि लै आयउ हनुमाना। अनुज देखि प्रभु अति दुख माना॥3॥
byāpaka brahma ajita bhuvanēsvara. lachimana kahāom būjha karunākara..
taba lagi lai āyau hanumānā. anuja dēkhi prabhu ati dukha mānā..
The All-merciful and invincible Lord of the universe, the all-pervading supreme Spirit, asked : “Where is Laksmana?” Meanwhile Hanuman brought him; seeing His younger brother (in a swoon) the Lord felt sore distressed.

जामवंत कह बैद सुषेना। लंकाँ रहइ को पठई लेना॥
धरि लघु रूप गयउ हनुमंता। आनेउ भवन समेत तुरंता॥4॥

jāmavaṃta kaha baida suṣēnā. laṃkāom rahai kō paṭhaī lēnā..
dhari laghu rūpa gayau hanumaṃtā. ānēu bhavana samēta turaṃtā..
Jambavan said, “Susena, the physician, lives in Lanka; someone should be sent to fetch him here.” Assuming a minute (indiscernible) form Hanuman went and immediately brought him, house and all.

दोहा | Doha
राम पदारबिंद सिर नायउ आइ सुषेन।
कहा नाम गिरि औषधी जाहु पवनसुत लेन ॥55॥
rāma padārabiṃda sira nāyau āi suṣēna.
kahā nāma giri auṣadhī jāhu pavanasuta lēna..55..

Susena came and bowed his head at Sri Rama’s lotus-feet. He mentioned the name of the herb as well as of the mountain where it could be had, and said, “Proceed, O son of the wind-god, to bring it.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
राम चरन सरसिज उर राखी। चला प्रभंजनसुत बल भाषी॥
उहाँ दूत एक मरमु जनावा। रावनु कालनेमि गृह आवा॥1॥
rāma carana sarasija ura rākhī. calā prabhaṃjana suta bala bhāṣī..
uhāom dūta ēka maramu janāvā. rāvana kālanēmi gṛha āvā..
Enshrining Sri Rama’s lotus-feet in his heart and assuring the Lord of his own might, the son of the wind-god departed. At the other end a spy disclosed the secret to Ravana, who called at the house of Kalanemi (a demon ally of Ravana).

दसमुख कहा मरमु तेहिं सुना। पुनि पुनि कालनेमि सिरु धुना॥
देखत तुम्हहि नगरु जेहिं जारा। तासु पंथ को रोकन पारा॥2॥
dasamukha kahā maramu tēhiṃ sunā. puni puni kālanēmi siru dhunā..
dēkhata tumhahi nagaru jēhiṃ jārā. tāsu paṃtha kō rōkana pārā..
The ten-headed monster told him all that he had to say, hearing which Kalanemi beat his head again and again. “Nobody can obstruct him who burnt your capital before your very eyes.

भजि रघुपति करु हित आपना। छाँड़हु नाथ मृषा जल्पना॥
नील कंज तनु सुंदर स्यामा। हृदयँ राखु लोचनाभिरामा॥3॥
bhaji raghupati karu hita āpanā. chāomḍahu nātha mṛṣā jalpanā..
nīla kaṃja tanu suṃdara syāmā. hṛdayaom rākhu lōcanābhirāmā..
Therefore, adore the Lord of the Raghus in your own interest and desist, my lord, from all vain prattle. Hold in your heart that lovely form, swarthy as the blue lotus, the delight of all eyes.

मैं तैं मोर मूढ़ता त्यागू। महा मोह निसि सूतत जागू॥
काल ब्याल कर भच्छक जोई। सपनेहुँ समर कि जीतिअ सोई॥4॥
maiṃ taiṃ mōra mūḍhatā tyāgū. mahā mōha nisi sūtata jāgū..
kāla byāla kara bhacchaka jōī. sapanēhuom samara ki jītia sōī..

Dismiss the foolish idea of ‘I’ and ‘You,’ mine and thine and awake from slumber in the night of gross infatuation. Can anyone even dream of conquering Him in battle, who devours even the serpent of Time (which in its turn devours the entire creation)?”

दोहा | Doha
सुनि दसकंठ रिसान अति तेहिं मन कीन्ह बिचार।
राम दूत कर मरौं बरु यह खल रत मल भार॥56॥
suni dasakaṃṭha risāna ati tēhiṃ mana kīnha bicāra.
rāma dūta kara marauṃ baru yaha khala rata mala bhāra..56..
The ten-headed monster flew into a tearing rage when he heard this. Thereupon Kalanemi reasoned to himself: “I should rather die at the hands of Sri Rama’s servant; for this wretch revels in his load of sins!”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
अस कहि चला रचिसि मग माया। सर मंदिर बर बाग बनाया॥
मारुतसुत देखा सुभ आश्रम। मुनिहि बूझि जल पियौं जाइ श्रम॥1॥
asa kahi calā racisi maga māyā. sara maṃdira bara bāga banāyā..
mārutasuta dēkhā subha āśrama. munihi būjhi jala piyauṃ jāi śrama..

So saying to himself he departed and resorted to his black art; he produced by the path a lake, a temple and a lovely garden. The son of the wind-god saw the good hermitage and thought to himself : “Let me ask leave of the hermit over there and drink some water, so that I may be relieved of my fatigue.”

राच्छस कपट बेष तहँ सोहा। मायापति दूतहि चह मोहा॥
जाइ पवनसुत नायउ माथा। लाग सो कहै राम गुन गाथा॥2॥
rācchasa kapaṭa bēṣa tahaom sōhā. māyāpati dūtahi caha mōhā..
jāi pavanasuta nāyau māthā. lāga sō kahai rāma guna gāthā..
The demon (Kalanemi) had ensconced himself there in the deceitful garb of a hermit and sought to delude the messenger even of the Lord of Maya. The son of the wind-god went and bowed his head before him; and the demon in his turn began to recite Sri Rama’s praises.

होत महा रन रावन रामहिं। जितिहहिं राम न संसय या महिं॥
इहाँ भएँ मैं देखउँ भाई। ग्यान दृष्टि बल मोहि अधिकाई॥3॥
hōta mahā rana rāvana rāmahiṃ. jitahahiṃ rāma na saṃsaya yā mahiṃ..
ihāom bhaēom maiṃ dēkhēuom bhāī. gyāna dṛṣṭi bala mōhi adhikāī..

“A fierce war is raging between Sri Rama and Ravana, of which Rama will undoubtedly emerge victorious. I behold everything, my brother, even from here; for my great strength lies in my intuition.”

मागा जल तेहिं दीन्ह कमंडल। कह कपि नहिं अघाउँ थोरें जल॥
सर मज्जन करि आतुर आवहु। दिच्छा देउँ ग्यान जेहिं पावहु॥4॥
māgā jala tēhiṃ dīnha kamaṃḍala. kaha kapi nahiṃ aghāuom thōrēṃ jala..
sara majjana kari ātura āvahu. dicchā dēuom gyāna jēhiṃ pāvahu..

On his asking for water, the demon gave Hanuman his own waterpot; but the monkey chief said, “My thirst will not be quenched by a small quantity of water.” “Then take a plunge in the lake and speedily come back. After that I will initiate you and you will have spiritual insight.”

दोहा | Doha
सर पैठत कपि पद गहा मकरीं तब अकुलान।
मारी सो धरि दिब्य तनु चली गगन चढ़ि जान॥57॥
sara paiṭhata kapi pada gahā makarīṃ taba akulāna.
mārī sō dhari divya tanu calī gagana caḍhai jāna..57..
No sooner had Hanuman stepped into the lake than a she-alligator seized him by the foot in great excitement. Having been slain by Hanuman, she assumed a celestial form and, mounting an aerial car, soared into the heavens.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
कपि तव दरस भइउँ निष्पापा। मिटा तात मुनिबर कर सापा॥
मुनि न होइ यह निसिचर घोरा। मानहु सत्य बचन कपि मोरा॥1॥
kapi tava darasa bhaiuom niṣpāpā. miṭā tāta munibara kara sāpā..
muni na hōi yaha nisicara ghōrā. mānahu satya bacana kapi mōrā..

By your very sight, O dear monkey, I have been absolved of all sins and the curse of the great sage (which accounted for my birth in an alligator’s womb) has come to an end. This fellow, O monkey chief, is no hermit but a terrible demon : believe my words to be true.”

अस कहि गई अपछरा जबहीं। निसिचर निकट गयउ कपि तबहीं॥
कह कपि मुनि गुरदछिना लेहू। पाछें हमहिं मंत्र तुम्ह देहू॥2॥
asa kahi gaī apacharā jabahīṃ. nisicara nikaṭa gayau kapi tabahīṃ..
kaha kapi muni guradachinā lēhū. pāchēṃ hamahi maṃtra tumha dēhū..

So saying, the celestial nymph left for her abode in heaven and Hanuman immediately returned to the demon. Said the monkey: “First receive, holy sir, your fee as my spiritual preceptor and after that impart to me the sacred formula.”

सिर लंगूर लपेटि पछारा। निज तनु प्रगटेसि मरती बारा॥
राम राम कहि छाड़ेसि प्राना। सुनि मन हरषि चलेउ हनुमाना॥3॥
sira laṃgūra lapēṭi pachārā. nija tanu pragaṭēsi maratī bārā..
rāma rāma kahi chāḍaēsi prānā. suni mana haraṣi calēu hanumānā..
Hanuman then twisted his tail round the hermit’s head and knocked him down, and he appeared in his natural (demoniac) form at the moment of his death and gave up the ghost while muttering “Rama, Rama.” Hanuman was delighted at heart to hear this name and proceeded on his journey.

देखा सैल न औषध चीन्हा। सहसा कपि उपारि गिरि लीन्हा॥
गहि गिरि निसि नभ धावक भयऊ। अवधपुरी ऊपर कपि गयऊ॥4॥
dēkhā saila na auṣadha cīnhā. sahasā kapi upāri giri līnhā..
gahi giri nisi nabha dhāvata bhayaū. avadhapurī upara kapi gayaū..

He found the mountain but failed to single out the herb (prescribed by Susena); he, therefore, lost no time in uprooting the mount itself. Holding up the mountain in his hand, Hanuman darted back through the air while it was yet night and happened to pass over the city of Ayodhya.

दोहा | Doha
देखा भरत बिसाल अति निसिचर मन अनुमानि।
बिनु फर सायक मारेउ चाप श्रवन लगि तानि॥58॥
dēkhā bharata bisāla ati nisicara mana anumāni.
binu phara sāyaka mārēu cāpa śravana lagi tāni..58..

Bharata (who kept vigil at night ever since his return from Citrakuta) espied a colossal figure coursing through the air and thinking it to be some demon drew his bow to the ear and struck him with a headless shaft.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
परेउ मुरुछि महि लागत सायक। सुमिरत राम राम रघुनायक॥
सुनि प्रिय बचन भरत तब धाए। कपि समीप अति आतुर आए॥1॥
parēu muruchi mahi lāgata sāyaka. sumirata rāma rāma raghunāyaka..
suni priya bacana bharata taba dhāē. kapi samīpa ati ātura āē..

Struck by the dart, Hanuman dropped unconscious to the ground, crying “Rama, Rama, O Lord of the Raghus!” The moment Bharata heard these pleasing words he rushed and came posthaste by the side of the monkey.

बिकल बिलोकि कीस उर लावा। जागत नहिं बहु भाँति जगावा॥
मुख मलीन मन भए दुखारी। कहत बचन भरि लोचन बारी॥2॥
bikala bilōki kīsa ura lāvā. jāgata nahiṃ bahu bhāomti jagāvā..
mukha malīna mana bhaē dukhārī. kahata bacana bhari lōcana bārī..

Seeing the monkey in swoon, the prince clasped him to his bosom and tried every means to bring him back to consciousness but in vain. With a sad look in his face and much distressed at heart and his eyes full of tears, he spoke the following words;

जेहिं बिधि राम बिमुख मोहि कीन्हा। तेहिं पुनि यह दारुन दुख दीन्हा॥
जौं मोरें मन बच अरु काया॥ प्रीति राम पद कमल अमाया॥3॥
jēhiṃ bidhi rāma bimukha mōhi kīnhā. tēhiṃ puni yaha dāruna dukha dīnhā..
jauṃ mōrēṃ mana baca aru kāyā. prīti rāma pada kamala amāyā..

“The selfsame Providence who alienated me from Sri Rama has also inflicted this terrible suffering on me. If in thought, word and deed I cherish sincere devotion to Sri Rama’s lotus feet,

तौ कपि होउ बिगत श्रम सूला। जौं मो पर रघुपति अनुकूला॥
सुनत बचन उठि बैठ कपीसा। कहि जय जयति कोसलाधीसा॥4॥
tau kapi hōu bigata śrama sūlā. jauṃ mō para raghupati anukūlā..
sunata bacana uṭhi baiṭha kapīsā. kahi jaya jayati kōsalādhīsā..

and if the Lord of the Raghus is kindly disposed towards me, may this monkey be relieved of all exhaustion and pain.” As soon as these words entered his ears the monkey chief arose and sat up, crying “Glory, all glory to the Lord of Kosala!”

सोरठा | Sortha:
लीन्ह कपिहि उर लाइ पुलकित तनु लोचन सजल।
प्रीति न हृदय समाइ सुमिरि राम रघुकुल तिलक॥59॥
līnha kapihi ura lāi pulakita tanu lōcana sajala.
prīti na hṛdayaom samāi sumiri rāma raghukula tilaka..59..

A thrill of joy ran through his body and tears rushed to his eyes as Bharata took and clasped the monkey to his bosom. His heart overflowed with love at the very thought of Sri Rama, the glory of Raghu’s race.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
तात कुसल कहु सुखनिधान की। सहित अनुज अरु मातु जानकी॥
लकपि सब चरित समास बखाने। भए दुखी मन महुँ पछिताने॥1॥
tāta kusala kahu sukhanidhāna kī. sahita anuja aru mātu jānakī..
kapi saba carita samāsa bakhānē. bhaē dukhī mana mahuom pachitānē..

“Tell me, dear friend, if all is well with Sri Rama, the Fountain of Joy, as well as with His younger brother (Laksmana) and my mother Janaki (Janaka’s Daughter).” The monkey chief told him in brief all that had happened and Bharata felt much distressed to hear it

अहह दैव मैं कत जग जायउँ। प्रभु के एकहु काज न आयउँ॥
जानि कुअवसरु मन धरि धीरा। पुनि कपि सन बोले बलबीरा॥2॥
ahaha daiva maiṃ kata jaga jāyauom. prabhu kē ēkahu kāja na āyauom..
jāni kuavasaru mana dhari dhīrā. puni kapi sana bōlē balabīrā..

and his heart was filled with remorse. “Ah me, good heavens, why should I have been born into this world at all, if I could not be of any service to the Lord?” But realizing the adverse circumstances, the gallant and mighty prince recollected himself and addressed Hanuman again,

तात गहरु होइहि तोहि जाता। काजु नसाइहि होत प्रभाता॥
चढ़ु मम सायक सैल समेता। पठवौं तोहि जहँ कृपानिकेता॥3॥
tāta gaharu hōihi tōhi jātā. kāju nasāihi hōta prabhātā..
caḍhau mama sāyaka saila samētā. paṭhavauṃ tōhi jahaom kṛpānikētā..

“You will be delayed in your journey and nothing will avail after daybreak. Therefore, ascend my arrow, mountain and all, and I will send you straight into the presence of the All-merciful.”

सुनि कपि मन उपजा अभिमाना। मोरें भार चलिहि किमि बाना॥
राम प्रभाव बिचारि बहोरी। बंदि चरन कह कपि कर जोरी॥4॥
suni kapi mana upajā abhimānā. mōrēṃ bhāra calihi kimi bānā..
rāma prabhāva bicāri bahōrī. baṃdi carana kaha kapi kara jōrī..
Hanuman’s pride was tickled when he heard these words. “How will the arrow fly with my weight?” he thought. Then, recalling Sri Rama’s glory, he bowed at Bharata’s feet and spoke with joined palms:-

दोहा | Doha
तव प्रताप उर राखि प्रभु जैहउँ नाथ तुरंत।
अस कहि आयसु पाइ पद बंदि चलेउ हनुमंत॥60 क॥
tava pratāpa ura rākhi prabhu jēhauom nātha turaṃta.
asa kahi āyasu pāi pada baṃdi calēu hanumaṃta..60ka..

“Cherishing the thought of your majesty, my lord, I will go swiftly.” So saying and obtaining leave of Bharata, Hanuman bowed at his feet and sped on.

भरत बाहु बल सील गुन प्रभु पद प्रीति अपार।
मन महुँ जात सराहत पुनि पुनि पवनकुमार॥60 ख॥
bharata bāhu bala sīla guna prabhu pada prīti apāra.
mana mahuom jāta sarāhata puni puni pavanakumāra..60kha.
As he journeyed forth, the son of the wind-god extolled to himself again and again Bharata’s strength of arm, amiability and goodness as well as his boundless devotion to the Lord’s feet.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
उहाँ राम लछिमनहि निहारी। बोले बचन मनुज अनुसारी॥
अर्ध राति गइ कपि नहिं आयउ। राम उठाइ अनुज उर लायउ॥1॥
uhāom rāma lachimanahiṃ nihārī. bōlē bacana manuja anusārī..
ardha rāti gai kapi nahiṃ āyau. rāma uṭhāi anuja ura lāyau..

Now, there on Suvela Sri Rama uttered words befitting a mortal as He looked at Laksmana, “Although it is now past midnight, Hanuman has not yet turned up!” Sri Rama raised His younger brother and clasped him to His bosom.

सकहु न दुखित देखि मोहि काउ। बंधु सदा तव मृदुल सुभाऊ॥
मम हित लागि तजेहु पितु माता। सहेहु बिपिन हिम आतप बाता॥2॥
sakahu na dukhita dēkhi mōhi kāū. baṃdhu sadā tava mṛdula subhāū..
mama hita lāgi tajēhu pitu mātā. sahēhu bipina hima ātapa bātā..

“Brother, you could never bear to see me in distress, since your disposition has always been so tender. On my account you left both father and mother and exposed yourself to the cold, the heat and the winds of the forest.

सो अनुराग कहाँ अब भाई। उठहु न सुनि मम बच बिकलाई॥
जौं जनतेउँ बन बंधु बिछोहू। पिता बचन मनतेउँ नहिं ओहू॥3॥
sō anurāga kahāom aba bhāī. uṭhahu na suni mama baca bikalāī..
jauṃ janatēuom bana baṃdhu bichōhū. pitā bacana manatēuom nahiṃ ōhū..

Where is that old love now, brother, that you refuse to get up even on hearing my lament? Had I known that I would lose my brother in the forest, I would never have obeyed even my father’s command.

सुत बित नारि भवन परिवारा। होहिं जाहिं जग बारहिं बारा॥
अस बिचारि जियँ जागहु ताता। मिलइ न जगत सहोदर भ्राता॥4॥
suta bita nāri bhavana parivārā. hōhiṃ jāhiṃ jaga bārahiṃ bārā..
asa bicāri jiyaom jāgahu tātā. milai na jagata sahōdara bhrātā..

Sons, riches, wives, houses and kinsfolk in this world repeatedly come and go; but a real brother cannot be had again in this world. Ponder this in your mind and arise, dear brother.

जथा पंख बिनु खग अति दीना। मनि बिनु फनि करिबर कर हीना॥
अस मम जिवन बंधु बिनु तोही। जौं जड़ दैव जिआवै मोही॥5॥
jathā paṃkha binu khaga ati dīnā. mani binu phani karibara kara hīnā..
asa mama jivana baṃdhu binu tōhī. jauṃ jaḍa daiva jiāvai mōhī..

As a bird is utterly miserable without wings, a serpent without its head-jewel and a noble elephant without its trunk, so is my life without you, brother, in case stupid fate compels me to survive.

जैहउँ अवध कौन मुहु लाई। नारि हेतु प्रिय भाई गँवाई॥
बरु अपजस सहतेउँ जग माहीं। नारि हानि बिसेष छति नाहीं॥6॥
jaihauom avadha kavana muhu lāī. nāri hētu priya bhāi gaomvāī..
baru apajasa sahatēuom jaga māhīṃ. nāri hāni bisēṣa chati nāhīṃ..

With what face shall I return to Ayodhya after sacrificing a beloved brother for the sake of my wife. I would rather have suffered obloquy in the world (for my inability to recover my wife); for after all the loss of a wife is not a serious loss.

अब अपलोकु सोकु सुत तोरा। सहिहि निठुर कठोर उर मोरा॥
निज जननी के एक कुमारा। तात तासु तुम्ह प्रान अधारा॥7॥
aba apalōku sōku suta tōrā. sahihi niṭhura kaṭhōra ura mōrā..
nija jananī kē ēka kumārā. tāta tāsu tumha prāna adhārā..

Now, however, my unfeeling and stony heart will endure both that obloquy and the deep anguish of your loss, my son. Your mother’s only son, you are the sole prop of her life.

सौंपेसि मोहि तुम्हहि गहि पानी। सब बिधि सुखद परम हित जानी॥
उतरु काह दैहउँ तेहि जाई। उठि किन मोहि सिखावहु भाई॥8॥
sauṃpēsi mōhi tumhahi gahi pānī. saba bidhi sukhada parama hita jānī..
utaru kāha daihauom tēhi jāī. uṭhi kina mōhi sikhāvahu bhāī..

Yet she took you by the hand and entrusted you to me, knowing that I would make you happy in everyway and that I am your greatest well-wisher. What answer shall I give her when I go back? Why should you not get up and advise me, brother?”

बहु बिधि सोचत सोच बिमोचन। स्रवत सलिल राजिव दल लोचन॥
उमा एक अखंड रघुराई। नर गति भगत कृपाल देखाई॥9॥
bahu bidhi sicata sōca bimōcana. stravata salila rājiva dala lōcana..
umā ēka akhaṃḍa raghurāī. nara gati bhagata kṛpāla dēkhāī..
Thus lamented the Dispeller of sorrow in diverse ways; and tears flowed from His eyes which resembled the petals of a lotus. Uma, (continues Lord Siva,) the Lord of the Raghus is one (without a second) and indivisible; He exhibited the ways of human being only because He is so compassionate to His devotees.

सोरठा | Sortha:
प्रभु प्रलाप सुनि कान बिकल भए बानर निकर।
आइ गयउ हनुमान जिमि करुना महँ बीर रस॥61॥
prabhu pralāpa suni kāna bikala bhaē bānara nikara.
āi gayau hanumāna jimi karunā mahaom bīra rasa..61..

The hosts of monkeys that surrounded the Lord were distressed to hear the Lord’s frantic wailing. Presently arrived Hanuman like a heroic strain in the midst of pathos.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
हरषि राम भेंटेउ हनुमाना। अति कृतग्य प्रभु परम सुजाना॥
तुरत बैद तब कीन्ह उपाई। उठि बैठे लछिमन हरषाई॥1॥
haraṣi rāma bhēṃṭēu hanumānā. ati kṛtagya prabhu parama sujānā..
turata baida taba kīnha upāī. uṭhi baiṭhē lachimana haraṣāī..

Transported with joy, Sri Rama embraced Hanuman; for the Lord is exceedingly grateful by nature and supremely wise. The physician (Susena) then immediately applied the remedy and Laksmana cheerfully rose and sat up.

हृदयँ लाइ प्रभु भेंटेउ भ्राता। हरषे सकल भालु कपि ब्राता॥
कपि पुनि बैद तहाँ पहुँचावा। जेहि बिधि तबहिं ताहि लइ आवा॥2॥
hṛdayaom lāi prabhu bhēṃṭēu bhrātā. haraṣē sakala bhālu kapi brātā..
kapi puni baida tahāom pahuomcāvā. jēhi bidhi tabahiṃ tāhi lai āvā..

The Lord clasped His brother to His heart and the whole host of bears and monkeys was rejoiced. Hanuman took the physician back to Lanka in the same way he had brought him the previous night.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
यह बृत्तांत दसानन सुनेऊ। अति बिषाद पुनि पुनि सिर धुनेऊ॥
ब्याकुल कुंभकरन पहिं आवा। बिबिध जतन करि ताहि जगावा॥3॥
yaha bṛttāṃta dasānana sunēū. ati biṣaada puni puni sira dhunēū..
byākula kuṃbhakarana pahiṃ āvā. bibidha jatana kari tāhi jagāvā..
When the ten-headed monster heard this news, he beat his head in utter despair again and again. In sore perplexity he called on Kumbhakarna (his younger brother) and succeeded in waking him by using all sorts of devices.

जागा निसिचर देखिअ कैसा। मानहुँ कालु देह धरि बैसा॥
कुंभकरन बूझा कहु भाई। काहे तव मुख रहे सुखाई॥4॥
jāgā nisicara dēkhia kaisā. mānahuom kālu dēha dhari baisā..
kuṃbhakarana būjhā kahu bhāī. kāhē tava mukha rahē sukhāī..

Having woken and sat up, he looked like Death himself in a corporeal body. Kumbhakarna asked; “Tell me, brother, why do you look so withered up?”

कथा कही सब तेहिं अभिमानी। जेहि प्रकार सीता हरि आनी॥
तात कपिन्ह सब निसिचर मारे। महा महा जोधा संघारे॥5॥
kathā kahī saba tēhiṃ abhimānī. jēhi prakāra sītā hari ānī..
tāta kapinha saba nisicara mārē. mahāmahā jōdhā saṃghārē..
The haughty Ravana told him the whole story as to how he had carried off Sita “Dear brother, the monkeys have killed all the demons and extirpated the greatest warriors.

दुर्मुख सुररिपु मनुज अहारी। भट अतिकाय अकंपन भारी॥
अपर महोदर आदिक बीरा। परे समर महि सब रनधीरा॥6॥
durmukha suraripu manuja ahārī. bhaṭa atikāya akaṃpana bhārī..
apara mahōdara ādika bīrā. parē samara mahi saba ranadhīrā..

Durmukha, Devantaka (the enemy of gods), Narantaka (the devourer of men), the mighty champions Atikaya (of enormous size) and Akampana (who never trembles in fear) and other heroes like Mahodara (the bigbellied), so staunch in battle, have all fallen on the field of battle.”

दोहा | Doha
सुनि दसकंधर बचन तब कुंभकरन बिलखान।
जगदंबा हरि आनि अब सठ चाहत कल्यान॥62॥
suni dasakaṃdhara bacana taba kuṃbhakarana bilakhāna.
jagadaṃbā hari āni aba saṭha cāhata kalyāna..62..

On hearing the words of his ten-headed brother, Kumbhakarna felt very sorry. “Having carried off the Mother of the universe, O fool, you still expect good out of it!”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
भल न कीन्ह तैं निसिचर नाहा। अब मोहि आइ जगाएहि काहा॥
अजहूँ तात त्यागि अभिमाना। भजहु राम होइहि कल्याना॥1॥
bhala na kīnha taiṃ nisicara nāhā. aba mōhi āi jagāēhi kāhā..
ajahūom tāta tyāgi abhimānā. bhajahu rāma hōihi kalyānā..

“You have not acted well, O demon king. And now why have you come and woke me up? Yet, abandoning pride, worship Sri Rama and you will be blessed.

हैं दससीस मनुज रघुनायक। जाके हनूमान से पायक॥
अहह बंधु तैं कीन्हि खोटाई। प्रथमहिं मोहि न सुनाएहि आई॥2॥
haiṃ dasasīsa manuja raghunāyaka. jākē hanūmāna sē pāyaka..
ahaha baṃdhu taiṃ kīnhi khōṭāī. prathamahiṃ mōhi na sunāēhi āī..

Can the Lord of the Raghus, O ten-headed Ravana, be a man, who has couriers like Hanuman? Alas, brother, you acted unwisely in that you did not break this news to me earlier.

कीन्हेहु प्रभु बिरोध तेहि देवक। सिव बिरंचि सुर जाके सेवक॥
नारद मुनि मोहि ग्यान जो कहा। कहतेउँ तोहि समय निरबाहा॥3॥
kīnhēhu prabhū birōdha tēhi dēvaka. siva biraṃci sura jākē sēvaka..
nārada muni mōhi gyāna jō kahā. kahatēuom tōhi samaya nirabahā..

You have courted war with the Divinity who has for His servants gods like Siva and Viranci (the Creator). I would have confided to you the secret which the sage Narada had once imparted to me; but the time has passed.

अब भरि अंक भेंटु मोहि भाई। लोचन सुफल करौं मैं जाई॥
स्याम गात सरसीरुह लोचन। देखौं जाइ ताप त्रय मोचन॥4॥
aba bhari aṃka bhēṃṭu mōhi bhāī. lōcana sūphala karau maiṃ jāī..
syāma gāta sarasīruha lōcana. dēkhauṃ jāi tāpa traya mōcana..
Squeeze me, brother, in close embrace now, so that I may go and bless my eyes with the sight of the Lord who has a swarthy complexion and lotus-like eyes and who relieves the threefold agony of His devotees.”

दोहा | Doha
राम रूप गुन सुमिरत मगन भयउ छन एक।
रावन मागेउ कोटि घट मद अरु महिष अनेक॥63॥
rāma rūpa guna sumirata magana bhayau chana ēka.
rāvana māgēu kōṭi ghaṭa mada aru mahiṣa anēka..63..

As he thought of Sri Rama’s beauty and virtues he forgot himself for a moment. In the meantime Ravana requisitioned (for his consumption) myriads of jars full of wine and a whole herd of buffaloes

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
महिषखाइ करि मदिरा पाना। गर्जा बज्राघात समाना॥
कुंभकरन दुर्मद रन रंगा। चला दुर्ग तजि सेन न संगा॥1॥
mahiṣa khāi kari madirā pānā. garjā bajrāghāta samānā..
kuṃbhakarana durmada rana raṃgā. calā durga taji sēna na saṃgā..
Having feasted on the buffaloes and drunk off the wine, Kumbhakarna roared like a crash of lightning. Heavily drunk and full of passion for war, he sallied forth from the fort without any troops.

देखि बिभीषनु आगें आयउ। परेउ चरन निज नाम सुनायउ॥
अनुज उठाइ हृदयँ तेहि लायो। रघुपति भक्त जानि मन भायो॥2॥
dēkhi bibhīṣanu āgēṃ āyau. parēu carana nija nāma sunāyau..
anuja uṭhāi hṛdayaom tēhi lāyō. raghupati bhakta jāni mana bhāyō..
When Vibhisana saw him, he came forward and falling at his feet told him his name. Kumbhakarna in his turn lifted his younger brother and clasped him to his bosom; he was delighted at heart to know that his brother was a devotee of Sri Rama (the Lord of the Raghus).

तात लात रावन मोहि मारा। कहत परम हित मंत्र बिचारा॥
तेहिं गलानि रघुपति पहिं आयउँ। देखि दीन प्रभु के मन भायउँ॥3॥
tāta lāta rāvana mōhi mārā. kahata parama hita maṃtra bicārā..
tēhiṃ galāni raghupati pahiṃ āyauom. dēkhi dīna prabhu kē mana bhāyauom..

“Dear brother, Ravana spurned me with his foot when I gave him a most salutary advice and told him my view. Disgusted with such treatment I came away to Sri Rama, and the Lord’s heart was drawn towards me when he perceived my distress.”

सुनु भयउ कालबस रावन। सो कि मान अब परम सिखावन॥
धन्य धन्य तैं धन्य विभीषन। भयहु तात निसिचर कुल भूषन॥4॥
sunu suta bhayau kālabasa rāvana. sō ki māna aba parama sikhāvana..
dhanya dhanya taiṃ dhanya bibhīṣana. bhayahu tāta nisicara kula bhūṣana..

“Listen, my son; Ravana is in the clutches of death and would not listen even to the best advice at this stage. Thrice blessed are you, Vibhisana; you have proved to be the ornament of the demon race.

बंधु बंस तैं कीन्ह उजागर। भजेहु राम सोभा सुख सागर॥5॥
baṃdhu baṃsa taiṃ kīnha ujāgara. bhajēhu rāma sōbhā sukha sāgara..

Brother, you have brought glory to our line by adoring Sri Rama, that ocean of beauty and felicity.

दोहा | Doha
बचन कर्म मन कपट तजि भजेहु राम रनधीर।
जाहु न निज पर सूझ मोहि भयउँ कालबस बीर॥64॥
bacana karma mana kapaṭa taji bhajēhu rāma ranadhīra.
jāhu na nija para sūjha mōhi bhayauom kālabasa bīra. 64..

In thought, word and deed you should guilelessly worship Sri Rama, who is staunch in battle. Now leave me; for, doomed as I am to death, brother, I can no longer distinguish between friend and foe.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
बंधु बचन सुनि चला बिभीषन। आयउ जहँ त्रैलोक बिभूषन॥
नाथ भूधराकार सरीरा। कुंभकरन आवत रनधीरा॥1॥॥
baṃdhu bacana suni calā bibhīṣana. āyau jahaom trailōka bibhūṣana..
nātha bhūdharākāra sarīrā. kuṃbhakarana āvata ranadhīrā..

On hearing the words of his brother (Kumbhakarna) Vibhisana turned back and came into the presence of Sri Rama (the Ornament of the three spheres). “My lord, here comes Kumbhakarna, possessed of a body huge as a mountain and staunch in battle!”

एतना कपिन्ह सुना जब काना। किलकिलाइ धाए बलवाना॥
लिए उठाइ बिटप अरु भूधर। कटकटाइ डारहिं ता ऊपर॥2॥
ētanā kapinha sunā jaba kānā. kilakilāi dhāē balavānā..
liē uṭhāi biṭapa aru bhūdhara. kaṭakaṭāi ḍārahiṃ tā ūpara..
The moment the mighty monkeys heard this they rushed forth crying with joy. They plucked up trees and mountains and hurled them against Kumbhakarna gnashing their teeth all the while.

कोटि कोटि गिरि सिखर प्रहारा। करहिं भालु कपि एक एक बारा॥
मुर्‌यो न मनु तनु टर्‌यो न टार्‌यो। जिमि गज अर्क फलनि को मार्‌यो॥3॥
kōṭi kōṭi giri sikhara prahārā. karahiṃ bhālu kapi ēka ēka bārā..
mur yō na mana tanu ṭar yō na ṭār yō. jimi gaja arka phalani kō māryō..
The bears and monkeys threw myriads of mountain-peaks at him each time. But neither he felt daunted in spirit nor did he stir from his position in spite of the best efforts on the part of the monkeys to push him back, even like an elephant pelted with the fruits of the sun-plant.

तब मारुतसुत मुठिका हन्यो। परयो धरनि ब्याकुल सिर धुन्यो॥
पुनि उठि तेहिं मारेउ हनुमंता। घुर्मित भूतल परेउ तुरंता॥4॥
taba mārutasuta muṭhikā hanyō. par yō dharani byākula sira dhunyō..
puni uṭhi tēhiṃ mārēu hanumaṃtā. ghurmita bhūtala parēu turaṃtā..

Thereupon Hanuman struck him with his fist and he fell to the earth beating his head in great confusion. Rising again he hit Hanuman back and the latter whirled round and immediately dropped to the ground.

पुनि नल नीलहि अवनि पछारेसि। जहँ तहँ पटकि पटकि भट डारेसि॥
चली बलीमुख सेन पराई। अति भय त्रसित न कोउ समुहाई॥5॥
puni nala nīlahi avani pachārēsi. jahaom tahaom paṭaki paṭaki bhaṭa ḍārēsi..
calī balīmukha sēna parāī. ati bhaya trasita na kōu samuhāī..
Next he overthrew Nala and Nila upon the ground and knocked down the warriors here, there and everywhere. The monkey host stampeded; in utter dismay none dared face him

दोहा | Doha
अंगदादि कपि मुरुछित करि समेत सुग्रीव।
काँख दाबि कपिराज कहुँ चला अमित बल सींव॥65॥
aṃgadādi kapi muruchita kari samēta sugrīva.
kāomkha dābi kapirāja kahuom calā amita bala sīṃva..65..

Next he overthrew Nala and Nila upon the ground and knocked down the warriors here, there and everywhere. The monkey host stampeded; in utter dismay none dared face him

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
उमा करत रघुपति नरलीला। खेलत गरुड़ जिमि अहिगन मीला॥
भृकुटि भंग जो कालहि खाई। ताहि कि सोहइ ऐसि लराई॥1॥
umā karata raghupati naralīlā. khēlata garuḍa jimi ahigana mīlā..
bhṛkuṭi bhaṃga jō kālahi khāī. tāhi ki sōhai aisi larāī..

Uma, (continues Lord Siva,) the Lord of the Raghus played the part of a human being in the same way as Garuda (the mount of Bhagavan Visnu) would sport in the company of snakes. Otherwise how could He who devours Death himself with the mere knitting of His brows engage with any grace in such a conflict as this?

जग पावनि कीरति बिस्तरिहहिं। गाइ गाइ भवनिधि नर तरिहहिं॥
मुरुछा गइ मारुतसुत जागा। सुग्रीवहि तब खोजन लागा॥2॥
jaga pāvani kīrati bistarihahiṃ. gāi gāi bhavanidhi nara tarihahiṃ..
muruchā gai mārutasuta jāgā. sugrīvahi taba khōjana lāgā..

He will thereby spread His fame, which will not only sanctify the whole world but will undoubtedly take across the ocean of mundane existence the people who sing it. Now Hanuman’s unconsciousness ceased and he woke and presently began to look about for Sugriva.

सुग्रीवहु कै मुरुछा बीती। निबुकि गयउ तेहि मृतक प्रतीती॥
काटेसि दसन नासिका काना। गरजि अकास चलेउ तेहिं जाना॥3॥
sugrīvahu kai muruchā bītī. nibuka gayau tēhi mṛtaka pratītī..
kāṭēsi dasana nāsikā kānā. garaji akāsa calau tēhiṃ jānā..

Meanwhile Sugriva too recovered from his swoon and slipped out of Kumbhakarna’s grips, who had taken him for dead (and consequently loosened his grip). Kumbhakarna discovered his escape only when Sugriva bit off the monster’s nose and ears and ascended into the air roaring.

गहेउ चरन गहि भूमि पछारा। अति लाघवँ उठि पुनि तेहि मारा॥
पुनि आयउ प्रभु पहिं बलवाना। जयति जयति जय कृपानिधाना॥4॥
gahēu carana gahi bhūmi pachārā. ati lāghavaom uṭhi puni tēhi mārā..
puni āyasu prabhu pahiṃ balavānā. jayati jayati jaya kṛpānidhānā..

The demon caught Sugriva by the foot and, having thus secured him, dashed him against the ground. Sugriva, however, rose with remarkable agility and hit his adversary back. The mighty hero then returned into the Lord’s presence, shouting “Glory, glory, all glory to the merciful Lord!”

नाक कान काटे जियँ जानी। फिरा क्रोध करि भइ मन ग्लानी॥
सहज भीम पुनि बिनु श्रुति नासा। देखत कपि दल उपजी त्रासा॥5॥
nāka kāna kāṭē jiyaom jānī. phirā krōdha kari bhai mana glānī..
sahaja bhīma puni binu śruti nāsā. dēkhata kapi dala upajī trāsā..
Kumbhakarna felt sick at heart when he realized that he had been deprived of his nose and ears, and turned back in a fury. The monkey host was horror-stricken when they saw the monster, who was frightful by nature and looked more so in the absence of his nose and ears.

दोहा | Doha
जय जय जय रघुबंस मनि धाए कपि दै हूह।
एकहि बार तासु पर छाड़ेन्हि गिरि तरु जूह॥66॥
jaya jaya jaya raghubaṃsa mani dhāē kapi dai hūha.
ēkahi bāra tāsu para chāḍaēnhi giri taru jūha..66..

Raising a shout of “Glory, glory, all glory to the Jewel of Raghu’s race!” the monkeys rushed forward and rained upon him all at once a volley of rocks and trees.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
कुंभकरन रन रंग बिरुद्धा। सन्मुख चला काल जनु क्रुद्धा॥
कोटि कोटि कपि धरि धरि खाई। जनु टीड़ी गिरि गुहाँ समाई॥1॥
kuṃbhakarana rana raṃga biruddhā. sanmukha calā kāla janu kruddhā..
kōṭi kōṭi kapi dhari dhari khāī. janu ṭīḍaī giri guhāom samāī..

Maddened with the Iust of battle, Kumbhakarna marched against the enemy like Death himself furious with rage. He seized and devoured myriads of monkeys, that looked like swarms of locusts entering a mountain cave.

कोटिन्ह गहि सरीर सन मर्दा। कोटिन्ह मीजि मिलव महि गर्दा॥
मुख नासा श्रवनन्हि कीं बाटा। निसरि पराहिं भालु कपि ठाटा॥2॥
kōṭinha gahi sarīra sana mardā. kōṭinha mīji milava mahi gardā..
mukha nāsā śravananhi kīṃ bāṭā. nisari parāhiṃ bhālu kapi ṭhāṭā..

Seizing many more millions he crushed them against his body, and millions he levigated between his palms and mixed with the dust on the ground. Multitudes of bears and monkeys escaped through his mouth, nostrils and ears and ran away.

रन मद मत्त निसाचर दर्पा। बिस्व ग्रसिहि जनु ऐहि बिधि अर्पा॥
मुरे सुभट सब फिरहिं न फेरे। सूझ न नयन सुनहिं नहिं टेरे॥3॥
rana mada matta nisācara darpā. bisva grasihi janu ēhi bidhi arpā..
murē subhaṭa saba phirahiṃ na phērē. sūjha na nayana sunahiṃ nahiṃ ṭērē..

lntoxicated with the frenzy of battle the demon stood in a challenging mood; as though the Creator had placed the whole universe at his disposal and he was going to devour it. All great warriors scuttled away from the battlefield and would not return under any persuasion whatsoever. They could neither see with their eyes nor hear any call.

कुंभकरन कपि फौज बिडारी। सुनि धाई रजनीचर धारी॥
देखी राम बिकल कटकाई। रिपु अनीक नाना बिधि आई॥4॥
kuṃbhakarana kapi phauja biḍārī. suni dhāī rajanīcara dhārī..
dēkhi rāma bikala kaṭakāī. ripu anīka nānā bidhi āī..

The demon host also sallied forth when they learnt that Kumbhakarna had dispersed the monkey army. Sri Rama saw the discomfiture of His forces and further perceived all kinds of enemy reinforcements pouring in.

दोहा | Doha
सुनु सुग्रीव बिभीषन अनुज सँभारेहु सैन।
मैं देखउँ खल बल दलहि बोले राजिवनैन॥67॥
sunu sugrīva bibhīṣana anuja saombhārēhu saina.
maiṃ dēkhauom khala bala dalahi bōlē rājivanaina..67..

“Listen, Sugriva, Vibhisana and Laksmana; take care of the army while I test the might and man-power of this wretch,” said the lotus-eyed Lord.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
कर सारंग साजि कटि भाथा। अरि दल दलन चले रघुनाथा॥
प्रथम कीन्हि प्रभु धनुष टंकोरा। रिपु दल बधिर भयउ सुनि सोरा॥1॥
kara sāraṃga sāji kaṭi bhāthā. ari dala dalana calē raghunāthā..
prathama kīnha prabhu dhanuṣa ṭaomkōrā. ripu dala badhira bhayau suni sōrā..

Taking His famous bow, known by the name of Sarnga, in His hand and with a quiver fastened to His waist, the Lord of the Raghus went forth to crush the enemy’s ranks. The Lord first twanged His bow: the sound was so piercing that the enemy host was deafened to hear it.

सत्यसंध छाँड़े सर लच्छा। कालसर्प जनु चले सपच्छा॥
जहँ तहँ चले बिपुल नाराचा। लगे कटन भट बिकट पिसाचा॥2॥
satyasaṃdha chāomḍaē sara lacchā. kālasarpa janu calē sapacchā..
jahaom tahaom calē bipula nārācā. lagē kaṭana bhaṭa bikaṭa pisācā..

Sri Rama of unfailing resolve discharged a hundred thousand arrows, which sped like winged cobras. Numerous arrows flew in every direction; fierce demon warriors began to be mowed down.

कटहिं चरन उर सिर भुजदंडा। बहुतक बीर होहिं सत खंडा॥
घुर्मि घुर्मि घायल महि परहीं। उठि संभारि सुभट पुनि लरहीं॥3॥
kaṭahiṃ carana ura sira bhujadaṃḍā. bahutaka bīra hōhiṃ sata khaṃḍā..
ghurmi ghurmi ghāyala mahi parahīṃ. uṭhi saṃbhāri subhaṭa puni larahīṃ..

Feet, chest, head and arms were dismembered; while many a hero was cut into a hundred pieces. Whirling round and round, the wounded fell to the ground; the champions among them rose and, recovering themselves, would join battle again.

लागत बान जलद जिमि गाजहिं। बहुतक देखि कठिन सर भाजहिं॥
रुंड प्रचंड मुंड बिनु धावहिं। धरु धरु मारु मारु धुनि गावहिं॥4॥
lāgata bāna jalada jimi gājahīṃ. bahutaka dēkhī kaṭhina sara bhājahiṃ..
ruṃḍa pracaṃḍa muṃḍa binu dhāvahiṃ. dharu dharu mārū māru dhuni gāvahiṃ..

They thundered like clouds even as the arrows struck them; while many of them took to flight at the very sight of the terrible arrows. Headless trunks rushed fiercely on with the cries of “Seize, seize, kill, kill.”

दोहा | Doha
छन महुँ प्रभु के सायकन्हि काटे बिकट पिसाच।
पुनि रघुबीर निषंग महुँ प्रबिसे सब नाराच॥68॥
chana mahuom prabhu kē sāyakanhi kāṭē bikaṭa pisāca.
puni raghubīra niṣaṃga mahuom prabisē saba nārāca..68..

In a trice the Lord’s arrows mowed down the terrible demon host. All the arrows then made their way back into Sri Rama’s quiver.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
कुंभकरन मन दीख बिचारी। हति छन माझ निसाचर धारी॥
भा अति क्रुद्ध महाबल बीरा। कियो मृगनायक नाद गँभीरा॥1॥
kuṃbhakarana mana dīkha bicārī. hati dhana mājha nisācara dhārī..
bhā ati kruddha mahābala bīrā. kiyō mṛganāyaka nāda gaombhīrā..
When Kumbhakarna perceived and realized that the demon army had been wiped out in an instant, the formidable hero flew into a violent rage and gave a grim roar as that of a lion (the king of beasts).

कोपि महीधर लेइ उपारी। डारइ जहँ मर्कट भट भारी॥
आवत देखि सैल प्रभु भारे। सरन्हि काटि रज सम करि डारे॥2॥
kōpi mahīdhara lēi upārī. ḍārai jahaom markaṭa bhaṭa bhārī..
āvata dēkhi saila prabhū bhārē. saranhi kāṭi raja sama kari ḍārē…
In his fury he tore up mountains by the roots and dashed them upon detachments of mighty monkey warriors. The Lord saw the huge mountains coming and shattered them with His arrows into dust as it were.

पुनि धनु तानि कोपि रघुनायक। छाँड़े अति कराल बहु सायक॥
तनु महुँ प्रबिसि निसरि सर जाहीं। जिमि दामिनि घन माझ समाहीं॥3॥
puni dhanu tāni kōpi raghunāyaka. chāomḍaē ati karāla bahu sāyaka..
tanu mahuom prabisi nisari sara jāhīṃ. jimi dāmini ghana mājha samāhīṃ..

The Lord of the Raghus once more pulled the string of His bow and indignantly discharged a volley of His exceedingly terrible shafts. The arrows entered and passed through his body like flashes of lightning disappearing into a cloud.

सोनित स्रवत सोह तन कारे। जनु कज्जल गिरि गेरु पनारे॥
बिकल बिलोकि भालु कपि धाए। बिहँसा जबहिं निकट कपि आए॥4॥
sōnita stravata sōha tana kārē. janu kajjala giri gēru panārē..
bikala bilōki bhālu kapi dhāē. bihaomsā jabahiṃ nikaṭa kapi āē..

Blood gushing out from his dark figure resembled spouts of red ochre shooting from a mountain of soot. Perceiving him in fluster, bears and monkeys dashed forward; the monster, however, laughed when the monkeys drew near.

दोहा | Doha
महानाद करि गर्जा कोटि कोटि गहि कीस।
महि पटकइ गजराज इव सपथ करइ दससीस॥69॥
mahānāda kari garjā kōṭi kōṭi gahi kīsa.
mahi paṭakai gajarāja iva sapatha karai dasasīsa..69..

He burst into a terrible roar and, seizing millions and millions of monkeys, dashed them to the ground like a huge elephant, swearing by his ten-headed brother the while.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
भागे भालु बलीमुख जूथा। बृकु बिलोकि जिमि मेष बरूथा॥
चले भागि कपि भालु भवानी। बिकल पुकारत आरत बानी॥1॥
bhāgē bhālu balīmukha jūthā. bṛku bilōki jimi mēṣa barūthā..
calē bhāgi kapi bhālu bhavānī. bikala pukārata ārata bānī..

Hosts of bears and monkeys fled like flocks of sheep at the sight of a wolf. The monkeys and bears, O Bhavani, turned tail in terror, crying in a piteous voice.

यह निसिचर दुकाल सम अहई। कपिकुल देस परन अब चहई॥
कृपा बारिधर राम खरारी। पाहि पाहि प्रनतारति हारी॥2॥
yaha nisicara dukāla sama ahaī. kapikula dēsa parana aba cahaī..
kṛpā bāridhara rāma kharārī. pāhi pāhi pranatārati hārī..

“Yonder demon is like unto a famine, which threatens to visit this land in the shape of the monkey host. Therefore, O Rama, Slayer of Khara, the cloud laden with the water of compassion, reliever of the suppliants, agony, save us, protect us.”

सकरुन बचन सुनत भगवाना। चले सुधारि सरासन बाना॥
राम सेन निज पाछें घाली। चले सकोप महा बलसाली॥3॥
sakaruna bacana sunata bhagavānā. calē sudhāri sarāsana bānā..
rāma sēna nija pāchaiṃ ghālī. calē sakōpa mahā balasālī..

The moment the Lord heard the pathetic words He advanced to meet him, putting His bow and arrows in order, Placing His army in the rear the most powerful Rama marched ahead, full of indignation.

खैंचि धनुष सर सत संधाने। छूटे तीर सरीर समाने॥
लागत सर धावा रिस भरा। कुधर डगमगत डोलति धरा॥4॥
khaiṃci dhanuṣa sara sata saṃdhānē. chūṭē tīra sarīra samānē..
lāgata sara dhāvā risa bharā. kudhara ḍagamagata ḍōlati dharā..

Pulling the string of His bow, He fitted a hundred arrows to it; they flew and disappeared into the demon’s body. Even as the arrows struck him the demon rushed forth burning with rage; the mountains staggered and the earth shook as he ran.

लीन्ह एक तेंहि सैल उपाटी। रघुकुलतिलक भुजा सोइ काटी॥
धावा बाम बाहु गिरि धारी। प्रभु सोउ भुजा काटि महि पारी॥5॥
līnha ēka tēhiṃ saila upāṭī. raghukula tilaka bhujā sōi kāṭī..
dhāvā bāma bāhu giri dhārī. prabhu sōu bhujā kāṭi mahi pārī..

He tore up a rock; but the Glory of Raghu’s race cut off the arm that bore it. He then rushed forward with the rock in his left hand; but the Lord struck off even that arm to the ground.

काटें भुजा सोह खल कैसा। पच्छहीन मंदर गिरि जैसा॥
उग्र बिलोकनि प्रभुहि बिलोका। ग्रसन चहत मानहुँ त्रैलोका॥6॥
kāṭēṃ bhujā sōha khala kaisā. pacchahīna maṃdara giri jaisā..
ugra bilōkani prabhuhi bilōkā. grasana cahata mānahuom trēlōkā..

Thus shorn of his arms, the wretched resembled Mount Mandara without its wings. He cast a fierce look on the Lord as if ready to devour all the three spheres.

दोहा | Doha
करि चिक्कार घोर अति धावा बदनु पसारि।
गगन सिद्ध सुर त्रासित हा हा हेति पुकारि॥70॥
kari cikkāra ghōra ati dhāvā badanu pasāri.
gagana siddha sura trāsita hā hā hēti pukāri..70..

With a most terrible yell he rushed forth with his mouth wide open. The Siddhas and gods in the heavens shouted in great alarm “Ah, alas, dear me!”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
सभय देव करुनानिधि जान्यो। श्रवन प्रजंत सरासुन तान्यो॥
बिसिख निकर निसिचर मुख भरेऊ। तदपि महाबल भूमि न परेऊ॥1॥
sabhaya dēva karunānidhi jānyō. śravana prajaṃta sarāsanu tānyō..
bisikha nikara nisicara mukha bharēū. tadapi mahābala bhūmi na parēū..

Perceiving the gods much alarmed, the All-merciful pulled the string of His bow right up to His ear and blocked the demon’s mouth with a flight of His arrows; yet he did not fall to the ground, most powerful as he was.

सरन्हि भरा मुख सन्मुख धावा। काल त्रोन सजीव जनु आवा॥
तब प्रभु कोपि तीब्र सर लीन्हा। धर ते भिन्न तासु सिर कीन्हा॥2॥
saranhi bharā mukha sanmukha dhāvā. kāla trōna sajīva janu āvā..
taba prabhu kōpi tībra sara līnhā. dhara tē bhinna tāsu sira kīnhā..

With his mouth full of arrows he rushed forward like a living quiver of Death Himself. Then the Lord in His wrath took a sharp arrow and struck his head right off his body.

सो सिर परेउ दसानन आगें। बिकल भयउ जिमि फनि मनि त्यागें॥
धरनि धसइ धर धाव प्रचंडा। तब प्रभु काटि कीन्ह दुइ खंडा॥3॥
sō sira parēu dasānana āgēṃ. bikala bhayau jimi phani mani tyāgēṃ..
dharani dhasai dhara dhāva pracaṃḍā. taba prabhu kāṭi kīnha dui khaṃḍā..

The head dropped in front of his ten-headed brother, who was filled with agony at its sight like a snake that has lost its crest-jewel. The earth sunk beneath the weight of the terrible trunk that still sprinted there; thereupon the Lord cut it in two.

परे भूमि जिमि नभ तें भूधर। हेठ दाबि कपि भालु निसाचर॥
तासु तेज प्रभु बदन समाना। सुर मुनि सबहिं अचंभव माना॥4॥
parē bhūmi jimi nabha tēṃ bhūdhara. hēṭha dābi kapi bhālu nisācara..
tāsu tēja prabhu badana samānā. sura muni sabahiṃ acaṃbhava mānā..

The two pieces fell to the ground like a pair of mountains dropped from the heavens, crushing beneath them monkeys, bears and demons alike. His soul entered the Lord’s mouth in the form of a mass of light, to the astonishment of gods, sages and all.

सुर दुंदुभीं बजावहिं हरषहिं। अस्तुति करहिं सुमन बहु बरषहिं॥
करि बिनती सुर सकल सिधाए। तेही समय देवरिषि आए॥5॥
sura duṃdubhīṃ bajāvahiṃ haraṣahiṃ. astuti karahiṃ sumana bahu baraṣahiṃ..
kari binatī sura sakala sidhāē. tēhī samaya dēvariṣi āē..

The gods sounded their kettle-drums in great exultation, extolled the Lord and rained down flowers in profusion. Having prayed to the Lord, all the gods went their way. Just at that moment arrived the celestial sage, Narada.

गगनोपरि हरि गुन गन गाए। रुचिर बीररस प्रभु मन भाए॥
बेगि हतहु खल कहि मुनि गए। राम समर महि सोभत भए॥6॥
gaganōpari hari guna gana gāē. rucira bīrarasa prabhu mana bhāē..
bēgi hatahu khala kahi muni gaē. rāma samara mahi sōbhata bhaē..

Standing high in the air he sang Sri Hari’s praises in a delightful heroic strain, which pleased the Lord’s soul. The sage departed with the words “Pray, despatch this wretch (Ravana) quickly.” Sri Rama shone forth on the field of battle.

छंद | Chhand :
संग्राम भूमि बिराज रघुपति अतुल बल कोसल धनी।
श्रम बिंदु मुख राजीव लोचन अरुन तन सोनित कनी॥
भुज जुगल फेरत सर सरासन भालु कपि चहु दिसि बने।
कह दास तुलसी कहि न सक छबि सेष जेहि आनन घने॥

saṃgrāma bhūmi birāja raghupati atula bala kōsala dhanī.
śrama biṃdu mukha rājīva lōcana aruna tana sōnita kanī..
bhuja jugala phērata sara sarāsana bhālu kapi cahu disi banē.
kaha dāsa tulasī kahi na saka chabi sēṣa jēhi ānana ghanē..

The Lord of the Raghus, the king of Kosala, who was matchless in strength, shone resplendent on the field of battle in the midst of bears and monkeys, with drops of perspiration on His face, His lotus eyes turned red and His person specked with particles of blood, and both His hands busy playing with His bow and arrow. Even Sesa (the serpent-god), says Tulasidasa, could not describe the Lord’s beauty despite his numerous tongues.

दोहा | Doha
निसिचर अधम मलाकर ताहि दीन्ह निज धाम।
गिरिजा ते नर मंदमति जे न भजहिं श्रीराम॥71॥
nisicara adhama malākara tāhi dīnha nija dhāma.
girijā tē nara maṃdamati jē na bhajahiṃ śrīrāma..71..

Sri Rama vouchsafed a place in his own abode to a vile demon, who was a mine of impurities! Girija, (continues Lord Siva,) dull-witted are those men who adore Him not

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
दिन के अंत फिरीं द्वौ अनी। समर भई सुभटन्ह श्रम घनी॥
राम कृपाँ कपि दल बल बाढ़ा। जिमि तृन पाइ लाग अति डाढ़ा॥1॥
dina kēṃ aṃta phirīṃ dōu anī. samara bhaī subhaṭanha śrama ghanī..
rāma kṛpāom kapi dala bala bāḍhaā. jimi tṛna pāi lāga ati ḍāḍhaā..
At the close of the day the two contending armies retired from the battle-field. The battle had proved exceedingly strenuous even to the stoutest warrior. But the monkey host waxed stronger by Sri Rama’s grace, even as fire blazes up when fed with straw.

छीजहिं निसिचर दिनु अरु राती। निज मुख कहें सुकृत जेहि भाँती॥
बहु बिलाप दसकंधर करई। बंधु सीस पुनि पुनि उर धरई॥2॥
`chījahiṃ nisicara dinu aru rātī. nija mukha kahēṃ sukṛta jēhi bhāomtī..
bahu bilāpa dasakaṃdhara karaī. baṃdhu sīsa puni puni ura dharaī..

The ranks of the demons were thinning night and day like merit, which is exhausted by speaking of one’s good deeds with one’s own lips. The ten-headed monster made much lamentation, clasping his brother’s head to his bosom again and again.

रोवहिं नारि हृदय हति पानी। तासु तेज बल बिपुल बखानी॥
मेघनाद तेहि अवसर आयउ। कहि बहु कथा पिता समुझायउ॥3॥
rōvahiṃ nāri hṛdaya hati pānī. tāsu tēja bala bipula bakhānī..
mēghanāda tēhi avasara āyau. kahi bahu kathā pitā samujhāyau..
The women wept and beat their breast with their hands, paying tributes to his extraordinary majesty and strength. At that juncture Meghanada (Ravana’s eldest son) came and consoled his father by narrating a number of (reassuring) stories.

देखेहु कालि मोरि मनुसाई। अबहिं बहुत का करौं बड़ाई॥
इष्टदेव सैं बल रथ पायउँ। सो बल तात न तोहि देखायउँ॥4॥
dēkhēhu kāli mōri manusāī. abahiṃ bahuta kā karauṃ baḍaāī..
iṣṭadēva saiṃ bala ratha pāyauom. sō bala tāta na tōhi dēkhāyauom.

“See my heroism tomorrow; I need not make any pretentious statement just now. I have had no occasion to show you, dear father, the strength which I acquired alongwith the chariot from my beloved deity.”

एहि बिधि जल्पत भयउ बिहाना। चहुँ दुआर लागे कपि नाना॥
इति कपि भालु काल सम बीरा। उत रजनीचर अति रनधीरा॥5॥
ēhi bidhi jalpata bhayau bihānā. cahuom duāra lāgē kapi nānā..
ita kapi bhālu kāla sama bīrā. uta rajanīcara ati ranadhīrā..

While he rattled on in this manner the day broke and swarms of monkeys besieged all the four gates. On this side ranged the monkey and bear warriors terrible as death, while on the other side stood the demons exceedingly staunch in battle.

लरहिं सुभट निज निज जय हेतू। बरनि न जाइ समर खगकेतू॥6॥
larahiṃ subhaṭa nija nija jaya hētū. barani na jāi samara khagakētū..

Every champion fought for the victory of his own camp; the battle, O Garuda (says Kakabhusundi), defied all description.

दोहा | Doha
मेघनाद मायामय रथ चढ़ि गयउ अकास।
गर्जेउ अट्टहास करि भइ कपि कटकहि त्रास॥72॥
mēghanāda māyāmaya ratha caḍhai gayau akāsa..
garjēu aṭṭahāsa kari bhai kapi kaṭakahi trāsa..72..

Mounting his charmed car Meghanada ascended into the air and roared with a terrible laugh, which struck the monkey host with terror.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
सक्ति सूल तरवारि कृपाना। अस्त्र सस्त्र कुलिसायुध नाना॥
डारइ परसु परिघ पाषाना। लागेउ बृष्टि करै बहु बाना॥1॥
sakti sūla taravāri kṛpānā. astra sastra kulisāyudha nānā..
ḍāraha parasu parigha pāṣānā. lāgēu bṛṣṭi karai bahu bānā..

He discharged a volley of lances, pikes, swords and scimitars as well as axes, bludgeons and stones, and other missiles and weapons of every description, terrible as a thunderbolt, and further rained down shafts in profusion.

दस दिसि रहे बान नभ छाई। मानहुँ मघा मेघ झरि लाई॥
धरु धरु मारु सुनिअ धुनि काना। जो मारइ तेहि कोउ न जाना॥2॥
dasa disi rahē bāna nabha chāī. mānahuom maghā mēgha jhari lāī..
dharu dharu māru sunia dhuni kānā. jō mārai tēhi kōu na jānā..

The sky was thickly covered with arrows on all sides, as though the clouds poured in torrents in the month of Bhadrapada, when the constellation Magha (the tenth in order of the twenty-seven Naksatras) is in the ascendant. The cries of “Seize, seize, kill, kill” filled every ear; but nobody knew who it was that struck them.

गहि गिरि तरु अकास कपि धावहिं। देखहिं तेहि न दुखित फिरि आवहिं॥
अवघट घाट बाट गिरि कंदर। माया बल कीन्हेसि सर पंजर॥3॥
gahi giri taru akāsa kapi dhāvahiṃ. dēkhahi tēhi na dukhita phiri āvahiṃ..
avaghaṭa ghāṭa bāṭa giri kaṃdara. māyā bala kīnhēsi sara paṃjara..

Snatching up rocks and trees, the monkeys sprang into the air; but they could not see him and returned sore disappointed. Meanwhile by his delusive power Meghanada had turned every rugged valley, path and mountain cave into a veritable aviary of arrows.

जाहिं कहाँ ब्याकुल भए बंदर। सुरपति बंदि परे जनु मंदर॥
मारुतसुत अंगद नल नीला। कीन्हेसि बिकल सकल बलसीला॥4॥
jāhiṃ kahāom byākula bhaē baṃdara. surapati baṃdi parē janu maṃdara..
mārutasuta aṃgada nala nīlā. kīnhēsi bikala sakala balasīlā..

The monkeys were confounded and did not know where to turn. They felt helpless like so many Mandaras thrown into prison as it were by Indra. The son of the windgod, Angada, Nala, Nila and all the other mighty heroes were completely discomfited by him.

पुनि लछिमन सुग्रीव बिभीषन। सरन्हि मारि कीन्हेसि जर्जर तन॥
पुनि रघुपति सैं जूझै लागा। सर छाँड़इ होइ लागहिं नागा॥5॥
puni lachimana sugrīva bibhīṣana. saranhi māri kīnhēsi jarjara tana..
puni raghupati saiṃ jūjhē lāgā. sara chāomḍai hōi lāgahiṃ nāgā..

Again he assailed with his shafts Laksmana, Sugriva, and Vibhisana and pierced their bodies through and through. Then he confronted the Lord of the Raghus Himself; the arrows he let fly turned into serpents even as they struck Sri Rama.

ब्याल पास बस भए खरारी। स्वबस अनंत एक अबिकारी॥
नट इव कपट चरित कर नाना। सदा स्वतंत्र एक भगवाना॥6॥
byāla pāsa basa bhaē kharārī. svabasa anaṃta ēka abikārī..
naṭa iva kapaṭa carita kara nānā. sadā svataṃtra ēka bhagavānā..
The Slayer of Khara, who is all-independent, infinite and immutable, the one without a second, was overpowered by the serpents’ coils. Like an actor, He plays many a part,-He, the one, ever-free and omnipotent Lord.

रन सोभा लगि प्रभुहिं बँधायो। नागपास देवन्ह भय पायो॥7॥
rana sōbhā lagi prabhuhiṃ baomdhāyō. nāgapāsa dēvanha bhaya pāyō..

It was in order to invest the battle with a glory of its own that the Lord allowed Himself to be bound by a snare of serpents, even though the gods were dismayed at this sight.

दोहा | Doha
गिरिजा जासु नाम जपि मुनि काटहिं भव पास।
सो कि बंध तर आवइ ब्यापक बिस्व निवास॥73॥
girijā jāsu nāma japi muni kāṭahiṃ bhava pāsa.
sō ki baṃdha tara āvai byāpaka bisva nivāsa..73..
Girija, (continues Lord Siva,) is it ever possible that the Lord, who is the allpervading abode of the universe and whose name, when repeated enables the hermits to cut asunder the bonds of existence, should fall in bondage?

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
चरित राम के सगुन भवानी। तर्कि न जाहिं बुद्धि बल बानी॥
अस बिचारि जे तग्य बिरागी। रामहि भजहिं तर्क सब त्यागी॥1॥
carita rāma kē saguna bhavānī. tarki na jāhiṃ buddhi bala bānī..
asa bicāri jē tagya birāgī. rāmahi bhajahiṃ tarka saba tyāgī..

The doing of Sri Rama when appearing in an embodied form, Bhavani, cannot be logically interpreted by the power of reason or speech. Realizing this those who know the truth about Him and are full of dispassion adore Sri Rama, discarding all theological speculation.

ब्याकुल कटकु कीन्ह घननादा। पुनि भा प्रगट कहइ दुर्बादा॥
जामवंत कह खल रहु ठाढ़ा। सुनि करि ताहि क्रोध अति बाढ़ा॥2॥
byākula kaṭaku kīnha ghananādā. puni bhā pragaṭa kahai durbādā..
jāmavaṃta kaha khala rahu ṭhāḍhaā. suni kari tāhi krōdha ati bāḍhaā..

Having thus thrown the monkey host into confusion, Ghananada (a synonym for Meghanada) at last revealed himself and began to pour abuses. Jambavan said, “Remain standing a while, O wretch!” When he heard this, his anger knew no bound.

बूढ़ जानि सठ छाँड़ेउँ तोही। लागेसि अधम पचारै मोही॥
अस कहि तरल त्रिसूल चलायो। जामवंत कर गहि सोइ धायो॥3॥
būḍha jāni saṭha chāomḍaēuom tōhī. lāgēsi adhama pacārai mōhī..
asa kahi tarala trisūla calāyō. jāmavaṃta kara gahi sōi dhāyō..

“Fool, I spared you only on account of your age. And yet you have had the audacity to challenge me, O vile creature!”So saying he hurled his glittering trident. Jambavan, however, caught it in his hand and,

मारिसि मेघनाद कै छाती। परा भूमि घुर्मित सुरघाती॥
पुनि रिसान गहि चरन फिरायो। महि पछारि निज बल देखरायो॥4॥
mārisi mēghanāda kai chātī. parā bhūmi ghurmita suraghātī..
puni risāna gahi carana phirāyau. mahi pachāri nija bala dēkharāyō..

darting forward, struck Meghanada in the chest with it so vehemently that the enemy of gods reeled and fell to the ground. Once again Jambavan in his fury took Meghanada by the foot and, swinging him round, dashed him against the ground and thus showed him his strength.

बर प्रसाद सो मरइ न मारा। तब गहि पद लंका पर डारा॥
इहाँ देवरिषि गरुड़ पठायो। राम समीप सपदि सो आयो॥5॥
bara prasāda sō marai na mārā. taba gahi pada laṃkā para ḍārā..
ihāom dēvariṣi garuḍa paṭhāyō. rāma samīpa sapadi sō āyō..

By virtue of the boon* (granted to him by the Creator), however, he died not for all his killing. Thereupon Jambavan seized him by the foot and tossed him into Lanka. At this end the celestial sage Narada despatched Garuda, who took no time in reaching by the side of Sri Rama

दोहा | Doha
खगपति सब धरि खाए माया नाग बरुथ।
माया बिगत भए सब हरषे बानर जूथ॥74 क॥
khagapati saba dhari khāē māyā nāga barūtha.
māyā bigata bhaē saba haraṣē bānara jūtha. 74ka..
The king of birds seized and devoured the whole swarm of snakes created by Meghanada’s demoniac power. The charm was thus dispelled and all the divisions of the monkey host rejoiced again.

गहि गिरि पादप उपल नख धाए कीस रिसाइ।
चले तमीचर बिकलतर गढ़ पर चढ़े पराइ॥74 ख॥
gahi giri pādapa upala nakha dhāē kīsa risāi.
calē tamīcara bikalatara gaḍha para caḍhaē parāi..74kha..

Armed with rocks, trees, stones, and claws, the monkeys rushed forth in their fury; while the demons took to their heels in utter confusion and climbed up the fort.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
मेघनाद कै मुरछा जागी। पितहि बिलोकि लाज अति लागी॥
तुरत गयउ गिरिबर कंदरा। करौं अजय मख अस मन धरा॥1॥
mēghanāda kē murachā jāgī. pitahi bilōki lāja ati lāgī..
turata gayau giribara kaṃdarā. karauṃ ajaya makha asa mana dharā..

When Meghanada recovered from his swoon, he felt much ashamed to find his father before him. He speedily betook himself to a convenient mountain cave and resolved to perform a sacrifice which would render him invincible.

इहाँ बिभीषन मंत्र बिचारा। सुनहु नाथ बल अतुल उदारा॥
मेघनाद मख करइ अपावन। खल मायावी देव सतावन॥2॥
ihāom bibhīṣana maṃtra bicārā. sunahu nātha bala atula udārā..
mēghanāda makha karai apāvana. khala māyāvī dēva satāvana..

At this end Vibhisana approached the Lord and told Him his considered view. “Listen, my lord of incomparable might and generosity: the wicked Meghanada, who is a past master in creating illusions and the scourge of heaven, is performing an unholy sacrifice.

जौं प्रभु सिद्ध होइ सो पाइहि। नाथ बेगि पुनि जीति न जाइहि॥
सुनि रघुपति अतिसय सुख माना। बोले अंगदादि कपि नाना॥3॥
jauṃ prabhu siddha hōi sō pāihi. nātha bēgi puni jīti na jāihi..
suni raghupati atisaya sukha mānā. bōlē aṃgadādi kapi nānā..

If, my lord, the sacrifice is allowed to be completed, he will not then be speedily conquered.” The Lord of the Raghus was highly gratified to hear this and summoned Angada and many other monkeys.

लछिमन संग जाहु सब भाई। करहु बिधंस जग्य कर जाई॥
तुम्ह लछिमन मारेहु रन ओही। देखि सभय सुर दुख अति मोही॥4॥
lachimana saṃga jāhu saba bhāī. karahu bidhaṃsa jagya kara jāī..
tumha lachimana mārēhu rana ōhī. dēkhi sabhaya sura dukha ati mōhī..
“Go with Laksmana, brethren all, and wreck the sacrifice. And it is for you, Laksmana, to kill him in battle. I am much distressed to find the gods in terror.

मारेहु तेहि बल बुद्धि उपाई। जेहिं छीजै निसिचर सुनु भाई॥
जामवंत सुग्रीव बिभीषन। सेन समेत रहेहु तीनिउ जन॥5॥
mārēhu tēhi bala buddhi upāī. jēhiṃ chījai nisicara sunu bhāī..
jāmavaṃta sugrīva bibhīṣana. sēna samēta rahēhu tīniu jana..

You must finish him by force of your wit might or one way or other, mark me, brother, the demon must be put an end to. And Jambavan, Sugriva and Vibhisana, you three must keep by his side with your regiment.”

जब रघुबीर दीन्हि अनुसासन। कटि निषंग कसि साजि सरासन॥
प्रभु प्रताप उर धरि रनधीरा। बोले घन इव गिरा गँभीरा॥6॥
jaba raghubīra dīnhi anusāsana. kaṭi niṣaṃga kasi sāji sarāsana..
prabhu pratāpa ura dhari ranadhīrā. bōlē ghana iva girā gaombhīrā..

When the Hero of Raghu’s line had finished His command, Laksmana, who was staunch in battle, girt the quiver by his side and strung his bow; and cherishing the Lord’s glory in his heart, he spoke in a voice deep as thunder,

जौं तेहि आजु बंधे बिनु आवौं। तौ रघुपति सेवक न कहावौं॥
जौं सत संकर करहिं सहाई। तदपि हतउँ रघुबीर दोहाई॥7॥
jauṃ tēhi āju badhēṃ binu āvauṃ. tau raghupati sēvaka na kahāvauṃ..
jauṃ sata saṃkara karahiṃ sahāī. tadapi hatauom raghubīra dōhāī..

“If I return today without slaying him (Meghanada), let me no longer be called a servant of Sri Rama (the Lord of the Raghus). Nay, even if a hundred Sivas come to his help, I shall nonetheless kill him in the name of Rama (the Hero of Raghu’s line).”

दोहा | Doha
रघुपति चरन नाइ सिरु चलेउ तुरंत अनंत।
अंगद नील मयंद नल संग सुभट हनुमंत॥75॥
raghupati carana nāi siru calēu turaṃta anaṃta.
aṃgada nīla mayaṃda nala saṃga subhaṭa hanumaṃta..75..

Bowing his head at the feet of Sri Rama (the Lord of the Raghus), Laksmana (who was none else than Lord Ananta or Sesa) set out at once, accompanied by champions like Angada, Nila, Mayanda, Nala and Hanuman.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
जाइ कपिन्ह सो देखा बैसा। आहुति देत रुधिर अरु भैंसा॥
कीन्ह कपिन्ह सब जग्य बिधंसा। जब न उठइ तब करहिं प्रसंसा॥1॥
jāi kapinha sō dēkhā baisā. āhuti dēta rudhira aru bhaiṃsā..
kīnha kapinha saba jagya bidhaṃsā. jaba na uṭhai taba karahiṃ prasaṃsā..

Arriving there, the monkeys found him squatting and offering oblations of blood and live buffaloes to the sacrificial fire. The monkeys wrecked the whole sacrifice; yet, when the demon refused to stir, they proceeded to applaud him (ironically).

तदपि न उठइ धरेन्हि कच जाई। लातन्हि हति हति चले पराई॥
लै त्रिसूल धावा कपि भागे। आए जहँ रामानुज आगे॥2॥
tadapi na uṭhai dharēnhi kaca jāī. lātanhi hati hati calē parāī..
lai trisula dhāvā kapi bhāgē. āē jahaom rāmānuja āgē..

Even then he did not quit his place; the monkeys thereupon went and caught him by the hair and, striking him with the foot one after the other, ran away. He rushed forth, trident in hand, while the monkeys fled before him and came where Sri Rama’s younger brother (Laksmana) stood at the head of his army.

आवा परम क्रोध कर मारा। गर्ज घोर रव बारहिं बारा॥
कोपि मरुतसुत अंगद धाए। हति त्रिसूल उर धरनि गिराए॥3॥
āvā parama krōdha kara mārā. garja ghōra rava bārahiṃ bārā..
kōpi marutasuta aṃgada dhāē. hati trisūla ura dharani girāē..

Driven by the wildest fury he came and shouted with a terrible roar again and again. The son of the wind-god (Hanuman) and Angada darted forward in great indignation: but he struck them on the breast with his trident and felled them to the ground.

प्रभु कहँ छाँड़ेसि सूल प्रचंडा। सर हति कृत अनंत जुग खंडा॥
उठि बहोरि मारुति जुबराजा। हतहिं कोपि तेहि घाउ न बाजा॥4॥
prabhu kahaom chāomḍaēsi sūla pracaṃḍā. sara hati kṛta anaṃta juga khaṃḍā..
uṭhi bahōri māruti jubarājā. hatahiṃ kōpi tēhi ghāu na bājā..

He then hurled his fierce trident at the Lord (Laksmana): but Ananta intercepted it with his arrow and broke it in two. Meanwhile the son of the wind-god and Prince Angada had risen again and struck him furiously; but he received no injury.

फिरे बीर रिपु मरइ न मारा। तब धावा करि घोर चिकारा॥
आवत देखि कुरद्ध जनु काला। लछिमन छाड़े बिसिख कराला॥5॥
phirē bīra ripu marai na mārā. taba dhāvā kari ghōra cikārā..
āvata dēkhi kruddha janu kālā. lachimana chāḍaē bisikha karālā..

When the heroes turned round thinking that the enemy could not be killed in spite of the best efforts, he rushed forth with a terrible yell. When Laksmana saw him coming furiously like Death himself, he let fly fierce arrows.

देखेसि आवत पबि सम बाना। तुरत भयउ खल अंतरधाना॥
बिबिध बेष धरि करइ लराई। कबहुँक प्रगट कबहुँ दुरि जाई॥6॥
dēkhēsi āvata pabi sama bānā. turata bhayau khala aṃtaradhānā..
bibidha bēṣa dhari karai larāī. kabahuomka pragaṭa kabahuom duri jāī..

The wretch, however, vanished out of sight the moment he saw arrow terrible as thunderbolt darting towards him. He fought in various guises, now revealing himself and now disappearing.

देखि अजय रिपु डरपे कीसा। परम क्रुद्ध तब भयउ अहीसा॥
लछिमन मन अस मंत्र दृढ़ावा। ऐहि पापिहि मैं बहुत खेलावा॥7॥
dēkhi ajaya ripu ḍarapē kīsā. parama kruddha taba bhayau ahīsā..
lachimana mana asa maṃtra dṛḍhaāvā. ēhi pāpihi maiṃ bahuta khēlāvā..
The monkeys were filled with dismay when they saw that the enemy could not be conquered. Laksmana (the lord of serpents) thereupon flew into a towering rage. He made a firm resolve in his mind to dispose of the demon; for he thought, “I have played with this wretch long enough.”

सुमिरि कोसलाधीस प्रतापा। सर संधान कीन्ह करि दापा॥
छाड़ा बान माझ उर लागा। मरती बार कपटु सब त्यागा॥8॥
sumiri kōsalādhīsa pratāpā. sara saṃdhāna kīnha kari dāpā..
chāḍaā bāna mājha ura lāgā. maratī bāra kapaṭu saba tyāgā..
Recalling the might of Sri Rama (the Lord of Kosala), he defiantly fitted an arrow to his bow and shot it with such steady aim that it struck Meghanada full in the breast and the demon abandoned all false appearances at the moment of death.

दोहा | Doha
रामानुज कहँ रामु कहँ अस कहि छाँड़ेसि प्रान।
धन्य धन्य तव जननी कह अंगद हनुमान॥76॥
rāmānuja kahaom rāmu kahaom asa kahi chāomḍaēsi prāna.
dhanya dhanya tava jananī kaha aṃgada hanumāna..76..

He gave up his ghost with the words “Where is Rama’s younger brother (Laksmana)?” “Where is Rama?” On his lips. “Blessed indeed is your mother!” exclaimed Angada and Hanuman.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
बिनु प्रयास हनुमान उठायो। लंका द्वार राखि पुनि आयो॥
तासु मरन सुनि सुर गंधर्बा। चढ़ि बिमान आए नभ सर्बा॥1॥
binu prayāsa hanumāna uṭhāyō. laṃkā dvāra rākhi puni āyō..
tāsu marana suni sura gaṃdharbā. caḍhai bimāna āē nabha sarbā..

Hanuman lifted him without any exertion and after placing him at the main gate of Lanka returned. Hearing of his death, the gods as well as the Gandharvas all appeared in the heavens in their aerial cars.

बरषि सुमन दुंदुभीं बजावहिं। श्रीरघुनाथ बिमल जसु गावहिं॥
जय अनंत जय जगदाधारा। तुम्ह प्रभु सब देवन्हि निस्तारा॥2॥
baraṣi sumana duṃdubhīṃ bajāvahiṃ. śrīraghunātha bimala jasu gāvahiṃ..
jaya anaṃta jaya jagadādhārā. tumha prabhu saba dēvanhi nistārā..

Raining down flowers, they beat their drums and sang the spotless glory of Sri Rama (the Lord of the Raghus). “Glory to Lord Ananta! Glory to the support of the whole universe! You, O lord, have delivered the gods.”

अस्तुति करि सुर सिद्ध सिधाए। लछिमन कृपासिंधु पहिं आए॥
सुत बध सुना दसानन जबहीं। मुरुछित भयउ परेउ महि तबहीं॥3॥
astuti kari sura siddha sidhāē. lachimana kṛpāsindhu pahiṃ āē..
suta badha sunā dasānana jabahīṃ. muruchita bhayau parēu mahi tabahīṃ..

Having thus hymned his praises, the gods as well as the Siddhas went their way, while Laksmana arrived in the presence of the All-merciful. The moment the ten-headed monster heard the news of his son’s death, he dropped senseless to the ground.

मंदोदरी रुदन कर भारी। उर ताड़न बहु भाँति पुकारी॥
रनगर लोग सब ब्याकुल सोचा। सकल कहहिं दसकंधर पोचा॥4॥
maṃdōdarī rudana kara bhārī. ura tāḍana bahu bhāomti pukārī..
nagara lōga saba byākula sōcā. sakala kahahiṃ dasakaṃdhara pōcā..

Mandodari made grievous lamentation, beating her breast and crying in many ways. The citizens were all smitten with grief; everyone abused Ravana.

दोहा | Doha
तब दसकंठ बिबिधि बिधि समुझाईं सब नारि।
नस्वर रूप जगत सब देखहु हृदयँ बिचारि॥77॥
taba dasakaṃṭha bibidha bidhi samujhāīṃ saba nāri.
nasvara rūpa jagata saba dēkhahu hṛdayaom bicāri..77..

The ten-headed monster then consoled all the womenfolk in various ways. “Perceive and realize in your heart”, he said, “That the entire universe is perishable.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
तिन्हहि ग्यान उपदेसा रावन। आपुन मंद कथा सुभ पावन॥
पर उपदेस कुसल बहुतेरे। जे आचरहिं ते नर न घनेरे॥1॥
tinhahi gyāna upadēsā rāvana. āpuna maṃda kathā subha pāvana..
para upadēsa kusala bahutērē. jē ācarahiṃ tē nara na ghanērē..

Ravana taught them sound wisdom; though vile himself, his counsel was so pious and wholesome! Indeed there are hosts of people clever in instructing others; but those who practise good morals themselves are few and far between.

निसा सिरानि भयउ भिनुसारा। लगे भालु कपि चारिहुँ द्वारा॥
सुभट बोलाइ दसानन बोला। रन सन्मुख जाकर मन डोला॥2॥
nisā sirāni bhayau bhinusārā. lagē bhālu kapi cārihuom dvārā..
subhaṭa bōlāi dasānana bōlā. rana sanmukha jā kara mana ḍōlā..

When the night was over and the day broke, the bears and monkeys invested all the four gates. The ten-headed monster summoned his champions and said, “He whose heart quails before the enemy in battle-

सो अबहीं बरु जाउ पराई। संजुग बिमुख भएँ न भलाई॥
निज भुज बल मैं बयरु बढ़ावा। देहउँ उतरु जो रिपु चढ़ि आवा॥3॥
sō abahīṃ baru jāu parāī. saṃjuga bimukha bhaēom na bhalāī..
nija bhuja bala maiṃ bayaru baḍhaāvā. dēhauom utaru jō ripu caḍhai āvā..

had better withdraw even now; for if he turns his back on the field of battle, he will have to suffer for it. Relying on the strength of my own arm have I prosecuted the war and shall give befitting reply to the enemy who has invaded us.”

अस कहि मरुत बेग रथ साजा। बाजे सकल जुझाऊ बाजा॥
चले बीर सब अतुलित बली। जनु कज्जल कै आँधी चली॥4॥
asa kahi maruta bēga ratha sājā. bājē sakala jujhāū bājā..
calē bīra saba atulita balī. janu kajjala kai āomdhī calī..

So saying, he got ready his chariot, swift as the wind, and all the musical instruments of war sounded. The heroes, who were all matchless in strength, rushed forth like a storm of soot.

दोहा | Doha
असगुन अमित होहिं तेहि काला। गनइ न भुज बल गर्ब बिसाला॥5॥
asaguna amita hōhiṃ tēhi kālā. ganai na bhujabala garba bisālā..
Numberless ill-omens occurred at that time; but, extremely proud of his might of arm, he heeded them not.

छंद | Chhand :
अति गर्ब गनइ न सगुन असगुन स्रवहिं आयुध हाथ ते।
भट गिरत रथ ते बाजि गज चिक्करत भाजहिं साथ ते॥
गोमाय गीध कराल खर रव स्वान बोलहिं अति घने।
जनु कालदूत उलूक बोलहिं बचन परम भयावने॥
ati garba ganai na saguna asaguna stravahiṃ āyudha hātha tē.
bhaṭa girata ratha tē bāji gaja cikkarata bhājahiṃ sātha tē..
gōmāya gīdha karāla khara rava svāna bōlahiṃ ati ghanē.
janu kāladūta ulūka bōlahiṃ bacana parama bhayāvanē..

In his overweening pride he took no heed of the omens, whether good or bad. Weapons dropped from his hands and warriors fell down from their cars, while horses and elephants ran shrieking out of the line. Frightful jackals, vultures and donkeys gave a shrill cry while dogs whined in large numbers. And owls, like messengers of death, uttered most alarming notes.

दोहा | Doha
ताहि कि संपति सगुन सुभ सपनेहुँ मन बिश्राम।
भूत द्रोह रत मोहबस राम बिमुख रति काम॥78॥
tāhi ki saṃpati saguna subha sapanēhuom mana biśrāma.
bhūta drōha rata mōhabasa rāma bimukha rati kāma..78..

Can he ever expect prosperity and good omens and attain peace of mind even in dream, who is actively malevolent to the living creation, is hostile to Sri Rama and is steeped in the enjoyment of the senses, all under a spell of delusion?

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
चलेउ निसाचर कटकु अपारा। चतुरंगिनी अनी बहु धारा॥
बिबिधि भाँति बाहन रथ जाना। बिपुल बरन पताक ध्वज नाना॥1॥
calēu nisācara kaṭaku apārā. caturaṃginī anī bahu dhārā..
bibidha bhāomti bāhana ratha jānā. bipula barana patāka dhvaja nānā..

The demon host, which defied all calculation, marched. Complete in all its four limbs, viz., elephants and chariots, horse and foot, (caturaṃginī) it was divided into many regiments and was equipped with mounts, cars and other conveyances of every description as well as with numerous banners and standards of diverse colour.

चले मत्त गज जूथ घनेरे। प्राबिट जलद मरुत जनु प्रेरे॥
बरन बरन बिरदैत निकाया। समर सूर जानहिं बहु माया॥2॥
calē matta gaja jūtha ghanērē. prābiṭa jalada maruta janu prērē..
barana barada biradaita nikāyā. samara sūra jānahiṃ bahu māyā..

Numberless troops of infuriated elephants marched like rainy clouds driven by the wind. There were multitudes of distinguished warriors wearing uniforms of various colours, all heroic in battle and conversant with many illusive devices.

अति बिचित्र बाहिनी बिराजी। बीर बसंत सेन जनु साजी॥
चलत कटक दिगसिंधुर डगहीं। छुभित पयोधि कुधर डगमगहीं॥3॥
ati bicitra bāhinī birājī. bīra basaṃta sēna janu sājī..
calata kaṭaka digasidhuṃra ḍagahīṃ. chubhita payōdhi kudhara ḍagamagahīṃ..

Thus the army was magnificent in every way and looked like the mustered array of the gallant deity presiding over the vernal season. Even as the host marched, the elephants guarding the eight quarters tottered, the ocean was stirred to its very depth and the mountains rocked.

उठी रेनु रबि गयउ छपाई। मरुत थकित बसुधा अकुलाई॥
पनव निसान घोर रव बाजहिं। प्रलय समय के घन जनु गाजहिं॥4॥
uṭhī rēnu rabi gayau chapāī. maruta thakita basudhā akulāī..
panava nisāna ghōra rava bājahiṃ. pralaya samaya kē ghana janu gājahiṃ..

The dust rose in clouds that obscured the sun, the air became still and the earth was troubled. Drums and kettledrums made an awful din like the thundering of clouds at the time of universal destruction.

भेरि नफीरि बाज सहनाई। मारू राग सुभट सुखदाई॥
केहरि नाद बीर सब करहीं। निज निज बल पौरुष उच्चरहीं॥5॥
bhēri naphīri bāja sahanāī. mārū rāga subhaṭa sukhadāī..
kēhari nāda bīra saba karahīṃ. nija nija bala pauruṣa uccarahīṃ..
Tabors, clarionettes and hautboys sounded the martial strain that gladdens the heart of champions. All the heroes roared like lions, each extolling his own might and valour.

कहइ दसानन सुनहू सुभट्टा। मर्दहु भालु कपिन्ह के ठट्टा॥
हौं मारिहउँ भूप द्वौ भाई। अस कहि सन्मुख फौज रेंगाई॥6॥
kahai dasānana sunahu subhaṭṭā. mardahu bhālu kapinha kē ṭhaṭṭā..
hauṃ mārihauom bhūpa dvau bhāī. asa kahi sanmukha phauja rēṃgāī..

Ravana exclaimed; “Listen, my valiant warriors: wipe out the hordes of these bears and monkeys, while I shall slay the two brother princes.” So saying he ordered his army to march forward.

यह सुधि सकल कपिन्ह जब पाई। धाए करि रघुबीर दोहाई॥7॥
yaha sudhi sakala kapinha jaba pāī. dhāē kari raghubīra dōhāī..

When the monkeys received this news, they all rushed forth invoking the help of Sri Rama.

छंद | Chhand :
धाए बिसाल कराल मर्कट भालु काल समान ते।
मानहुँ सपच्छ उड़ाहिं भूधर बृंद नाना बान ते॥
नख दसन सैल महाद्रुमायुध सबल संक न मानहीं।
जय राम रावन मत्त गज मृगराज सुजसु बखानहीं॥
dhāē bisāla karāla markaṭa bhālu kāla samāna tē.
mānahuom sapaccha uḍaāhiṃ bhūdhara bṛṃda nānā bāna tē..
nakha dasana saila mahādrumāyudha sabala saṃka na mānahīṃ.
jaya rāma rāvana matta gaja mṛgarāja sujasu bakhānahīṃ..

The gigantic monkeys and bears, who were terrible as death, rushed forward like hosts of winged mountains of diverse colour. With claws and teeth, rocks and huge trees for their weapons they were all very powerful and knew no fear. They shouted “Glory to Sri Rama, a veritable lion for the wild elephant in the shape of Ravana” and sang His praises.

दोहा | Doha
दुहु दिसि जय जयकार करि निज जोरी जानि।
भिरे बीर इत रामहि उत रावनहि बखानि॥79॥
duhu disi jaya jayakāra kari nija nija jōrī jāni.
bhirē bīra ita rāmahi uta rāvanahi bakhāni..79..

With a shout of “Victory! victory!!” on both sides and each finding his own match, the heroes came to a close combat, the monkeys singing the glory of Sri Rama and the demons extolling Ravana.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
रावनु रथी बिरथ रघुबीरा। देखि बिभीषन भयउ अधीरा॥
अधिक प्रीति मन भा संदेहा। बंदि चरन कह सहित सनेहा॥1॥
rāvanu rathī biratha raghubīrā. dēkhi bibhīṣana bhayau adhīrā..
adhika prīti mana bhā saṃdēhā. baṃdi carana kaha sahita sanēhā..

Vibhisana was disconcerted when he saw Ravana mounted on a chariot and the Hero of Raghu’s line without any. His great fondness for the Lord filled his mind with diffidence; and bowing to His feet he spoke with a tender heart:

नाथ न रथ नहि तन पद त्राना। केहि बिधि जितब बीर बलवाना॥
सुनहु सखा कह कृपानिधाना। जेहिं जय होइ सो स्यंदन आना॥2॥
nātha na ratha nahiṃ tana pada trānā. kēhi bidhi jitaba bīra balavānā..
sunahu sakhā kaha kṛpānidhānā. jēhiṃ jaya hōi sō syaṃdana ānā..
“My lord, You have no chariot nor any protection either for Your body (in the shape of armour) or for Your feet (in the shape of shoes). How, then, can You expect to conquer this mighty hero?” “Listen, friend:” replied the All-merciful, “the chariot which leads one to victory is quite another.

सौरज धीरज तेहि रथ चाका। सत्य सील दृढ़ ध्वजा पताका॥
बल बिबेक दम परहित घोरे। छमा कृपा समता रजु जोरे॥3॥
sauraja dhīraja tēhi ratha cākā. satya sīla dṛḍha dhvajā patākā..
bala bibēka dama parahita ghōrē. chamā kṛpā samatā raju jōrē..

Valour and fortitude are the wheels of that chariot, while truthfulness and good conduct are its enduring banner and standard. Even so strength, discretion, self-control and benevolence are its four horses, that have been joined to the chariot with the cords of forgiveness, compassion and evenness of mind.

ईस भजनु सारथी सुजाना। बिरति चर्म संतोष कृपाना॥
दान परसु बुधि सक्ति प्रचंडा। बर बिग्यान कठिन कोदंडा॥4॥
īsa bhajanu sārathī sujānā. birati carma saṃtōṣa kṛpānā..
dāna parasu budhi sakti pracaṃḍaā. bara bigyāna kaṭhina kōdaṃḍā..
Adoration of God is the expert driver; dispassion, the shield and contentment, the sword. Again, charity is the axe; reason, the fierce lance and the highest wisdom, the relentless bow.

अमल अचल मन त्रोन समाना। सम जम नियम सिलीमुख नाना॥
कवच अभेद बिप्र गुर पूजा। एहि सम बिजय उपाय न दूजा॥5॥
amala acala mana trōna samānā. sama jama niyama silīmukha nānā..
kavaca abhēda bipra gura pūjā. ēhi sama bijaya upāya na dūjā..
A pure and steady mind is like a quiver; while quietude and the various forms of abstinence (Yamas) and religious observances (Niyamas) are a sheaf of arrows. Homage to the Brahmanas and to one’s own preceptor is an impenetrable coat of mail; there is no other equipment for victory as efficacious as this.

सखा धर्ममय अस रथ जाकें। जीतन कहँ न कतहुँ रिपु ताकें॥6॥
sakhā dharmamaya asa ratha jākēṃ. jītana kahaom na katahuom ripu tākēṃ..
My friend, he who owns such a chariot of piety shall have no enemy to conquer anywhere.”

दोहा | Doha
महा अजय संसार रिपु जीति सकइ सो बीर।
जाकें अस रथ होइ दृढ़ सुनहु सखा मतिधीर॥80 क॥
mahā ajaya saṃsāra ripu jīti sakai sō bīra.
jākēṃ asa ratha hōi dṛḍha sunahu sakhā matidhīra..80ka..
“Listen, O friend of resolute mind: the hero who happens to be in possession of such a strong chariot can conquer even that mighty and invincible foe, attachment to the world.” (then what Ravana is?)

सुनि प्रभु बचन बिभीषन हरषि गहे पद कंज।
एहि मिस मोहि उपदेसेहु राम कृपा सुख पुंज॥80 ख
suni prabhu bacana bibhīṣana haraṣi gahē pada kaṃja.
ēhi misa mōhi upadēsēhu rāma kṛpā sukha puṃja..80kha..
Hearing the Lord’s words, Vibhisana clasped His lotus feet in joy. “You have utilized this opportunity to exhort me, O Rama, an embodiment of grace and bliss that You are.”

उत पचार दसकंधर इत अंगद हनुमान।
लरत निसाचर भालु कपि करि निज निज प्रभु आन॥80 ग॥
uta pacāra dasakaṃdhara ita aṃgada hanumāna.
larata nisācara bhālu kapi kari nija nija prabhu āna..80ga..
On that side the ten-headed Ravana threw his challenge, while on this side Angada and Hanuman invited him to a contest. The demons, on the one hand, and the bears and monkeys, on the other, steadily fought, each side swearing by its lord.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
सुर ब्रह्मादि सिद्ध मुनि नाना। देखत रन नभ चढ़े बिमाना॥
हमहू उमा रहे तेहिं संगा। देखत राम चरित रन रंगा॥1॥
sura brahmādi siddha muni nānā. dēkhata rana nabha caḍhaē bimānā..
hamahū umā rahē tēhi saṃgā. dēkhata rāma carita rana raṃgā.
Brahma and the other gods, as well as a number of Siddhas and sages mounted their aerial cars and watched the contest from the heavens. I too, Uma (continues Lord Siva,) happened to be in that company and witnessed Sri Rama’s exploits replete with martial zeal.

सुभट समर रस दुहु दिसि माते। कपि जयसील राम बल ताते॥
एक एक सन भिरहिं पचारहिं। एकन्ह एक मर्दि महि पारहिं॥2॥
subhaṭa samara rasa duhu disi mātē. kapi jayasīla rāma bala tātē..
ēka ēka sana bhirahiṃ pacārahiṃ. ēkanha ēka mardi mahi pārahiṃ..

The champions of both sides were maddened with a passion for war; the monkeys, however, led the field through the might of Sri Rama. With shouts of defiance they closed in single combat, each crushing his adversary and throwing him to the ground.
भावार्थ:-दोनों ओर के योद्धा रण रस में मतवाले हो रहे हैं। वानरों को श्री रामजी का बल है, इससे वे जयशील हैं (जीत रहे हैं)। एक-दूसरे से भिड़ते और ललकारते हैं और एक-दूसरे को मसल-मसलकर पृथ्वी पर डाल देते हैं॥2॥
मारहिं काटहिं धरहिं पछारहिं। सीस तोरि सीसन्ह सन मारहिं॥
उदर बिदारहिं भुजा उपारहिं। गहि पद अवनि पटकि भट डारहिं॥3॥
mārahiṃ kāṭahiṃ dharahiṃ pachārahiṃ. sīsa tōri sīsanha sana mārahiṃ..
udara bidārahiṃ bhujā upārahiṃ. gahi pada avani paṭaki bhaṭa ḍārahiṃ..
They smote the enemy, hacked him to pieces, clutched him and dashed him to the ground; nay, they tore, his head off and pelted another with the same. They ripped up bellies, plucked up arms and, seizing the opponent by the foot, dashed him to the ground.

निसिचर भट महि गाड़हिं भालू। ऊपर ढारि देहिं बहु बालू॥
बीर बलीमुख जुद्ध बिरुद्धे। देखिअत बिपुल काल जनु क्रुद्धे॥4॥
nisicara bhaṭa mahi gāḍahi bhālū. ūpara ḍhāri dēhiṃ bahu bālū..
bīra balimukha juddha biruddhē. dēkhiata bipula kāla janu kruddhē..

The bears buried the demon warriors underground and piled over them large heaps of sand. The gallant monkeys on the battlefield looked like so many infuriated forms of Death as they desperately fought against the enemy.

छंद | Chhand :
क्रुद्धे कृतांत समान कपि तन स्रवत सोनित राजहीं।
मर्दहिं निसाचर कटक भट बलवंत घन जिमि गाजहीं॥
मारहिं चपेटन्हि डाटि दातन्ह काटि लातन्ह मीजहीं।
चिक्करहिं मर्कट भालु छल बल करहिं जेहिं खल छीजहीं॥1॥
kruddhē kṛtāṃta samāna kapi tana stravata sōnita rājahīṃ.
mardahiṃ nisācara kaṭaka bhaṭa balavaṃta ghana jimi gājahīṃ..
mārahiṃ capēṭanhi ḍāṭi dātanha kāṭi lātanha mījahīṃ.
cikkarahiṃ markaṭa bhālu chala bala karahiṃ jēhiṃ khala chījahīṃ..

Their bodies streaming with blood, the powerful monkey warriors looked like the god of death in fury. Crushing the champions of the demon host they roared like thunder- clouds. They slapped and browbeat their opponents, bit them and trampled them under foot. The monkeys and bears sent out a shrill cry and employed every stratagem to annihilate the miscreant host.

धरि गाल फारहिं उर बिदारहिं गल अँतावरि मेलहीं।
प्रह्लादपति जनु बिबिध तनु धरि समर अंगन खेलहीं॥
धरु मारु काटु पछारु घोर गिरा गगन महि भरि रही।
जय राम जो तृन ते कुलिस कर कुलिस ते कर तृन सही॥2॥
dhari gāla phārahiṃ ura bidārahiṃ gala aomtāvari mēlahīṃ.
prahalādapati janu bibidha tanu dhari samara aṃgana khēlahīṃ..
dharu māru kāṭu pachāru ghōra girā gagana mahi bhari rahī.
jaya rāma jō tṛna tē kulisa kara kulisa tē kara tṛna sahī..

They seized and tore open the cheeks, ripped up the bellies and hung the entrails round their necks, as though the lord of Prahlada (Bhagavan Nrsimha) had assumed a multiplicity of forms and sported on the field of death. The savage cries of “Seize, smite, cut to pieces and knock down!” filled both heaven and earth. Glory to Sri Rama, who can actually convert a blade of grass into a thunderbolt and vice versa.

दोहा | Doha
निज दल बिचलत देखेसि बीस भुजाँ दस चाप।
रथ चढ़ि चलेउ दसानन फिरहु फिरहु करि दाप॥81॥
nija dala bicalata dēkhēsi bīsa bhujāom dasa cāpa.
ratha caḍhai calēu dasānana phirahu phirahu kari dāpa..81..

When the ten-headed Ravana saw his troops breaking, he mounted his chariot and drawing ten bows in his twenty arms turned round, shouting in great fury “Turn back, turn back.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
धायउ परम क्रुद्ध दसकंधर। सन्मुख चले हूह दै बंदर॥
गहि कर पादप उपल पहारा। डारेन्हि ता पर एकहिं बारा॥1॥
dhāyau parama kruddha dasakaṃdhara. sanmukha calē hūha dai baṃdara..
gahi kara pādapa upala pahārā. ḍārēnhi tā para ēkahiṃ bārā..

The wrath of the ten-headed monster knew no bound as he darted forward. But the monkeys also hurried to confront him shouting with glee. Taking in their hands trees, stones and rocks, they hurled them upon him all at once.

लागहिं सैल बज्र तन तासू। खंड खंड होइ फूटहिं आसू॥
चला न अचल रहा रथ रोपी। रन दुर्मद रावन अति कोपी॥2॥
lāgahiṃ saila bajra tana tāsū. khaṃḍa khaṃḍa hōi phūṭahiṃ āsū..
calā na acala rahā ratha rōpī. rana durmada rāvana ati kōpī..
The rocks broke to pieces the moment they struck his adamantine frame. Ravana, who was maddened with the lust for war and most furious by temperament, flinched not but remained firm as a rock, planting his chariot where it stood.

इत उत झपटि दपटि कपि जोधा। मर्दै लाग भयउ अति क्रोधा॥
चले पराइ भालु कपि नाना। त्राहि त्राहि अंगद हनुमाना॥3॥
ita uta jhapaṭi dapaṭi kapi jōdhā. mardai lāga bhayau ati krōdhā..
calē parāi bhālu kapi nānā. trāhi trāhi aṃgada hanumānā..
Burning all over with rage he darted and bullied hither and thither and started crushing the monkey warriors. Many a bear and monkey took to his heel, crying: “Help, help, Angada and Hanuman! Save, save, O Lord Raghuvira (Hero of Raghu’s line)!

पाहि पाहि रघुबीर गोसाईं। यह खल खाइ काल की नाईं॥
तेहिं देखे कपि सकल पराने। दसहुँ चाप सायक संधाने॥4॥
pāhi pāhi raghubīra gōsāī. yaha khala khāi kāla kī nāī..
tēhi dēkhē kapi sakala parānē. dasahuom cāpa sāyaka saṃdhānē..
This wretch is devouring us like Death.” When the monster saw that all the monkeys had fled, he fitted an arrow to each of his ten bows.

छंद | Chhand :
संधानि धनु सर निकर छाड़ेसि उरग जिमि उड़ि लागहीं।
रहे पूरि सर धरनी गगन दिसि बिदिसि कहँ कपि भागहीं॥
भयो अति कोलाहल बिकल कपि दल भालु बोलहिं आतुरे।
रघुबीर करुना सिंधु आरत बंधु जन रच्छक हरे॥
saṃdhāni dhanu sara nikara chāḍaēsi uraga jimi uḍai lāgahīṃ.
rahē pūri sara dharanī gagana disi bidasi kahaom kapi bhāgahīṃ..
bhayō ati kōlāhala bikala kapi dala bhālu bōlahiṃ āturē.
raghubīra karunā siṃdhu ārata baṃdhu jana racchaka harē..

Fitting an arrow to each of his bows, he shot a volley of arrows, which flew and lodged like winged serpents. The shafts filled all available space on earth as well as in the heavens including the eight quarters, so that the monkeys knew not where to go. There was a wild uproar in the ranks of the monkeys and bears, who were all sore distressed and cried in anguish: “O Hero of Raghu’s line, O Ocean of mercy, O Befriender of the distressed, O Hari, O Saviour of mankind!”

दोहा | Doha
निज दल बिकल देखि कटि कसि निषंग धनु हाथ।
लछिमन चले क्रुद्ध होइ नाइ राम पद माथ॥82॥
nija dala bikala dēkhi kaṭi kasi niṣaṃga dhanu hātha.
lachimana calē kruddha hōi nāi rāma pada mātha..82..

Seeing the distress of his troops Laksmana fastened the quiver to his waist; and taking the bow in his hand he bowed his head at Sri Rama’s feet and sallied forth, full of rage.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
रे खल का मारसि कपि भालू। मोहि बिलोकु तोर मैं कालू॥
खोजत रहेउँ तोहि सुतघाती। आजु निपाति जुड़ावउँ छाती॥1॥
rē khala kā mārasi kapi bhālū. mōhi bilōku tōra maiṃ kālū..
khōjata rahēuom tōhi sutaghātī. āju nipāti juḍaāvauom chātī..
“Pooh! You are making the monkeys and bears your target, O vile wretch; look at me, I am your death.” “It is you whom I have been looking for, you slayer of my son. Today I will soothe my heart by killing you.”

अस कहि छाड़ेसि बान प्रचंडा। लछिमन किए सकल सत खंडा॥
कोटिन्ह आयुध रावन डारे। तिल प्रवान करि काटि निवारे॥2॥
asa kahi chāḍaēsi bāna pracaṃḍā. lachimana kiē sakala sata khaṃḍā..
kōṭinha āyudha rāvana ḍārē. tila pravāna kari kāṭi nivārē..
So saying he discharged a flight of fierce arrows; but Laksmana shivered them into a hundred pieces each. Nay, Ravana hurled upon him myriads of other missiles, but Laksmana foiled them all by reducing them to particles as small as sesamum seeds.

पुनि निज बानन्ह कीन्ह प्रहारा। स्यंदनु भंजि सारथी मारा॥
सत सत सर मारे दस भाला। गिरि सृंगन्ह जनु प्रबिसहिं ब्याला॥3॥
puni nija bānanha kīnha prahārā. syaṃdanu bhaṃji sārathī mārā..
sata sata sara mārē dasa bhālā. giri sṛṃganha janu prabisahiṃ byālā..
Again, Laksmana assailed him with his own shafts, smashing his chariot and killing the charioteer. Nay, each of his ten heads he transfixed with a hundred arrows, which seemed like serpents boring their way into the peaks of a mountain.

पुनि सुत सर मारा उर माहीं। परेउ धरनि तल सुधि कछु नाहीं॥
उठा प्रबल पुनि मुरुछा जागी। छाड़िसि ब्रह्म दीन्हि जो साँगी॥4॥
puni sata sara mārā ura māhīṃ. parēu dharani tala sudhi kachu nāhīṃ..
uṭhā prabala puni muruchā jāgī. chāḍaisi brahma dīnhi jō sāomgī..
With a hundred arrows more he struck him in the breast: he fell senseless to the ground. On regaining his consciousness the mighty demon rose again and hurled a lance that had been bestowed on him by Brahma (the Creator).

छंद | Chhand :
सो ब्रह्म दत्त प्रचंड सक्ति अनंत उर लागी सही।
पर्‌यो बीर बिकल उठाव दसमुख अतुल बल महिमा रही॥
ब्रह्मांड भवन बिराज जाकें एक सिर जिमि रज कनी।
तेहि चह उठावन मूढ़ रावन जान नहिं त्रिभुअन धनी॥
sō brahma datta pracaṃḍa sakti anaṃta ura lāgī sahī.
paryō bīra bikala uṭhāva dasamukha atula bala mahimā rahī..
brahmāṃḍa bhavana birāja jākēṃ ēka sira jimi raja kanī.
tēhi caha uṭhāvana mūḍha rāvana jāna nahiṃ tribhuana dhanī..

That fierce lance, the gift of Brahma, struck Lord Ananta (Laksmana) right in the breast and the hero dropped to the ground full of agony. The ten-headed monster tried to lift the Prince and carry him off, but the glory of the demon’s matchless strength proved ineffective. How foolish it was on the part of Ravana to have sought to lift him on one of whose (thousand) heads rest all the spheres of the universe like a mere grain of sand. He little knew that he was no other than the Lord of the three spheres.

दोहा | Doha
देखि पवनसुत धायउ बोलत बचन कठोर।
आवत कपिहि हन्यो तेहिं मुष्टि प्रहार प्रघोर॥83॥
dēkhi pavanasuta dhāyau bōlata bacana kaṭhōra.
āvata kapihi hanyō tēhiṃ muṣṭi prahāra praghōra..83..

The son of the wind-god, who perceived this, rushed forward speaking harsh words; but even as the monkey came near, the monster struck him a terrible blow with his fist.

जानु टेकि कपि भूमि न गिरा। उठा सँभारि बहुत रिस भरा॥
मुठिका एक ताहि कपि मारा। परेउ सैल जनु बज्र प्रहारा॥1॥
jānu ṭēki kapi bhūmi na girā. uṭhā saombhāri bahuta risa bharā..
muṭhikā ēka tāhi kapi mārā. parēu saila janu bajra prahārā..
Hanuman sank on his knees but did not fall to the ground. Recovering himself, he rose in exceeding wrath and struck Ravana a blow with his fist; the demon fell like a mountain struck by lightning.

मुरुछा गै बहोरि सो जागा। कपि बल बिपुल सराहन लागा॥
धिग धिग मम पौरुष धिग मोही। जौं तैं जिअत रहेसि सुरद्रोही॥2॥
muruchā gai bahōri sō jāgā. kapi bala bipula sarāhana lāgā..
dhiga dhiga mama pauruṣa dhiga mōhī. jauṃ taiṃ jiata rahēsi suradrōhī..
When the spell of his swoon was over and consciousness returned to him, he began to admire the monkey’s enormous strength. “Shame on my valour and shame on myself, if you are still alive, you enemy of gods!”

अस कहि लछिमन कहुँ कपि ल्यायो। देखि दसानन बिसमय पायो॥
कह रघुबीर समुझु जियँ भ्राता। तुम्ह कृतांत भच्छक सुर त्राता॥3॥
asa kahi lachimana kahuom kapi lyāyō. dēkhi dasānana bisamaya pāyō..
kaha raghubīra samujhu jiyaom bhrātā. tumha kṛtāṃta bhacchaka sura trātā..
So saying, Hanuman carried Laksmana off to Sri Rama : the ten-headed monster was amazed at this sight. Said the Hero of Raghu’s line, “Bear in mind, brother, that you are the devourer of Death and the saviour of the gods.”

सुनत बचन उठि बैठ कृपाला। गई गगन सो सकति कराला॥
पुनि कोदंड बान गहि धाए। रिपु सन्मुख अति आतुर आए॥4॥
sunata bacana uṭhi baiṭha kṛpālā. gaī gagana sō sakati karālā..
puni kōdaṃḍa bāna gahi dhāē. ripu sanmukha ati ātura āē..

Immediately, on hearing these words the gracious prince (Laksmana) arose and sat up, while the fierce lance vanished into the heavens. Taking his bow and arrows again he darted and came post-haste in front of the enemy.

छंद | Chhand :
आतुर बहोरि बिभंजि स्यंदन सूत हति ब्याकुल कियो।
गिर्‌यो धरनि दसकंधर बिकलतर बान सत बेध्यो हियो॥
सारथी दूसर घालि रथ तेहि तुरत लंका लै गयो।
रघुबीर बंधु प्रताप पुंज बहोरि प्रभु चरनन्हि नयो॥
ātura bahōri bibhaṃji syaṃdana sūta hati byākula kiyō.
gir yō dharani dasakaṃdhara bikalatara bāna sata bēdhyō hiyō..
sārathī dūsara ghāli ratha tēhi turata laṃkā lai gayō.
raghubīra baṃdhu pratāpa puṃja bahōri prabhu carananhi nayō..

With great despatch Laksmana smashed Ravana’s chariot again and struck down his charioteer, who felt writhing with pain. Ravana, whose heart he transfixed with a hundred arrows, fell to the ground, much distressed. Another charioteer came and laid him in his own chariot and immediately took him away to Lanka; while Laksmana, Sri Rama’s glorious brother, bowed at the Lord’s feet again.

दोहा | Doha:
उहाँ दसानन जागि करि करै लाग कछु जग्य।
राम बिरोध बिजय चह सठ हठ बस अति अग्य॥84॥
uhāom dasānana jāgi kari karai lāga kachu jagya.
rāma birōdha bijaya caha saṭha haṭha basa ati agya..84..
At the other end the ten-headed monster, on coming to himself, set to perform some sacrifice. In his perversity and rank ignorance the fool sought to gain victory even by antagonizing Sri Rama!

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
इहाँ बिभीषन सब सुधि पाई। सपदि जाइ रघुपतिहि सुनाई॥
नाथ करइ रावन एक जागा। सिद्ध भएँ नहिं मरिहि अभागा॥1॥
ihāom bibhīṣana saba sudhi pāī. sapadi jāi raghupatihi sunāī..
nātha karai rāvana ēka jāgā. siddha bhaēom nahiṃ marihi abhāgā..
At this end Vibhisana got all the information and, hastening to the Lord of the Raghus, apprised Him of everything. “My lord, Ravana is busy with a sacrificial performance; and if he completes it, the wretch will never die.

पठवहु नाथ बेगि भट बंदर। करहिं बिधंस आव दसकंधर॥
प्रात होत प्रभु सुभट पठाए। हनुमदादि अंगद सब धाए॥2।
paṭhavahu nātha bēgi bhaṭa baṃdara. karahiṃ bidhaṃsa āva dasakaṃdhara..
prāta hōta prabhu subhaṭa paṭhāē. hanumadādi aṃgada saba dhāē..
Therefore, my lord, despatch some valiant monkeys at once, so that they may wreck his sacrifice, and the ten-headed monster be compelled to return.” As soon as the day broke the Lord sent out His champions-Hanuman, Angada and others-who all rushed forward.

कौतुक कूदि चढ़े कपि लंका। पैठे रावन भवन असंका॥
जग्य करत जबहीं सो देखा। सकल कपिन्ह भा क्रोध बिसेषा॥3॥
kautuka kūdi caḍhaē kapi laṃkā. paiṭhē rāvana bhavana asaṃkā..
jagya karata jabahīṃ sō dēkhā. sakala kapinha bhā krōdha bisēṣā..
In mere sport the monkeys sprang up to the fort of Lanka and fearlessly entered Ravana’s palace. The moment they saw him engaged in a sacrifice all the monkeys grew wildly furious.

रन ते निलज भाजि गृह आवा। इहाँ आइ बक ध्यान लगावा।
अस कहि अंगद मारा लाता। चितव न सठ स्वारथ मन राता॥4॥
rana tē nilaja bhāji gṛha āvā. ihāom āi baka dhyāna lagāvā..
asa kahi aṃgada mārā lātā. citava na saṭha svāratha mana rātā.

“You shameless wretch, having run away home from the battle, you have sat down here and feigned meditation!” So saying Angada struck him with his foot; but the fool did not even look at them, his mind being absorbed in the pursuit of his own end.

छंद | Chhand :
नहिं चितव जब करि कोप कपि गहि दसन लातन्ह मारहीं।
धरि केस नारि निकारि बाहेर तेऽतिदीन पुकारहीं॥
तब उठेउ क्रुद्ध कृतांत सम गहि चरन बानर डारई।
एहि बीच कपिन्ह बिधंस कृत मख देखि मन महुँ हारई॥
nahiṃ citava jaba kari kōpa kapi gahi dasana lātanha mārahīṃ.
dhari kēsa nāri nikāri bāhēra tē.tidīna pukārahīṃ..
taba uṭhēu kruddha kṛtāṃta sama gahi carana bānara ḍāraī.
ēhi bīca kapinha bidhaṃsa kṛta makha dēkhi mana mahuom hāraī..

When he refused to look at them, the monkeys in their fury bit him with their teeth and kicked him. His wives too they seized by their locks and dragged out of doors while they cried most piteously. Then at last he rose, furious as Death, and, catching hold of the monkeys by their legs, he threw them away. Meanwhile, when monkeys had wrecked the sacrifice, he felt discomfited at heart.

दोहा | Doha
जग्य बिधंसि कुसल कपि आए रघुपति पास।
चलेउ निसाचर कु्रद्ध होइ त्यागि जिवन कै आस॥85॥
jagya bidhaṃsi kusala kapi āē raghupati pāsa.
calēu nisācara krurddha hōi tyāgi jivana kai āsa..85..
Having wrecked his sacrifice the monkeys safely returned to the Lord of the Raghus; while the demon (Ravana) set out ablaze with fury, abandoning all hope of life.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
चलत होहिं अति असुभ भयंकर। बैठहिं गीध उड़ाइ सिरन्ह पर॥
भयउ कालबस काहु न माना। कहेसि बजावहु जुद्ध निसाना॥1॥
calata hōhiṃ ati asubha bhayaṃkara. baiṭhahiṃ gīdha uḍaāi siranha para..
bhayau kālabasa kāhu na mānā. kahēsi bajāvahu juddha nisānā..

Evil omens of a most fearful nature occurred to him even as he went. Vultures flew and perched on his heads. Being in the jaws of death, he paid no heed to anyone and exclaimed : “Beat the drums of war.”

चली तमीचर अनी अपारा। बहु गज रथ पदाति असवारा॥
प्रभु सन्मुख धाए खल कैसें। सलभ समूह अनल कहँ जैसें॥2॥
calī tamīcara anī apārā. bahu gaja ratha padāti asavārā..
prabhu sanmukha dhāē khala kaiṃsēṃ. salabha samūha anala kahaom jaiṃsēṃ..
The demon host appeared endless as it marched on with its myriads of elephants, chariots, foot-soldiers and horsemen. The wicked demons rushed to face the Lord like a swarm of moths darting towards fire.

इहाँ देवतन्ह अस्तुति कीन्ही। दारुन बिपति हमहि एहिं दीन्ही॥
अब जनि राम खेलावहु एही। अतिसय दुखित होति बैदेही॥3॥
ihāom dēvatanha astuti kīnhī. dāruna bipati hamahi ēhiṃ dīnhī..
aba jani rāma khēlāvahu ēhī. atisaya dukhita hōti baidēhī..

At this end the gods prayed to the Lord : “This fellow (Ravana) has inflicted terrible suffering on us. Play with him no more, Rama; Videha’s Daughter (Sita) is feeling most disconsolate.”

दोहा | Doha
देव बचन सुनि प्रभु मुसुकाना। उठि रघुबीर सुधारे बाना॥
जटा जूट दृढ़ बाँधें माथे। सोहहिं सुमन बीच बिच गाथे॥4॥
dēva bacana suni prabhu musakānā. uṭhi raghubīra sudhārē bānā.
jaṭā jūṭa dṛḍha bāomdhai māthē. sōhahiṃ sumana bīca bica gāthē..
The Lord smiled to hear the gods’ prayer; the Hero of Raghu’s line rose and put His arrows in order. The matted locks on His head had been tightly coiled and were interlaced with flowers.

अरुन नयन बारिद तनु स्यामा। अखिल लोक लोचनाभिरामा॥
कटितट परिकर कस्यो निषंगा। कर कोदंड कठिन सारंगा॥5॥
aruna nayana bārida tanu syāmā. akhila lōka lōcanābhirāmā..
kaṭitaṭa parikara kasyō niṣaṃgā. kara kōdaṃḍa kaṭhina sāraṃgā..
With His ruddy eyes and body dark as a rain-cloud He ravished the eyes of the whole world. He fastened His quiver loins and took in His hand formidable Sarnga bow.

छंद | Chhand :
सारंग कर सुंदर निषंग सिलीमुखाकर कटि कस्यो।
भुजदंड पीन मनोहरायत उर धरासुर पद लस्यो॥
कह दास तुलसी जबहिं प्रभु सर चाप कर फेरन लगे।
ब्रह्मांड दिग्गज कमठ अहि महि सिंधु भूधर डगमगे॥
sāraṃga kara suṃdara niṣaṃga silīmukhākara kaṭi kasyō.
bhujadaṃḍa pīna manōharāyata ura dharāsura pada lasyō..
kaha dāsa tulasī jabahiṃ prabhu sara cāpa kara phērana lagē.
brahmāṃḍa diggaja kamaṭha ahi mahi siṃdhu bhūdhara ḍagamagē..
The Lord took the Sarnga bow in His hand and fastened to His waist the beautiful quiver with an inexhaustible stock of arrows. He had a pair of muscular arms and a charming and broad chest which was adorned with the print of the Brahmana’s (Bhrgu’s) foot. When the Lord, says Tulasidasa, commenced feeling the bow and arrow with His hands, the whole universe, including the elephants guarding the eight quarters, the divine Tortoise, the serpent-god (Sesa) and the earth with its oceans and mountains, began to tremble.

दोहा | Doha
सोभा देखि हरषि सुर बरषहिं सुमन अपार।
जय जय जय करुनानिधि छबि बल गुन आगार॥86॥
sōbhā dēkhi haraṣi sura baraṣahiṃ sumana apāra.
jaya jaya jaya karunānidhi chabi bala guna āgāra..86..

The gods rejoiced to see His beauty and rained down flowers in an endless shower, exclaiming “Glory, glory, all glory to the Fountain of mercy, the storehouse of beauty, strength and goodness.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
एहीं बीच निसाचर अनी। कसमसात आई अति घनी॥
देखि चले सन्मुख कपि भट्टा। प्रलयकाल के जनु घन घट्टा॥1॥
ēhīṃ bīca nisācara anī. kasamasāta āī ati ghanī.
dēkhi calē sanmukha kapi bhaṭṭā. pralayakāla kē janu ghana ghaṭṭā..

Meanwhile arrived the vast demon host with its overcrowded ranks. The moment the monkey warriors saw the army they advanced to meet it like the masses of clouds that gather at the time of universal destruction.

बहु कृपान तरवारि चमंकहिं। जनु दहँ दिसि दामिनीं दमंकहिं॥
गज रथ तुरग चिकार कठोरा। गर्जहिं मनहुँ बलाहक घोरा॥2॥
bahu kṛpāna taravāri camaṃkahiṃ. janu dahaom disi dāminīṃ damaṃkahiṃ..
gaja ratha turaga cikāra kaṭhōrā. garjahiṃ manahuom balāhaka ghōrā..
A numberless swords and claymores flashed like gleams of lightning from every direction. The shrill cries of the elephants and horses and the rattling sound of the chariots resembled the terrible thundering of clouds.

कपि लंगूर बिपुल नभ छाए। मनहुँ इंद्रधनु उए सुहाए॥
उठइ धूरि मानहुँ जलधारा। बान बुंद भै बृष्टि अपारा॥3॥
kapi laṃgūra bipula nabha chāē. manahuom iṃdradhanu uē suhāē..
uṭhai dhūri mānahuom jaladhārā. bāna buṃda bhai bṛṣṭi apārā..
Myriads of monkeys’ tails stretched across the heavens like an array of magnificent rainbows appearing in the sky. The dust rose in thick columns like streams of water in the air and the arrows shot forth in an endless shower like rain-drops.

दुहुँ दिसि पर्बत करहिं प्रहारा। बज्रपात जनु बारहिं बारा॥
रघुपति कोपि बान झरि लाई। घायल भै निसिचर समुदाई॥4॥
duhuom disi parbata karahiṃ prahārā. bajrapāta janu bārahiṃ bārā..
raghupati kōpi bāna jhari lāī. ghāyala bhai nisicara samudāī..

Mountains hurled from either side crashed like repeated strokes of lightning. The Lord of the Raghus in His fury let fly arrows in showers, which straightway wounded the demon crew.

लागत बान बीर चिक्करहीं। घुर्मि घुर्मि जहँ तहँ महि परहीं॥
स्रवहिं सैल जनु निर्झर भारी। सोनित सरि कादर भयकारी॥5॥
lāgata bāna bīra cikkarahīṃ. ghurmi ghurmi jahaom tahaom mahi parahīṃ..
stravahiṃ saila janu nirjhara bhārī. sōnita sari kādara bhayakārī..
The demon warriors shrieked with pain as the arrows struck them; and swinging round and round they fell to the ground here, there and everywhere. Streaming with blood, the wounded demons looked like mountains with their large cascades; and the blood ran in the form of a river, the terror of cowards.

छंद | Chhand :
कादर भयंकर रुधिर सरिता चली परम अपावनी।
दोउ कूल दल रथ रेत चक्र अबर्त बहति भयावनी॥
जलजंतु गज पदचर तुरग खर बिबिध बाहन को गने।
सर सक्ति तोमर सर्प चाप तरंग चर्म कमठ घने॥
kādara bhayaṃkara rudhira saritā calī parama apāvanī.
dōu kūla dala ratha rēta cakra abarta bahati bhayāvanī..
jala jaṃtugaja padacara turaga khara bibidha bāhana kō ganē.
sara sakti tōmara sarpa cāpa taraṃga carma kamaṭha ghanē..

A most unholy river of blood, that smote recreants with terror, ran across the battlefield. With the two armies for its banks, the chariots for its intervening sands and their wheels for its whirlpools, it was a frightful flood indeed. The foot-soldiers, and even so elephants, horses, donkeys and other mounts of all kinds, more than one could count, (that floated on the river) represented the various aquatic creatures; the arrows, lances and iron clubs (swept by it) stood for its serpents: the bows borne along the current represented its waves and the shields stood for its many tortoises.

दोहा | Doha
बीर परहिं जनु तीर तरु मज्जा बहु बह फेन।
कादर देखि डरहिं तहँ सुभटन्ह के मन चेन॥87॥
bīra parahiṃ janu tīra taru majjā bahu baha phēna.
kādara dēkhi ḍarahiṃ tahaom subhaṭanha kē mana cēna..87..
Warriors fell here and there like the trees on its banks and the abundant, marrow of their bones represented its scum. Dastards shuddered at its very sight, while champions were delighted at heart to see it.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
मज्जहिं भूत पिसाच बेताला। प्रमथ महा झोटिंग कराला॥
काक कंक लै भुजा उड़ाहीं। एक ते छीनि एक लै खाहीं॥1॥
majjahi bhūta pisāca bētālā. pramatha mahā jhōṭiṃga karālā..
kāka kaṃka lai bhujā uḍaāhīṃ. ēka tē chīni ēka lai khāhīṃ..

Spirits, ghouls and goblins and even so frightful genii with a long shaggy mass of hair and Pramathas (Siva own attendants) took their plunge in it. Crows and kites flew off with human arms, which they tore from one another and ate themselves.

एक कहहिं ऐसिउ सौंघाई। सठहु तुम्हार दरिद्र न जाई॥
कहँरत भट घायल तट गिरे। जहँ तहँ मनहुँ अर्धजल परे॥2॥
ēka kahahiṃ aisiu sauṃghāī. saṭhahu tumhāra daridra na jāī..
kahaomrata bhaṭa ghāyala taṭa girē. jahaom tahaom manahuom ardhajala parē..

Some said, “What a pity, fools that you should continue to suffer from want even in such plenty?” Wounded warriors fallen on the banks groaned like the moribund lying all round half in and half out of water (on the bank of a sacred river, lake etc., in order to ensure that they may breathe their last while their body is being washed by the sacred water since such a death is accounted as highly beneficial to the spirit of the dying man).

खैचहिं गीध आँत तट भए। जनु बंसी खेलत चित दए॥
बहु भट बहहिं चढ़े खग जाहीं। जनु नावरि खेलहिं सरि माहीं॥3॥
khaiṃcahiṃ gīdha āomta taṭa bhaē. janu baṃsī khēlata cita daē..
bahu bhaṭa bahahiṃ caḍhaē khaga jāhīṃ. janu nāvari khēlahiṃ sari māhīṃ..
Standing on its banks, vultures tore the entrails of the dead like fishermen angling with rapt attention. Many a dead warrior floated down with birds perched on them, as if the latter were enjoying a game of boating on the river.

जोगिनि भरि भरि खप्पर संचहिं। भूति पिसाच बधू नभ नंचहिं॥
भट कपाल करताल बजावहिं। चामुंडा नाना बिधि गावहिं॥4॥
jōgini bhari bhari khappara saṃcahiṃ. bhūta pisāca badhū nabha naṃcahiṃ..
bhaṭa kapāla karatāla bajāvahiṃ. cāmuṃḍā nānā bidhi gāvahiṃ..

The Yoginis (female attendants of Goddess Durga) took to storing blood in skulls, while female spirits and sprites danced in the air. Even so Camundas (another class of female attendants of Durga) sang songs in various strains, clashing the skulls of dead warriors like so many pairs of cymbals.

जंबुक निकर कटक्कट कट्टहिं। खाहिं हुआहिं अघाहिं दपट्टहिं॥
कोटिन्ह रुंड मुंड बिनु डोल्लहिं। सीस परे महि जय जय बोल्लहिं॥5॥

jaṃbuka nikara kaṭakkaṭa kaṭṭahiṃ. khāhiṃ huāhiṃ aghāhiṃ dapaṭṭahiṃ..
kōṭinha ruṃḍa muṃḍa binu ḍōllahiṃ. sīsa parē mahi jaya jaya bōllahiṃ..
Herds of Jackals snapped their teeth as they tore the dead, feasted upon them and yelled; and, when surfeited, they snarled. Myriads of headless trunks trotted along the battlefield, while the heads lying on the ground shouted “Victory! Victory!!”

छंद | Chhand :
बोल्लहिं जो जय जय मुंड रुंड प्रचंड सिर बिनु धावहीं।
खप्परिन्ह खग्ग अलुज्झि जुज्झहिं सुभट भटन्ह ढहावहीं॥
बानर निसाचर निकर मर्दहिं राम बल दर्पित भए।
संग्राम अंगन सुभट सोवहिं राम सर निकरन्हि हए॥
bōllahiṃ jō jaya jaya muṃḍa ruṃḍa pracaṃḍa sira binu dhāvahīṃ.
khapparinha khagga alujjhi jujjhahiṃ subhaṭa bhaṭanha ḍhahāvahīṃ..
bānara nisācara nikara mardahiṃ rāma bala darpita bhaē.
saṃgrāma aṃgana subhaṭa sōvahiṃ rāma sara nikaranhi haē..

The heads shouted “Victory! Victory!!” while headless trunks darted wildly about. Birds got entangled in skulls even as they contended with one another; while champions overthrew their rivals. Imperious through Sri Rama’s strength, the monkeys crushed the demon crew; and mortally struck by Sri Rama’s flight of arrows, the champions lay in eternal sleep on the field of death.

दोहा | Doha
रावन हृदयँ बिचारा भा निसिचर संघार।
मैं अकेल कपि भालु बहु माया करौं अपार॥88॥
rāvana hṛdayaom bicārā bhā nisicara saṃghāra.
maiṃ akēla kapi bhālu bahu māyā karauṃ apāra..88..

Ravana thought within himself, “The demons have been wiped out and I am left alone, while the monkeys are still numerous. Let me, therefore, create illusions without number.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
देवन्ह प्रभुहि पयादें देखा। उपजा उर अति छोभ बिसेषा॥
सुरपति निज रथ तुरत पठावा। हरष सहित मातलि लै आवा॥1॥
dēvanha prabhuhi payādēṃ dēkhā. upajā ura ati chōbha bisēṣā..
surapati nija ratha turata paṭhāvā. haraṣa sahita mātali lai āvā..

When the gods saw that the Lord was on foot, they were exceedingly troubled at heart. Indra (the lord of heaven) forthwith despatched his own chariot, which Matali (Indra’s charioteer) gladly brought there.

तेज पुंज रथ दिब्य अनूपा। हरषि चढ़े कोसलपुर भूपा॥
चंचल तुरग मनोहर चारी। अजर अमर मन सम गतिकारी॥2॥
tēja puṃja ratha dibya anūpā. haraṣi caḍhaē kōsalapura bhūpā..
caṃcala turaga manōhara cārī. ajara amara mana sama gatikārī..
It was a heavenly and unique car, which was all splendour; the King of Kosalapura (Ayodhya) gladly mounted it. It was driven by four high-spirited and charming horses, which knew no decay or death and flew as fast as thought.

रथारूढ़ रघुनाथहि देखी। धाए कपि बलु पाइ बिसेषी॥
सही न जाइ कपिन्ह कै मारी। तब रावन माया बिस्तारी॥3॥

rathārūḍha raghunāthahi dēkhī. dhāē kapi balu pāi bisēṣī..
sahī na jāi kapinha kai mārī. taba rāvana māyā bistārī..
The monkeys rushed forward with renewed vigour when they saw the Lord of the Raghus mounted on a chariot. When Ravana felt that the monkey’s onset was irresistible, he took to creating illusions.

सो माया रघुबीरहि बाँची। लछिमन कपिन्ह सो मानी साँची॥
देखी कपिन्ह निसाचर अनी। अनुज सहित बहु कोसलधनी॥4॥
sō māyā raghubīrahi bāomcī. lachimana kapinha sō mānī sāomcī..
dēkhī kapinha nisācara anī. anuja sahita bahu kōsaladhanī..
The illusive creation did not touch the Lord of the Raghus; while the monkeys, nay, even Laksmana took it for real. The monkeys saw among a large demon host a number of Ramas and as many Laksmana.

छंद | Chhand :
बहु राम लछिमन देखि मर्कट भालु मन अति अपडरे।
जनु चित्र लिखित समेत लछिमन जहँ सो तहँ चितवहिं खरे॥
निज सेन चकित बिलोकि हँसि सर चाप सजि कोसलधनी।
माया हरी हरि निमिष महुँ हरषी सकल मर्कट अनी॥

bahu rāma lachimana dēkhi markaṭa bhālu mana ati apaḍarē.
janu citra likhita samēta lachimana jahaom sō tahaom citavahiṃ kharē..
nija sēna cakita bilōki haomsi sara cāpa saji kōsala dhanī.
māyā harī hari nimiṣa mahuom haraṣī sakala markaṭa anī..

The monkeys and bears were much terrified at heart to see numerous Ramas and Laksmanas. All of them, including Laksmana, stood gazing like the figures in a picture wherever they were. The Lord of Kosala smiled to see His army at a nonplus; He fitted an arrow to His bow and in a trice Sri Hari dispersed the delusion to the delight of the whole monkey host.

दोहा | Doha
बहुरि राम सब तन चितइ बोले बचन गँभीर।
द्वंदजुद्ध देखहु सकल श्रमित भए अति बीर॥89॥

bahuri rāma saba tana citai bōlē bacana gaombhīra.
dvaṃdajuddha dēkhahu sakala śramita bhaē ati bīra..89..

Sri Rama then cast His glance on all and spoke in meaningful words: “Watch now my duel (with Ravana); for all of you, my heroes, are extremely tired.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
अस कहि रथ रघुनाथ चलावा। बिप्र चरन पंकज सिरु नावा॥
तब लंकेस क्रोध उर छावा। गर्जत तर्जत सम्मुख धावा॥1॥
asa kahi ratha raghunātha calāvā. bipra carana paṃkaja siru nāvā..
taba laṃkēsa krōdha ura chāvā. garjata tarjata sanmukha dhāvā..

So saying, the Lord of the Raghus bowed His head at the Brahmanas’ lotus feet even as He urged forward His chariot. Thereupon Ravana felt much enraged at heart and darted to meet Him, challenging Him in a thundering voice:

जीतेहु जे भट संजुग माहीं। सुनु तापस मैं तिन्ह सम नाहीं॥
रावन नाम जगत जस जाना। लोकप जाकें बंदीखाना॥2॥
jītēhu jē bhaṭa saṃjuga māhīṃ. sunu tāpasa maiṃ tinha sama nāhīṃ..
rāvana nāma jagata jasa jānā. lōkapa jākēṃ baṃdīkhānā..

“Listen, hermit: I am not like one of those warriors whom you have vanquished in battle. My name is Ravana, whose glory is known all the world over, and whose prison holds within its walls the regents of the spheres!

खर दूषन बिराध तुम्ह मारा। बधेहु ब्याध इव बालि बिचारा॥
निसिचर निकर सुभट संघारेहु। कुंभकरन घननादहि मारेहु॥3॥
khara dūṣana birādha tumha mārā. badhēhu byādha iva bāli bicārā..
nisicara nikara subhaṭa saṃghārēhu. kuṃbhakarana ghananādahi mārēhu..

You slew Khara, Dμusana and Viradha and killed poor Vali even as a hunter would shoot his game. Nay, you wiped out a host of demon champions and killed even Kumbhakarna and Meghanada.

आजु बयरु सबु लेउँ निबाही। जौं रन भूप भाजि नहिं जाही॥
आजु करउँ खलु काल हवाले। परेहु कठिन रावन के पाले॥4॥
āju bayaru sabu lēuom nibāhī. jauṃ rana bhūpa bhāji nahiṃ jāhīṃ..
āju karauom khalu kāla havālē. parēhu kaṭhina rāvana kē pālē..

Today I will, wreak vengeance on you for all this unless, O prince, you flee away from the battle. Today I will surely give you over to death; for it is the relentless Ravana whom you have to deal with.”

सुनि दुर्बचन कालबस जाना। बिहँसि बचन कह कृपानिधाना॥
सत्य सत्य सब तव प्रभुताई। जल्पसि जनि देखाउ मनुसाई॥5॥
suni durbacana kālabasa jānā. bihaomsi bacana kaha kṛpānidhānā..
satya satya saba tava prabhutāī. jalpasi jani dēkhāu manusāī..
Hearing his foul talk the All-merciful took him as doomed to death and smilingly replied as follows: “True, true is all your greatness. But prate no more; show your valour if you can.

छंद | Chhand :
जनि जल्पना करि सुजसु नासहि नीति सुनहि करहि छमा।
संसार महँ पूरुष त्रिबिध पाटल रसाल पनस समा॥
एक सुमनप्रद एक सुमन फल एक फलइ केवल लागहीं।
एक कहहिं कहहिं करहिं अपर एक करहिं कहत न बागहीं॥
jani jalpanā kari sujasu nāsahi nīti sunahi karahi chamā.
saṃsāra mahaom pūruṣa tribidha pāṭala rasāla panasa samā..
ēka sumanaprada ēka sumana phala ēka phalai kēvala lāgahīṃ.
ēka kahahiṃ kahahiṃ karahiṃ apara ēka karahiṃ kahata na bāgahīṃ..

“Do not ruin your reputation by bragging. Pray, excuse me and listen to a sound maxim. There are three types of men in this world-those resembling the rose, the mango and the bread-tree respectively. The one gives flowers alone, the second flowers and fruit both and the third yields fruit alone. Even so the one talks, the second talks as well as does, while the third does but never goes about proclaiming it.”

दोहा | Doha
राम बचन सुनि बिहँसा मोहि सिखावत ग्यान।
बयरु करत नहिं तब डरे अब लागे प्रिय प्रान॥90॥
rāma bacana suni bihaomsā mōhi sikhāvata gyāna.
bayaru karata nahiṃ taba ḍarē aba lāgē priya prāna..90..

Ravana heartily laughed when he heard Sri Rama’s words. “Ah! You teach me wisdom! You did not shrink from waging war against me then; now it seems you hold your life very dear.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
कहि दुर्बचन क्रुद्ध दसकंधर। कुलिस समान लाग छाँड़ै सर॥॥
नानाकार सिलीमुख धाए। दिसि अरु बिदिसि गगन महि छाए॥1॥
kahi durbacana kruddha dasakaṃdhara. kulisa samāna lāga chāomḍaai sara..
nānākāra silīmukha dhāē. disi aru bidisa gagana mahi chāē..

Having uttered these taunting words Ravana furiously began to discharge arrows like so many thunderbolts. Shafts of various designs flew and filled all the quarters, nay, every corner of the earth and heavens.

पावक सर छाँड़ेउ रघुबीरा। छन महुँ जरे निसाचर तीरा॥
छाड़िसि तीब्र सक्ति खिसिआई। बान संग प्रभु फेरि चलाई॥2॥
pāvaka sara chāomḍaēu raghubīrā. chana mahuom jarē nisācara tīrā..
chāḍaisi tībra sakti khisiāī. bāna saṃga prabhu phēri calāī..

The Hero of Raghu’s line let fly a fiery dart, and in a moment the demon’s bolts were all consumed. Ravana ground his teeth out of frustration and hurled a fierce lance; but the Lord sent it back alongwith His arrow.

कोटिन्ह चक्र त्रिसूल पबारै। बिनु प्रयास प्रभु काटि निवारै॥
निफल होहिं रावन सर कैसें। खल के सकल मनोरथ जैसें॥3॥
kōṭika cakra trisūla pabārai. binu prayāsa prabhu kāṭi nivārai..
niphala hōhiṃ rāvana sara kaisēṃ. khala kē sakala manōratha jaisēṃ..

The demon then cast a cloud of discs and tridents; but the Lord frustrated them by tearing them asunder without any exertion. Ravana’s arrows proved as futile as the schemes of the wicked invariably are.

तब सत बान सारथी मारेसि। परेउ भूमि जय राम पुकारेसि॥
राम कृपा करि सूत उठावा। तब प्रभु परम क्रोध कहुँ पावा॥4॥
taba sata bāna sārathī mārēsi. parēu bhūmi jaya rāma pukārēsi..
rāma kṛpā kari sūta uṭhāvā. taba prabhu parama krōdha kahuom pāvā..

Then with a hundred arrows he struck Sri Rama’s charioteer (Matali), who fell to the ground crying “Victory to Sri Rama!” Sri Rama took compassion and lifted up the driver; He was now stirred up with a terrible fury.

छंद | Chhand :
भए क्रुद्ध जुद्ध बिरुद्ध रघुपति त्रोन सायक कसमसे।
कोदंड धुनि अति चंड सुनि मनुजाद सब मारुत ग्रसे॥
मंदोदरी उर कंप कंपति कमठ भू भूधर त्रसे।
चिक्करहिं दिग्गज दसन गहि महि देखि कौतुक सुर हँसे॥
bhaē kruddha juddha biruddha raghupati trōna sāyaka kasamasē.
kōdaṃḍa dhuni ati caṃḍa suni manujāda saba māruta grasē..
maomdōdarī ura kaṃpa kaṃpati kamaṭha bhū bhūdhara trasē.
cikkarahiṃ diggaja dasana gahi mahi dēkhi kautuka sura haomsē..

When the Lord of the Raghus encountered the enemy on the battlefield, full of rage, the arrows in His quiver vied with one another in their endeavour to shoot forth. The man-eating demons were all seized with terror at the sound of the most awful twang of His bow. Mandodari’s heart quaked; the ocean, the Tortoise supporting the globe, the earth and the mountains trembled; and the elephants guarding the quarters squealed, and clutched the globe with their tusks. The gods smiled at this amusing sight.

दोहा | Doha
तानेउ चाप श्रवन लगि छाँड़े बिसिख कराल।
राम मारगन गन चले लहलहात जनु ब्याल॥91॥
tānēu cāpa śravana lagi chāomḍaē bisikha karāla.
rāma māragana gana calē lahalahāta janu byāla..91..

Sri Rama drew the bow-string right up to His ear and let fly His terrible darts, which sped forth vibrating like so many serpents.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
चले बान सपच्छ जनु उरगा। प्रथमहिं हतेउ सारथी तुरगा॥
रथ बिभंजि हति केतु पताका। गर्जा अति अंतर बल थाका॥1॥
calē bāna sapaccha janu uragā. prathamahiṃ hatēu sārathī turagā..
ratha bibhaṃji hati kētu patākā. garjā ati aṃtara bala thākā..

The arrows flew like winged serpents. At the first onset they killed Ravana’s charioteer and horses; then, smashing the car, they tore off his ensign and flags. Even though his strength had inwardly failed him, he roared aloud and,-

तुरत आन रथ चढ़ि खिसिआना। अस्त्र सस्त्र छाँड़ेसि बिधि नाना॥
बिफल होहिं सब उद्यम ताके। जिमि परद्रोह निरत मनसा के॥2॥
turata āna ratha caḍhai khisiānā. astra sastra chāomḍaēsi bidhi nānā..
biphala hōhiṃ saba udyama tākē. jimi paradrōha nirata manasā kē..

immediately mounting another car, ground his teeth and hurled missiles and other weapons of every description. All his efforts, however, failed like those of a man whose mind is ever intent on harming others.

तब रावन दस सूल चलावा। बाजि चारि महि मारि गिरावा॥
तुरग उठाइ कोपि रघुनायक। खैंचि सरासन छाँड़े सायक॥3॥
taba rāvana dasa sūla calāvā. bāji cāri mahi māri girāvā..
turaga uṭhāi kōpi raghunāyaka. khaiṃci sarāsana chāomḍaē sāyaka..

Then Ravana hurled forth ten pikes, which struck the four horses of Sri Rama’s chariot and overthrew them. The Lord raised His horses and, drawing the bow string, let fly His darts in great fury.

रावन सिर सरोज बनचारी। चलि रघुबीर सिलीमुख धारी॥
दस दस बान भाल दस मारे। निसरि गए चले रुधिर पनारे॥4॥
rāvana sira sarōja banacārī. cali raghubīra silīmukha dhārī..
dasa dasa bāna bhāla dasa mārē. nisari gaē calē rudhira panārē..
The arrows of Sri Rama (the Hero of Raghu’s line) sped forth like a string of bees* to enter Ravana’s heads, which compared a bed of lotuses. Sri Rama struck each of his brows with ten arrows, which pierced through them; and blood gushed forth in torrents.

स्रवत रुधिर धायउ बलवाना। प्रभु पुनि कृत धनु सर संधाना॥
तीस तीर रघुबीर पबारे। भुजन्हि समेत सीस महि पारे॥5॥
stravata rudhira dhāyau balavānā. prabhu puni kṛta dhanu sara saṃdhānā..
tīsa tīra raghubīra pabārē. bhujanhi samēta sīsa mahi pārē..

Though bleeding profusely, the mighty demon rushed forward; the Lord once more fitted arrows to His bow. The Hero of Raghu’s line discharged thirty shafts, which shot down his heads and arms to the ground.

काटतहीं पुनि भए नबीने। राम बहोरि भुजा सिर छीने॥
प्रभु बहु बार बाहु सिर हए। कटत झटिति पुनि नूतन भए॥6॥
kāṭatahīṃ puni bhaē nabīnē. rāma bahōri bhujā sira chīnē..
prabhu bahu bāra bāhu sira haē. kaṭata jhaṭiti puni nūtana bhaē..

But they grew afresh as soon as they were severed; Sri Rama, however, struck off his heads and arms once more. Time after time the Lord smote off his arms and heads; but they were renewed as soon as they were blown off.

पुनि पुनि प्रभु काटत भुज सीसा। अति कौतुकी कोसलाधीसा॥
रहे छाइ नभ सिर अरु बाहू। मानहुँ अमित केतु अरु राहू॥7॥
puni puni prabhu kāṭata bhuja sīsā. ati kautukī kōsalādhīsā..
rahē chāi nabha sira aru bāhū. mānahuom amita kētu aru rāhū..
Again and again the Lord tore off his arms and heads; for the King of Kosala takes delight in playing. The sky was full of heads and arms like an infinite number of Ketus and Rahus.

छंद | Chhand :
जनु राहु केतु अनेक नभ पथ स्रवत सोनित धावहीं।
रघुबीर तीर प्रचंड लागहिं भूमि गिरत न पावहीं॥
एक एक सर सिर निकर छेदे नभ उड़त इमि सोहहीं।
जनु कोपि दिनकर कर निकर जहँ तहँ बिधुंतुद पोहहीं॥

janu rāhu kētu anēka nabha patha stravata sōnita dhāvahīṃ.
raghubīra tīra pracaṃḍa lāgahiṃ bhūmi girana na pāvahīṃ..
ēka ēka sara sira nikara chēdē nabha uḍata imi sōhahīṃ.
janu kōpi dinakara kara nikara jahaom tahaom bidhuṃtuda pōhahīṃ..

It seemed as though multitudes of Rahus and Ketus were rushing through the air, streaming with blood; hit by the terrible shafts of Sri Rama (the Hero of Raghu’s line) again and again, they could not fall to the ground. The arrows, as they flew through the air, each transfixing a set of heads, seemed like so many rays of the angry sun each strung all over with a number of Rahus.

दोहा | Doha
जिमि जिमि प्रभु हर तासु सिर तिमि होहिं अपार।
सेवत बिषय बिबर्ध जिमि नित नित नूतन मार॥92॥
jimi jimi prabhu hara tāsu sira timi timi hōhiṃ apāra.
sēvata biṣaya bibardha jimi nita nita nūtana māra..92..

As quickly as the Lord struck off his heads, they were renewed without end, like the passions of a man, which grow ever more and more even as he enjoys the pleasures of sense.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
दसमुख देखि सिरन्ह कै बाढ़ी। बिसरा मरन भई रिस गाढ़ी॥
गर्जेउ मूढ़ महा अभिमानी। धायउ दसहु सरासन तानी॥1॥
dasamukha dēkhi siranha kai bāḍhaī. bisarā marana bhaī risa gāḍhaī..
garjēu mūḍha mahā abhimānī. dhāyau dasahu sarāsana tānī..

When the ten-headed monster perceived the multiplication of his heads, he thought no more of his own death, but was seized with burning wrath. The fool roared in his great pride and rushed forward with all his ten bows drawn.

समर भूमि दसकंधर कोप्यो। बरषि बान रघुपति रथ तोप्यो॥
दंड एक रथ देखि न परेउ। जनु निहार महुँ दिनकर दुरेऊ॥2॥
samara bhūmi dasakaṃdhara kōpyō. baraṣi bāna raghupati ratha tōpyō..
daṃḍa ēka ratha dēkhi na parēū. janu nihāra mahuom dinakara durēū..

Flying into a rage on the battle- field, the ten-headed monster discharged a shower of arrows and screened with it the chariot of Sri Rama (the Lord of the Raghus), which was lost to sight for nearly half an hour, even as the sun is obscured by mist.

हाहाकार सुरन्ह जब कीन्हा। तब प्रभु कोपि कारमुक लीन्हा॥
सर निवारि रिपु के सिर काटे। ते दिसि बिदिसि गगन महि पाटे॥3॥
hāhākāra suranha jaba kīnhā. taba prabhu kōpi kāramuka līnhā..
sara nivāri ripu kē sira kāṭē. tē disi bidisa gagana mahi pāṭē..

When the gods raised a piteous cry, the Lord took up His bow, full of wrath. Intercepting the enemy’s arrows He struck off his heads, which covered all the quarters as well as the intermediate points of the compass, as well as heaven and earth.

काटे सिर नभ मारग धावहिं। जय जय धुनि करि भय उपजावहिं॥
कहँ लछिमन सुग्रीव कपीसा। कहँ रघुबीर कोसलाधीसा॥4॥
kāṭē sira nabha māraga dhāvahiṃ. jaya jaya dhuni kari bhaya upajāvahiṃ..
kahaom lachimana sugrīva kapīsā. kahaom raghubīra kōsalādhīsā..

The severed heads flew through the air and struck terror into the monkeys’ hearts as they uttered the cries of “Victory, Victory!! Where is Laksmana? Where is Sugriva, the lord of the monkeys? Where is the hero of Raghu’s line, the lord of Kosala?”

छंद | Chhand :
कहँ रामु कहि सिर निकर धाए देखि मर्कट भजि चले।
संधानि धनु रघुबंसमनि हँसि सरन्हि सिर बेधे भले॥
सिर मालिका कर कालिका गहि बृंद बृंदन्हि बहु मिलीं।
करि रुधिर सरि मज्जनु मनहुँ संग्राम बट पूजन चलीं॥

kahaom rāmu kahi sira nikara dhāē dēkhi markaṭa bhaji calē.
saṃdhāni dhanu raghubaṃsamani haomsi saranhi sira bēdhē bhalē..
sira mālikā kara kālikā gahi bṛṃda bṛṃdanhi bahu milīṃ.
kari rudhira sari majjanu manahuom saṃgrāma baṭa pūjana calīṃ..

“Where is Rama?” cried the multitudes of heads as they sped. The monkeys took to flight as they saw them. The Jewel of Raghu’s line smilingly fitted arrows to His bow and shot the heads through and through. Taking a rosary of skulls in their hands a large number of Kalikas (female attendants of Goddess Kali) collected in numerous batches, as though having bathed in the stream of blood they had proceeded to worship the banyan tree of the battle.

दोहा | Doha
पुनि दसकंठ क्रुद्ध होइ छाँड़ी सक्ति प्रचंड।
चली बिभीषन सन्मुख मनहुँ काल कर दंड॥93॥
puni dasakaṃṭha kruddha hōi chāomḍaī sakti pracaṃḍa.
calī bibhīṣana sanmukha manahuom kāla kara daṃḍa..93.

Then the ten-headed monster in his fury hurled forth his terrible lance, which flew straight towards Vibhisana like the rod of Death.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
आवत देखि सक्ति अति घोरा। प्रनतारति भंजन पन मोरा॥
तुरत बिभीषन पाछें मेला। सन्मुख राम सहेउ सोइ सेला॥1॥

āvata dēkhi sakti ati ghōrā. pranatārati bhaṃjana pana mōrā..
turata bibhīṣana pāchēṃ mēlā. sanmukha rāma sahēu sōi sēlā..

When the Lord saw the most fearful lance coming, He thought to Himself, “It is My sacred vow to put an end to the distress of the suppliant!” Instantly Sri Rama put Vibhisana behind Him and exposed Himself to the full force of the spear.

लागि सक्ति मुरुछा कछु भई। प्रभु कृत खेल सुरन्ह बिकलई॥
देखि बिभीषन प्रभु श्रम पायो। गहि कर गदा क्रुद्ध होइ धायो॥2॥
lāgi sakti muruchā kachu bhaī. prabhu kṛta khēla suranha bikalaī..
dēkhi bibhīṣana prabhu śrama pāyō. gahi kara gadā kruddha hōi dhāyō..

When the lance struck Him, the Lord fainted for a while. Although it was a mere sport on the part of the Lord, the gods were filled with dismay. When Vibhisana saw that the Lord had been grievously hurt, he seized his club and rushed forward full of rage.

रे कुभाग्य सठ मंद कुबुद्धे। तैं सुर नर मुनि नाग बिरुद्धे॥
सादर सिव कहुँ सीस चढ़ाए। एक एक के कोटिन्ह पाए॥3॥
rē kubhāgya saṭha maṃda kubuddhē. taiṃ sura nara muni nāga biruddhē..
sādara siva kahuom sīsa caḍhaāē. ēka ēka kē kōṭinha pāē..

“You wretched vile and perverse fool ! You have antagonized gods, human beings, sages and Nagas alike. You devoutly offered your heads to Lord Siva and have got millions for one in return.

तेहि कारन खल अब लगि बाँच्यो। अब तव कालु सीस पर नाच्यो॥
राम बिमुख सठ चहसि संपदा। अस कहि हनेसि माझ उर गदा॥4॥
tēhi kārana khala aba lagi bāomcyō. aba tava kālu sīsa para nācyō..
rāma bimukha saṭha cahasi saṃpadā. asa kahi hanēsi mājha ura gadā..

It is for this reason, O wretch, that you have been spared till this time; your death, however, seems to be impending now. Fool, you seek happiness through enmity with Sri Rama?” So saying, Vibhisana struck his brother right on the chest with his club.

छंद | Chhand :
उर माझ गदा प्रहार घोर कठोर लागत महि पर्‌यो।
दस बदन सोनित स्रवत पुनि संभारि धायो रिस भर्‌यो॥
द्वौ भिरे अतिबल मल्लजुद्ध बिरुद्ध एकु एकहि हनै।
रघुबीर बल दर्पित बिभीषनु घालि नहिं ता कहुँ गनै॥

ura mājha gadā prahāra ghōra kaṭhōra lāgata mahi par yō.
dasa badana sōnita stravata puni saṃbhāri dhāyō risa bhar yō..
dvau bhirē atibala mallajuddha biruddha ēku ēkahi hanai.
raghubīra bala darpita bibhīṣanu ghāli nahiṃ tā kahuom ganai..

At the terrible impact of the mighty club on his chest Ravana fell to the ground, all his ten mouths spouting blood. But he picked himself up again and darted forward full of fury. The two mighty champions closed with each other in a wrestling contest, each mauling the other. Vibhisana, however, who was inspired with the strength of Sri Rama (the Hero of Raghu’s line), deemed his adversary as of no account.

दोहा | Doha
उमा बिभीषनु रावनहि सन्मुख चितव कि काउ।
सो अब भिरत काल ज्यों श्री रघुबीर प्रभाउ॥94॥
umā bibhīṣanu rāvanahi sanmukha citava ki kāu.
sō aba bhirata kāla jyōṃ śrīraghubīra prabhāu..94..

Uma, (continues Lord Siva,) Vibhisana would never have dared of himself to look Ravana in the face. Armed with the might of Sri Rama (the Hero of Raghu’s line), however, he now closed with his brother like Death himself.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
देखा श्रमित बिभीषनु भारी। धायउ हनूमान गिरि धारी॥
रथ तुरंग सारथी निपाता। हृदय माझ तेहि मारेसि लाता॥1॥
dēkhā śramita bibhīṣanu bhārī. dhāyau hanūmāna giri dhārī..
ratha turaṃga sārathī nipātā. hṛdaya mājha tēhi mārēsi lātā..

Perceiving Vibhisana much exhausted, Hanuman rushed forward with a rock in his hand; crushing the chariot, the horses and the charioteer all at once he gave Ravana a kick right in his breast.

ठाढ़ रहा अति कंपित गाता। गयउ बिभीषनु जहँ जनत्राता॥
पुनि रावन कपि हतेउ पचारी। चलेउ गगन कपि पूँछ पसारी॥2॥

ṭhāḍha rahā ati kaṃpita gātā. gayau bibhīṣanu jahaom janatrātā..
puni rāvana kapi hatēu pacārī. calēu gagana kapi pūomcha pasārī..

The demon, however, kept standing though shaking violently all over. Meanwhile Vibhisana withdrew into the presence of Sri Rama (the Protector of His devotees). Ravana thereupon challenged and assailed the monkey (Hanuman), who ascended into the air spreading his tail.

गहिसि पूँछ कपि सहित उड़ाना। पुनि फिरि भिरेउ प्रबल हनुमाना॥
लरत अकास जुगल सम जोधा। एकहि एकु हनत करि क्रोधा॥3॥
gahisi pūomcha kapi sahita uḍaānā. puni phiri bhirēu prabala hanumānā..
larata akāsa jugala sama jōdhā. ēkahi ēku hanata kari krōdhā..

Ravana laid hold of his tail, but the monkey (Hanuman) flew alongwith him. The mighty Hanuman then turned and closed with him. The two well-matched warriors fought overhead, each striking the other in great fury.

सोहहिं नभ छल बल बहु करहीं। कज्जलगिरि सुमेरु जनु लरहीं॥
बुधि बल निसिचर परइ न पारयो। तब मारुतसुत प्रभु संभार्‌यो॥4॥

sōhahiṃ nabha chala bala bahu karahīṃ. kajjala giri sumēru janu larahīṃ..
budhi bala nisicara parai na pār yō. taba māruta suta prabhu saṃbhār yō..

Putting forth all their strength and stratagem while in the air the two looked like a mountain of soot and Mount Sumeru contending with each other. When the demon could not be overthrown either through wit or through physical force, the son of the wind-god invoked his lord.

छंद | Chhand :
संभारि श्रीरघुबीर धीर पचारि कपि रावनु हन्यो।
महि परत पुनि उठि लरत देवन्ह जुगल कहुँ जय जय भन्यो॥
हनुमंत संकट देखि मर्कट भालु क्रोधातुर चले।
रन मत्त रावन सकल सुभट प्रचण्ड भुज बल दलमले॥
saṃbhāri śrīraghubīra dhīra pacāri kapi rāvanu hanyō.
mahi parata puni uṭhi larata dēvanha jugala kahuom jaya jaya bhanyō..
hanumaṃta saṃkaṭa dēkhi markaṭa bhālu krōdhātura calē.
rana matta rāvana sakala subhaṭa pracaṃḍa bhuja bala dalamalē..

Invoking the Hero of Raghu’s line, the strong-minded Hanuman challenged and struck Ravana. The two fell to the ground and rising again resumed fighting. The gods shouted ‘Victory’ to both. Seeing Hanuman in such a strait, the monkeys and bears sallied forth in furious haste; while Ravana, who was battle-mad, crushed all the champions by the tremendous might of his arm.

दोहा | Doha
तब रघुबीर पचारे धाए कीस प्रचंड।
कपि बल प्रबल देखि तेहिं कीन्ह प्रगट पाषंड॥95॥
taba raghubīra pacārē dhāē kīsa pracaṃḍa.
kapi bala prabala dēkhi tēhiṃ kīnha pragaṭa pāṣaṃḍa..95..

Then, rallied by the Hero of Raghu’s line, the fierce monkeys rushed forward. Seeing the overwhelming monkey host, Ravana, however, displayed his Maya (black art).

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
अंतरधान भयउ छन एका। पुनि प्रगटे खल रूप अनेका॥
रघुपति कटक भालु कपि जेते। जहँ तहँ प्रगट दसानन तेते॥1॥
aṃtaradhāna bhayau chana ēkā. puni pragaṭē khala rūpa anēkā..
raghupati kaṭaka bhālu kapi jētē. jahaom tahaom pragaṭa dasānana tētē..

He became invisible for a moment and then the wretch revealed himself in multitudinous forms. The ten-headed monster appeared in as many forms as there were bears and monkeys in the army of Sri Rama (the Lord of the Raghus).

देखे कपिन्ह अमित दससीसा। जहँ तहँ भजे भालु अरु कीसा॥
भागे बानर धरहिं न धीरा। त्राहि त्राहि लछिमन रघुबीरा॥2॥
dēkhē kapinha amita dasasīsā. jahaom tahaom bhajē bhālu aru kīsā..
bhāgē bānara dharahiṃ na dhīrā. trāhi trāhi lachimana raghubīrā..

The monkey host beheld numberless Ravanas; the bears and monkeys then fled in every direction. The monkeys had no courage to stay. They fled crying, “Help, Laksmana ! Help, Raghuvira (Hero of Raghu’s line) !”

दहँ दिसि धावहिं कोटिन्ह रावन। गर्जहिं घोर कठोर भयावन॥
डरे सकल सुर चले पराई। जय कै आस तजहु अब भाई॥3॥

Myriads of Ravanas darted in all directions, thundering in a deep, shrill and frightful voice. All the gods took flight in panic crying, “Now, brethren, abandon all hope of victory.

dahaom disi dhāvahiṃ kōṭinha rāvana. garjahiṃ ghōra kaṭhōra bhayāvana..
ḍarē sakala sura calē parāī. jaya kai āsa tajahu aba bhāī..

सब सुर जिते एक दसकंधर। अब बहु भए तकहु गिरि कंदर॥
रहे बिरंचि संभु मुनि ग्यानी। जिन्ह जिन्ह प्रभु महिमा कछु जानी॥4॥
saba sura jitē ēka dasakaṃdhara. aba bahu bhaē takahu giri kaṃdara..
rahē biraṃci saṃbhu muni gyānī. jinha jinha prabhu mahimā kachu jānī..

A single Ravana subdued the whole heavenly host. Now that he has been multiplied, let us seek mountain caves.” Only Brahma (the Creator), Lord Sambhu (Siva) and the wise seers, whoever knew something of the Lord’s glory, remained unshaken.

छंद | Chhand :
जाना प्रताप ते रहे निर्भय कपिन्ह रिपु माने फुरे।
चले बिचलि मर्कट भालु सकल कृपाल पाहि भयातुरे॥
हनुमंत अंगद नील नल अतिबल लरत रन बाँकुरे।
मर्दहिं दसानन कोटि कोटिन्ह कपट भू भट अंकुरे॥
jānā pratāpa tē rahē nirbhaya kapinha ripu mānē phurē.
calē bicali markaṭa bhālu sakala kṛpāla pāhi bhayāturē..
hanumaṃta aṃgada nīla nala atibala larata rana bāomkurē.
mardahiṃ dasānana kōṭi kōṭinha kapaṭa bhū bhaṭa aṃkurē..

They who understood the Lord’s might remained fearless. But the monkeys took the apparitions for real enemies. They all lost courage and fled, monkeys and bears alike, crying in their dismay: “Protect us, our merciful lord!” The most powerful Hanuman, Angada, Nila and Nala, who were all valiant in battle, fought and crushed the myriads of gallant Ravanas that had sprouted on the soil of deception.

दोहा | Doha
सुर बानर देखे बिकल हँस्यो कोसलाधीस।
सजि सारंग एक सर हते सकल दससीस॥96॥
sura bānara dēkhē bikala haomsyō kōsalādhīsa.
saji sāraṃga ēka sara hatē sakala dasasīsa..96.

The Lord of Kosala smiled to see the dismay of the gods and the monkeys. He fitted an arrow to His famous Sarnga bow and wiped out the whole host of illusive Ravana.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
प्रभु छन महुँ माया सब काटी। जिमि रबि उएँ जाहिं तम फाटी॥
रावनु एकु देखि सुर हरषे। फिरे सुमन बहु प्रभु पर बरषे॥1॥
prabhu chana mahuom māyā saba kāṭī. jimi rabi uēom jāhiṃ tama phāṭī..
rāvanu ēku dēkhi sura haraṣē. phirē sumana bahu prabhu para baraṣē..

In a trice the Lord dispersed the whole phantom, even as the veil of darkness is torn asunder with the rising of the sun. The gods rejoiced to see only one Ravana and, turning back, rained abundant flowers on the Lord.

भुज उठाइ रघुपति कपि फेरे। फिरे एक एकन्ह तब टेरे॥
प्रभु बलु पाइ भालु कपि धाए। तरल तमकि संजुग महि आए॥2॥
bhuja uṭhāi raghupati kapi phērē. phirē ēka ēkanha taba ṭērē..
prabhu balu pāi bhālu kapi dhāē. tarala tamaki saṃjuga mahi āē..

Raising His arm, the Lord of the Raghus rallied the monkeys, who returned, each shouting to other. Inspired by the might of their lord, the bears and monkeys ran; and leaping briskly they arrived on the battlefield.

अस्तुति करत देवतन्हि देखें। भयउँ एक मैं इन्ह के लेखें॥
सठहु सदा तुम्ह मोर मरायल। अस कहि कोपि गगन पर धायल॥3॥
astuti karata dēvatanhi dēkhēṃ. bhayauom ēka maiṃ inha kē lēkhēṃ..
saṭhahu sadā tumha mōra marāyala. asa kahi kōpi gagana para dhāyala..

When Ravana saw the gods extolling Sri Rama, he thought to himself, “They think I am now reduced to one.” “Fools ! you have ever been victims of my thrashing !” So saying he sprang into the air with great indignation.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
हाहाकार करत सुर भागे। खलहु जाहु कहँ मोरें आगे॥
देखि बिकल सुर अंगद धायो। कूदि चरन गहि भूमि गिरायो॥4॥
hāhākāra karata sura bhāgē. khalahu jāhu kahaom mōrēṃ āgē..
dēkhi bikala sura aṃgada dhāyō. kūdi carana gahi bhūmi girāyō..

As the gods fled uttering a piteous cry, Ravana said, “Wretches whither can you go from my presence?” Seeing the distress of the gods, Angada rushed forward and with a bound seized Ravana by the foot and threw him to the ground.

छंद | Chhand :
गहि भूमि पार्‌यो लात मार्‌यो बालिसुत प्रभु पहिं गयो।
संभारि उठि दसकंठ घोर कठोर रव गर्जत भयो॥
करि दाप चाप चढ़ाइ दस संधानि सर बहु बरषई।
किए सकल भट घायल भयाकुल देखि निज बल हरषई॥
gahi bhūmi pār yō lāta mār yō bālisuta prabhu pahiṃ gayō.
saṃbhāri uṭhi dasakaṃṭha ghōra kaṭhōra rava garjata bhayō..
kari dāpa cāpa caḍhaāi dasa saṃdhāni sara bahu baraṣaī.
kiē sakala bhaṭa ghāyala bhayākula dēkhi nija bala haraṣaī..
Having seized Ravana and thrown him to the ground, Vali’s son (Angada) gave him a kick and then rejoined his lord. The ten-headed monster, on recovering himself, rose again and roared terribly in a shrill voice. Proudly drawing the string of all his ten bows he fitted a dart to each and rained a flight of arrows, wounding all the warriors in the enemy’s ranks to their utter dismay and confusion; and rejoiced to see his own might.

दोहा | Doha
तब रघुपति रावन के सीस भुजा सर चाप।
काटे बहुत बढ़े पुनि जिमि तीरथ कर पाप॥97॥
taba raghupati rāvana kē sīsa bhujā sara cāpa.
kāṭē bahuta baḍhaē puni jimi tīratha kara pāpa. 97..

Thereupon the Lord of the Raghus tore off Ravana’s heads and arms, alongwith the arrows and bows; more than once. But each time they all multiplied like sins committed in a holy place.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
सिर भुज बाढ़ि देखि रिपु केरी। भालु कपिन्ह रिस भई घनेरी॥
मरत न मूढ़ कटेहुँ भुज सीसा। धाए कोपि भालु भट कीसा॥1॥
sira bhuja bāḍhai dēkhi ripu kērī. bhālu kapinha risa bhaī ghanērī..
marata na mūḍha kaṭēu bhuja sīsā. dhāē kōpi bhālu bhaṭa kīsā..

The bears and monkeys grew furious when they saw the repeated renewal of Ravana’s heads and arms. “This fool would not die even though his arms and heads are cut off!” So saying, the bear and monkey warriors darted towards him in great fury.

बालितनय मारुति नल नीला। बानरराज दुबिद बलसीला॥
बिटप महीधर करहिं प्रहारा। सोइ गिरि तरु गहि कपिन्ह सो मारा॥2॥
bālitanaya māruti nala nīlā. bānararāja dubida balasīlā..
biṭapa mahīdhara karahiṃ prahārā. sōi giri taru gahi kapinha sō mārā..

Vali’s son (Angada), the son of the wind-god, Nala, Nila, Sugriva (the king of the monkeys) and Dwivida, all mighty heroes, hurled trees and rocks on him. Ravana, however, caught them and threw the same back upon the monkeys.

एक नखन्हि रिपु बपुष बिदारी। भागि चलहिं एक लातन्ह मारी।
तब नल नील सिरन्हि चढ़ि गयऊ। नखन्हि लिलार बिदारत भयऊ॥3॥
ēka nakhanhi ripu bapuṣa bidārī. bhaagi calahiṃ ēka lātanha mārī..
taba nala nīla siranhi caḍhai gayaū. nakhanhi lilāra bidārata bhayaū..

Some of the monkeys tore the enemy’s body with their claws, while others would kick him and run away. Then Nala and Nila climbed up his heads and set to tearing his foreheads with their claws.

रुधिर देखि बिषाद उर भारी। तिन्हहि धरन कहुँ भुजा पसारी॥
गहे न जाहिं करन्हि पर फिरहीं। जनु जुग मधुप कमल बन चरहीं॥4॥
rudhira dēkhi biṣāda ura bhārī. tinhahi dharana kahuom bhujā pasārī..
gahē na jāhiṃ karanhi para phirahīṃ. janu juga madhupa kamala bana carahīṃ..

When he saw blood coming, he felt much troubled at heart and moved up his arms to catch hold of the monkeys. But they were not to be caught and leapt about from one hand to another like a pair of bees hovering over a bed of lotuses.

कोपि कूदि द्वौ धरेसि बहोरी। महि पटकत भजे भुजा मरोरी॥
पुनि सकोप दस धनु कर लीन्हे। सरन्हि मारि घायल कपि कीन्हे॥5॥

kōpi kūdi dvau dharēsi bahōrī. mahi paṭakata bhajē bhujā marōrī..
puni sakōpa dasa dhanu kara līnhē. saranhi māri ghāyala kapi kīnhē..

At last with a furious bound he clutched them both; but before he could dash them to the ground, they twisted his arms and ran away. Again in his fury he took ten bows in his hands and with his arrows struck and wounded the monkeys.

हनुमदादि मुरुछित करि बंदर। पाइ प्रदोष हरष दसकंधर॥
मुरुछित देखि सकल कपि बीरा। जामवंत धायउ रनधीरा॥6॥
hanumadādi muruchita kari baṃdara. pāi pradōṣa haraṣa dasakaṃdhara..
muruchita dēkhi sakala kapi bīrā. jāmavaṃta dhāyau ranadhīrā..
Having rendered Hanuman and other monkey chiefs senseless he rejoiced to see the approach of night. Seeing all the monkey heroes in a swoon the valiant Jambavan rushed forward –

संग भालु भूधर तरु धारी। मारन लगे पचारि पचारी॥
भयउ क्रुद्ध रावन बलवाना। गहि पद महि पटकइ भट नाना॥7॥
saṃga bhālu bhūdhara taru dhārī. mārana lagē pacāri pacārī..
bhayau kruddha rāvana balavānā. gahi pada mahi paṭakai bhaṭa nānā..

with a host of bears carrying rocks and trees, which they hurled upon him, challenging him again and again. This enraged the mighty Ravana, who seized a number of the warriors by the foot and began dashing them to the ground.

देखि भालुपति निज दल घाता। कोपि माझ उर मारेसि लाता॥8॥
dēkhi bhālupati nija dala ghātā. kōpi mājha ura mārēsi lātā..

Jambavan (the king of the bears) flew into a rage when he saw the havoc wrought on his host, and gave Ravana a kick on the chest.

छंद | Chhand :
उर लात घात प्रचंड लागत बिकल रथ ते महि परा।
गहि भालु बीसहुँ कर मनहुँ कमलन्हि बसे निसि मधुकरा॥

ura lāta ghāta pracaṃḍa lāgata bikala ratha tē mahi parā.
gahi bhālu bīsahuom kara manahuom kamalanhi basē nisi madhukarā..

The violent impact of the foot on his breast made Ravana senseless and he fell from his chariot to the ground, grasping a bear in each of his twenty hands, like bees reposing by night in the folds of the lotus.

मुरुछित बिलोकि बहोरि पद हति भालुपति प्रभु पहिं गयो॥
निसि जानि स्यंदन घालि तेहि तब सूत जतनु करय भयो॥
muruchita bilōki bahōri pada hati bhālupati prabhu pahiṃ gayau.
nisi jāni syaṃdana ghāli tēhi taba sūta jatanu karata bhayō..

Seeing him unconscious, the king of the bears struck him with his foot once more and rejoined the Lord. Perceiving that it was night, the charioteer lifted him on to his chariot and then tried to bring him back to his senses.

दोहा | Doha
मुरुछा बिगत भालु कपि सब आए प्रभु पास।
निसिचर सकल रावनहि घेरि रहे अति त्रास॥98॥
muruchā bigata bhālu kapi saba āē prabhu pāsa.
nisicara sakala rāvanahi ghēri rahē ati trāsa..98..

On recovering from their swoon the bears and monkeys all arrived in the presence of the Lord, while all the demons stood round Ravana in great consternation.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
तेही निसि सीता पहिं जाई। त्रिजटा कहि सब कथा सुनाई॥
सिर भुज बाढ़ि सुनत रिपु केरी। सीता उर भइ त्रास घनेरी॥1॥
tēhī nisi sītā pahiṃ jāī. trijaṭā kahi saba kathā sunāī..
sira bhuja bāḍhai sunata ripu kērī. sītā ura bhai trāsa ghanērī..

That very night the demoness Trijata called on Sita and told Her the whole story. When Sita heard of the renewal of the enemy’s heads and arms, She felt much dismayed at heart.

मुख मलीन उपजी मन चिंता। त्रिजटा सन बोली तब सीता॥
होइहि कहा कहसि किन माता। केहि बिधि मरिहि बिस्व दुखदाता॥2॥
mukha malīna upajī mana ciṃtā. trijaṭā sana bōlī taba sītā..
hōihi kahā kahasi kina mātā. kēhi bidhi marihi bisva dukhadātā..

She wore a doleful countenance and Her mind was filled with anxiety. Then Sita addressed Trijata thus : “Why do you not tell me, mother, what is going to happen? How can this plague of the universe be obliterated?

रघुपति सर सिर कटेहुँ न मरई। बिधि बिपरीत चरित सब करई॥
मोर अभाग्य जिआवत ओही। जेहिं हौं हरि पद कमल बिछोही॥3॥
raghupati sara sira kaṭēhuom na maraī. bidhi biparīta carita saba karaī..
mōra abhāgya jiāvata ōhī. jēhiṃ hau hari pada kamala bichōhī..
He does not die even though the arrows of Sri Rama (the Lord of the Raghus) have struck off his heads. It is Heaven who is disposing of things perversely. Nay, it is my ill luck that sustains him, the same misfortune which separated me from Sri Hari’s lotus-feet.

जेहिं कृत कपट कनक मृग झूठा। अजहुँ सो दैव मोहि पर रूठा॥
जेहिं बिधि मोहि दुख दुसह सहाए। लछिमन कहुँ कटु बचन कहाए॥4॥
jēhiṃ kṛta kapaṭa kanaka mṛga jhūṭhā. ajahuom sō daiva mōhi para rūṭhā..
jēhiṃ bidhi mōhi dukha dusaha sahāē. lachimana kahuom kaṭu bacana kahāē..
The fate which created the phantom of a fictitious deer of gold still frowns at me. The same Providence who made me suffer terrible woes and prompted me to speak harsh words to Laksmana,

रघुपति बिरह सबिष सर भारी। तकि तकि मार बार बहु मारी॥
ऐसेहुँ दुख जो राख मम प्राना। सोइ बिधि ताहि जिआव न आना॥5॥
raghupati biraha sabiṣa sara bhārī. taki taki māra bāra bahu mārī..
aisēhuom dukha jō rākha mama prānā. sōi bidhi tāhi jiāva na ānā..

nay, who pierced me through and through time and again with the mighty and poisoned shafts of separation from the Lord of the Raghus, and who keeps me alive even under such trying circumstances-it is He and He alone who is conserving Ravana’s life.”

बहु बिधि कर बिलाप जानकी। करि करि सुरति कृपानिधान की॥
कह त्रिजटा सुनु राजकुमारी। उर सर लागत मरइ सुरारी॥6॥
bahu bidhi kara bilāpa jānakī. kari kari surati kṛpānidhāna kī..
kaha trijaṭā sunu rājakumārī. ura sara lāgata marai surārī..
With many such words did Janaka’s Daughter make lament as She recalled to Her mind the All-merciful. Trijata replied : “Listen, O Princess: the enemy of the gods will surely die if an arrow pierces his chest.

प्रभु ताते उर हतइ न तेही। एहि के हृदयँ बसति बैदेही॥7॥
prabhu tātē ura hatai na tēhī. ēhi kē hṛdayaom basati baidēhī..

But the Lord is careful not to strike him there; for He knows that Videha’s Daughter (Yourself) abides in his heart.

छंद | Chhand :
एहि के हृदयँ बस जानकी जानकी उर मम बास है।
मम उदर भुअन अनेक लागत बान सब कर नास है॥
सुनि बचन हरष बिषाद मन अति देखि पुनि त्रिजटाँ कहा।
अब मरिहि रिपु एहि बिधि सुनहि सुंदरि तजहि संसय महा॥
ēhi kē hṛdayaom basa jānakī jānakī ura mama bāsa hai.
mama udara bhuana anēka lāgata bāna saba kara nāsa hai..
suni bacana haraṣa biṣāda mana ati dēkhi puni trijaṭāom kahā.
aba marihi ripu ēhi bidhi sunahi suṃdari tajahi saṃsaya mahā..

“He is prevented by the thought that Janaka’s Daughter dwells in Ravana’s heart and that Janaki’s heart is His own abode; in His belly, again, are contained the numberless spheres, which will all perish the moment His arrow pierces Ravana’s heart.” Trijata’s explanation filled Sita’s mind with both joy and sorrow in a superlative degree. Perceiving this Trijata spoke again: “Now listen, fair lady, how your enemy will meet his death, and shake off the great misgiving which still haunts your mind.”

दोहा | Doha
काटत सिर होइहि बिकल छुटि जाइहि तव ध्यान।
तब रावनहि हृदय महुँ मरिहहिं रामु सुजान॥99॥
kāṭata sira hōihi bikala chuṭi jāihi tava dhyāna.
taba rāvanahi hṛdaya mahuom marihahiṃ rāmu sujāna..99..

“Ravana will get disconcerted when his heads are cut off, with the result that you will escape his mind. That particular moment will the all-wise Sri Rama strike him in his heart.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
अस कहि बहुत भाँति समुझाई। पुनि त्रिजटा निज भवन सिधाई॥
राम सुभाउ सुमिरि बैदेही। उपजी बिरह बिथा अति तेही॥1॥
asa kahi bahuta bhāomti samujhāī. puni trijaṭā nija bhavana sidhāī..
rāma subhāu sumiri baidēhī. upajī biraha bithā ati tēhī..

With many such words did Trijata comfort Sita and then returned to her residence. As She recalled Sri Rama’s kind disposition Videha’s Daughter was overwhelmed with the anguish of separation from Him.

निसिहि ससिहि निंदति बहु भाँति। जुग सम भई सिराति न राती॥
करति बिलाप मनहिं मन भारी। राम बिरहँ जानकी दुखारी॥2॥
nisihi sasihi niṃdati bahu bhāomtī. juga sama bhaī sirāti na rātī..
karati bilāpa manahiṃ mana bhārī. rāma birahaom jānakī dukhārī..

She reproached the night and the moon in many ways. “The night has already assumed the length of an age and does not end” She added. Disconsolate at Her separation from Sri Rama, Janaka’s Daughter grievously lamented within Herself.

जब अति भयउ बिरह उर दाहू। फरकेउ बाम नयन अरु बाहू॥
सगुन बिचारि धरी मन धीरा। अब मिलिहहिं कृपाल रघुबीरा॥3॥
jaba ati bhayau biraha ura dāhū. pharakēu bāma nayana aru bāhū..
saguna bicāri dharī mana dhīrā. aba milihahiṃ kṛpāla raghubīrā..

When Her agony of separation grew acute, Her left eye and arm throbbed. Considering it to be a good omen, She took heart and said to Herself, “The gracious Hero of Raghu’s line will surely meet me.”

इहाँ अर्धनिसि रावनु जागा। निज सारथि सन खीझन लागा।
सठ रनभूमि छड़ाइसि मोही। धिग धिग अधम मंदमति तोही॥4॥
ihāom ardhanisi rāvanu jāgā. nija sārathi sana khījhana lāgā..
saṭha ranabhūmi chaḍaāisi mōhī. dhiga dhiga adhama maṃdamati tōhī..

In his palace Ravana recovered from his swoon at midnight and cut up rough with his charioteer, “Fool, to have severed me from the battlefield; shame, shame on you, O vile dullard!” The charioteer clasped his feet and deprecated his anger in many ways.

तेहिं पद गहि बहु बिधि समुझावा। भोरु भएँ रथ चढ़ि पुनि धावा॥
सुनि आगवनु दसानन केरा। कपि दल खरभर भयउ घनेरा॥5॥
tēhiṃ pada gahi bahu bidhi samujhāvā. bhauru bhaēom ratha caḍhai puni dhāvā..
suni āgavanu dasānana kērā. kapi dala kharabhara bhayau ghanērā..

As soon as it was dawn Ravana mounted his car and sallied forth again. There was a great stir in the monkey host at the news of Ravana’s return.

जहँ तहँ भूधर बिटप उपारी। धाए कटकटाइ भट भारी॥6॥
jahaom tahaom bhūdhara biṭapa upārī. dhāē kaṭakaṭāi bhaṭa bhārī..

Tearing up mountains and trees from wherever they could, mighty warriors rushed forward gnashing their teeth.

छंद | Chhand :
धाए जो मर्कट बिकट भालु कराल कर भूधर धरा।
अति कोप करहिं प्रहार मारत भजि चले रजनीचरा॥
dhāē jō markaṭa bikaṭa bhālu karāla kara bhūdhara dharā.
ati kōpa karahiṃ prahāra mārata bhaji calē rajanīcarā..
The fierce monkeys and terrible bears darted with mountains in their hands, which they hurled forth with the utmost fury. The demons, who were unable to resist the onslaught, turned and fled.

बिचलाइ दल बलवंत कीसन्ह घेरि पुनि रावनु लियो।
चहुँ दिसि चपेटन्हि मारि नखन्हि बिदारि तन ब्याकुल कियो॥
bicalāi dala balavaṃta kīsanha ghēri puni rāvanu liyō.
cahuom disi capēṭanhi māri nakhanhi bidāri tanu byākula kiyō..

Having thus scattered the enemy ranks, the powerful monkeys next closed around Ravana and discomfited him by buffeting him on every side and tearing his body with their claws.

दोहा | Doha
देखि महा मर्कट प्रबल रावन कीन्ह बिचार।
अंतरहित होइ निमिष महुँ कृत माया बिस्तार॥100॥
dēkhi mahā markaṭa prabala rāvana kīnha bicāra.
aṃtarahita hōi nimiṣa mahuom kṛta māyā bistāra..100..

Finding the monkeys most powerful, Ravana took thought. Consequently he became invisible and in a moment revealed his illusive power.

छंद | Chhand :
जब कीन्ह तेहिं पाषंड। भए प्रगट जंतु प्रचंड॥
बेताल भूत पिसाच। कर धरें धनु नाराच॥1॥
jaba kīnha tēhiṃ pāṣaṃḍa. bhaē pragaṭa jaṃtu pracaṃḍa..
bētāla bhūta pisāca. kara dharēṃ dhanu nārāca..1..

As he let loose his illusive power terrible beings appeared on the scene-goblins, ghosts and ghouls with bows and arrows in their hands.

जोगिनि गहें करबाल। एक हाथ मनुज कपाल॥
करि सद्य सोनित पान। नाचहिं करहिं बहु गान॥2॥
jōgini gahēṃ karabāla. ēka hātha manuja kapāla..
kari sadya sōnita pāna. nācahiṃ karahiṃ bahu gāna..2..

Yoginis holding a sword in one hand and a human skull in another, from which they quaffed draughts of fresh blood, danced and sang many a song.

धरु मारु बोलहिं घोर। रहि पूरि धुनि चहुँ ओर॥
मुख बाइ धावहिं खान। तब लगे कीस परान॥3॥
dharu māru bōlahiṃ ghōra. rahi pūri dhuni cahuom ōra..
mukha bāi dhāvahiṃ khāna. taba lagē kīsa parāna..3..

They uttered horrible cries of “Seize and kill !”, which echoed all round. With their mouths wide open they rushed to devour the monkeys, who then took to their heels.

जहँ जाहिं मर्कट भागि। तहँ बरत देखहिं आगि॥
भए बिकल बानर भालु। पुनि लाग बरषै बालु॥4॥
jahaom jāhiṃ markaṭa bhāgi. tahaom barata dēkhahiṃ āgi..
bhaē bikala bānara bhālu. puni lāga baraṣai bālu..4..

But whithersoever they turned in their flight they saw a blazing fire. The monkeys and bears were thus in a quandary. Then Ravana began raining on them a shower of sand.

जहँ तहँ थकित करि कीस। गर्जेउ बहुरि दससीस॥
लछिमन कपीस समेत। भए सकल बीर अचेत॥5॥
jahaom tahaom thakita kari kīsa. garjēu bahuri dasasīsa..
lachimana kapīsa samēta. bhaē sakala bīra acēta..5..

Having thus flabbergasted the monkeys on all sides, the ten- headed monster roared again. All the heroes, including Laksmana and Sugriva (the king of the monkeys), fainted.

हा राम हा रघुनाथ। कहि सुभट मीजहिं हाथ॥
ऐहि बिधि सकल बल तोरि। तेहिं कीन्ह कपट बहोरि॥6॥
hā rāma hā raghunātha. kahi subhaṭa mījahiṃ hātha..
ēhi bidhi sakala bala tōri. tēhiṃ kīnha kapaṭa bahōri..6..

The bravest of them wrung their hands, crying “Ah, Rama ! Alas, Raghunatha (Lord of the Raghus)!” Having thus crushed the might of all, he wrought another delusion.

प्रगटेसि बिपुल हनुमान। धाए गहे पाषान॥
तिन्ह रामु घेरे जाइ। चहुँ दिसि बरूथ बनाइ॥7॥
pragaṭēsi bipula hanumāna. dhāē gahē pāṣāna..
tinha rāmu ghērē jāi. cahuom disi barūtha banāi..7..
He manifested a host of Hanumans, who rushed forward with rocks in their hands and encircled Sri Rama in a dense cordon on every side.

दहँ दिसि लँगूर बिराज। तेहिं मध्य कोसलराज॥8॥
mārahu dharahu jani jāi. kaṭakaṭahiṃ pūomcha uṭhāi..
dahaom disi laomgūra birāja. tēhiṃ madhya kōsalarāja..8..

With uplifted tails and gnashing their teeth they shouted, “Seize and kill him; let him not escape!” Surrounded by their tails on every side, the Lord of Kosala shone in their midst.

छंद | Chhand :
तेहिं मध्य कोसलराज सुंदर स्याम तन सोभा लही।
जनु इंद्रधनुष अनेक की बर बारि तुंग तमालही॥

tēhiṃ madhya kōsalarāja suṃdara syāma tana sōbhā lahī.
janu iṃdradhanuṣa anēka kī bara bāri tuṃga tamālahī..

In their midst the King of Kosala with His dark-hued body shone forth as resplendent as a lofty Tamala tree encircled by a magnificent hedge of multitudinous rainbows.

प्रभु देखि हरष बिषाद उर सुर बदत जय जय जय करी।
रघुबीर एकहिं तीर कोपि निमेष महुँ माया हरी॥1॥
prabhu dēkhi haraṣa biṣāda ura sura badata jaya jaya jaya karī.
raghubīra ēkahi tīra kōpi nimēṣa mahuom māyā harī..1..

The gods experienced in their heart a mixed feeling of joy and sorrow and raised the cries of “Victory ! Victory !! Victory !!!” The Hero of Raghu’s line now flew into a rage and with a single arrow instantly dispersed the delusion.

माया बिगत कपि भालु हरषे बिटप गिरि गहि सब फिरे।
सर निकर छाड़े राम रावन बाहु सिर पुनि महि गिरे॥
māyā bigata kapi bhālu haraṣē biṭapa giri gahi saba phirē.
sara nikara chāḍaē rāma rāvana bāhu sira puni mahi girē..

The delusion having vanished, the monkeys and bears rejoiced and all turned back with trees and rocks in their hands. Sri Rama shot forth a volley of arrows, which once more cut off Ravana’s arms and heads to the ground.

श्रीराम रावन समर चरित अनेक कल्प जो गावहीं।
सत सेष सारद निगम कबि तेउ तदपि पार न पावहीं॥2॥
śrīrāma rāvana samara carita anēka kalpa jō gāvahīṃ.
sata sēṣa sārada nigama kabi tēu tadapi pāra na pāvahīṃ..2..

If hundreds of Sesas (serpent-gods), Saradas (goddesses of speech), the Vedas and bards were to recite the story of the battle between Sri Rama and Ravana and that too for many cycles together, even they would never be able to do justice to it.

दोहा | Doha
ताके गुन गन कछु कहे जड़मति तुलसीदास।
जिमि निज बल अनुरूप ते माछी उड़इ अकास॥101 क॥
tākē guna gana kachu kahē jaḍamati tulasīdāsa.
jimi nija bala anurūpa tē māchī uḍai akāsa..101ka..

The dull-witted Tulasidasa has described only a few salient features of that combat just as a fly wings the sky according to its own capacity.

काटे सिर भुज बार बहु मरत न भट लंकेस।
प्रभु क्रीड़त सुर सिद्ध मुनि ब्याकुल देखि कलेस॥101 ख॥
kāṭē sira bhuja bāra bahu marata na bhaṭa laṃkēsa.
prabhu krīḍata sura siddha muni byākula dēkhi kalēsa..101kha..

The valiant lord of Lanka could not be killed even though his heads and arms were struck off many times over. It was simply a pastime for the Lord; while the gods, the Siddhas and the sages fidgeted to see the Lord struggling (with him).

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
काटत बढ़हिं सीस समुदाई। जिमि प्रति लाभ लोभ अधिकाई॥
मरइ न रिपु श्रम भयउ बिसेषा। राम बिभीषन तन तब देखा॥1॥
kāṭata baḍhahiṃ sīsa samudāī. jimi prati lābha lōbha adhikāī..
marai na ripu śrama bhayau bisēṣā. rāma bibhīṣana tana taba dēkhā..

No sooner were Ravana’s heads cut off than a fresh crop grew like covetousness, which increases with every new gain. The enemy could not be killed in spite of the prolonged struggle; Sri Rama then looked at Vibhisana.

उमा काल मर जाकीं ईछा। सो प्रभु जन कर प्रीति परीछा॥
सुनु सरबग्य चराचर नायक। प्रनतपाल सुर मुनि सुखदायक॥2॥
umā kāla mara jākīṃ īchā. sō prabhu jana kara prīti parīchā..
sunu sarabagya carācara nāyaka. pranatapāla sura muni sukhadāyaka..

Uma, (continues Lord Siva,) the Lord whose will causes the death of Death himself thereby tested the devotion of His servant. “Listen, all-wise Ruler of the animate and inanimate creation, Protector of the suppliant, delight of the gods and sages :

नाभिकुंड पियूष बस याकें। नाथ जिअत रावनु बल ताकें॥
सुनत बिभीषन बचन कृपाला। हरषि गहे कर बान कराला॥3॥
nābhikuṃḍa piyūṣa basa yākēṃ. nātha jiata rāvanu bala tākēṃ..
sunata bibhīṣana bacana kṛpālā. haraṣi gahē kara bāna karālā..

nectar abides in the depth of his navel; by virtue of it, my lord, Ravana survives.” The All-merciful rejoiced to hear the words of Vibhisana and took terrible shafts in His hands.

असुभ होन लागे तब नाना। रोवहिं खर सृकाल बहु स्वाना॥
बोलहिं खग जग आरति हेतू। प्रगट भए नभ जहँ तहँ केतू॥4॥
asubha hōna lāgē taba nānā. rōvahiṃ khara sṛkāla bahu svānā..
bōlahi khaga jaga ārati hētū. pragaṭa bhaē nabha jahaom tahaom kētū..

Many ill-omens manifested themselves at that time. Donkeys, jackals and dogs howled in large numbers. Birds too screamed, and thereby portended a world calamity: and comets appeared in every quarter of the heavens.

दस दिसि दाह होन अति लागा। भयउ परब बिनु रबि उपरागा॥
मंदोदरि उर कंपति भारी। प्रतिमा स्रवहिं नयन मग बारी॥5॥
dasa disi dāha hōna ati lāgā. bhayau paraba binu rabi uparāgā..
maṃdōdari ura kaṃpati bhārī. pratimā stravahiṃ nayana maga bārī..
There was a preternatural and unusual glow in the horizon on all sides and a solar eclipse occurred even without the day of the new moon (when the sun and the moon are in conjunction). Mandodari’s heart beat wildly and idols shed tears from their eyes.

छंद | Chhand :
प्रतिमा रुदहिं पबिपात नभ अति बात बह डोलति मही।
बरषहिं बलाहक रुधिर कच रज असुभ अति सक को कही॥
उतपात अमित बिलोकि नभ सुर बिकल बोलहिं जय जए।
सुर सभय जानि कृपाल रघुपति चाप सर जोरत भए॥
pratimā rudahiṃ pabipāta nabha ati bāta baha ḍōlati mahī.
baraṣahiṃ balāhaka rudhira kaca raja asubha ati saka kō kahī..
utapāta amita bilōki nabha sura bikala bōlahi jaya jaē.
sura sabhaya jāni kṛpāla raghupati cāpa sara jōrata bhaē..
Idols wept, lightning flashed with thunderclap in the air, furious winds blew, the earth quaked and the clouds dropped blood, hair and dust; who could recount the great ill-omens? The gods in heaven were dismayed at the sight of the boundless portentous phenomena and shouted “Victory ! Victory !!” And perceiving the distress of the gods the gracious Lord of the Raghus set an arrow to His bow.

दोहा | Doha
खैंचि सरासन श्रवन लगि छाड़े सर एकतीस।
रघुनायक सायक चले मानहुँ काल फनीस॥102॥
khaici sarāsana śravana lagi chāḍaē sara ēkatīsa.
raghunāyaka sāyaka calē mānahuom kāla phanīsa..102..

Drawing the bow-string right up to His ear the Lord of the Raghus let fly thirty-one shafts, which flew forth like the serpents of Death.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
सायक एक नाभि सर सोषा। अपर लगे भुज सिर करि रोषा॥
लै सिर बाहु चले नाराचा। सिर भुज हीन रुंड महि नाचा॥1॥
sāyaka ēka nābhi sara sōṣā. apara lagē bhuja sira kari rōṣā..
lai sira bāhu calē nārācā. sira bhuja hīna ruṃḍa mahi nācā..

One arrow sucked up the depths of the navel, while the rest struck his ten heads and twenty arms with impetuosity. The arrows carried off with them all his heads and arms, while the headless and armless trunk danced on the battle-field.

धरनि धसइ धर धाव प्रचंडा। तब सर हति प्रभु कृत दुइ खंडा॥
गर्जेउ मरत घोर रव भारी। कहाँ रामु रन हतौं पचारी॥2॥
dharani dhasai dhara dhāva pracaṃḍā. taba sara hati prabhu kṛta dui khaṃḍā..
garjēu marata ghōra rava bhārī. kahāom rāmu rana hatauṃ pacārī..
The earth sunk under the weight of the trunk as it rushed violently on, till the Lord struck it with His arrow and split it in two. While dying he shouted with a loud and terrible roar: “Where is Rama, that I may challenge and slay him in battle?”

डोली भूमि गिरत दसकंधर। छुभित सिंधु सरि दिग्गज भूधर॥
धरनि परेउ द्वौ खंड बढ़ाई। चापि भालु मर्कट समुदाई॥3॥
ḍōlī bhūmi girata dasakaṃdhara. chubhita siṃdhu sari diggaja bhūdhara..
dharani parēu dvau khaṃḍa baḍhaāī. cāpi bhālu markaṭa samudāī..
The earth reeled as the ten- headed monster fell; the ocean, the rivers, the elephants guarding the quarters, and the mountains were shaken. Expanding the two halves he dropped to the ground, crushing under their weight a host of bears and monkeys.

मंदोदरि आगें भुज सीसा। धरि सर चले जहाँ जगदीसा॥
प्रबिसे सब निषंग महुँ जाई। देखि सुरन्ह दुंदुभीं बजाई॥4॥
maṃdōdari āgēṃ bhuja sīsā. dhari sara calē jahāom jagadīsā..
prabisē saba niṣaṃga mahu jāī. dēkhi suranha duṃdubhīṃ bajāī..
After depositing the arms and heads before Mandodari, the darts returned to the Lord of the universe and all found their way back into the quiver. Seeing this, the gods sounded their kettle-drums.

तासु तेज समान प्रभु आनन। हरषे देखि संभु चतुरानन॥
जय जय धुनि पूरी ब्रह्मंडा। जय रघुबीर प्रबल भुजदंडा॥5॥
tāsu tēja samāna prabhu ānana. haraṣē dēkhi saṃbhu caturānana..
jaya jaya dhuni pūrī brahmaṃḍā. jaya raghubīra prabala bhujadaṃḍā..

His soul entered the Lord’s mouth in the form of effulgence. Lord Sambhu and the four-faced Brahma (the Creator) rejoiced to see the spectacle. The whole universe resounded with cries of “Victory ! Victory !! Glory to the Hero of Raghu’s line, mighty of arm !!!”

बरषहिं सुमन देव मुनि बृंदा। जय कृपाल जय जयति मुकुंदा॥6॥
baraṣahi sumana dēva muni bṛṃdā. jaya kṛpāla jaya jayati mukuṃdā..

Gods and sages rained down flowers, shouting “Glory, glory to the All-merciful ! Glory to Mukunda (the Bestower of liberation) !!”

छंद | Chhand :
जय कृपा कंद मुकुंद द्वंद हरन सरन सुखप्रद प्रभो।
खल दल बिदारन परम कारन कारुनीक सदा बिभो॥
jaya kṛpā kaṃda mukaṃda dvaṃda harana sarana sukhaprada prabhō.
khala dala bidārana parama kārana kārunīka sadā bibhō..
“Glory to You, O Mukunda (the Bestower of liberation), the fountain of mercy, the dispeller of all fear of pairs of opposites, the delight of those who take refuge in You, the torment of the ranks of the wicked, the Prime Cause, the ever compassionate and omnipresent Ruler of all.”

सुर सुमन बरषहिं हरष संकुल बाज दुंदुभि गहगही।
संग्राम अंगन राम अंग अनंग बहु सोभा लही॥1॥
sura sumana baraṣahiṃ haraṣa saṃkula bāja duṃdubhi gahagahī.
saṃgrāma aṃgana rāma aṃga anaṃga bahu sōbhā lahī..

Full of joy, the gods rained down flowers; their kettle-drums sounded with a crash. On the battle-field Sri Rama’s limbs displayed the beauty of a number of Cupids.

सिर जटा मुकुट प्रसून बिच बिच अति मनोहर राजहीं।
जनु नीलगिरि पर तड़ित पटल समेत उडुगन भ्राजहीं॥
sira jaṭā mukuṭa prasūna bica bica ati manōhara rājahīṃ.
janu nīlagiri para taḍaita paṭala samēta uḍaugana bhrājahīṃ..

The crown of matted hair on His head, interspersed with most beautiful flowers, gleamed like flashes of lightning on the star-lit peak of a dark mountain.

भुजदंड सर कोदंड फेरत रुधिर कन तन अति बने।
जनु रायमुनीं तमाल पर बैठीं बिपुल सुख आपने॥2॥
bhujadaṃḍa sara kōdaṃḍa phērata rudhira kana tana ati banē.
janu rāyamunīṃ tamāla para baiṭhīṃ bipula sukha āpanē..

As He stood turning His bow and arrow between His arms, specks of blood adorned His person, like a swarm of Raimuni* birds perched on a Tamala tree absorbed in their delight.

दोहा | Doha
कृपादृष्टि करि बृष्टि प्रभु अभय किए सुर बृंद।
भालु कीस सब हरषे जय सुख धाम मुकुंद॥103॥
kṛpādṛṣṭi kari prabhu abhaya kiē sura bṛṃda.
bhālu kīsa saba haraṣē jaya sukha dhāma mukaṃda..103..

With a shower of His gracious glances the Lord dispelled the fears of the gods; and the bears and monkeys all shouted in their joy : “Glory to Mukunda, the abode of Bliss!”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
पति सिर देखत मंदोदरी। मुरुछित बिकल धरनि खसि परी॥
जुबति बृंद रोवत उठि धाईं। तेहि उठाइ रावन पहिं आईं॥1॥
pati sira dēkhata maṃdōdarī. muruchita bikala dharani khasi parī..
jubati bṛṃda rōvata uṭhi dhāīṃ. tēhi uṭhāi rāvana pahiṃ āī..

The moment Mandodari (Ravana’s principal spouse) saw her lord’s heads she fainted in her grief and dropped to the ground. His other wives too sprang up and rushed to the spot weeping; lifting up and supporting Mandodari they all arrived where Ravana’s remains lay.

पति गति देखि ते करहिं पुकारा। छूटे कच नहिं बपुष सँभारा॥
उर ताड़ना करहिं बिधि नाना। रोवत करहिं प्रताप बखाना॥2॥
pati gati dēkhi tē karahiṃ pukārā. chūṭē kaca nahiṃ bapuṣa saombhārā..
ura tāḍanā karahiṃ bidhi nānā. rōvata karahiṃ pratāpa bakhānā..

Seeing their lord’s condition they set up a shriek; their hair flew loose and they became oblivious of their body. Wildly beating their bosom and weeping, they recounted his glory.

तव बल नाथ डोल नित धरनी। तेज हीन पावक ससि तरनी॥
सेष कमठ सहि सकहिं न भारा। सो तनु भूमि परेउ भरि छारा॥3॥
tava bala nātha ḍōla nita dharanī. tēja hīna pāvaka sasi taranī..
sēṣa kamaṭha sahi sakahiṃ na bhārā. sō tanu bhūmi parēu bhari chārā..

“At your might, my Lord, the earth ever shook; fire, the moon and the sun stood obscure before your splendour. Even Sesa (the serpent-god) and the divine Tortoise could not bear the weight of your body, which is now lying on the ground soiled with dust.

बरुन कुबेर सुरेस समीरा। रन सन्मुख धरि काहुँ न धीरा॥
भुजबल जितेहु काल जम साईं। आजु परेहु अनाथ की नाईं॥4॥
baruna kubēra surēsa samīrā. rana sanmukha dhari kāhuom na dhīrā..
bhujabala jitēhu kāla jama sāīṃ. āju parēhu anātha kī nāīṃ..
Varuna (the god presiding over the waters), Kubera (the god of riches), Indra (the lord of the celestials) and the wind-god-none of these ever had the courage to confront you in battle. By the might of your arm, my lord, you conquered Death as well as Yama (the god who punishes evil-doers in the other world); yet you lie today like a forlorn creature.

जगत बिदित तुम्हारि प्रभुताई। सुत परिजन बल बरनि न जाई॥
राम बिमुख अस हाल तुम्हारा। रहा न कोउ कुल रोवनिहारा॥5॥
jagata bidita tumhārī prabhutāī. suta parijana bala barani na jāī..
rāma bimukha asa hāla tumhārā. rahā na kōu kula rōvanihārā..
Your greatness is known all the world over; even your sons and kinsmen possessed untold strength. Hostility with Rama has, however, reduced you to such a plight : not one of your stock is left to lament over your death.

तव बस बिधि प्रचंड सब नाथा। सभय दिसिप नित नावहिं माथा॥
अब तव सिर भुज जंबुक खाहीं। राम बिमुख यह अनुचित नाहीं॥6॥
tava basa bidhi prapaṃca saba nāthā. sabhaya disipa nita nāvahiṃ māthā..
aba tava sira bhuja jaṃbuka khāhīṃ. rāma bimukha yaha anucita nāhīṃ..

The whole of God’s creation, my lord, was under your control; the frightened regents of the eight quarters ever bowed their heads to you. But now jackals feast on your heads and arms, a fate in no way undeserved by an enemy of Sri Rama.

काल बिबस पति कहा न माना। अग जग नाथु मनुज करि जाना॥7॥
kāla bibasa pati kahā na mānā. aga jaga nāthu manuja kari jānā..

Doomed to death, my lord, you heeded not my words, and took the Ruler of all animate and inanimate beings for an ordinary mortal.

छंद | Chhand :
जान्यो मनुज करि दनुज कानन दहन पावक हरि स्वयं।
जेहि नमत सिव ब्रह्मादि सुर पिय भजेहु नहिं करुनामयं॥
आजन्म ते परद्रोह रत पापौघमय तव तनु अयं।
तुम्हहू दियो निज धाम राम नमामि ब्रह्म निरामयं॥
jānyō manuja kari danuja kānana dahana pāvaka hari svayaṃ.
jēhi namata siva brahmādi sura piya bhajēhu nahiṃ karunāmayaṃ..
ājanma tē paradrōha rata pāpaughamaya tava tanu ayaṃ.
tumhahū diyō nija dhāma rāma namāmi brahma nirāmayaṃ..

“You took for a mere man Sri Hari Himself, a veritable fire to consume the forest of the demon race, and did not adore the All-merciful, to whom, my beloved spouse, Lord Siva, Brahma (the Creator) and other gods do homage. This body of yours had taken delight from its very birth in harming others and was a sink of multitudinous sins; yet Sri Rama has absorbed you in His own being ! I bow to Him, the immutable Brahma.

दोहा | Doha
अहह नाथ रघुनाथ सम कृपासिंधु नहिं आन।
जोगि बृंद दुर्लभ गति तोहि दीन्हि भगवान॥104॥
ahaha nātha raghunātha sama kṛpāsiṃdhu nahiṃ āna.
jōgi bṛṃda durlabha gati tōhi dīnhi bhagavāna..104..

“Ah, my lord ! there is none else so gracious as the divine Sri Rama (the Lord of the Raghus), who bestowed on you a state which is difficult even for the Yogis to attain.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
मंदोदरी बचन सुनि काना। सुर मुनि सिद्ध सबन्हि सुख माना॥
अज महेस नारद सनकादी। जे मुनिबर परमारथबादी॥1॥
maṃdōdarī bacana suni kānā. sura muni siddha sabanhi sukha mānā..
aja mahēsa nārada sanakādī. jē munibara paramārathabādī..

The gods, sages and Siddhas, all rejoiced to hear Mandodari’s words. Brahma, the great Lord Siva, Narada, Sanaka and his three brothers (Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanatkumara) and all other great sages who taught the highest truth (the identity of the individual soul with the supreme Spirit)-

भरि लोचन रघुपतिहि निहारी। प्रेम मगन सब भए सुखारी॥
रुदन करत देखीं सब नारी। गयउ बिभीषनु मनु दुख भारी॥2॥
bhari lōcana raghupatihi nihārī. prēma magana saba bhaē sukhārī..
rudana karata dēkhīṃ saba nārī. gayau bibhīṣanu mana dukha bhārī..
were all overwhelmed with emotion as they feasted their eyes on the Lord of the Raghus, and felt supremely gratified. Seeing all the women making lamentation Vibhisana approached them with a very heavy heart and was grieved to see his Brother’s condition.

बंधु दसा बिलोकि दुख कीन्हा। तब प्रभु अनुजहि आयसु दीन्हा॥
लछिमन तेहि बहु बिधि समुझायो। बहुरि बिभीषन प्रभु पहिं आयो॥3॥
baṃdhu dasā bilōki dukha kīnhā. taba prabhu anujahi āyasu dīnhā..
lachimana tēhi bahu bidhi samujhāyō. bahuri bibhīṣana prabhu pahiṃ āyō..

The Lord thereupon gave an order to His younger brother, Laksmana, who consoled him in many ways. Then Vibhisana returned to his lord,

कृपादृष्टि प्रभु ताहि बिलोका। करहु क्रिया परिहरि सब सोका॥
कीन्हि क्रिया प्रभु आयसु मानी। बिधिवत देस काल जियँ जानी॥4॥
kṛpādṛṣṭi prabhu tāhi bilōkā. karahu kriyā parihari saba sōkā..
kīnhi kriyā prabhu āyasu mānī. bidhivata dēsa kāla jiyaom jānī..
who looked upon him with an eye of compassion and said, “Abandon all sorrow and perform the funeral rites.” In obedience to the Lord’s command he celebrated the obsequies, strictly observing the scriptural ordinance and with due regard to time and place.

दोहा | Doha
मंदोदरी आदि सब देह तिलांजलि ताहि।
भवन गईं रघुपति गुन गन बरनत मन माहि॥105॥
maṃdōdarī ādi saba dēi tilāṃjali tāhi.
bhavana gaī raghupati guna gana baranata mana māhi..105..

After offering to the deceased handfuls of water and sesamum seeds (for the propitiation of his soul) Mandodari and all the other queens returned to their palace, recounting to themselves the host of excellences of Sri Rama (the Lord of the Raghus).

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
आइ बिभीषन पुनि सिरु नायो। कृपासिंधु तब अनुज बोलायो॥
तुम्ह कपीस अंगद नल नीला। जामवंत मारुति नयसीला॥1॥
सब मिलि जाहु बिभीषन साथा। सारेहु तिलक कहेउ रघुनाथा॥
पिता बचन मैं नगर न आवउँ। आपु सरिस कपि अनुज पठावउँ॥2॥
āi bibhīṣana puni siru nāyō. kṛpāsiṃdhu taba anuja bōlāyō..
tumha kapīsa aṃgada nala nīlā. jāmavaṃta māruti nayasīlā..
saba mili jāhu bibhīṣana sāthā. sārēhu tilaka kahēu raghunāthā..
pitā bacana maiṃ nagara na āvauom. āpu sarisa kapi anuja paṭhāvauom..

(After finishing the obsequies) Vibhisana came and bowed his head once more. The All-merciful then called His younger brother. “Do you and Sugriva (the lord of the monkeys) as well as Angada, Nala and Nila with Jambavan and Hanuman (the son of the wind-god), sagacious as you are, all of you accompany Vibhisana and make arrangements for his coronation,” said the Lord of the Raghus. “In deference to my father’s command I may not enter a town, but send the monkeys and my younger brother, who are as good as myself.”

तुरत चले कपि सुनि प्रभु बचना। कीन्ही जाइ तिलक की रचना॥
सादर सिंहासन बैठारी। तिलक सारि अस्तुति अनुसारी॥3॥
turata calē kapi suni prabhu bacanā. kīnhī jāi tilaka kī racanā..
sādara siṃhāsana baiṭhārī. tilaka sāri astuti anusārī..

On hearing the Lord’s command the monkeys proceeded at once and arriving in the town made preparations for the installation. With due reverence they seated him on the throne and applying a sacred mark on his forehead as a token of sovereignty) they glorified him.

जोरि पानि सबहीं सिर नाए। सहित बिभीषन प्रभु पहिं आए॥
तब रघुबीर बोलि कपि लीन्हे। कहि प्रिय बचन सुखी सब कीन्हे॥4॥
jōri pāni sabahīṃ sira nāē. sahita bibhīṣana prabhu pahiṃ āē..
taba raghubīra bōli kapi līnhē. kahi priya bacana sukhī saba kīnhē..

Nay, joining their palms, they all bowed their head to him; and then with Vibhisana they returned to the Lord. The Hero of Raghu’s line next called the monkeys together and gratified them all by addressing kind words to them.

छंद | Chhand :
किए सुखी कहि बानी सुधा सम बल तुम्हारें रिपु हयो।
पायो बिभीषन राज तिहुँ पुर जसु तुम्हारो नित नयो॥
मोहि सहित सुभ कीरति तुम्हारी परम प्रीति जो गाइहैं।
संसार सिंधु अपार पार प्रयास बिनु नर पाइहैं॥
kiē sukhī kahi bānī sudhā sama bala tumhārēṃ ripu hayō.
pāyō bibhīṣana rāja tihuom pura jasu tumhārō nita nayō..
mōhi sahita subha kīrati tumhārī parama prīti jō gāihaiṃ.
saṃsāra siṃdhu apāra pāra prayāsa binu nara pāihaiṃ..

The Lord cheered them by speaking to them words sweet as nectar : “It is by your might that the enemy has been killed and Vibhisana has got the kingdom (of Lanka); while your glory will remain ever fresh in all the three spheres. Men who sing your blessed glory alongwith Mine shall easily cross the boundless ocean of mundane existence.”

दोहा | Doha
प्रभु के बचन श्रवन सुनि नहिं अघाहिं कपि पुंज।
बार बार सिर नावहिं गहहिं सकल पद कंज॥106॥
prabhu kē bacana śravana suni nahiṃ aghāhiṃ kapi puṃja.
bāra bāra sira nāvahiṃ gahahiṃ sakala pada kaṃja..106..

The monkey host would never feel sated with listening to the Lord’s words. They all bowed their head and clasped His lotus feet again and again.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
प्रभु के बचन श्रवन सुनि नहिं अघाहिं कपि पुंज।
बार बार सिर नावहिं गहहिं सकल पद कंज।।106।।
prabhu kē bacana śravana suni nahiṃ aghāhiṃ kapi puṃja.
bāra bāra sira nāvahiṃ gahahiṃ sakala pada kaṃja..106..

The monkey host would never feel sated with listening to the Lord’s words. They all bowed their head and clasped His lotus feet again and again.

पुनि प्रभु बोलि लियउ हनुमाना। लंका जाहु कहेउ भगवाना॥
समाचार जानकिहि सुनावहु। तासु कुसल लै तुम्ह चलि आवहु॥1॥
taba hanumaṃta nagara mahuom āē. suni nisicarī nisācara dhāē..
bahu prakāra tinha pūjā kīnhī. janakasutā dēkhāi puni dīnhī..
The Lord then called Hanuman. “Go to Lanka”, said the Almighty, “and telling Janaka’s Daughter all that has happened return with the news of her welfare.”

तब हनुमंत नगर महुँ आए। सुनि निसिचरीं निसाचर धाए॥
बहु प्रकार तिन्ह पूजा कीन्ही। जनकसुता देखाइ पुनि दीन्ही॥2॥

taba hanumaṃta nagara mahu āē. suni nisicarī nisācara dhāē..

bahu prakāra tinha pūjā kīnhī. janakasutā dēkhāi puni dīnhī..

Thereupon Hanuman entered the city and on hearing of his arrival demons and demonesses ran to meet him. They did him all kinds of homage and thereafter conducted him into the presence of Janaka’s Daughter.

दूरिहि ते प्रनाम कपि कीन्हा। रघुपति दूत जानकीं चीन्हा॥
कहहु तात प्रभु कृपानिकेता। कुसल अनुज कपि सेन समेता॥3॥
Hanuman made obeisance to Her from a respectable distance, and Janaka’s Daughter recognized him as Sri Rama’s own messenger. “Tell me, dear son, if my gracious lord is doing well with His younger brother and the monkey host.”
dūrahi tē pranāma kapi kīnhā. raghupati dūta jānakīṃ cīnhā..
kahahu tāta prabhu kṛpānikētā. kusala anuja kapi sēna samētā..

सब बिधि कुसल कोसलाधीसा। मातु समर जीत्यो दससीसा॥
अबिचल राजु बिभीषन पायो। सुनि कपि बचन हरष उर छायो॥4॥
saba bidhi kusala kōsalādhīsā. mātu samara jītyō dasasīsā..
abicala rāju bibhīṣana pāyō. suni kapi bacana haraṣa ura chāyō..
“All is well with the Lord of Kosala. Mother, the ten-headed monster has been conquered in battle, while Vibhisana has attained everlasting dominion (that will endure till the end of this Kalpa).” Her heart was filled with joy when She heard the monkey’s words.

छंद | Chhand :
अति हरष मन तन पुलक लोचन सजल कह पुनि पुनि रमा।
का देउँ तोहि त्रैलोक महुँ कपि किमपि नहिं बानी समा॥
सुनु मातु मैं पायो अखिल जग राजु आजु न संसयं।
रन जीति रिपुदल बंधु जुत पस्यामि राममनामयं॥
ati haraṣa mana tana pulaka lōcana sajala kaha puni puni ramā.
kā dēuom tōhi trēlōka mahuom kapi kimapi nahiṃ bānī samā..
sunu mātu maiṃ pāyō akhila jaga rāju āju na saṃsayaṃ.
rana jīti ripudala baṃdhu juta pasyāmi rāmamanāmayaṃ..

Her soul was overjoyed, a thrill ran through Her body and with eyes full of tears Rama (Sita) said again and again. “What can I give you? There is nothing in all the three worlds equal in value to this information.” “Listen, mother: today I have doubtless attained the sovereignty of the entire creation when I find Sri Rama safe and sound with His brother after conquering the enemy’s ranks on the battlefield.”

दोहा | Doha
सुनु सुत सदगुन सकल तव हृदयँ बसहुँ हनुमंत।
सानुकूल कोसलपति रहहुँ समेत अनंत॥107॥

sunu suta sadaguna sakala tava hṛdayaom basahuom hanumaṃta.
sānukūla kōsalapati rahahuom samēta anaṃta..107..
“Listen, Hanuman, my son : may all commendable virtues abide in your heart and may the Lord of Kosala with Ananta (Laksmana) be ever gracious to you.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
अब सोइ जतन करहु तुम्ह ताता। देखौं नयन स्याम मृदु गाता॥
तब हनुमान राम पहिं जाई। जनकसुता कै कुसल सुनाई॥1॥
aba sōi jatana karahu tumha tātā. dēkhauṃ nayana syāma mṛdu gātā..
taba hanumāna rāma pahiṃ jāī. janakasutā kai kusala sunāī..
“Now, my dear son, devise some means whereby I may behold with my own eyes the tender swarthy limbs of my Lord.” Then Hanuman returned to Sri Rama and apprised Him of Sita’s welfare.

सुनि संदेसु भानुकुलभूषन। बोलि लिए जुबराज बिभीषन॥
मारुतसुत के संग सिधावहु। सादर जनकसुतहि लै आवहु॥2॥
suni saṃdēsu bhānukulabhūṣana. bōli liē jubarāja bibhīṣana..
mārutasuta kē saṃga sidhāvahu. sādara janakasutahi lai āvahu..
On hearing Her tidings the Ornament of the solar race called Prince Angada and Vibhisana. “Both of you accompany the son of the wind-god and respectfully escort Janaka’s Daughter here.”

तुरतहिं सकल गए जहँ सीता। सेवहिं सब निसिचरीं बिनीता॥
बेगि बिभीषन तिन्हहि सिखायो। तिन्ह बहु बिधि मज्जन करवायो॥3॥

turatahiṃ sakala gaē jahaom sītā. sēvahiṃ saba nisicarīṃ binītā..
bēgi bibhīṣana tinhahi sikhāyō. tinha bahu bidhi majjana karavāyō..
Forthwith all went to the place where Sita was and found a whole host demonesses waiting on Her in all humility. Vibhisana gave prompt instructions to the demonesses, who washed Her body in all possible ways.

बहु प्रकार भूषन पहिराए। सिबिका रुचिर साजि पुनि ल्याए॥
ता पर हरषि चढ़ी बैदेही। सुमिरि राम सुखधाम सनेही॥4॥
bahu prakāra bhūṣana pahirāē. sibikā rucira sāji puni lyāē..
tā para haraṣi caḍhaī baidēhī. sumiri rāma sukhadhāma sanēhī..

They also decked Her with ornaments of every description and then brought a beautiful palanquin duly equipped. Videha’s Daughter gladly mounted it with Her thoughts fixed on the all-blissful Rama, Her loving lord.

बेतपानि रच्छक चहु पासा। चले सकल मन परम हुलासा॥
देखन भालु कीस सब आए। रच्छक कोपि निवारन धाए॥5॥

bētapāni racchaka cahuom pāsā. calē sakala mana parama hulāsā..
dēkhana bhālu kīsa saba āē. racchaka kōpi nivārana dhāē..
Guards marched on all four sides, staves in hand; they were all supremely delighted at heart. The bears and monkeys all came to have a look at Her; but the guards darted in a fury to keep them back.

कह रघुबीर कहा मम मानहु। सीतहि सखा पयादें आनहु॥
देखहुँ कपि जननी की नाईं। बिहसि कहा रघुनाथ गोसाईं॥6॥

kaha raghubīra kahā mama mānahu. sītahi sakhā payādēṃ ānahu..
dēkhahuom kapi jananī kī nāīṃ. bihasi kahā raghunātha gōsāī..
Said the Hero of Raghu’s line, “Follow my advice, Vibhisana and bring Sita on foot.” “Let the monkeys gaze on Her as they would on their own mother,” smilingly added the Almighty Lord of the Raghus.

सुनि प्रभु बचन भालु कपि हरषे। नभ ते सुरन्ह सुमन बहु बरषे॥
सीता प्रथम अनल महुँ राखी। प्रगट कीन्हि चह अंतर साखी॥7॥
suni prabhu bacana bhālu kapi haraṣē. nabha tē suranha sumana bahu baraṣē..
sītā prathama anala mahuom rākhī. pragaṭa kīnhi caha aṃtara sākhī..
The bears and monkeys rejoiced to hear the Lord’s words, while from the heavens the gods rained down flowers in profusion. Sita (it will be remembered) had been previously lodged in fire (vide Aranyakanda XXIII. 1-2); Sri Rama (the inner Witness of all) now sought to bring Her back to light.

दोहा | Doha
तेहि कारन करुनानिधि कहे कछुक दुर्बाद।
सुनत जातुधानीं सब लागीं करै बिषाद॥108॥

tēhi kārana karunānidhi kahē kachuka durbāda.
sunata jātudhānīṃ saba lāgīṃ karai biṣāda..108..
It was for this reason that the All-merciful addressed some reproachful words to Her. On hearing them the demon ladies (who had accompanied Her) all began to lament.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
प्रभु के बचन सीस धरि सीता। बोली मन क्रम बचन पुनीता॥
लछिमन होहु धरम के नेगी। पावक प्रगट करहु तुम्ह बेगी॥1॥
prabhu kē bacana sīsa dhari sītā. bōlī mana krama bacana punītā..
lachimana hōhu dharama kē nēgī. pāvaka pragaṭa karahu tumha bēgī..
Sita, however, bowed to the Lord’s command-pure as She was in thought, word and deed-and said, “Laksmana, help me as a priest in the performance of this sacred rite and quickly kindle me a fire.”

सुनि लछिमन सीता कै बानी। बिरह बिबेक धरम निति सानी॥
लोचन सजल जोरि कर दोऊ। प्रभु सन कछु कहि सकत न ओऊ॥2॥

suni lachimana sītā kai bānī. biraha bibēka dharama niti sānī..
lōcana sajala jōri kara dōū. prabhu sana kachu kahi sakata na ōū..
When Laksmana heard Sita’s words, full of anguish caused by separation (from Her Lord) and imbued with critical insight, piety and prudence, tears rushed to his eyes and he joined his palms in prayer; but he too could not speak a word to the Lord.

देखि राम रुख लछिमन धाए। पावक प्रगटि काठ बहु लाए॥
पावक प्रबल देखि बैदेही। हृदयँ हरष नहिं भय कछु तेही॥3॥

dēkhi rāma rukha lachimana dhāē. pāvaka pragaṭi kāṭha bahu lāē..
pāvaka prabala dēkhi baidēhī. hṛdayaom haraṣa nahiṃ bhaya kachu tēhī..
Reading Sri Rama’s tacit approval in His looks, however, Laksmana ran and after kindling a fire brought plenty of firewood. Videha’s Daughter rejoiced at heart to perceive the blazing fire and did not flinch at all.

जौं मन बच क्रम मम उर माहीं। तजि रघुबीर आन गति नाहीं॥
तौ कृसानु सब कै गति जाना। मो कहुँ होउ श्रीखंड समाना॥4॥
jauṃ mana baca krama mama ura māhīṃ. taji raghubīra āna gati nāhīṃ..
tau kṛsānu saba kai gati jānā. mō kahuom hōu śrīkhaṃḍa samānā..

“If in thought, word and deed I have never set my heart on anyone other than the Hero of Raghu’s line, may this fire, which knows the working of all minds, become cool like sandal-paste to me.”

छंद | Chhand :
श्रीखंड सम पावक प्रबेस कियो सुमिरि प्रभु मैथिली।
जय कोसलेस महेस बंदित चरन रति अति निर्मली॥
प्रतिबिंब अरु लौकिक कलंक प्रचंड पावक महुँ जरे।
प्रभु चरित काहुँ न लखे नभ सुर सिद्ध मुनि देखहिं खरे॥1॥

śrīkhaṃḍa sama pāvaka prabēsa kiyō sumiri prabhu maithilī.
jaya kōsalēsa mahēsa baṃdita carana rati ati nirmalī..
pratibiṃba aru laukika kalaṃka pracaṃḍa pāvaka mahuom jarē.
prabhu carita kāhuom na lakhē nabha sura siddha muni dēkhahiṃ kharē..1..

With Her thoughts fixed on the Lord, the Princess of Mithila entered the flames as though they were cool like sandal-paste, crying “Glory to the Lord of Kosala, whose feet are adored by the great Lord Siva with the purest devotion !” Both Her shadow-form as well as the social stigma (occasioned by Her forced residence at Ravana’s) were consumed in the blazing fire; but no one could know the secret of the Lord’s doings. Even the gods, Siddhas and sages stood gazing in the air.

धरि रूप पावक पानि गहि श्री सत्य श्रुति जग बिदित जो।
जिमि छीरसागर इंदिरा रामहि समर्पी आनि सो॥
सो राम बाम बिभाग राजति रुचिर अति सोभा भली।
नव नील नीरज निकट मानहुँ कनक पंकज की कली॥2॥

dhari rūpa pāvaka pāni gahi śrī satya śruti jaga bidita jō.
jimi chīrasāgara iṃdirā rāmahi samarpī āni sō..
sō rāma bāma bibhāga rājati rucira ati sōbhā bhalī.
nava nīla nīraja nikaṭa mānahuom kanaka paṃkaja kī kalī..2..
Fire assumed a bodily form and, taking by the hand the real Sri (Sita), celebrated alike in the Vedas and the world, escorted and presented Her to Sri Rama even as the Ocean of milk presented Goddess Indira (Laksmi) to Lord Visnu. Standing on the left side of Sri Rama, She shone resplendent in Her exquisite beauty like the bud of a gold lily beside a fresh blue lotus.

दोहा | Doha
बरषहिं सुमन हरषि सुर बाजहिं गगन निसान।
गावहिं किंनर सुरबधू नाचहिं चढ़ीं बिमान॥109 क॥
baraṣahiṃ sumana haraṣi suna bājahiṃ gagana nisāna.
gāvahiṃ kiṃnara surabadhū nācahiṃ caḍhaīṃ bimāna..109ka..
The gods in their delight rained down flowers and kettledrums sounded in the air. The Kinnaras sang their melodies and the celestial nymphs danced, all mounted on their aerial cars.

जनकसुता समेत प्रभु सोभा अमित अपार।
देखि भालु कपि हरषे जय रघुपति सुख सार॥109 ख॥
janakasutā samēta prabhu sōbhā amita apāra.
dēkhi bhālu kapi haraṣē jaya raghupati sukha sāra..109kha..
The beauty of the Lord reunited with Janaka’s Daughter was beyond all measure and bound. The bears and monkeys rejoiced at the sight and shouted “Glory to the Lord of the Raghus, the essence of bliss.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
तब रघुपति अनुसासन पाई। मातलि चलेउ चरन सिरु नाई॥
आए देव सदा स्वारथी। बचन कहहिं जनु परमारथी॥1॥
taba raghupati anusāsana pāī. mātali calēu carana siru nāī..
āē dēva sadā svārathī. bacana kahahiṃ janu paramārathī..
Then, with the permission of Sri Rama (the Lord of the Raghus); Matali (Indra’s charioteer) left (for his abode in heaven) after bowing his head at the Lord’s feet. Now came the gods, ever alive to their own selfish interests, and spoke words as though they were seekers of the highest truth :

दीन बंधु दयाल रघुराया। देव कीन्हि देवन्ह पर दाया॥
बिस्व द्रोह रत यह खल कामी। निज अघ गयउ कुमारगगामी॥2॥
dīna baṃdhu dayāla raghurāyā. dēva kīnhi dēvanha para dāyā..
bisva drōha rata yaha khala kāmī. nija agha gayau kumāragagāmī..
“Friend of the meek, gracious, and divine Lord of the Raghus, you have shown mercy to the gods. This sensual wretch, who took delight in doing mischief to the whole world and trod the evil way, has perished through his own sins.

तुम्ह समरूप ब्रह्म अबिनासी। सदा एकरस सहज उदासी॥
अकल अगुन अज अनघ अनामय। अजित अमोघसक्ति करुनामय॥3॥
tumha samarūpa brahma abināsī. sadā ēkarasa sahaja udāsī..
akala aguna aja anagha anāmaya. ajita amōghasakti karunāmaya..
You are alike to all, the imperishable Brahma, ever unchangeable, impartial by nature, integral, devoid of material properties, unborn, sinless, immutable, invincible, unfailing in power, and full of compassion.

मीन कमठ सूकर नरहरी। बामन परसुराम बपु धरी॥
जब जब नाथ सुरन्ह दुखु पायो। नाना तनु धरि तुम्हइँ नसायो॥4॥
mīna kamaṭha sūkara naraharī. bāmana parasurāma bapu dharī..
jaba jaba nātha suranha dukhu pāyō. nānā tanu dhari tumhaiom nasāyō..
It was You who assumed the form of a fish, a tortoise; a boar, a man-lion and a dwarf as well as that of Parasurama. Whenever, O Lord, the gods have been in trouble, You have put an end to it by appearing in one form or other.

यह खल मलिन सदा सुरद्रोही। काम लोभ मद रत अति कोही।
अधम सिरोमनि तव पद पावा। यह हमरें मन बिसमय आवा॥5॥
yaha khala malina sadā suradrōhī. kāma lōbha mada rata ati kōhī..
adhama sirōmani tava pada pāvā. yaha hamarē mana bisamaya āvā..
This impure wretch, a perpetual enemy of the gods, was given up to lust, greed and vanity, and very passionate too. That even this vilest creature attained Your state is a marvel to us. We gods are supremely qualified (for the highest state):

हम देवता परम अधिकारी। स्वारथ रत प्रभु भगति बिसारी।।
भव प्रबाहँ संतत हम परे। अब प्रभु पाहि सरन अनुसरे॥6॥
hama dēvatā parama adhikārī. svāratha rata prabhu bhagati bisārī..
bhava prabāhaom saṃtata hama parē. aba prabhu pāhi sarana anusarē..
yet, devoted as we are to our own selfish ends, we have forgotten the worship of our lord and are ever involved in the flood of birth and death. Now redeem us, O Lord, since we have sought shelter in You.”

दोहा | Dohas :
करि बिनती सुर सिद्ध सब रहे जहँ तहँ कर जोरि।
अति सप्रेम तन पु‍लकि बिधि अस्तुति करत बहोरि॥110॥
kari binatī sura siddha saba rahē jahaom tahaom kara jōri.
ati saprēma tana pulaki bidhi astuti karata bahōri..110..
Having thus made their supplication, the gods and Siddhas all remained standing where they were with joined palms. Then, thrilling all over with excess of love, Brahma (the Creator) commenced his prayer.

छंद | Chhand :
जय राम सदा सुख धाम हरे। रघुनायक सायक चाप धरे।।
भव बारन दारन सिंह प्रभो। गुन सागर नागर नाथ बिभो॥1॥
jaya rāma sadā sukhadhāma harē. raghunāyaka sāyaka cāpa dharē..
bhava bārana dārana siṃha prabhō. guna sāgara nāgara nātha bibhō..
“Glory to You, O Rama, perpetual abode of bliss. O Hari (the reliever of suffering), O Chief of the Raghus, bearing a bow and arrows! Lord, You are a veritable lion to tear in pieces the elephant of mundane existence, and an ocean of virtues, my clever and omnipresent Master.

तन काम अनेक अनूप छबी। गुन गावत सिद्ध मुनींद्र कबी।।
जसु पावन रावन नाग महा। खगनाथ जथा करि कोप गहा॥2॥

tana kāma anēka anūpa chabī. guna gāvata siddha munīṃdra kabī..
jasu pāvana rāvana nāga mahā. khaganātha jathā kari kōpa gahā..
In Your person stands concentrated the incomparable beauty of a myriad Cupids; Siddhas, as well as the greatest of sages and bards sing Your praises. Your glory is not only sacred, it purifies all; in Your wrath You seized Ravana even as Garuda (the king of the birds) might seize a huge serpent.

जन रंजन भंजन सोक भयं। गत क्रोध सदा प्रभु बोधमयं।।
अवतार उदार अपार गुनं। महि भार बिभंजन ग्यानघनं।।3।।
jana raṃjana bhaṃjana sōka bhayaṃ. gatakrōdha sadā prabhu bōdhamayaṃ..
avatāra udāra apāra gunaṃ. mahi bhāra bibhaṃjana gyānaghanaṃ..

Delight of devotees, and dispeller of their grief and fear, You are ever unmoved by passion, and are all- intelligence, my lord. Your descent on the mortal plane is beneficent and full of untold virtues: You come to relieve Earth’s burdens and Your manifestations on earth are wisdom personified.

अज ब्यापकमेकमनादि सदा। करुनाकर राम नमामि मुदा।।
रघुबंस बिभूषन दूषन हा। कृत भूप बिभीषन दीन रहा।।4।।
aja byāpakamēkamanādi sadā. karunākara rāma namāmi mudā..
raghubaṃsa bibhūṣana dūṣana hā. kṛta bhūpa bibhīṣana dīna rahā..
(Though descended on earth,) You are ever unborn, omnipresent, one (without a second) and beginningless. I gladly bow to You, O Rama, fountain of mercy ! Ornament of Raghu’s race and Slayer of demon Dμusana (Ravana’s Cousin), You eradicate the faults of Your devotees and made Vibhisana, destitute as he was, the Ruler of Lanka.

गुन ध्यान निधान अमान अजं। नित राम नमामि बिभुं बिरजं।।
भुजदंड प्रचंड प्रताप बलं। खल बृंद निकंद महा कुसलं।।5।।
guna gyāna nidhāna amāna ajaṃ. nita rāma namāmi bibhuṃ birajaṃ..
bhujadaṃḍa pracaṃḍa pratāpa balaṃ. khala bṛṃda nikaṃda mahā kusalaṃ..
Storehouse of virtue and wisdom and beyond all measure, You have no pride in You and are unborn, all pervading and free from the taint of Maya; I constantly adore You, Rama. Terrible is the glory and might of Your arms, which are deft in exterminating the hordes of the impious.

बिनु कारन दीन दयाल हितं। छबि धाम नमामि रमा सहितं।।
भव तारन कारन काज परं। मन संभव दारुन दोष हरं।।6।।
binu kārana dīna dayāla hitaṃ. chabi dhāma namāmi ramā sahitaṃ..
bhava tārana kārana kāja paraṃ. mana saṃbhava dāruna dōṣa haraṃ..
Compassionate and friendly to the poor without any ostensible reason and a reservoir of beauty, I adore You alongwith Rama (Sita). Deliverer from the rounds of birth and death, You are beyond both cause (Prakrti) and effect (the phenomenal universe) and eradicate the awful weaknesses of the (devotee’s) mind.

सर चाप मनोहर त्रोन धरं। जलजारुन लोचन भूपबरं।।
सुख मंदिर सुंदर श्रीरमनं। मद मार मुधा ममता समनं।।7।।
sara cāpa manōhara trōna dharaṃ. jarajāruna lōcana bhūpabaraṃ..
sukha maṃdira suṃdara śrīramanaṃ. mada māra mudhā mamatā samanaṃ..
Armed with a charming bow, arrows, and quiver, You have eyes resembling a red lotus. A paragon of kings, home of bliss, Laksmi’s lovely Consort, subduer of arrogance, lust and the false sense of mineness, You are free from blemish integral and imperceptible to the senses.

अनवद्य अखंड न गोचर गो। सब रूप सदा सब होइ न गो।।
इति बेद बदंति न दंतकथा। रबि आतप भिन्नमभिन्न जथा।।8।।
anavadya akhaṃḍa na gōcara gō. sabarūpa sadā saba hōi na gō..
iti bēda badaṃti na daṃtakathā. rabi ātapa bhinnamabhinna jathā..
Though manifest in all forms, You never transmuted Yourself into them all: so declare the Vedas; it is no mere gossip, as will be clear from the analogy of the sun and the sunshine, which are different and yet identical.

कृतकृत्य बिभो सब बानर ए। निरखंति तनानन सादर ए।।
धिग जीवन देव सरीर हरे। तव भक्ति बिना भव भूलि परे।।9।।
kṛtakṛtya bibhō saba bānara ē. nirakhaṃti tavānana sādara ē..
dhiga jīvana dēva sarīra harē. tava bhakti binā bhava bhūli parē..
Blessed are all these monkeys, O ubiquitous Lord, who reverently gaze on Your countenance; while accursed, O Hari, is our (so-called) immortal existence and our ethereal bodies in that we lack in devotion to You and are lost in worldly pleasures.

अब दीनदयाल दया करिऐ। मति मोरि बिभेदकरी हरिऐ।।
जेहि ते बिपरीत क्रिया करिऐ। दुख सो सुख मानि सुखी चरिऐ।।10।।
aba dīna dayāla dayā kariai. mati mōri bibhēdakarī hariai..
jēhi tē biparīta kriyā kariai. dukha sō sukha māni sukhī cariai..
Now show Your mercy to me, compassionate as You are to the afflicted, and take away my differentiating sense (which makes the world appear as apart from You), which leads me to wrong action and deluded by which I pass my days in merriment, mistaking woe for happiness.

खल खंडन मंडन रम्य छमा। पद पंकज सेवित संभु उमा।।
नृप नायक दे बरदानमिदं। चरनांबुज प्रेमु सदा सुभदं।।11।।
khala khaṃḍana maṃḍana ramya chamā. pada paṃkaja sēvita saṃbhu umā..
nṛpa nāyaka dē baradānamidaṃ. caranāṃbuja prēma sadā subhadaṃ..
Destroyer of the wicked and lovely jewel of the earth, Your lotus feet are adored even by Sambhu (Lord Siva) and Uma (Goddess Parvati). O King of kings, grant me this boon that I may cherish loving devotion to Your lotus feet, which is a perennial source of blessings.”

दोहा | Dohas :
बिनय कीन्ह चतुरानन प्रेम पुलक अति गात।
सोभासिंधु बिलोकत लोचन नहीं अघात।।111।।
binaya kīnhi caturānana prēma pulaka ati gāta.
sōbhāsiṃdhu bilōkata lōcana nahīṃ aghāta..111..
As the four-faced Brahma thus prayed, his body was deeply thrilled with emotion. And his eyes knew no satiation as they gazed on the Ocean of beauty.

तेहि अवसर दसरथ तहँ आए। तनय बिलोकि नयन जल छाए।।
अनुज सहित प्रभु बंदन कीन्हा। आसिरबाद पिताँ तब दीन्हा।।1 ।।
tēhi avasara dasaratha tahaom āē. tanaya bilōki nayana jala chāē..
anuja sahita prabhu baṃdana kīnhā. āsirabāda pitāom taba dīnhā..
That very moment King Dasaratha appeared on the scene (in his celestial form); his eyes were flooded with tears as he beheld his son (Sri Rama). The Lord and His younger brother (Laksmana) made obeisance and the father in his turn gave them his blessing.

तात सकल तव पुन्य प्रभाऊ। जीत्यों अजय निसाचर राऊ।।
सुनि सुत बचन प्रीति अति बाढ़ी। नयन सलिल रोमावलि ठाढ़ी।।2।।
tāta sakala tava punya prabhāū. jītyōṃ ajaya nisācara rāū..
suni suta bacana prīti ati bāḍhaī. nayana salila rōmāvali ṭhāḍhaī..
“Dear father, it was all due to your religious merit that I conquered the invincible demon king.” Dasaratha was overwhelmed with emotion when he heard his son’s words; tears rushed to his eyes again and the hair on his body stood erect.

रघुपति प्रथम प्रेम अनुमाना। चितइ पितहि दीन्हेउ दृढ़ ग्याना।।
ताते उमा मोच्छ नहिं पायो। दसरथ भेद भगति मन लायो।।3।।
raghupati prathama prēma anumānā. citai pitahi dīnhēu dṛḍha gyānā..
tātē umā mōccha nahiṃ pāyō. dasaratha bhēda bhagati mana lāyō..
The Lord of the Raghus understood that His father bore the same affection for Him as he did before; He, therefore, looked at His father and bestowed on him solid wisdom. Uma, (continues Lord Siva,) Dasaratha did not attain final beatitude for this simple reason that he set his heart on Devotion while maintaining his separate identity.

सगुनोपासक मोच्छ न लेहीं। तिन्ह कहुँ राम भगति निज देहीं।।
बार बार करि प्रभुहि प्रनामा। दसरथ हरषि गए सुरधामा।।4।।
sagunōpāsaka mōccha na lēhīṃ. tinha kahuom rāma bhagati nija dēhīṃ..
bāra bāra kari prabhuhi pranāmā. dasaratha haraṣi gaē suradhāmā..
Worshippers of God in His embodied form spurn final beatitude: to them Sri Rama vouchsafes devotion to His own person. Having prostrated himself before the Lord again and again, Dasaratha joyfully returned to his abode in heaven.

दोहा | Dohas :
अनुज जानकी सहित प्रभु कुसल कोसलाधीस।
सोभा देखि हरषि मन अस्तुति कर सुर ईस।।112।।
anuja jānakī sahita prabhu kusala kōsalādhīsa.
sōbhā dēkhi haraṣi mana astuti kara sura īsa..112..
Perceiving the Almighty Lord of Kosala safe and sound with His younger brother (Laksmana) and Janaka’s Daughter, and beholding their beauty, Indra (the Lord of the celestials) began extolling Him with a cheerful heart:-

छंद | Chhand :
जय राम सोभा धाम। दायक प्रनत बिश्राम।।
धृत त्रोन बर सर चाप। भुजदंड प्रबल प्रताप।।1।।
jaya rāma sōbhā dhāma. dāyaka pranata biśrāma..
dhṛta trōna bara sara cāpa. bhujadaṃḍa prabala pratāpa..1..
Glory to Sri Rama, beauty personified, the bestower of peace on the suppliant, equipped with an excellent bow, arrows and quiver and triumphing in His mighty strength of arm.

जय दूषनारि खरारि। मर्दन निसाचर धारि।।
यह दुष्ट मारेउ नाथ। भए देव सकल नाथ।।2।।
jaya dūṣanāri kharāri. mardana nisācara dhāri..
yaha duṣṭa mārēu nātha. bhaē dēva sakala sanātha..2..
Glory to the Slayer of Dμusana and Khara and the crusher of the demon hordes! Now that You have disposed of this wretch, my lord, all the gods enjoy full security.

जय हरन धरनी भार। महिमा उदार अपार।।
जय रावनारि कृपाल। किए जातुधान बिहाल।।3।।
jaya harana dharanī bhāra. mahimā udāra apāra..
jaya rāvanāri kṛpāla. kiē jātudhāna bihāla..3..
Glory to the Reliever of Earth’s burden, whose greatness is beneficent and unbounded. Glory to the All-merciful Slayer of Ravana, who reduced the demon host to a miserable plight.

लंकेस अति बल गर्ब। किए बस्य सुर गंधर्ब।।
मुनि सिद्ध नर खग नाग। हठि पं सब कें लाग।।4।।
laṃkēsa ati bala garba. kiē basya sura gaṃdharba..
muni siddha nara khaga nāga. haṭhi paṃtha saba kēṃ lāga..4..
Outrageous was the pride of Ravana (the lord of Lanka), who had subdued even gods and Gandharvas (the celestial musicians). Nay, he relentlessly pursued sages, the Siddhas, human beings, birds and Nagas alike.

परद्रोह रत अति दुष्ट। पायो सो फलु पापिष्ट।।
अब सुनहु दीन दयाल। राजीव नयन बिसाल।।5।।
paradrōha rata ati duṣṭa. pāyō sō phalu pāpiṣṭa..
aba sunahu dīna dayāla. rājīva nayana bisāla..5..
He took delight in injuring others and was most wicked; the vile sinner has now reaped the fruit of his misdeeds. Now listen, my lord, possessed of eyes as large as the lotus and compassionate to the humble:

मोहि रहा अति अभिमान। नहिं कोउ मोहि समान।।
अब देखि प्रभु पद कंज। गत मान प्रद दुख पुंज।।6।।
mōhi rahā ati abhimāna. nahiṃ kōu mōhi samāna..
aba dēkhi prabhu pada kaṃja. gata māna prada dukha puṃja..6..
my pride was inordinate; I accounted no one as equal to me. At the sight of Your lotus feet, however, my pride, which entailed much woe, has taken leave of me.

कोउ ब्रह्म निर्गुन ध्याव। अब्यक्त जेहि श्रुति गाव।।
मोहि भाव कोसल भूप। श्रीराम सगुन सरूप।।7।।
kōu brahma nirguna dhyāva. abyakta jēhi śruti gāva..
mōhi bhāva kōsala bhūpa. śrīrāma saguna sarūpa..7..
Some people meditate on the attributeless Brahma (the Absolute), whom the Vedas declare as unmanifest. What attracts my mind, however, is the Supreme embodied as Sri Rama, King of Kosala.

बै‍देहि अनुज समेत। मम हृदयँ करहु निकेत।।
मोहि जानिऐ ‍िनज दास। दे भक्ति रमानिवास।।8।।
baidēhi anuja samēta. mama hṛdayaom karahu nikēta..
mōhi jāniē nija dāsa. dē bhakti ramānivāsa..8..
Together with Videha’s Daughter and Your younger brother (Laksmana), therefore, pray abide in my heart; and recognizing me as Your own servant, bless me with devotion, O Abode of Rama (Laksmi).

छंद | Chhand –
दे भक्ति रमानिवास त्रास हरन सरन सुखदायकं।
सुख धाम राम नमामि काम अनेक छबि रघुनायकं।।
सुर बृंद रंजन द्वंद भंजन मनुजतनु अतुलितबलं।
ब्रह्मादि संकर सेब्य राम नमामि करुना कोमलं।।
dē bhakti ramānivāsa trāsa harana sarana sukhadāyakaṃ.
sukha dhāma rāma namāmi kāma anēka chabi raghunāyakaṃ..
sura bṛṃda raṃjana dvaṃda bhaṃjana manuja tanu atulitabalaṃ.
brahmādi saṃkara sēbya rāma namāmi karunā kōmalaṃ..
“Grant me devotion to Your feet, O Abode of Rama, dispeller of fear and solace of the suppliant. I adore You, O blissful Rama, the Lord of the Raghus, possessing the beauty of a myriad Cupids. Delight of the hosts of heaven, Queller of contrary experiences (like joy and sorrow etc.), appearing in a human form possessing incomparable strength, worthy of adoration even to Brahma (the creator) and Sankara, O Rama, I bow to You, tender as You are through compassion.”

दोहा | Dohas :
अब करि कृपा बिलोकि मोहि आयसु देहु कृपाल।
काह करौं सुनि ‍प्रिय बचन बोले दीनदयाल।।113।।
aba kari kṛpā bilōki mōhi āyasu dēhu kṛpāla.
kāha karauṃ suni priya bacana bōlē dīnadayāla..113..
“Now cast Your gracious look on me, O merciful Lord, and command me what to do.” Hearing these polite words, Sri Rama, who is noted for His compassion to the meek, enjoined him as follows:-

चौपाई | Chaupais
सुन सुरपति कपि भालु हमारे। परे भूमि निसिचरन्हि जे मारे।।
मम हित लागि तजे इन्ह प्राना। सकल जिआउ सुरेस सुजाना।।1।।
sunu surapati kapi bhālu hamārē. parē bhūmi nisacaranhi jē mārē..
mama hita lāgi tajē inha prānā. sakala jiāu surēsa sujānā..
“Listen, King of the gods: our monkeys and bears, those that were killed by the demons, are lying on the ground. They have laid down their lives in my service: therefore, restore them all to life, O wise lord of the celestials.”

सुनु खगेस प्रभु कै यह बानी। अति अगाध जानहिं मुनि ग्यानी।।
प्रभु सक त्रिभुअन मारि जिआई। केवल सक्रहि दीन्हि बड़ाई।।2।।
sunu khagēsa prabhu kai yaha bānī. ati agādha jānahiṃ muni gyānī..
prabhu saka tribhuana māri jiāī. kēvala sakrahi dīnhi baḍaāī..
Listen, O king of the birds: (continues Kakabhusundi,) these words of the Lord are profoundly mysterious; only enlightened sages can apprehend them. The Lord Himself can wipe out the inhabitants of the three spheres and bring them back to life; He wished only to give Indra honour.

सुधा बरषि कपि भालु जियाए। हरषि उठे सब प्रभु पहिं आए।।
सुधाबृष्टि भै दुहु दल ऊपर। जिए भालु कपि नहिं रजनीचर।।3।।
sudhā baraṣi kapi bhālu jiāē. haraṣi uṭhē saba prabhu pahiṃ āē..
sudhābṛṣṭi bhai duhu dala ūpara. jiē bhālu kapi nahiṃ rajanīcara..
By a shower of nectar the latter restored the monkeys and bears to life. They all arose with delight and betook themselves to the Lord. Although the shower of nectar promiscuously fell on the dead of both the armies, it is the bears and monkeys alone that returned to life, but not the demons.

रामाकार भए तिन्ह के मन। मुक्त भए छूट भव बंधन।।
सुर अंसिक सब कपि अरु रीछा। जिए सकल रघुपति कीं ईछा।।4।।
rāmākāra bhaē tinha kē mana. mukta bhaē chūṭē bhava baṃdhana..
sura aṃsika saba kapi aru rīchā. jiē sakala raghupati kīṃ īchā..
Their mind was absorbed in the thought of Sri Rama when they gave up the ghost; that is why they got liberated and were rid of the bonds of mundane existence. As for the monkeys and bears, they were all part manifestations of the gods (who are all immortal): hence they all came to life by the will of Sri Rama (the Lord of the Raghus).

राम सरिस को दीन हितकारी। कीन्हे मुकुत निसाचर झारी।।
खल मल धाम काम रत रावन। गति पाई जो मुनिबर पाव न।।5।।
rāma sarisa kō dīna hitakārī. kīnhē mukuta nisācara jhārī..
khala mala dhāma kāma rata rāvana. gati pāī jō munibara pāva na..
Is there anyone so kind to the afflicted as Sri Rama, who liberated the whole demon host? Even the wicked Ravana, who was a sink of impurities and given up to sensuality, attained to an exalted state which is withheld even from the greatest of sages.

दोहा | Dohas :
सुमन बरषि सब सुर चले चढ़ि चढ़ि रुचिर बिमान।
देखि सुअवसर प्रभु पहिं आयउ संभु सुजान।।114।। (क) ।।
sumana baraṣi saba sura calē caḍhai caḍhai rucira bimāna.
dēkhi suavasaru prabhu pahiṃ āyau saṃbhu sujāna..114ka..
After raining down flowers the gods mounted each his own shining aerial car and departed. Finding it a welcome opportunity the all-wise Sambhu (Lord Siva) arrived in the presence of the Lord.

परम प्रीति कर जोरि जुग नलिन नयन भरि बारि।
पुलकित तन गदगद गिराँ बिनय करत त्रिपुरारि।। 114 (ख)।।
parama prīti kara jōri juga nalina nayana bhari bāri.
pulakita tana gadagada girāom binaya karata tripurāri..114kha..
Most lovingly, with joined palms, His lotus eyes full of tears and the hair on His body standing erect, the Slayer of the demon Tripura made the following supplication with choked voice :-

छंद | Chhand :
मामभिरक्षय रघुकुल नायक। धृत बर चाप रुचिर कर सायक।।
मोह महा घन पटल प्रभंजन। संसय बिपिन अनल सुर रंजन।।1।।
māmabhirakṣaya raghukula nāyaka. dhṛta bara cāpa rucira kara sāyaka..
mōha mahā ghana paṭala prabhaṃjana. saṃsaya bipina anala sura raṃjana..1..
“Save me, Chief of Raghu’s line, bearing an excellent bow and shining arrows in Your hands. A furious wind to disperse the mass of clouds in the shape of colossal ignorance, a fire to consume the forest of doubts, and delight of the gods,

अगुन सगुन गुन मंदिर सुंदर। भ्रम तम प्रबल प्रताप दिवाकर।।
काम क्रोध मद गज पंचानन। बसहु निरंतर जन मन कानन।।2।।
aguna saguna guna maṃdira suṃdara. bhrama tama prabala pratāpa divākara..
kāma krōdha mada gaja paṃcānana. basahu niraṃtara jana mana kānana..2..
You are both with and without attributes, a shrine of virtues and most lovely to look at; nay, You are a burning midday Sun to scatter the darkness of delusion. A veritable lion to kill the elephants of lust, anger and pride, pray, constantly abide in the forest of the devotee’s mind.

बिषय मनोरथ पुंज कुंज बन। प्रबल तुषार उदार पार मन।।
भव बारिधि मंदर परमं दर। बारय तारय संसृति दुस्तर।।3।।
biṣaya manōratha puṃja kaṃja bana. prabala tuṣāra udāra pāra mana..
bhava bāridhi maṃdara paramaṃ dara. bāraya tāraya saṃsṛti dustara..3..
A severe frost to blast the lotus bed of sensual desires, You are generous beyond conception. Nay, playing the role of Mount Mandara for churning the ocean of mundane existence, kindly stave off my fear (of birth and death) and transport me across the stormy ocean of mundane existence.

स्याम गात राजीव बिलोचन। दीन बंधु प्रनतारति मोचन।।
अनुज जानकी सहित निरंतर। बसहु राम नृप मम उर अंतर।।
मुनि रंजन महि मंडल मंडन। तुलसिदास प्रभु त्रास बिखंडन।। 4-5।।
syāma gāta rājīva bilōcana. dīna baṃdhu pranatārati mōcana..
anuja jānakī sahita niraṃtara. basahu rāma nṛpa mama ura aṃtara..4..
muni raṃjana mahi maṃḍala maṃḍana. tulasidāsa prabhu trāsa bikhaṃḍana..5..
Possessed of a swarthy form with lotus eyes, befriender of the meek, reliever of the suppliant’s agony, take up Your abode in my heart for ever, O King Rama, with Your younger brother (Laksmana) and Janaka’s Daughter, O Delight of the sages, Jewel of the terrestrial globe, lord of Tulasidasa and destroyer of fear.

दोहा | Doha :
नाथ जबहिं कोसलपुरीं हो‍इहि तिलक तुम्हार।
कृपासिंधु मैं आउब देखन चरित उदार ।।115।।
nātha jabahiṃ kōsalapurīṃ hōihi tilaka tumhāra.
kṛpāsiṃdhu maiṃ āuba dēkhana carita udāra..115..
“When, my lord, Your Coronation takes place at Kosalapura (Ayodhya), I will come to witness Your benevolent role, O Ocean of Mercy !

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
करि बिनती जब संभु सिधाए। तब प्रभु निकट बिभीषनु आए॥
नाइ चरन सिरु कह मृदु बानी। बिनय सुनहु प्रभु सारँगपानी॥1॥
kari binatī jaba saṃbhu sidhāē. taba prabhu nikaṭa bibhīṣanu āē..
nāi carana siru kaha mṛdu bānī. binaya sunahu prabhu sāraomgapānī..
When Sambhu (Lord Siva) had finished His prayer and left, Vibhisana then approached the Lord. Bowing his head at the latter’s feet, he submitted in gentle terms: “Listen to my prayer, O Lord wielding the Sarnga bow.

सकुल सदल प्रभु रावन मार्‌यो। पावन जस त्रिभुवन विस्तार्‌यो॥
दीन मलीन हीन मति जाती। मो पर कृपा कीन्हि बहु भाँती॥2॥
sakula sadala prabhu rāvana mār yō. pāvana jasa tribhuvana bistār yō..
dīna malīna hīna mati jātī. mō para kṛpā kīnhi bahu bhāomtī..
My lord, You have killed Ravana with all his kinsfolk and army and spread Your sacred renown throughout the three spheres. And above all You have shown mercy in every way to me, humble, impure, low- born and mean-minded as I am.

अब जन गृह पुनीत प्रभु कीजे। मज्जन करिअ समर श्रम छीजे॥
देखि कोस मंदिर संपदा। देहु कृपाल कपिन्ह कहुँ मुदा॥3॥
aba jana gṛha punīta prabhu kījē. majjanu karia samara śrama chījē..
dēkhi kōsa maṃdira saṃpadā. dēhu kṛpāla kapinha kahuom mudā..
Now, my lord, consecrate Your servant’s abode (by Your holy presence), bathe Yourself and beguile the exertion of the battle. Then inspect the treasury, palaces and wealth and gladly bestow, my gracious lord, whatever You please on the monkeys.

सब बिधि नाथ मोहि अपनाइअ। पुनि मोहि सहित अवधपुर जाइअ॥
सुनत बचन मृदु दीनदयाला। सजल भए द्वौ नयन बिसाला॥4॥
saba bidhi nātha mōhi apanāia. puni mōhi sahita avadhapura jāia..
sunata bacana mṛdu dīnadayālā. sajala bhaē dvau nayana bisālā..
Pray, accept me as Your own in every way, my lord, and then proceed to Ayodhya taking me alongwith you”. Even as the Lord, who is so compassionate to the meek, heard these polite words, His large eyes filled with tears.

दोहा | Doha
तोर कोस गृह मोर सब सत्य बचन सुनु भ्रात।
भरत दसा सुमिरत मोहि निमिष कल्प सम जात॥116 क॥
tōra kōsa gṛha mōra saba satya bacana sunu bhrāta.
bharata dasā sumirata mōhi nimiṣa kalpa sama jāta..116ka..
“Listen, brother: what you say is quite true: your treasury and palaces are all My own. But, when I recollect Bharata’s condition, every moment that passes seems an age to Me.

तापस बेष गात कृस जपत निरंतर मोहि।
देखौं बेगि सो जतनु करु सखा निहोरउँ तोहि॥116 ख॥
tāpasa bēṣa gāta kṛsa japata niraṃtara mōhi.
dēkhauṃ bēgi sō jatanu karu sakhā nihōrauom tōhi..116kha..
Clad in the robes of a hermit, with wasted body he constantly repeats My name. Therefore, take steps, My friend, I beseech you, that I may soon be able to see him again.

बीतें अवधि जाउँ जौं जिअत न पावउँ बीर।
सुमिरत अनुज प्रीति प्रभु पुनि पुनि पुलक सरीर॥116 ग॥
bītēṃ avadhi jāuom jauṃ jiata na pāvauom bīra.
sumirata anuja prīti prabhu puni puni pulaka sarīra..116ga..
If, on the other hand, I reach there on the expiry of the term of My exile, I do not expect to find My brother alive.” And even as the Lord recalled His brother’s affection He felt a thrill all over His body again and again.

करेहु कल्प भरि राजु तुम्ह मोहि सुमिरेहु मन माहिं।
पुनि मम धाम पाइहहु जहाँ संत सब जाहिं॥116 घ॥
karēhu kalpa bhari rāju tumha mōhi sumirēhu mana māhiṃ.
puni mama dhāma pāihahu jahāom saṃta saba jāhiṃ..116gha..
“As for yourself, you shall enjoy sovereignty till the end of creation, inwardly thinking of Me all the time; and then you shall ascend to My abode, the destination of all holy men.”

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
सुनत बिभीषन बचन राम के। हरषि गहे पद कृपाधाम के॥
बानर भालु सकल हरषाने। गहि प्रभु पद गुन बिमल बखाने॥1॥
sunata bibhīṣana bacana rāma kē. haraṣi gahē pada kṛpādhāma kē..
bānara bhālu sakala haraṣānē. gahi prabhu pada guna bimala bakhānē..
Delighted to hear Sri Rama’s words, Vibhisana clasped the feet of the All-merciful. The monkeys and bears too all rejoiced and, clasping the Lord’s feet, began to recount His sacred virtues.

बहुरि विभीषन भवन सिधायो। मनि गन बसन बिमान भरायो॥
लै पुष्पक प्रभु आगें राखा। हँसि करि कृपासिंधु तब भाषा॥2॥
bahuri bibhīṣana bhavana sidhāyō. mani gana basana bimāna bharāyō..
lai puṣpaka prabhu āgēṃ rākhā. haomsi kari kṛpāsiṃdhu taba bhāṣā..
Then Vibhisana withdrew to his palace and had his celebrated aerial car loaded with precious stones and articles of dress. He then brought the aerial car, Puspaka as it was called, and set it before the Lord; and the All-merciful thereupon smilingly said,

चढ़ि बिमान सुनु सखा बिभीषन। गगन जाइ बरषहु पट भूषन॥
नभ पर जाइ बिभीषन तबही। बरषि दिए मनि अंबर सबही॥3॥
caḍhai bimāna sunu sakhā bibhīṣana. gagana jāi baraṣahu paṭa bhūṣana..
nabha para jāi bibhīṣana tabahī. baraṣi diē mani aṃbara sabahī..
“Listen, my friend, Vibhisana; step into the aerial car and rising into the air, scramble the clothes and ornaments.” Vibhisana immediately rose into the air and dropped down all the jewels and raiment.

जोइ जोइ मन भावइ सोइ लेहीं। मनि मुख मेलि डारि कपि देहीं॥
हँसे रामु श्री अनुज समेता। परम कौतुकी कृपा निकेता॥4॥
jōi jōi mana bhāvai sōi lēhīṃ. mani mukha mēli ḍāri kapi dēhīṃ..
haomsē rāmu śrī anuja samētā. parama kautukī kṛpā nikētā..
The monkeys picked up whatever each took a fancy to; they put precious stones into their mouth (thinking them to be some edible substance) but would throw them away (the moment they realized their mistake). Sri Rama as well as Sri (Sita) and His younger brother (Laksmana) felt amused at the sight, exceedingly playful as the All-merciful is.

भावार्थ:-जिसके मन को जो अच्छा लगता है, वह वही ले लेता है। मणियों को मुँह में लेकर वानर फिर उन्हें खाने की चीज न समझकर उगल देते हैं। यह तमाशा देखकर परम विनोदी और कृपा के धाम श्री रामजी, सीताजी और लक्ष्मणजी सहित हँसने लगे॥4॥
दोहा | Doha :
मुनि जेहि ध्यान न पावहिं नेति नेति कह बेद।
कृपासिंधु सोइ कपिन्ह सन करत अनेक बिनोद॥117 क॥
muni jēhi dhyāna na pāvahiṃ nēti nēti kaha bēda.
kṛpāsiṃdhu sōi kapinha sana karata anēka binōda..117ka..
That Ocean of compassion, whom sages are unable to catch even in meditation and whom the Vedas describe only in negative terms such as “Not that, not that,” amused himself with the monkeys in diverse ways.

उमा जोग जप दान तप नाना मख ब्रत नेम।
राम कृपा नहिं करहिं तसि जसि निष्केवल प्रेम॥117 ख॥
umā jōga japa dāna tapa nānā makha brata nēma.
rāma kṛpā nahi karahiṃ tasi jasi niṣkēvala prēma..117kha.
Uma, (continues Lord Siva,) practice of Yoga (concentration of mind), Japa (muttering of prayers), charity and penance, performance of sacrifices, fasting and other religious observances fail to evoke Sri Rama’s compassion to the same degree as unalloyed devotion does.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
भालु कपिन्ह पट भूषन पाए। पहिरि पहिरि रघुपति पहिं आए॥
नाना जिनस देखि सब कीसा। पुनि पुनि हँसत कोसलाधीसा॥1॥
bhālu kapinha paṭa bhūṣana pāē. pahiri pahiri raghupati pahiṃ āē..
nānā jinasa dēkhi saba kīsā. puni puni haomsata kōsalādhīsā..
Having thus secured raiment and jewels, the bears and monkeys adorned their person with the same and appeared before the Lord of the Raghus. The Lord of Kosala laughed again and again to see all the monkeys, a motley host indeed.

चितइ सबन्हि पर कीन्ही दाया। बोले मृदुल बचन रघुराया॥
तुम्हरें बल मैं रावनु मार्‌यो। तिलक बिभीषन कहँ पुनि सार्‌यो॥2॥
citai sabanhi para kīnhi dāyā. bōlē mṛdula bacana raghurāyā..
tumharēṃ bala maiṃ rāvanu mār yō. tilaka bibhīṣana kahaom puni sār yō..
The Lord of the Raghus showered His grace on all by casting a look at them, and spoke to them in endearing terms: “It was through your might that I succeeded first in killing Ravana and then in crowning Vibhisana.

निज निज गृह अब तुम्ह सब जाहू। सुमिरेहु मोहि डरपहु जनि काहू॥
सुनत बचन प्रेमाकुल बानर। जोरि पानि बोले सब सादर॥3॥
nija nija gṛha aba tumha saba jāhū. sumirēhu mōhi ḍarapahu jani kāhū..
sunata bacana prēmākula bānara. jōri pāni bōlē saba sādara..
Now return all of you to your several homes; keep your thought fixed on Me and fear none.” The monkeys were all overcome with affection to hear these words and reverently replied with joined palms:

प्रभु जोइ कहहु तुम्हहि सब सोहा। हमरें होत बचन सुनि मोहा॥
दीन जानि कपि किए सनाथा। तुम्ह त्रैलोक ईस रघुनाथा॥4॥
prabhu jōi kahahu tumhahi saba sōhā. hamarē hōta bacana suni mōhā..
dīna jāni kapi kiē sanāthā. tumha trēlōka īsa raghunāthā..
O Lord, whatever You say well becomes of You. But we get mystified on hearing Your words. You are the Sovereign of all the three spheres, O Lord of the Raghus; knowing our humble state You took us under Your protection.

सुनि प्रभु बचन लाज हम मरहीं। मसक कहूँ खगपति हित करहीं॥
देखि राम रुख बानर रीछा। प्रेम मगन नहिं गृह कै ईछा॥5॥
suni prabhu bacana lāja hama marahīṃ. masaka kahūom khagapati hita karahīṃ..
dēkhi rāma rukha bānara rīchā. prēma magana nahiṃ gṛha kai īchā..
But we are overwhelmed with shame to hear such words from the lips of our Master (Yourself). Can a swarm of mosquitoes ever help Garudav (the king of the birds)?” The bears and monkeys were overpowered with emotion when they saw what was in the mind of the Lord, (viz., His reluctance to take them to Ayodhya); they had no inclination to return home.

दोहा | Doha
प्रभु प्रेरित कपि भालु सब राम रूप उर राखि।
हरष बिषाद सहित चले बिनय बिबिध बिधि भाषि॥118 क॥
prabhu prērita kapi bhālu saba rāma rūpa ura rākhi.
haraṣa biṣāda sahita calē binaya bibidha bidhi bhāṣi..118ka..
But in obedience to the Lord’s command the monkeys and bears all dispersed with a mixed feeling of joy and sorrow and with many a humble submission, enshrining Sri Rama’s image in their heart.

कपिपति नील रीछपति अंगद नल हनुमान।
सहित बिभीषन अपर जे जूथप कपि बलवान॥118 ख॥
kapipati nīla rīchapati aṃgada nala hanumāna.
sahita bibhīṣana apara jē jūthapa kapi balavāna..118kha..
The monkey-king (Sugriva), Nila, Jambavan (the lord of the bears), Angada, Nala, Hanuman and all the other mighty generals of the monkey host, together with Vibhisana,

कहि न सकहिं कछु प्रेम बस भरि भरि लोचन बारि॥
सन्मुख चितवहिं राम तन नयन निमेष निवारि॥118 ग॥
kahi na sakahiṃ kachu prēma basa bhari bhari lōcana bāri.
sanmukha citavahiṃ rāma tana nayana nimēṣa nivāri..118ga..
were too overwhelmed with emotion to utter a word. With eyes full of tears they stood facing Sri Rama and gazing intently on Him.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
अतिसय प्रीति देखि रघुराई। लीन्हे सकल बिमान चढ़ाई॥
मन महुँ बिप्र चरन सिरु नायो। उत्तर दिसिहि बिमान चलायो॥1॥
atisaya prīti dēkha raghurāī. linhē sakala bimāna caḍhaāī..
mana mahuom bipra carana siru nāyō. uttara disihi bimāna calāyō..
Perceiving their excessive love the Lord of the Raghus (mounted the aerial car alongwith Sita and Laksmana and) took them all up into the car. He mentally bowed His head at the feet of the Brahmanas and directed the car to move towards the north.

चलत बिमान कोलाहल होई। जय रघुबीर कहइ सबु कोई॥
सिंहासन अति उच्च मनोहर। श्री समेत प्रभु बैठे ता पर॥2॥
calata bimāna kōlāhala hōī. jaya raghubīra kahai sabu kōī..
siṃhāsana ati ucca manōhara. śrī samēta prabhu baiṭhai tā para..
An uproarious noise burst forth as the car took off, all shouting “Glory to the Hero of Raghu’s line !” The car was provided with a lofty and charming throne; the Lord took His seat on it alongwith Sri (Sita).

राजत रामु सहित भामिनी। मेरु सृंग जनु घन दामिनी॥
रुचिर बिमानु चलेउ अति आतुर। कीन्ही सुमन बृष्टि हरषे सुर॥3॥
rājata rāmu sahita bhāminī. mēru sṛṃga janu ghana dāminī..
rucira bimānu calēu ati ātura. kīnhī sumana bṛṣṭi haraṣē sura.
Accompanied by His Spouse, Sri Rama shone forth like a cloud with lightning on a peak of Mount Meru. The splendid car moved with all speed on its way, to the joy of the gods, who rained down flowers on it.

परम सुखद चलि त्रिबिध बयारी। सागर सर सरि निर्मल बारी॥
सगुन होहिं सुंदर चहुँ पासा। मन प्रसन्न निर्मल नभ आसा॥4॥
parama sukhada cali tribidha bayārī. sāgara sara sari nirmala bārī..
saguna hōhiṃ suṃdara cahuom pāsā. mana prasanna nirmala nabha āsā..
A most delightful cool breeze breathed soft and fragrant; the water of the ocean, lakes and streams became transparent and auspicious omens occurred on all sides. Nay, everyone felt cheerful at heart; the whole expanse of the sky including the four quarters was clear.

कह रघुबीर देखु रन सीता। लछिमन इहाँ हत्यो इँद्रजीता॥
हनूमान अंगद के मारे। रन महि परे निसाचर भारे॥5॥
kaha raghubīra dēkhu rana sītā. lachimana ihāom hatyō iomdrajītā..
hanūmāna aṃgada kē mārē. rana mahi parē nisācara bhārē..
Said the Hero of Raghu’s line: “Mark, Sita: it was on this spot that Laksmana slew Meghanada (the Crown Prince of Lanka). Here lie on the battlefield mighty demons killed by Hanuman and Angada.

कुंभकरन रावन द्वौ भाई। इहाँ हते सुर मुनि दुखदाई॥6॥
kuṃbhakarana rāvana dvau bhāī. ihāom hatē sura muni dukhadāī..
And here fell the two brothers, Kumbhakarna and Ravana, the torment of gods and sages.”

दोहा | Doha
इहाँ सेतु बाँध्यों अरु थापेउँ सिव सुख धाम।
सीता सहित कृपानिधि संभुहि कीन्ह प्रनाम॥119 क॥
ihāom sētu bāomdhyō aru thāpēuom siva sukha dhāma.
sītā sahita kṛpānidhi saṃbhuhi kīnha pranāma..119ka..
“It was here that I had a bridge constructed and also installed a symbol of the blissful Lord Siva.” So saying, the All-merciful Sri Rama and Sita both made obeisance to Sambhu.

जहँ जहँ कृपासिंधु बन कीन्ह बास बिश्राम।
सकल देखाए जानकिहि कहे सबन्हि के नाम॥119 ख॥
jahaom jahaom kṛpāsiṃdhu bana kīnha bāsa biśrāma.
sakala dēkhāē jānakihi kahē sabanhi kē nāma..119kha..
Every spot in the woods, where the Ocean of compassion had either taken up His abode or rested awhile, was then pointed out by the Lord to Janaka’s Daughter and mentioned by name.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
तुरत बिमान तहाँ चलि आवा। दंडक बन जहँ परम सुहावा॥
कुंभजादि मुनिनायक नाना। गए रामु सब कें अस्थाना॥1॥
turata bimāna tahāom cali āvā. daṃḍaka bana jahaom parama suhāvā..
kuṃbhajādi munināyaka nānā. gaē rāmu saba kēṃ asthānā..
Forthwith the aerial car reached the most charming Dandaka forest, the abode of many a great sage like Kumbhaja (the jar-born Agastya) and others: Sri Rama visited the hermitages of all.

सकल रिषिन्ह सन पाइ असीसा। चित्रकूट आए जगदीसा॥
तहँ करि मुनिन्ह केर संतोषा। चला बिमानु तहाँ ते चोखा॥2॥
sakala riṣinha sana pāi asīsā. citrakūṭa āē jagadīsā..
tahaom kari muninha kēra saṃtōṣā. calā bimānu tahāom tē cōkhā..
After receiving the blessings of all these sages the Lord of the universe arrived at Citrakμuta; and, having gratified the sages there, the aerial car departed thence with all speed.

बहुरि राम जानकिहि देखाई। जमुना कलि मल हरनि सुहाई॥
पुनि देखी सुरसरी पुनीता। राम कहा प्रनाम करु सीता॥3॥
bahuri rāma jānakihi dēkhāī. jamunā kali mala harani suhāī..
puni dēkhī surasarī punītā. rāma kahā pranāma karu sītā..
Sri Rama next pointed out to Janaka’s Daughter the beautiful Yamuna, that washes away the impurities of the Kali age. Thereafter they espied the holy Ganga (the celestial stream) and Sri Rama said, “Sita, make obeisance.

तीरथपति पुनि देखु प्रयागा। निरखत जन्म कोटि अघ भागा॥
देखु परम पावनि पुनि बेनी। हरनि सोक हरि लोक निसेनी॥4॥
पुनि देखु अवधपुरि अति पावनि। त्रिबिध ताप भव रोग नसावनि॥5॥
tīrathapati puni dēkhu prayāgā. nirakhata janma kōṭi agha bhāgā..
dēkhu parama pāvani puni bēnī. harani sōka hari lōka nisēnī..
puni dēkhu avadhapurī ati pāvani. tribidha tāpa bhava rōga nasāvani…
Now have a look at Prayaga, the king of all sacred places, whose very sight drives away sins committed through a myriad lives. Again look at the most holy Triveni (the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna and the subterranean Sarasvati), the dispeller of grief and a ladder to Sri Hari’s Abode. Now see the most sacred city of Ayodhya, that relieves the threefold agony and uproots the malady of transmigration.”

दोहा | Doha
सीता सहित अवध कहुँ कीन्ह कृपाल प्रनाम।
सजल नयन तन पुलकित पुनि पुनि हरषित राम॥120 क॥
sītā sahita avadha kahuom kīnha kṛpāla pranāma.
sajala nayana tana pulakita puni puni haraṣita rāma..120ka..
The gracious Rama and Sita both made obeisance to Ayodhya. Tears rushed to His eyes, every hair on His body stood erect and the Lord felt delighted again and again.

पुनि प्रभु आइ त्रिबेनीं हरषित मज्जनु कीन्ह।
कपिन्ह सहित बिप्रन्ह कहुँ दान बिबिध बिधि दीन्ह॥120 ख॥
puni prabhu āi tribēnīṃ haraṣita majjanu kīnha.
kapinha sahita bipranha kahuom dāna bibidha bidhi dīnha..120kha..
The Lord then landed at the Triveni and with much joy bathed in the confluence. He bestowed a variety of gifts on the Brahmanas and the monkeys too joined Him.

चौपाई | CHAUPAIS :
प्रभु हनुमंतहि कहा बुझाई। धरि बटु रूप अवधपुर जाई॥
भरतहि कुसल हमारि सुनाएहु। समाचार लै तुम्ह चलि आएहु॥1॥
prabhu hanumaṃtahi kahā bujhāī. dhari baṭu rūpa avadhapura jāī..
bharatahi kusala hamāri sunāēhu. samācāra lai tumha cali āēhu..
The Lord instructed Hanuman as follows:-“Go ahead of us to the city of Ayodhya in the guise of a religious student, tell Bharata the news of our welfare and then come back with all the news about him.”

तुरत पवनसुत गवनत भयऊ। तब प्रभु भरद्वाज पहिं गयऊ॥
नाना बिधि मुनि पूजा कीन्ही। अस्तुति करि पुनि आसिष दीन्ही॥2॥
turata pavanasuta gavanata bhayau. taba prabhu bharadvāja pahiṃ gayaū..
nānā bidhi muni pūjā kīnhī. astutī kari puni āsiṣa dīnhī..
The son of the wind-god immediately left and the Lord then called on Bharadvaja. The sage offered Him all kinds of worship and after hymning His praises further gave Him his blessing.

मुनि पद बंदि जुगल कर जोरी। चढ़ि बिमान प्रभु चले बहोरी॥
इहाँ निषाद सुना प्रभु आए। नाव नाव कहँ लोग बोलाए॥3॥
muni pada baṃdi jugala kara jōrī. caḍhai bimāna prabhu calē bahōrī..
ihāom niṣāda sunā prabhu āē. nāva nāva kahaom lōga bōlāē..
The Lord in His turn adored the sage’s feet with joined palms, mounted the car and went on His journey. At this end the Nisada chief heard that the Lord had come and exclaiming “The boat, where is the boat ?” summoned his people.

सुरसरि नाघि जान तब आयो। उतरेउ तट प्रभु आयसु पायो॥
तब सीताँ पूजी सुरसरी। बहु प्रकार पुनि चरनन्हि परी॥4॥
surasari nāghi jāna taba āyō. utarēu taṭa prabhu āyasu pāyō..
taba sītāom pūjī surasarī. bahu prakāra puni carananhi parī..
Meanwhile the aerial car flew across the celestial stream and landed on the bank (adjoining Srngaverapura) in obedience to the Lord’s command. Then Sita offered all kinds of worship to the celestial stream and threw Herself at the feet of the Goddess presiding over the stream.

दीन्हि असीस हरषि मन गंगा। सुंदरि तव अहिवात अभंगा॥
सुनत गुहा धायउ प्रेमाकुल। आयउ निकट परम सुख संकुल॥5॥
dīnhi asīsa haraṣi mana gaṃgā. suṃdari tava ahivāta abhaṃgā..
sunata guhā dhāyau prēmākula. āyau nikaṭa parama sukha saṃkula..
In gladness of soul Ganga pronounced Her blessing. “May You enjoy a happy married life without a break, O fair lady.” Overwhelmed with love, Guha ran to meet the Lord as soon as he heard of His landing and approached his Master, full of ecstatic joy.

प्रभुहि सहित बिलोकि बैदेही। परेउ अवनि तन सुधि नहिं तेही॥
प्रीति परम बिलोकि रघुराई। हरषि उठाइ लियो उर लाई॥6॥
prabhuhi sahita bilōki baidēhī. parēu avani tana sudhi nahiṃ tēhī..
prīti parama bilōki raghurāī. haraṣi uṭhāi liyō ura lāī..
Perceiving the Lord accompanied by Videha’s Daughter, he fell flat on the ground oblivious of his own existence. The Lord of the Raghus felt overjoyed to see his excessive fondness; He took and clasped him to His bosom.

छंद | Chhand :
लियो हृदयँ लाइ कृपा निधान सुजान रायँ रमापति।
बैठारि परम समीप बूझी कुसल सो कर बीनती॥
अब कुसल पद पंकज बिलोकि बिरंचि संकर सेब्य जे।
सुख धाम पूरनकाम राम नमामि राम नमामि ते॥1॥
liyō hṛdayaom lāi kṛpā nidhāna sujāna rāyaom ramāpatī.
baiṭhāri parama samīpa būjhī kusala sō kara bīnatī.
aba kusala pada paṃkaja bilōki biraṃci saṃkara sēbya jē.
sukha dhāma pūranakāma rāma namāmi rāma namāmi tē..1..
The All-merciful Lord of Rama (Sita or Laksmi), the wisest among the wise, took and clasped him to His bosom and, seating him very close to Him, enquired after his welfare. Guha submitted in reply: “Now all is well with me; for I have beheld Your lotus-feet, worthy of adoration even to Viranci (Brahma) and Lord Sankara. O blissful Rama, self-sufficient as You are, I simply adore You; O Rama, I adore You.”

सब भाँति अधम निषाद सो हरि भरत ज्यों उर लाइयो।
मतिमंद तुलसीदास सो प्रभु मोह बस बिसराइयो॥
यह रावनारि चरित्र पावन राम पद रतिप्रद सदा।
कामादिहर बिग्यानकर सुर सिद्ध मुनि गावहिं मुदा॥2॥
saba bhāomti adhama niṣāda sō hari bharata jyōṃ ura lāiyō.
matimaṃda tulasīdāsa sō prabhu mōha basa bisarāiyō..
yaha rāvanāri caritra pāvana rāma pada ratiprada sadā.
kāmādihara bigyānakara sura siddha muni gāvahiṃ mudā..2..
That Nisada, who was low in every respect, Sri Hari clasped to His bosom as though he were Bharata himself ! A victim of infatuation, this dull-witted Tulasidasa, however, has cast out of his mind even such a benign lord. This story of the Slayer of Ravana, is not only sanctifying but vouchsafes loving and perpetual devotion to Sri Rama’s feet. Nay, it uproots lust and other evil passions and begets true wisdom and is gladly sung by gods, the Siddhas and sages.

दोहा | Doha
समर बिजय रघुबीर के चरित जे सुनहिं सुजान।
बिजय बिबेक बिभूति नित तिन्हहि देहिं भगवान॥121 क॥
samara bijaya raghubīra kē carita jē sunahiṃ sujāna.
bijaya bibēka bibhūti nita tinhahi dēhiṃ bhagavāna..121ka..
The Lord rewards with everlasting victory, wisdom and worldly prosperity those men of good understanding who listen to the stories relating to the victory of Sri Rama (the Hero of Raghu’s line) in battle.

यह कलिकाल मलायतन मन करि देखु बिचार।
श्री रघुनाथ नाम तजि नाहिन आन अधार॥121 ख॥
yaha kalikāla malāyatana mana kari dēkhu bicāra.
śrīraghunātha nāma taji nāhina āna adhāra..121kha..
Ponder well and see for yourself, O my mind: this age of Kali is the very home of impurities. There is nothing to fall other than the name of the illustrious Lord of the Raghus.

मासपारायण, सत्ताईसवाँ विश्राम

इति श्रीमद्रामचरितमानसे सकलकलिकलुषविध्वंसने षष्ठः सोपानः समाप्तः।

कलियुग के समस्त पापों का नाश करने वाले श्री रामचरित मानस का यह छठा सोपान समाप्त हुआ।
Thus ends the sixth descent into the Månasa lake of Sri Råma’s exploits, that
eradicates all the impurities of the Kali age.

(लंकाकाण्ड समाप्त)
(Lanka Kanda Ends)

Spread the Glory of Sri SitaRam!


शिव RamCharit.in के प्रमुख आर्किटेक्ट हैं एवं सनातन धर्म एवं संस्कृत के सभी ग्रंथों को इंटरनेट पर निःशुल्क और मूल आध्यात्मिक भाव के साथ कई भाषाओं में उपलब्ध कराने हेतु पिछले 8 वर्षों से कार्यरत हैं। शिव टेक्नोलॉजी पृष्ठभूमि के हैं एवं सनातन धर्म हेतु तकनीकि के लाभकारी उपयोग पर कार्यरत हैं।

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